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Below are questions which assessment can address. Determine to which group (students.
teachers, parents, administrators, curriculum supervisors/coordinators, and policy makers) the
question is coming from. Explain briefly how assessment can be used to answer the question.(2
points each)

1. Do I have control over my own success? LEARNER

Yes, because whatever you learned from child to adult hood will be reflected to yourself
in the future. The implementation of the assessment help you realize what are the
characteristics that you have to improve / reduce during your development.

2. Are my students improving? TEACHER

Depend on how you implement the assessment into your students, students were
improving if the teacher teaching was affective. One of the key success on the effective
teaching was to know your student, and frequently do an assessment to each students.

3. Are we doing enough at home to support the teacher? PARENTS

It will be enough if the parents know how to value the learning that their children needed.
Parents should understand how important their involvement to the child’s learning and

4. Is my teaching strategy effective? TEACHER

Strategy in teaching will be effective if the assessment made was achieved by the
learners. Through the help of assessment teacher can learn which teaching methods
and approaches is more effective.

5. How am I doing in comparison to my peers? LEARNER

Through assessment, the learner can determine the difference between themselves and
peers. Results on assessment can be reflected specially if they are actively engaged in
their learning process.

6. What should I do to succeed? LEARNER

Learner are the primary responsible for their learning, through monitoring changes in
their learning patters, they can easily succeed.

7. Does the teacher know the needs of our child? PARENTS

Parents are familiar with the needs, problems, and abilities of their children, with this
they should be involve as much as possible in planning of the frameworks, providing
education, care, interventions and support to their children. Through proper collaboration
with teacher, children’s needs will be able to provide.

8. How do we define success in terms of student learning? ADMINISTRATORS

As an administrators, the success of students learning will be based on the assessment

results. By these they can determined the strength and weakness of the program.

9. Is the k-12 program producing desired results? POLICY MAKERS

Partly, it’s still depends on the quality education that the school provide to the learners.

10. How do we allocate our school resources to achieve success? ADMINISTRATORS

Assessment data are used to make decisions regarding development programs.

11. Is our program of instruction producing good results? ADMINISTRATORS

Administrators and school planners use assessment to identify strengths and

weaknesses of the program.

12. What curriculum adjustments do we need to make to meet students’ needs?


Based on the assessment results and outcomes, adjustment to the curriculum can be

13. Are students optimally achieving to become global, productive citizens? CURRICULUM

Monitoring of student’s outcomes can be determined through the use of assessment.

14. Are our students qualifying for college? ADMINISTRATOR

With the help of assessment, the administrator can easily determine whether the
students are qualified or not to proceed to their desired profession.

15. What do I say during the parent-teacher conference? TEACHER

Through assessment, teacher can give the parents information about their children’s
progress. They can also give ways, frameworks on how can they properly handle their
children and how can they help them in their progress.

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