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1. Dopolni gi re~enicite so AM, IS, ARE.

a) I _____ very happy.

b) ______ they at home?

c) She ______ my friend.

d) We _____ hungry.

e) Tom _____ not at school.

2. Toys
3. Who am I? Koj sum jas?

a) I’m a ________________. I walk around all day.

b) I’m a __________________. I bring you milk.
c) I’m a __________________, I bring you letters.
d) I’m a __________________. I put out fires.

4. Family - Semejstvo

This is my M _ _ H _ R and this is my F _ T _ _ R.

I have one B _ O _ _ ER and one S _ S _ _ R.
I have an _N_LE and _ U _ T. I have only one C _ U _ I N.

5. Write sentences with THIS IS -THAT IS -THESE ARE -THOSE ARE

6. Numbers
11 75
12 96
15 42
21 67
34 88
56 100

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