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Introduction: Science, Technology and Society

Name: Geneveve B. Abaricia

Course & Year: BSED1 ENGLISH - C.E.

Focus Question: What have science and technology done for you lately? Answer this question in
5 sentences only. Send your answer thru text/private messaging or via e-mail.

Science and technology makes my life more convenient, providing all my primary needs without
exerting so much effort. It serves as the fastest communication material, I can easily reconnect
with my love ones through the use of mobile phones and other gadgets. Science and technology
always bring awareness to me, it updates me to the current status of the world, it can be
political, cultural, economic or even entertainment. It guides the way of life; I can easily gather
information and knowledge on how to improve lifestyle while maintaining some limitations and
boundaries. Lastly, science and technology elevates my life, from a simple one to an
extraordinary and productive one.

FOCUS QUESTIONS: Based from what you have understood about the meaning of science
and technology, determine whether the following statements describe science (as process or
product) or technology (as process or product). Send your answers thru text/ private
messaging or via e-mail.

1. The Law of Universal Gravitation states that the force of gravity is directly proportional to the
product of masses of two attracting bodies and inversely proportional to the square of the
distance separating them
Answer: Science as a product
2. Scientists and philosophers from ancient times have made observations about gravity on
Earth. In 628, Indian astronomer Brahmagupta recognized gravity as a force of attraction. In the
1600s, Galileo Galilei, Robert Hooke and Johannes Kepler formulated laws of gravity near the
Answer: Science as a process
3. Measuring the width of a wooden block using metric ruler.
Answer: Technology as a process
Introduction: Science, Technology and Society

4. The measured width of the wooden block is 6.5 centimeters

Answer: Technology as a product
5. A metric ruler or meter stick can be used in measuring lengths with high precision.
Answer: Technology as a product
6. Weaving of hat from coconut fronds-the leaf part of coconut palm. To weave the hat, use
between 17 and 20 leaflets, means use 17, 18, 19 or 20 leaflets. Hats weaved with 17 leaflets
will give a normal hat. below 17 will be smaller
Answer: Science as process
7. This hat is something that definitely turns heads and also protects the wearer from sunlight.
Answer: Science as a product
8. In textile manufacturing, the plant or animal fibers are converted into yarn and yarn into
fabric. These are dyed or printed.
Answer: Technology as a process
9. The dyed or printed fabrics are then fabricated into clothes while other textile goods are
used for decoration (such as patches, ribbon, bows, flowers, etc.)
Answer: Technology as a product
10.Cotton is the most important natural fiber in the textile industry; and, cotton fabric is one of
the most commonly used types of fabrics in the world. It is chemically organic, which means
that it does not contain any synthetic compounds.
Answer: Technology as a product

Focus Question: As an individual, how do you leave a positive impact in your

community? Answer this question in 5 sentences only. Send your answer thru
text/private messaging or via e-mail

First, I follow rules and regulations mandated by the government and local government, when
age 21 below are restricted to go outside, I respect it and follow the ordained rule. Second, I
maintain environment cleanliness, strictly support clean and green programs and implementing
proper waste disposal. Then, I advocate peace and order, I protect the serenity and sanity of my
Introduction: Science, Technology and Society

family and the people around me, avoiding being caught in different fights and
misunderstandings. Also, I influence youth through sharing the word of God, leading them to
spiritual growth and maturity. Lastly, I display a good moral among everyone, showing off
respect and humbleness in every man kind.

Focus Question: (1) In your current situation, how did science and technology improved
the quality of your life condition? (2) How did science and technology able to provide
explanation to your queries about the natural world? Choose only 1 of these
questions and send your answers thru text/private messaging or via e-mail. Limit your
answer to 5 sentences only.

I usually ask why natural disasters keeps happening around the world, why there is an excess
heat and excess coldness, why diseases were formed and what’s the reason behind all these
events in our lives. Science and technology were able to answer me in more practical, logical
and acceptable manner. Explaining even the deep roots and causes of the conceptions that
bothers me. It also foresees future possible outcomes and always aim to innovate studies that
can change situations. Specially, science and technology opened up to me that in every action,
there’s an equivalent reaction, stating that all human activities can affect the natural world in
both bad and good way.

SELF ASSESSMENT TEST: The result of this test will reveal how much you
understand the lesson and will be recorded as part of your seat work. For each
question there are four possible answers A, B, C and D. Choose the one you
consider correct and send your answers text/private messaging or via e-mail. Say
aloud your promise of honesty (below) before taking the quiz.
In taking this quiz, I (your name) understand that I may not work with anyone else,
including conferring with others (student, or anyone else); exchanging information,
answer or ideas; or in aiding or being aided by others in the completion of this test.
I understand that failure to follow this rules is considered cheating, and may subject
me to a significant reduction in my grade at the discretion of the professor. I certify
that I have personally prepared the answers to this test in accordance with the
above stated rules.
Introduction: Science, Technology and Society

1. Technology must______ the needs of people, society, and the environment. (A)
fit (B) define (C) influence (D) be effective to

Answer: A

2. In the past, an invention or innovation was often developed without

________knowledge. (A) special (B) specific (C) scientific (D) slow-moving

Answer: C

3. Which one of the following is most likely a desire and not a need for the home?
(A) refrigerator (B) automatic dish washer C) telephone (D) washing machine

Answer: B

4. Which of the following is a way that science has benefited society? (A) More fuel-
efficient vehicles (B) Traveling farther and more easily (C) Healthier, longer lives
(D) All of these

Answer: D

5. Which one of the following is an example of science and not technology?

(A) invention of the light bulb. (B) making toothpaste that cleans teeth better. (C)
measuring daily temperature variations. (D) making cars more fuel efficient

Answer: A

6. Which of the following statements is correct? (A) Technology can be beneficial or

detrimental to human society. (B) Technology impacts society in ways we cannot
predict. (C) Human society has always been shaped by advances in technology.
(D) An innovation is a method of taking a product apart for re-sale.

Answer: A

7. Which of the following statements about technology is incorrect? (A) Technology

has influenced world history. (B) Technology has a major impact in the society.
(C) The design and construction of modern structures has evolved from prior
technologies and techniques. (D) People who live in different parts of the world
have the same technological choices.
Introduction: Science, Technology and Society

Answer: D

8. Does science lead to technology, or technology lead to science? (A) Science

leads to technology, because technology is the application of science.
(B)Technology leads to science, because it allows us to learn more about the
world. (C) Science leads to technology, and technology leads to science. The two
are interconnected. (D) Science neither leads to technology, nor does technology
lead to science.

Answer: A

9. Which of the following best describes the interaction of science and society? (A)
Science and society do not interact. (B) Society can drive scientific research by
providing support and funding opportunities for projects that are considered
important by decision makers. Science can affect society by providing new
technologies and advancements to meet the needs of society. (C) Science
impacts society by providing solutions to society’s needs, but society has no
impact on science. (D) Society impacts science by providing support and funding
for important projects, but science does not impact society.

Answer: B
10.Which of the following statements about the impact of science and technology to
society is INCORRECT (A) Machines have led to employment. (B) Science has brought
about ground breaking solutions to numerous deadly diseases. (C) science has put in
our hands such fiendish weapons as the nuclear bomb, the guided missile and means
of chemical and biological warfare. (D) In transportation, railway, modern ocean liner, jet
plane, and motor vehicle have made our lives more comfortable and provided great
possibilities for modern commercial development and industrialization.
Answer: C

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