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My experience had made me wiser of the necessities and opportunities, but with a constantly changing

business environment, there is also a need to prepare for senior management roles at the right time.
Having studied Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering and worked Majority in the automobile and
banking/KPO’s sector. The transformation in the automobile sector from the individual contributor on
field sales to handling prestigious B2B clients gave me great learning. But Currently, We are living in an
unprecedented time where the world is moving and adapting to newer ways fast. Staying market-
relevant is the need of the hour and I don’t want to fall behind by not working on myself and find myself
having a set of skills that is suitable for a world that no longer exists.

I believe that the Executive Program in Business Management will instil my leadership skills and
increase my business learning capabilities in order to lead as per the market trend. The structured and
focused opportunities to engage with a unit of seasoned business leaders, and build my professional
network will, assuredly, give a high boost to my career and the variety of pedagogical techniques in the
form of lectures, case discussions, simulations will brace me for real-time contingencies by letting me
apply my newly acquired skills and knowledge from the programme straight away. I further believe that
the learnings from this programme will help me become a stronger leader with a greater capacity for
finding dynamic new approaches and leading change. These are qualities and skills that will serve me
well throughout my career.

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