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1. What critical issues are raised from the examination of

development problems and prospects facing Brazil?

 The progress in Brazil has been identified as growth without

progress due to several significant challenges it has faced in
recent years. These measures to overcome these problems have
also been initiated by the government. Brazil, which is the
largest and most populous country in Latin America, is also
struggling when it comes to the overall development of the
country. Brazil is considered a "growth without development"
country because it has experienced an unbalanced growth rate in
the country due to problems related to its economic and social
progress. The most important problem causing development
problems in Brazil has to do with social indicators. Brazil has a
low Human Development Index, indicating that the personal
abilities of people living in Brazil are eight places below the
income threshold. Longevity and malnutrition are also some of
the problems that prevent you from speeding up your
development. Although there has already been movement to
eliminate this problem, child labor is also a major problem.

1. Discuss the Poverty, Inequality, Role of women and Problem of

social inclusions in Brazil.

 Poverty According to a Brazilian government research institute

supported by the United Nations Development Program, just
over 15% of Brazilians earn less than $1 a day. Inequality The
loss of get entry to to technology, formal education, and talents
education have led to fewer employment possibilities and
subsequently make contributions to decrease sales of human
beings dwelling in rural areas. Few discussions about poverty in
Brazil pay much attention to race. But about half of the
population of Brazil is of African or mulatto heritage. And most
of the poor in Brazil are black or mulatto. Nevertheless, girls
stay hired in regions of decrease boom and decrease wages.
Sectors inclusive of meals and housing, education, health, social
offerings, and home offerings listen round 45% of woman
employees even as 48% of hired guys paintings in agriculture,
manufacturing, and construction

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