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a- Read the notes about Maria knight and write full answers to the questions.
Name: Maria Knight
Job: Personnel officer with an airline company
Office hours: 9.00 a.m to 5.00 p.m ( and sometimes evenings)
Location of office: London
Method of transport: bus
Responsibilities: interviewing candidates, advertising vacancies.

Example: Who does she work for?

She works for an airline company in the personnel department.
1 when does she start work?
2 when does she usually finish?
3 does she always come home at 5 .00 .p.m
4 Where is the office?
5 How does she get to it?
6 What does she do at work?
b- Read the sentences and write down the questions they answers:
Do you work in an office?
No, I don’t work in an office, I work in a hotel.
1. Yes, I enjoy what I do very much.
2. Yes, I live quite near the hotel.
3. No, I don’t drive to work, I take the bus.
4. No, I don’t take work home with me.
5. Yes, I go out most evenings
d- Match the two different ways of continuing each sentence, following the example.

h j
1- My brother is on holiday in Italy
2- I’m afraid Miss Todd is not in the office.
3- The Smiths aren’t at home
4- Corinna speaks excellent French
5- Could you help us?

a- they always go abroad for the summer.

b- Now she’s trying to learn Italian as well.
c- They’re cruising around the Mediterranean.
d- We want to get to the airport.
e- She only works in the mornings.
f- She writes it well too.
g- She’s having a day off.
h- He’s staying with friends in Venice.
i- We are looking for the museum.
j- He always goes there in September.
d: Continue the sentences using the present continuous tense.
Example: I’m afraid Mr. Smith is busy at the moment. He’s talking to a customer.
1- My sister’s got a holiday job in France.
2- Alice is in London for a week.
3- Take an umbrella
4- Peter’s at the travel agency now.
5- He’s at an evening class at the moment.
e: Put the verbs into either the present simple or the present continuous. Use only tense in
each paragraph.
1- take/enjoy/organize/dance/not work.
In most of the towns and villages near Alicante, there are festivals every summer. In our village,
it………….;place at the beginning of July, and it goes on for nine days.
We………….cooking competitions, games for children, and everyone……………………in the
street. I really ………….;;it, and of course I…….when the festival is on.
2- try/write/buy/wait/call.
No , I’m not in Malaga, I…………………….;from Gatwick. We’re still in the airport. Can you
believe it ? there is a problem with one of the engines. The engineers……………… repaid it
now. I………………….in the departure lounge. No, sorry there not here. John ………… some
things in the duty-free shop, and Anna………………some letters in the café. I’ll phone when
we get to Malaga.
3- stay/visit/become/travel/not go
The French take their holidays in August, but many of them………………..abroad; instead,
they……………down to the South of France and………………………in resorts such as
Cannes, St Tropez, and Nice. The area………………..very crowded, and up to eight million
visitors a year…………….Nice.
4- drive/come/wave/open/stand
the secretary-General’s plane is here now.
The door………..and I can see him now. He……….at the top of the steps, and he……….. o the
photographers. Now he………… down the steps, and a big black Mercedes…………..across
the runway to the plane.
f: Answer the clues to find the hidden words.
1 I’m a guide. I show people round the city and tell them about the buildings. (4)
2 Maria works in a large office in London. Most of her ……….are business people who book
short trips abroad. (9)
3 I’m responsible for the advertising in the company. So I ……….;with the catalogues and the
publicity (4)
4 In the Seychelles there’s a marvellous scuba…………..(6)
5 Part of my job is to ………people who arrive at the hotel. (7)
6 I meet a …………. Of interesting people in my job. (3)
7 I’m not sure where to go for a holiday. Could you give me some…………….?
8 The …………….from London to Paris takes less than an hour. (6)
9 We can………….everything for you: flights, hotels, and excursions. (7)
10 Klaus is a ski-……………. He teaches people ski. ( 10)
11 We took a tent to France and we stayed in some excellent…………(9)
12 On a package…………everything is arranged for you. (7)

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