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The Weather

1 afr " and Colder . To-

day — Strong North-
i;.ist Wind*. 20 PAGES


TWENTY-SECOND YEAR. Woo4bridge, N. j . | Friday, March 27, 1931 THREE CENTS PER COPY*'

Township'-to Appeal Attachment of Town Hall

Midnight Fire Motor License
Violations Bring Ensign Sees
Revocation Municipal Building and Other Town
Leaves Family Larson Veto Properties Taken in Grove Ave, Row
Because ho waa arrested four
times within a short period of
of 11 Destitute On School Bill Former Clerk, Mrs. Numbers, Call for Payments of
time for motor vehicle violations,
the license of Joseph Bartoszewic,
2 0, a clerk, of 206 Hall avenue,
Perth Aniboy, was ordered re- Costs in Answering Township's Court Attempt to
Man andWife, 9 Children voked for a period of one year by
Judge B. W. Vogel In police court Holds Better Education Settle Half-Century Old Dispute.
Barely Escape Death as yesterday morning. Body Can Be Had by An Appeal to the Supreme Court is to be taken by the
Sewaren Home Is Burnt. Bartoszewlc was arrested- by
Motorcycle Officer Celeatine Ro- Election. Township Committee next week on the levy made on the
niond in Sewaren for reckless Memorial Municipal Building and all of the property
A family of eleven was burned driving. Brought into court by
out off their
hi home Wednesday,
Wd the officer an Investigation showed "1 don't think -that the governor owned by the township, secured by former Township Clerk
when a frame dwelling on Sewar- that the defendant had been ar- would*pass such a bill/' declared Andrew Keyes, Mrs. Lillian Numbers and Alice Keyes, to
en avenue, Sewaren, was gutted r-^ted JTour times for the same of- E. C. Ensign, district clerk or the force payment of $965.87, claimedjdue for their defense of
by fire which broke out. shortly r<>tiK(>, twice in Perth Amboy and Woodbridge Township Board of
nfter 1 o'clock in the morning. twice in Wooflbridge Township. Education today when asked his the township's action to declare Grove avenue, bteween
The building, owned by Herman opinion regarding the proposed! Barren and Rah way avenues a sixty-foot street.
Tltjth, of Sewaren avenue, was oc- hill tor appointment Instead of Officials diet Notice
cupied by Prank Keibata, his wife election of boards of education in
and nine small children, all of
. whom were left dstltute.
Aquila Attacks townships having u population of
10,000 oc over.
"If that bill passes the Legisla-
Iselin Group Township officials were served
! with notice of the levy made oa
the municipal building yesterday
Keibaia waa the Oral-to awaken.
Ho found his home a roaring fur-
nace. He quickly awakened his
Service Charge ture," said Mr. Ensign, "and if
.the governor signed it, which 1
don't think lie will, it would mean
Asks Repairs in this latest outgrowth of. the
lifty-y ear-old property squabble.
Through' their attorney, John C.
wife and children and ushered
them to the street In safety. None
nf them had time to (trab *any
Of Water Co. thai the mayor of a .townBhlp
would have the riyht to appoint Of Roads There Stockel, Mr. and Mrs. Keyes and
Mrs. Numbers claim interest * Oh
clothing and as the ft re. which . 4
the board of education.- In 99 costs from February 10, and call
started fn, an unoccupied part of cases out of a 100 the appoint- for payment of their claim for de-
i lie house, had gained ouch head- Denounces Practice of Co. merits would naturally be political S e w a r e n AsSOCiatlOIl Re- fense of the township's application
Politics should be left out of an
way it was Impossible to re-enter for dismissal of the half-ceflftury
the house to salvage any of their ID Taxing Indigent' for j education body, it is my opinion [ quests Tree Care. New old certiorari by May i.
• ! that there 1B more bf a chance oi! |
The cries of the children awak- Renewal of Service. ! getting a better board of educa-t Grove Ave. Bill Ordered In 1929 property owners on
• I tion by election than by appolnt- Grove avenue, Olive and Alice
ened the neighbors, who turned in ment places as'ked for the paying of
tfc<> attirm and ruft!u>d to their aid An attack against the unfair -" Thu resident^ of Cooper avenue, I heir streets. Plans for the im-
The WoodbrldRQ Fire Company methods1' of the Middlesex Water The bill, which is before the Iselin, between Green street and provement were disrupted when
'iH^iitjnded to the ula/*m und it was Coihntmy in shutting off the water Legislature' Indiana avenue,- who requested the claim was made that Mrs.
not until 4:20 o'clock that they of ttelinquent users of their ; improvement of the street with Numbers owned two small gores
v.-prp able to leave the scone. and then demanding a the change inibroken hollow tile, rolled down o£ _ „property
„ , „ _ , extending into the 60-
According to Patrolman W1H- charge" for re-opening the water, ilie manner of naming members of w U h c l n d e r _ Burfece, concrete.curfi|foOt afreet line, and Mr. Keyes
itnn Uomond who investigated the was made by Committeeman An- the board of educaiton would ap- and gutter at a meeting of the claimed ownership of half of the
ra\ip«» of the fire could not be de- thony Aquila,-of Iselfn,. at a meet- ply to every township in the state Township Committee held Monday street from Rahway avenue* to a
termined. . having a population of over 10.-
ing of the Township Committoe (100,,it is claimed by opponents of afternoon at the Memorial Munic- point about 200 feet southwest,
hulia Monday afternoon at the Me- the bill. This would mnan that/In ipal Building were advised to have with the exception of the two
morial Municipal Building. the road put into shape but not to small pieces claimed by Mrs. Num-
Drunken Mr. Aquila said:
Wood bridge Township and Rarts-
In denouncing the water eom- } tan Township the mayor would be go into any permanent , opinion bers.
yet because it wouia work too
authorized lo^ appoint school.CCU1- much hardship era, the property The Supreme Court in a deci-

Get's No Mercy rome to my attention. The water commiHsioners elected at a school owners just now. •
company sends a pian t° shut off election as at present.
sion Off"the, rule to dismiss the
certiorari, applied for by . Town-
When the petition was present- ship Attorney Henry St.'C. Lavin,
ed Comm|tteemait^Jacob Grausam in January claimed that the parties
In Local Court thg jpater. In some cases the de- At a hearing held bn the bill at
linquent manages to scrape up Trenton Monday, M. T. Wright, chairman' of the improvement to the original action were guilty
o pay the man^who memo«F-el«ct of the Neptune committee* said:. ...^_ ..^..; of delay and refused to alt&p tho
b terminaffl the board of education, made the ••"WcTHave been trying to aid the status of the case;
for two years waa service but he refuses to take tho charges thai the measure was people of Ieelin but we have been
money. The householder Is told drafted when "certain • political working under great difficulty. Can They Collect?
the. punishment imposed upon that he will have to go to the of- p Tho weather has been against us How much chance the protest-
Hurry WHllams, 40, « moulder,^of fice to pay the bill. In the mean- forces saw their hand-picked but as soon as the weather perV anta have to, collect the |900 ex-
Hotlister place,- Fords, by Judge time, however, lie shuts off the candidates were being defeated" mfts the road department will put pended for their answer to tlie
h; W.^Vogel, In police Tuesday the water. When the householder in the Neptune February school th,e road in shape, ' • case remains to be seep. Mr.
inorninsr for driving a car while appears nt the office he is told that board election. "But as to putting in a hollow, Lav in wus nistructed by the Town-
under the influence of liquor. tile road just now, I advise agalnBt ship Committee after receipt »f
Williams was .arrested last week the water will not be reopened un-
by Patrolman VWUUam Leonard til he pays n 'charge' of two dol-
Fords Man H. Tfce people of that street will the notice-of the attachment pt
soon have a sewer. e
urtcr Williams \had cut a car
short at the Cliver Leaf bridge, Mr. Aquila 9ft(^ that in most
a red liirhvt and refusing to
for a pollceWhistle: At the
i! Contlnuea on Pajre 8
Tries Suicide of a hardship, i I don't want [the the'
peopl* of Iselin to think that I'am Courtcase
Inasmuch as the argument or
before the Supreme
the Qctober tei;m re-
itme W-UUaras pleaded not, guilty against the improvement butf I
'.'Stares" Wife
iste f l..-]ii --A]iJ)oy-CeD
and waii released en .$250 ball far ffcontintiedf* on page
s as a draw Tit cannot bej said that
Hnt-'tuid .Patfoiraah Leonard were eftluer side wonj their case. And.
tin- only wljtheaeeR against Will- For Grand Jury Wife, Child Disappear according to th> rule, one cannot
J iams. "Dr. Collins said that he ex- Uses Suspenders in Death Without Leaving Trace recover custer 'unless he be the
amined the defendant and found
that he did/not respond to 'the with An attempt to
a shotgun
Try After Being Arrested
II; ht tests, reflex action-tests and, T^ambert. 54, a watch for. Intoxication—Freed George''Chohanln, of Lyman
could not walk a straight line. He1
r<) so'said, that»was a, strong avenue, I'splin,
"Apr of whMf«y Tfcbout Mm.- Dr. lie was ordered held for result that William
Laursen^ rdn«
Woodbridge, repoVted to
George Keating Sunday
his wife, Elizabeth, and
the Grand fulled in an attempt to hang him- hes 10-year-old son, John, have
nniiins declared that in his opin- Jury by Judge I). W. VORPI,
ion Williams was under the In- day night, on a charge of atrocious Mo l- setf in a cell at the'Perth Amboy been mlsaing from home since
City Jail Tuesday night, nafter he
riuence of liquor and that he was assault and battery preferred had been arrested for drunken- Wednesday, March 18, and have
Speedway Hire'
unfit to drive.,
Pntrojinan (Leonard
lhat the defendant could hardly
against him by nis wife.
I*ambert was arrested shortly
Laursen was arrested by Pa-
not been heard of since.
Chohanin said that he could
give no reason f<kr their disap-
Opens May 10
utt out of the car and staggered beforo noon Monday whenl a call trolman Joseph Dwyer, of Perth pearance. He satyi that he visited
around when he finally , did get came into headquarters from his Amboy Tuesday afternoon. He all his wife's relatives in Woodbridge will have races at
wife who said that her husband was locked up for arraignment of finding some clue but was not
out. - had just shot at her. Sergeant Tuesday night. While in the cell tije Woodbridge Speedway" this
he became .sober anti .began! to successful. N n note off any y kind
k i d season deBplte the many stories to
Jack EKan and Motorcycle Officer
Joseph Lewis went to the, home brood. Shortly before court con- was left by' hfB wife, giving the- the contrary in several of the
where they found a bullet 'had vened' a police attendant heard a reasdn for her departure with the county newspaper*, according to
gone through the floor. They noise in the cell room. Rushing child, he told the police. a communication received by the
could not find the gun and it is into the cell he found Laursen, Have your furs repaired and Leader yesterday from Ralph A.
PHARMACY believed that he threw it in the hanging from |i cell door. Hanklnaon, promoter of the
cesspool. Lambert told the police His suspenders with which be remodelled at special low eutnmer Woodbridge flbdN
"<' L. Hardiman, former!y of I that he did. not mean to shoot his attempted to end his life, stretched rates. Avoid the fall rush!, Louis
' ,Perth Amboy so tttat the police-were able to cut Toke, Woodbridge I*urShop, 52 % r., Hanklnson's
'wife, but that they had Just to toe Bporta editor QM4«T In,
|u quarrel and he was trying to him llow£. before he was strangled. Araboy Avenue. Wpaflhrldge. Tele- part as follows: ' V•
frighten heir Into obedience. H was
He w given first
first aid and t£ t£e phone 8-0770. •
taken before the 'Judge who dis-
charged him after giving him a se- vrmy U going to rua in 1»31 and
VISIT <OtTR 8ALEHOROFND8 vere lecture. J. BLAKE the same Wfh claas programs will
be ofered from time to time, be-
Called For and OX HIGHWAY 9S - BA8TBR NOVBI/nBS ginning May 10, for til* beneltt irf
Adjoining Hlrmn's Farm Have your furs repaired and AKD
remodelled at special low summer
Choice Selection of Btoergreens rajtes, Avoid the, fall rush! Louis NEWSPAPBR8 nm . « AMM . , A o w » » * y f o « 4 friends In a*d
Cor. Rabway Avenoe PERIODICALOf .round Woodbridge.
and Green Street Tofce, Woodbridge #*ur Shop, &ti f
*Wt m** to bijfln tb« sorint-
4 ^ Woodbridw; T l OYerhaulUigi ot tbfr Uaafc about
Th« Woodbridge Le*d«*. Friday, Mweh 27, 1931

Local Officers TOWN ItaOan Club

For Freeholder
'jioJJc«inent Patrolman i l,..

the downfall oi four

tfti«i»- tor*"iy HCiiTd* u'f
j m*hol(U'l.b. ' At -a »peeiat „.
O'clock Monday Evening, I'itl Sunday'aiteruoon *t
holding up a confectionary »iorr ruuiim me iohowing ret,-.u-
in. Houth Jtiver. ' w(-ii' unanimously passed by
- The m«n arrested and neJd. for tin- iiieinbi'is;
the Of and Jury without ba.I by "Unsolved: That the president
Judge41. W. Vo««l gn tht- I i,r tuiH nub, the.Third Ward Ital-
2,^ c * a r » rylng concealed w'^ponn i ian-American Democratic Club ot
Tuesday morning and then turned j'ort Itcuding, in the Township of
^oyer t« the south uivttr Woodbridge, and County of Midi
were: William M'ogor, wi,, auto dleuex, appoint a, committee ...for*
2»wt«wM*>> o f 1 1 2 P a i e r s o n t f , the' pu'rpcW of conferring w*i*h
N e w Bruit* wlcjt; J o h n ftecfcage, Mr. Jacob Orau«ani of Woodbridgf
*& tft 38 Jxfi^JnHonJ H o n itvonuti, South in an cfToit to prevail uprjn Him
; ThomaH Ward, 22, labour. the necessity of his becoming a
To*pect Htreet, N e w Bruns- 1 candidate*at the coming JPrhuary
wick and Michael pines, 21, of 128 I t'El^ction for the position of mem-
Bayard street, Now lirunswlek. I ber of the Hoard ot Chosen f j ee-
...... Akfty1, th ree 0'clock a warn I n tl! holders
of iii* Cauirty of
wa» flashed to Wood bridge police "x, and be It •
headquarters that four nmn had I ANOTHER "Further Resolved, that In \
hold »p William Hzrrpfcnte, of 41 ftjf ttip fact tlifft Mr. Orauaam
Jackson street. New been an efficient the
-Democratic Party for a score
local |/ollce were gtvun the num- mor« years, and or
ber of the car and each polici. "Further, do to tiie fajthfuh ......
throughout U\n Township wan oT )ils work as a member of the
warned to be on the lookout. Township Committee of the Town-
About six o'clock Patrolman Frank friiip of Wood bridge for the rant
Miller caught sight of the car at* six years, he be persuaded, if pos-
It stopped for a rial Jifcht on Ui<; sible,, to become a candidate for
corner of Mutn Btretit and Arnhoy tllo above office and
avenue. Patrolman Frod .. "Further: In view of the far'.
was working the light at the booth SUITS OF F R P Z E N R\wEA
j that ,the Township of Woodbri<itje
at the time. | SNTC WALKING ACR.OS6 "THE lhns # not been recognized In any
The Jour w«r« arrested by the ( y NA/AS TOO MUCH POI5 JAKE way by the present Board of Free-
policemen and taken to hi'adquar- , >AtHO HAO BEEN holders, that this club, go on rec-
tors-where tht! authorities .checked ord as promoting, the candidacy of
jwiLk lhe, cltttfcrlptioiiK Kent out by MJLW. A L L
Mr. Grausam so that this town-
the South Jtiver police. Thrcfc re- ship, the third largest municipal-
volvers were found in the car and ity in the County of Middlesex,
they were held on the charge of have representation on the said
/carrying concealed weapons. ' | Board of Freeholders, and not be
"Jersey Justice" worked wpeedily; Florida *GrOVe Road eliminated from representation of
for the four youthful bandit*, j
After being ilnyer-printud by Ser-!
geant George Keating Tuesday 1I
„ . „ , . "
faying Waits ActlOD \

. I
Four Youths ear and two bags, olfe containing any "kind whatsoever in county af-
a hundred pounds of chicken feed fairs, and be it
und the other a hundred pounds of "Further Resolved, that this
morning they were taken before
Judge Vogel who held them with-, H e **>nnal agreements
Out baft for, the Grand Jury. They ttn n t t ht o l h t > Township Committee;
have been, On Probation sugar were foken to police head- committee,
quarters. Bau man's arrest by appointment by the president

Miller was his second for the this club, .communicate the wishes
immediately upon its
were then turned over to Chief
Charles Eberwein of South River, imitwiopers,
Who had a warrant for more neri-. d « Grove road. The agreement,
« **«rth Amboy City corn-
for the puviny of Kor-1 For Holdup night. Two hours previous- he, and
Leidner, caught four South River
deslre f the members of said
inH Aantm-
with the aid of Patrolman Fred club to M OGrausam, and be tt
Furth Resolved, that copies
OUA charges as (udrawn by County Solicitor Ed- holdup men, at the corner of Am- of this resolution be forwarded to
Later the name morning they ' " n dt Aa l-l,(Hi afot ye1
*'r°* N ? w B j u n 8 ' — avenue and Main street where the county chairman of the Dem-
appeared before Judge James: "1J1D ' j *a. n dU l " Woodbridge Town- ocratic Party, Mr. Edwin Hayes,
Black of South River who held t«o « GIty of Perth Amboy to Mr. David Wilentz and also dis-
thera Without bail for the Grand P»y one-th^rd each on the im- reBta tributed to the press throughput
Jury on three additional charges, provement. «inn" ho'ii I followed. August's brother, the County of Middlesei." -
atrocloay assault, attempt to kill Th» freeholders' pten , is to *. ,_ „ " Thomas, was arrested Wednesday
and burglary. change to some extent the present u , in J"T[-evening admitted to Chief At the special1' meeting Monday
arrSed for ! g
a n d it also was decided to hold a'ban-
SMpienic, the victim of
Szeplenlc, of ithe coursje of the the road; 1lay a concrete L H I Patrick W. Murphy who made the quet
bandits, said that when they first P»vement thirty feet wide and " I arrest that he had participated in in honor on Saturday evening April 11
entered' his store they asked hia J« e n t ln entering were^ S
cheh deep with gravel 16. of Fulton street, Woodbridge,' two robberies at the feed company all the township and county offi-
of Mr. Grausam to which
daughter for him., She called to shoulder* * on each side of five feet. his entering were.
brother, Thomas, 19; George He said that the first time he took cials and Democratic leaders will
hlmland when he appeared they - Compton stated that the coun- Johnson, 20. of 284 Prospect a 100-pound bag of sugar and
leveled a yun at him and ordered ty Is in the position to advertise I ^reet, Woodbridge, 'and George "*' •"
it *~ Alfred JackBon for nine be invited.
him to hold up his hands. Szepienic for the bids -— — for the
. . — ,Job and
„ „ i*.. l ei,tI[ -* >
u IO n , -19,
-r-—, of «>»iB,
- , -» Grove, Pptreet.
H B B I , Wood-
w u o a - ' ?,P a * ° ' ~-«"• ' d v c i n u g u| 3 apiece
refused and a scuffle followed. ^urttuwj for, the. work aa soon as fJbridge. Alfred Jackson, 38, col-tHh e n aani neda nGeqrge Finn -as tone of
• When the girl attempted to jscream the agreements have been signed | i'ed a merchant of 350 Oak street F l n*n* & d
the owner of the car Roadhouse Owners
one of the bandits held his hand by the municipalities. \ Perth Amboy, was arrested for re-' - Johnson and Jackson wer«
over her mouth while a third tried i - . j oeiving Htolen aooda, | Picked up by Captain James Walsh Ordered Out of Town
to open the cash register and 1 ParM 8
failed./ He returned to the owner, 300-Gallon Still in '• JSS? }& S&STE? & 2 ! SJ 52S2L **
h » -'«" owners
of. a road
went through his poc.ket» and took 1
a purse containing $12, ,J > Port Reading U n c o v e r e d , * ^ ™ ^ , ^ " ™ ^ ^ ".other! i Wie/e a
in a raid led by Serueant
The 'four then ran down the conditions in her home. Fred Larsen, were orderedi to V\

tar., in MeSpiiiSS! vKt ^L^SS^^St ooai morning.

3rSiiS-, 1 thi s
•^imrsir-fliimtJcr",'"' nun son who is iH•! ht the h o s p i t a l / \ \ * & ? i T ^ f % a t ^ sSeet
Ktatl Htrpet " flllSpTp-tbHB Of tM"hbu«P "
HOttTch bewail. Their "nirrent by nf Wont avimut!, Port U<.-i.Uin.i: Judge Vogel'told lwr that It was ; "^J," / ^ - L geant Larson, togethtir with
Patrolman MiUer occurred less The raid wfcs, made . by Captain not necesHary lor a her] j , m g n f t ^ fortunate ,thal ^.jtrolnii-n CloHindo Zuccaro,
fhtt'n thret* hours after the holdup. JameH Wu'lifli'' and Ser'Me»nt. IJen ciri-uuyitancea to own a ear and . .
• . ^^
. , «M»m tho , thony .-wtTHon,
, » , « UK',"»«•.' ' Allan McDonnell.
PuuHonu who had reroived ii Up nn 1IU
' <>mnloyees W hia successor 1
, espe-1 Karney Homano^nnd qeor^e r.'eon-.
the- plucA*. • , * • ' , ''.el>
.dally those, fwho[ 'werr! formerly f (ir
*'- •'•nlerftd the place with a
Jews to
Fegist of Passover
The still was a modern V one,
Itifiuipped with, a boiler, anO...ptUer
.modern attachments. Zullo wan
j employed by Mr/Rymska,
SBor to
his now
27 both
George I

'arraigned before Judge B. v^. and . . . f efiiaDiishmerit and formed a com- 1 4

- of Iselin shortly ..„
been good to.rm ny o f their own, have taken o'clock. They foi^d, Unuoc unV
Vogi'l Mils morning; and held un- years o worked ^Ince he was Qvet the .vacated property of the discovered that thp house was'or
At Rundown Wednesday evening" der *l,50G hail for further hear- Until TuesdayThe Hoyawftre re- o | ( J e f l t a b | , g l i e d c o a j J n d ( c e n u d l . j t|Ut»Btlonable eharaTter.
April 1, the Jews of the township ing. ^ inifrnhiB
- h e n the case luesaay
of JackBon moaning
will be • n e K S a n H operating
nuavailntr —
nowunder- . - -the • ' ITn court this morning they were
will begin celebration of the \
PiiHHOver, which will luttt for eight of the State Coal & Supply ordered to vacate the premises
WK'ltK TlSIiUNCJ YOU! The first arrest was made Corporation. , and get out of town because char-
days. The feast wns instituted .to shortly after 8 o'clock Monday
commemorate the sparing of the Puns in advertising pojjterH Iu;ve They also are to be rongratulat- j acters of their type wtre not
been banned by the London sub- night when Patrolman Frank Mil- ed pn their success in being able i wanted in the township,. The po-
Hebrews in Egypt, when during ler, apprehended August Bauman, to pbtaln the same high grade of jx[ce stated, this morning, that Bev-
the ten plagues, Cod caused the way system. 16, of Fulton street, Woodbridge, that was formerly handled by I * a ! ot^er plaoef of that type are
j angel of death, who was smiting The St. Lucie county '
„- he
— was
„ _„ carrying
„ „ . . j ,, a l.OO-poujud
ivu-yuunja i Rvmaha
------.... whilewhiifl he »-»was operat- 'under surveillance.
the first born of the Egyptians,"to Express'' made five trips in bag of chicken feed
lfi o
from the eel- J?^ u n d e r th
« name of Rymsha &
pass over the houses, of the Israe- week, carrying 128 "passengers" lar of the warehouse. Co., up
"~ to *' the-
" " time It was sold to
to the county line, reports'the Ft,
lites, which were Marked by the
blood of a lamb. lMei-ec, f'la., News. M | l l e r h a T c o ^ Committeehian Appleeate
According to the Hebrew calen* At Louisburg,' Nova Scotia,, -Icious car and driver in the v I - w U , t f y t o a c c o m m ^ d a t e a n d Confined to Hi$ Home
dar the holiday begins on the eve- there hasn't been an arrest for < •iSSSffl V
J2L it P'e»««_ «^. -e. public to the best of
ning of the fourteenth day of Nl- years,
In 1^851 a lenient Boston mayor!
, ear parked Mondaynear night
the he
load- •„„._ especially in Ice serv- * - »
aan, and by .extension Includes the Conimttteeman George Apple-
eight days following, during which allowed cltltens, banned from Ing platform of the building. Mil- , are
„ . « all
M«a exneri«n<w»/i
DAtioneuctia and and gate, who has been confined to his
ler decided tojwalt for further de-
matsoth or unleavened bread, a smoking on the streets, to indulge their > acquaintance, emdency and home in Fords for the past five
tjiln hard, white cake, fs eaten. O$ In the "vile practice" on t h 0 ; honesty is or<H>e» by their long
suddenly saw years of service to the public In w^eks with «, combination of ill-
! n
the first two evenings, the families Boston Common. this territory. nesses, was reported today to be
usually gather at the home of the English "currants are neither] - ha?ih«5^ l }£ hO W u g0JP e a n d then
h ll*5 e w t n d o w The lncorporators are: B. V. noticeably improved. Mr. Apple-
oldest member of the family where. English nor currants but Grecian Miner r ord«r1L
d T * ^h ae L - gate was first taken ill with an at-
"wders" or feasts are held, In and a n grapes.
J "'"* '° ( I ' * «* ' unknown to Rymsha, William Menweg, Oust tack of bronchitis, which Induced
general, the same ceremonies are Q oTJ\ » _ . i ^--«.»..
^ __ — ^ —... come out and lunmnn f> nnA ..«j Cherescavlch, Grace O'Hara, and a nervous condition.
ld CoMt Andrew Lewis, Their office and For the first time today his phy-
now as In ancient times. yard Is at 991 State street, Perth sician
<-u- Amboy (Maurer), N. J. Tele- open. allowed With
him Jo sit In the
the advent of spring
MUAD T H B LeAi>KB HKOULABLY course!). —The Pathfinder. t phone Perth Amboy 2382. he looks for a steady recovery.
along with the
' "* \ ' " r * 5 new
The Woodbridge Leader, Friday, March 27, 1931

Heroic Actionsof , Elizabeth, were respopsible stairs, awakened th£ family, and-
. the saying of the. lives of Mr. with Ihe aid of Mr. Yarn'nowjtz,; Broken Ribs Delay in
and Mrs. George YaranowiU and led the family to the street. Drunken Driving Case
! the office oT Dr. Siunuel Mt's^lns^r-
<*f GurtiM'eC, vi'heru lu> WJIP •Exam-
ined itnd pronouum'd, drunk.
several small children at, 2:65
lan Saves Hrady thenturned in thfe alarm i Saturday inoinlng l'enrch 'ap-
o'clock Saturday morning when' and the Avenel Pirp Cqmpany, i A puir of broken ,,ribB prevented^ peared before Jud^o 11, Mf. Voget
their home at Meretine avenue,! No. 1,> responded to the alarm? The ;the henring Tuesday, night, of a and pleaded-hot gtitlty. He f

; t . ' • - !

Avenel, was destroyed by fire. . i blpae however, wa.B beyond control* drunken driving-case in which released on $260 bail for a hear-
Avenel Family The .triage*, the - origin « t which and the building Which was valued'
IB unkrtown, was discovered by; at. about *6,000 was completely] JohtLPoarch,
Brady as was driving past t h e ' destroyed,
of Wofldbrldg-e ave- ing Tu^eaday night. Tuesday night'
nue. Tort Reading, la the defend-' however, a letter was received
. . > . ant. - ' from Dr, Messlnger* stating1 that
Injures Hand in Leading hoose in his car. He ran up to-j ' In- breaking the gta£s door
the door,' rang the bell, knocked; Brady sustained Injuries to his Last Friday night pearch, trav* Pearch was«under hja care and
Man, Wife and Children and yelled, but got no answer. He I head and hand and was taken t o ' near south eling on Woodbridge avenue was suffering from two broken
finally managed to break the glass the Rahway Memorial Hospital i First street, Port Reading, rtbs which made it Impossible for
From Burning House. in the door with his flst and where two stitches were taken to ! ran
the rear of a bus operat- him to appear at the time. The
Ale*.Wassel, of, 698 Donald ball was continued.
opened the door from th« tnside. close a waund In his hand. Pa-. 1
The alertness and heroic efforts He tried ah outing again but got trolman Bishop Investigated the time Pearch appeared toljeAU
avenue, Perth Amboy. the
of Herbert Brady, of }46 Acme no reHponse. He' then ran up-' fire. ; ly injured and he was taken to! Slogan lor farm -rs overrftiehed
wheat: |;Sny It with flours!"


New Jersey Department Motor Vehicles

That Helps
Es Our
Business Is
Generally Quiet
i * •

with the man who keeps quiet

about his business. You can never
be sure\that others know What you
life have to offer unless you tell them.
s why.we
about our printing business. Our
printing can be utilized to your
advantage in telling others about
' ' ' l l ' l o ' J I t , (,' of- the KatuDial fir.fct)) Council
your business.
By HAflOLD GL HOFFMAN Tho muLorlct who drives' with one
( i p o ' a t u w i i l i i u o [ u i i n V d iii t h e m a t t e r
State Commiscloqer of Motor - knowmcfly has a weakness in his
of : U I < M I I K U U l u ' i i l i ; • ! i i : i i f > . I t h a sa i l -
Vehicles. Liu1 use o£ 22-c :uui!eiiower ' mt-utal nmki'.up. He, lias no intelli-
n and siiKgc^ted modifU-r tlon ot gent couct-pt of safety. Actually, he
time ha« LOUIU wl»-n that tho motor vohlcle -code to thi.i effect. <puta himaolf In a 'voifse hole than h^
I pfpL'tuul traffic hazard, tho oiu1- It lias IKIOJIO -Mt bei:atts3 it re< ngnlzos I 0 0 / . {.t° o^iGilH^^.Ai.JLca.u tUe an-.
•Jl*. byed automobile, muut b ^ ulint-- tharfc hhfRtTtfT-THiW5r*tahT
fRTWrtahTplia^tCTTMtle pr6iicfibigT(irivei» haa the adrautasa of
lnated* from the hlKhwoyt) of New JH tthe.--*) <iayy qt faster rii;;ht driving. havhig ttlie bo-it p'o.ssiple illurftlfnation
Our Service in Lay-
Jersey. ' \. It would be manifestly ab.-ird Tfor on his awn <inr.
Those law-abiding motorists VWIID see the Department to s e e ' t l o n 3^d for The iW with ouo'.light ha% i^ot
1 . out and Typography
to it that their ieadllghtH ufe t^pt lh brighter lights on the on.: hiud «nd, u^li' llf:iminatlon. Evrn It the'other
coiidltnn-na permit niotoi-a, at the sntlio lime, to
fedoidln N - lights are not''HarlnK. the con-
lonkur H h a 1 i be\\ "get ou-ay" withr «:J'C- Ii;;ht/ Vhe De- trast in the,,volume of light given by .
Is Yours f o r the
Hiibjectcd to tho' imrtuibi't will •n >t, nuiki> th^t absurd, the two care will blind the dr.lvor with
meniice o£ tliu In-' mistake and' the -ulovcuty car'owner the one b'ulb. lio inay tiihtl: otherwise,
is abtiiii'dly mintiiken if YA t! inks it llut he would have a hanl«tijne juatify- Asking.
"Will. - j . f ••• , • - * . . .,|'."•-.:•,••• . • .ing that thinking as.sound or based
type of . upon actuai fasts. ,
who U\ iIi p^ated. (The Motor Vehicle Commis-
own and others' in whldli the decent
In tha general «ffort to end .the^ne-
hbedleife of lits sioner reeoKulzes that there are c^sof! ,eyed car menace, the thought grows
car owner is, sin- thHt the Staj.os. QVPTitually will pre-
Woodbridge 84400
s a O o t y . Kvory cere wpen he says lie did not know scribe that all cars blin.ll carry spare
drivpr In iiwavfi of he had but «ne light. There is another headlight bulbs, Tlije* motorist, must
the hazard of the typo of motoriat, howover, who i« not liavt tv/o 'Hghta.., T h ^ y d o not (cost a
olio-eyed car Have sincere, either in hia atory or, in Uls great deal. Why should he not have
a small group f;at detmmlna'.ion to havt hi^ lights re- them always at hanfl? »
H. Q. Hoffman ignores 'the dan- paired at ouce. He ia the ^kind who
ger when its own retusca to cooperate'; the kind who In such a way the hazard of the
automobiles happen to offend. If only makes naiupuigns agalnut one-eyed individual instance the moment it la
summary aution wiH meet thia atti- cars necessary. He may well know detected. That idea Is gaining support
tude on theft part, the Motor Ve'iiele that this one in Ne\v Jersey ia directed lu many quarters.
car can bo eliminated in the Woodbridge
Uopartment can gee no other coura« specifically against him.
to pursue. In every community bdl-

tnis haiard.
The hazards of one light are nunior-
lualBt upon tbe pnHce per- ous ^luJLulte'n deHimratfl. Two lights
their full duty in eliminating outline the frt/mt ot^he car. Cme'llsht.- tbe Motor
whether 'AM the right or left, one,
Calling the ateution o£ motorists to
determination to --eitd thia uvll,

Colonel 3. fl, Sdhwarxkopf," Super- leaves otlu* • t'rlvers lu doubt aa to 'cooperate with It. For thoae who re-
is jgrawing Inatead of abating,
.Vehicle Department counts
majority of ear owners to
intendent of the New Jersey S'ate what type of vehicle they are ap- t'jse to cooperate, llu answer can only
Police, has advised me that the activi- proachJug. U this one light bAppeua be the vigorous, unremitting enforce-
ties of hU orgaqlaafion will be directed to be bllndingly out of aim and Cocua— ment of the law-which recognizes this
toward the elimination of tbe "one- and It ao often is because of tfre gen- situation as a dire menace to general
eyed" cara on the highways of New eral indiffjrence of aoitief mptorlstB— safety-,
",. ,"., '.. • •* . WOODBRIDGE I
tarn triad to oo- cannot be t o l e r a ^ Thfl one-Ayed car must, fo.

• » * -
• /

sta year's crop,
ruM U m and a warning

2 * S y J ^ 5 ^ BRXJA'DCAStmG
in other .
tyyet to

U kmp &m% tfs^ output to keep up n**r*r

! 1
is ti* mainstay «t
^ other industries when * f^ * C«L. «M oaij t%
government &r«* but
of the government
*mr r^pW-Aentatives." The, for
f**rr/f«rV^f t^JtJ5r^t, ft**4 tt*t^, ft& ti.« government, wjiich hit
.>»#rrfrii* te ^fer«w«*fewta*ir** "ihouldh't go into bosi-
f,#»/' ^i»^"ft40l tmm&m ^m &M,m>f>
U> Yt&y a. **yrpl», f w whkh th«7« »t » • apparent market/th« windov at' Hjm-
rtatc wj> hw oryiijuriCBt sa 04, -B<
jf/>r^ for fatti«. fwider. Said to
ifcit houewr**)|«r.
Formal aPH«Km**m*»ti of wed
Jfct } z x M ^ a t » a o ^ u t i o b ,t^ t h e dtn«a art old rtort^.bm, on* of
troMffltmffiwi&ikt'e&i!L#r\yftCHSghtby the Eaat and other «trma«««t *aiu»u&tetit*fit* i h n
10 thi» "«>lrumL*t • atteo-
temraUfi'm(l*4 me^bm of the country, would, be to hive was that oY h*ral4lnjr a dl-
tfr«? i('>vfcrrim<ji)t control the sale of alcoholic liquors. vorce. loMMd i f a mpaocrara 00
Wh*i I* «ftu<ui for the i^oo»e is apparently juat '"apple- tfc* top.,a note 6t kui^or jraa tn-
trodue^d by piriurinp a crippled
*f" fr*r tlifv ifftfMlcrri cupld , W i crutch. Tl»« anhounce-
f/ frw«rniti*nt ptii-chaae <ti »drpliw wheat is'.held VQ be rntent read a* follows: "Mr1 Clay- then bv UM; ^rne argument, government con- Un E. Harris announces hit di-
trol of Uiu suit; of Jl((uur «an be efjually helpful. vorce, wttn pltMurfl. from Thelina
Man on ThurwlfT, October olntb.
Were gtooholkir -|«yaiized, it- i t e i u« that there nineteen humf?*! and thlrtr. at
, AM of would bo yury iiM-le of>t nurplu* of irram^an^ng heavily Toledo, Ohio, and ta now ba«k in
htm ''H,.jim hiwidii of f^ur a(,fricultura.lijjt8. That would solve circulation at home, H I T Park
.«.«jMld lm If Mwy «(tfr«i'AlfM hy n"prohlf!rri un(J woufd'tfo a lonk way to eliminating the avenne, FOreet 3424:"*—The new-
est thing out ti "acent aDpeal,",
hlU thu "t!Xptirirni;tit has left on our doorstep. perfumed stationary .that some
flrtns are sending to ftetr adver-
VOL' HAID IJ - tlaers of the fair sex-^-Frank Mil-
A king rmjHt know a Jot of things, ter ha« been kept busy lately. In
W«»lh»«r nipwrld Mity It M lift- Mul In thane tieitUc times Td one night he made two arrests—
Four holdup members of a South
Nor to I d l wtioit nfirlnx '*-) Th«» inont important of them all
- NiixiilffiBii -|t'n jvttun your f*> to nmlc# a get-ftway.< River gang and a young lad who
mlJIIiMi.iluliiil*. wus •t*rU UUktaic alwut thru*- was
Th« Pathfladef. and Coalrobbing, the Woodbxidge Feed
ytmr itolf cluhi Into thn u«/i Company.
TJIB P l h n l f t ltot»*rt—When you wore In Ha-
In b T
GNU of niaiika .
r ..-* fljf wii Mini nr-iiUMfr lh« (ifirjmfiit-lojf 1 ^ RiT The undtrwLgnri flMir* to Uk« thla
Ii*y0 rtmliiip.tmtniujMiulf Herbwrt-Ye«,,and It wai no means of Utanktnf our reUtlves - arid
li I UM .hfrvMUlMMtoh'vW **ltltt»»' In »toi'ft«M or In
»/ tin 1MU crop, the furni
Wtlllii I ' M , wlittt'M rn«««nt by
uvtir pr«Rt»«rltyT
•irewn with broken bottlei that I lH«nds tot their mjuiy kindne«ea
shown In the recent bereavement of
Knth«r UolriK to UIM flvivuiid cut both my feet tnd had to KO our dear wtf» and mother. Vspecially
HiUttuiHl, II will (llMitotilliiUi purohttue of nit. iwnt nUiru und K«tlln« ti to the honpltal.-JThe Pathflnder do we wi«h to thank Dr. C. iTRoth-
»l*»r of oltm olmrji«d, -Th« fuif. Rev. Tr. O'rarrstl, for comforting
Of fctt« Ift IOIJWUUUTM2I4I «QW% til. What thli countr; words and funeral director, A. T.
artlnnr for satisfactory services.
The Wood bridge Leader, Friday, March 27, 1931 FIVE

Guard Youth By PARIS HATS FOR SPRING CHIC! YES? Household Hints
Taking a Nap Hx MUM. MAItV MOUT0N
Menu Hi«t
l'ot Roast Beef wilh Vegetables
Mashed Potatoes *
Relax, Gladys Glad Advises Molded Vegetable Salad
For Sake o! Beauty Date Nut Roll
, Coffee . ' -
Do yqu.ever plan to serve «a\ndy
y for a sweet at the end of a meal?
'• America's Most Fan-mis Ilwuity" Try it sometime. If it be a home-
GERTRUDE LAWRENCE, tho made candy so much the better.
well-known English actress, who The date nut roll given In tq*flay*s
baft been appearing in America. recipes Is healthful aa &&
considers the lictous. """ "
long (toothing
nap she takes Totlay's Recipes
every afternoon .Molded Vegetable S*l«l.—Two
a most import- tablespoons plain gelatin, one-
ant part of her third cup vinegar, one-and one*
daily routine. fourth cupa water, ene-fourth cup
And e v c r v sugar, one and one.-half cups oC
in o t h v r ' » shredded cabbage, ' one-half cup
daughter of us dleed^ celery, one-fourth cup stuff-
minht well fol- ed olives, sliced; few drops onion
low her exam- juice, cream dressing. Soak gela-
ple. For, as a tin In cold water for five minutes.
beauty treat- Heat to the boiling point the vin-
ment, the value egar and Water, and add to the
of a nap can't soaked gelatin. Add sugar, stir
he over-esti- until dissolved and chill. Mix the
mated, tt need cabbage, celery, olives and a few
not be of Rip drops of onion juice. A^dd to the
*<;ia.iv» (Jini Van Winkle gelatin mixture and pour into a
duration to be large shallow pan or Individual
beneficial. Unless you are com- molds to chill. Place in beds of
pletely exhausted, even the brief- crisp lettuce, top with dressing
est of "cat naps*' will help to and serve very cold.
brighten your eyes and dim aRe-
betraying wrinkle*.
Although physicians have tried Date Nut Roll!—Two and one-
for years to make us more con- half cups sugar, one cup evapor-
scloua of the value" of rest and re- ated milk, one package sliced, pit-
laxation, their words have, for tho ted dates, two cups chopped nuts.
most part, fallen on* deaf ears. Boil sugar and milk to soft ball
Women simply will not take time stage (234 degrees P . ) . Add dates '
to relax—or do not know how to and cook until they soften and
do so properly. blend with the mixture (236 de-
grees F.) Add nuts. Cool, then
. I wish that every one of my turn onto a buttered platter and
readers could enroll in the new knead until creamy and stiff.
course In resting that has been Shape In a roll. Wrap In a damp-
made a necessary part of the gen- cloth and place In covered con-,
eral 'course at Colombia Univer- It'll, Agues hat i>f pnle blue ban^kok; below, ribbon hat; center, model of black paper tainer until ready to slice.
sity, for students who are lacking
in strength and vitality. At this panama; upper ri^ol, we© chapeou in straw jeri**j; below, gray straw hat tn bicorne effect.
institution of learning, every girl SUGGESTIONS
lire Huppllf.l to (Vntnil I'n?H« or two contrasting straws. one side with a perky bow of satin
who haan't sufficient strength to that have brims also have ribbon. The straw of which this Baking Meringues Correctly
take the regular gymnastic couae lt>- U<MNI Howsfktvphig Magazine bandeaus. Note the model at the hat Is made is one of the new MerlngueB are made of egg
offered, is placed In the rest class. NOT IN YEAKS have hats been upper left, an Agnes hat using a weaves which promise to be im- whites and sugar, usually the pro-
The rent-education class la held bon generally becoming, to women, black gross rain ribbon bandeau portant. • portion of two or three table-
on a roof-top, in (The clear, fresh And it Is all because Paris insists across the forehead. The mate- spoons of powdered sugar to each
At the upper right is a charm-
air, and the students are wrapped on revealing the profile. To do i rial is pale blue bangkok with an ing example of the tiny hat, as de- white. Beat the whites Until they
In blanket** to keqp them snug and this hats are set back off the head interesting rolled brim treatment, signed by Rfese Deacat. It is a are stiff and fold in the sifted
warm. Talking and thinking are exposing the forehead. The hair sugar. Spread lightly on the pie
A very %mart tiny model is the model of straw Jersey, with an and put in a cool oven, 300 degrees
tabooed, and complete relaxation must be arranged -softly at the! Lemonnler hat of black grosgrain aigrette,at one side.
demanded. During the resting They should
period, the students are given bul- front and sideB to form a decora- ribbon, below. Each ribbon band Brims are being treated In to bake very slowly, minutes. A
bake for about 20
lion or hot chocolate, and a nurse tive frame for the face. There- is edged with a tiny picot of shiny iqany new ways by Paris modistes, meringue baked in a hot oven
fore, perfect grooming of the straw. This chic little chapeau the cuff-like formation being one
instructs them In the correct head was never more necessary Hhdws a variation of the cuff-like of the-newest. A small hat with will puff beautifully when it Is in
method of resting. than now.
the oven, but it will crumple as
brim, which is now so important. the brim turned sharply up at an soon as the air strikes It. That
The art of fuljy relaxing the Brims are back in favor, but it Broken line appear, frequently angle is shown in the Reboux
body is not easily mastered. But is still true that many of the in medium sited hats. Note the model of gray straw which Is ma-Is because egg whites should al-
ways be cooked slowly, so the lit-
the woman who finds It difficult tp smallest hats are the smartest. brim slashed over the eyes with nipulated to give a tricorne effect. tle cells
attain relaxation may be assisted Turbans are very gobd for spring. one side tilted upward in the pic-A bunch of .vari-colored quills are out and holding stay
in\he air will dry
to a great extent by specially de- These often combine two fabrics, j turesque Agnes hat, center, of pointed downward at the right in
signed exercise. One of the most felt and,Straw, fabric and straw, black paper panama, finished a t I a novel way. Cake Alarm. .
valuable of these exercises is to When you bake a cake that has
relax consecutively tfce feet, the
knees, the hips, the waistline the to the young people's organisa- to be In the oven for some time,
shoulders, the arms, the neck, and
finally, the head. Another effec-
tive exercise is to stand erect, feet
Compromise! Marriage Is Series tions of the church you attend? and you are- busy in another part
Ever join any Y. W. C. A. classed? of the house* set the alarm clock
You may be afile to make new to go off at the time it should be '
apart, and to jet the* trunk drop
forward limply from the waist.
Of'Em, Virginia Lee Tells Wife connections
through such chan- taken out. You jean then go on
with your work without the fear
that you will forget it. , •
Raise the trunk to first position, • •' *
and again allow it to swing loose- By VIRGINIA LEE time. When I refuse to go, aay- "DEAR VIRGINIA LEE: My
ly down between the legs.'All I n g w e can>t o u t a o girl, friend and I are 20 years old- Whip up cream then" add apple
Bfcch exercises should be done with of
O f 1married
arri d »flerd 8 and cannot ,ge't boy friends to go butter until it's light amber lnj
slow, rhythmic" movements. .ifeUthVfar^tSeysayirr 8) - - h yet, he goes alone out with us. (We are considered colbr. Cut up warm gingerbread:
GLADYS GLAD. a period of atljustment. The mate ! "What should I do Should I girls and cannot understand Into squares and heap the ambeV
is never quite what we thought s ° with him or try lo persuade nice why. it is that all other girls,, ^ood owhipped n to
cream sweetened a little
AN8WER8 TO QUERIES him or her. Nicer In some ways, 'him to stay home? He never liked or bad, nces to Ko & ° ' * square. Makes a de-
Reducing we find;'a bit to sit home even before we were j thatfvou
gtnaf you
[Hcious dessert or can be (Served
Patsy: The reducing course difficult in oth- married, but I expected he would * l y d u r af«*noon olub.
contained in my booklet on "The ers. settle down afterwards. MAE.'* can would
dp to help us we wish you
do so." -. We • are popular
Fli!re*"1s guaranteed to lake Sometimes it Part of your husband's desire to with other girls and good sports. ANDHOW!
off 8 to 10 pounds In two weeks. is a near or be constantly on the go is the rev-
suit of his youth. You are such a '• LONESOME AND BLUE." Hard hit, like many, but stoutly
It is, %o my knowledge, one of the tragedy 'for one yosng couple, ypu know. He will •p.'S. We dreas attractively refuse to indorse the prevailing
most Healthful reducing routines or .the- other. probably "settle down" a bit more. and have a good education." psychology of pessimism, a cobbler
in existence. Things thai
as he grows older. ' Absent treatment in a case like asks the Shoe Leather Reporter,
Heels overlooked in
You ask if you should go with this is hopeless, girls. If I could "If adversity Isn't being talked
Peggy p . : I think" .that high the character of him or persuade him to stay home give you the once over I might be atfout too much and advertised
heels make bow-legs more obvious the one with more? Do both. Go with tyita able to tell you what Is wrong. I stressed to a fare-thee-well." "It
than lower heels. Ankle exercises ,w.hom th.ey
while and when you can. Also try know a girl who is tall and slen- certainly 1B!" concurs the editor,
practiced vlgordusly and faithfully j were so ni(uch to persuade him to stay home der, has naturally Wavy, dark- "Adversity i* riding1 fOr a fall just'
tvery day will help to break up the in 1 o v e, or more, not by pleading with him to brown hair with red lights, big as prosperity did.* —Pathfinder.
fatty tissues that have accumu- traits that stay, but by having friends drop brown eyes, and a good mind, yet
lated on, your ankles. 1 seemed of no in)for the evening and thus pro-she la hopeless as far as attract- ( her good points, by building her
importance be- IPV • v m« ^ mtm ^ ^ ^ * ^ -P>^ ^ ^ ^ ^ —1~™^

viding some incentive tforwstaying ing the males are concerned. She up physically and giving her a dif-
^ T T • " ^^Tw ^ n a » -"—" — T
— T T - —

,E*>ITOR'S NOTE: While It Ifl f o r e , marriage, in. Have you a radio? Th> youis, moreover, an unusually sweet, ferent outlook.
impossible for Miss Glad to an- n ow l o o + m I a r « e both like to read, sing, play, games unselfish girl, and full of fun. Now, does any of this apply to
Hwer beauty questions by mail, I »««happiness threaten together? A ping pong set,,back- I could tell her what Is wrong you girls? Are you sarcastic Vhen
of the married pair. gammon, a few entertaining pooks
she wilt be happy to send you When yo^ng people are, so very or magazines that you could read with her because I see her andwith bpys? Or do you act as If
and "Beauty Ciilture" If you will much in love they may dimly no- together, might turn the trick. If M
pamphletB on "The New Figure know he?. She lacks, pep. She is you were dying for a date? One
tice undesirable traits In the afraId" t n a t g h ewill ^ aom>e. Is just aa fatal as the other, j A
write hen* care of this paper, en- ««*- thing that the boys may construe Jolly, friendly, but independent at-
closing a stamped, self-eddressed one, but expect them,
them to "settle
settle v
down''and reform after marriage,'5
envelope and 10 cents In coin for aown ' and reiorm aner rairwge, - t -t o w-
t l m e t 0 as ^'running after them," that she titude, usually attracts men-as it
each, to cover cost of printing
orintlng and as if marriage were some kind o f . * - goes to the other extreme, and is does women. Look, carefully ^at
handling. For h e / articles on magic for making people over- If the financial part of going Is Inclined to make sarcastic remarks the popular girls. See what they
"Care of the Hands ftnd NalU" blotting out their faults. worrying you, as- It seems to be, to them, which naturally hurts have that you haven-'t, and- adopt
It can't be done. Wedding bells try to steer
and "Care of the Feet and Lej?s," do not ring out old characteristics amusements. Palling that, save girls.him to inexpensive their feelings just aB it would their attitude—not the manner-
2 rents In coin for each, and'a and ring in new ones. After the on your household or elothea bud- ' j isms that are natural to them, but
f«)f-add reused, stamped envelope newnees of marriage wears off the get, and, if he kicki, tell him why. sal drawl and her listless' walk. She needs to get rid of her na- would not be to you.
are required. Personal questions real character of the mat© ocmer: And tf all fails yt present, make,
'»i **aiUy will be.Mtswwrsd thru * • • She dances well, but i » » * t grace- up your minds' that,your time will
MUs Olad'8*anily column. * o u t a nd d even t
t h
h e h p i
happiestt m
m aar r
KITTY: N N oo t
t ful In her motions. come. You may Just be. about to
rlages a r e a p t t o be from then on knowing t h e circumstances of ,1 can tell her, I say, what la the enter on a period of popularity.
a series o f compromises. your life, i t i s difficult for m e t o matter. A* a matter of fact, I • . •:
THOSE DBBP tell to make new friends, .wouldn't. It would make her self NINA: I think it would be
Mrs. Johnson conducted the de< 11 ' • * •LEE: I am Kitty. You say people who *now conscious Instead of helping her wise to go-with other fellows be-
votional. Mrs. Hughes and MM.18 DEAR VIRGINIA
my husband is 20. We have! you like you. A* you go to church to correct her faults. But I feel sides this one. He doesn't seem
R^ckett SANK "In the Garden."
MiM., paper, been married a very Bhort time. I you should meet some new people sure X*oould, • . , , , If
_ ,I,had
. her^ with me very reliable to me, from your
Without tf My husband want* \ o go » i the' there occasionally. Do you belong a good d p i , bejp hej py
srx The Woodbridge Leader, Friday, March 27, 1931

Can Borrow Books of Good MAY QUEEN AND ATHLETE ELOPE Weight May Be
Advice From Your Town or State Reduced at Home
Stfl#l Yourself Against High Pressure Salesmen Who 1
T h i n n i n g Theoretically
" Try to Sell You Volumes You Can't Afford Easy; Hard in Practice1
Ui:i)LTCINC. weight IB, as every-
Ity (lAltRV i\ MYKHH, I»H. I). theni mny be available a travel Inn one who has tried It knows, hot
llfml lMvUloii ramitnl Kriuratlmi library iiisy. Theoretically it looks easy.
i If you eat leas, you will weigh
A post curd 4o the statu Wnur- i t'H^. If you exercise- more you
would 'will wtjigh leas. And therefore if
| ytni exercise and diet you will re-
duce. That is actually troe aa
ly all they desire to well as theoretically true. The
ly~«v«ry villa** .or > small town fot;clubs and P. T. A.^s for irmthU* is that old human nature
there Is u public library. and all groups of books from comes along and wants to break
the larger cities not only have county and state libraries. tin1 diet. And away goes your
liood central libra rltm, but have Nearly every state provides u tiaul won reduction, Or rather,
numerous branches *l«o. rompleUt or partial service to Imck comes your hard lost weight.
Ht you haw never vlsttml your Hrouptt ur Individuals free, tht In spite of all the difficulties,
nearest library do no at your first borrower pitying only the cany Inn however, It can be done. The a s -
opportunity. Take your children cost to and from the state library. jiirant must face the difficulties,
With you. You will bo. very wel- A good many of my readers havi1 lint the assurance is that success
come. The librarian Is happy to never appreciated the opportunl- is possible. This is proved by
have more people cuine and use ttes they have had .for getting many Instances of people who have
the books, The more the library books. You can also get book* •lone it, especially by those who.
is used the more important grows fpr your children. have entered an Institution.or hos-
the librarian's job. • ; • • * pital and have taken a reduction
A«tc the librarian to show yoAi Steel yourselves against high cure there.
the books, particularly those for pressure salesmen who try to make Announcement (tint who hud lett1, to MorRiintown, W. Va., The question comes up of
brents. Most libraries now havit you buy books you cannot afford been elected May Queen at West- wliere they were married. The whether reduction^ cures can bo
many books on child care and to buy, or books neither you nor minster College. Sew WiMniiiiK- marriage, which occurred during carried Out at home. They can,
training and on parent problems. your children will often use. There lon, PH., scarcely had been made the Christmas recess, has just been but in order to be successful the
You might find some of mine are some excellent volumes and than Miss Jane Ralston of Wilk- discovered. Delahunty was cap- difficulties should be faced at
there, such aa "The Modern Par- sets, however, particularly ency- lnsbur£. Pa., eloped with Kenneth tain of Westminster track last once. Let us face them.
enT.° "Building Perwmalitjr in the. clopedias, -worth buying. Never- Dflahnnty, of Indiana, Fa., ath- year and a star basketball player. The first Is that the reducer la
CoHd," or "The Learner and Hit theless. It la always wen to plan often—the-only^ one tit (he Tamily
Attitude," and books tor children ahead and know what are the beBt doing the reducing. When you
on arithmetic. But you don't need books to be had, and to make as
to read my books to get my best uso of the public library aa
Many Clubs Enter High dCOrei Made see the rest of the family pitching
in t 0 the food o n the u b l e u
If you read this column regularly. . adding only those books
Better read on the subject from you and your children will use
Play Tournament At R»n«fit ParHr m a k e a things lonely and tempta-
l!o U iard l8
other authors, such as Alfred Ad- rrwjuently and will be using sev- At State College
The Ladies Auxiliary of Congre- t l(l
nation Adath Israle held a -tie- t h A n o t j w dlBcultsr is nherant In
" * 2 ^f V
-ler, Smiley Ulantou, Kdua Dean eral years heuce. Before building
Baker, Douglas Thorn. PhylllB up H parent guidance library it New Brunswick, March 27.-*- benefit t h e fact tnat
Olanchard. Ernest Groves, Ada wevv wise to know each book well The names of twenty-tive clubs People with a tend-
ArlUt, Walker and Walker. Max or fort* you purchase It. Anyway. which hiive entered plays in the synagogue, in School street. There
**elmm; M. V. 0'8hw», Karl Men- my fellow parents, let us read and Little Theatre Tournament, spon- were seven tables of players and , When you have
you quire h
nlnser. Faegre and Anderson. do our utmost to Improve our- sored by the State Federation of htith scores In the various games body attacks its own tissues; that
Blanche Welll. J. J B. Morgan, selves as parents, to the end that Women's Clubs, have been an- were made by the following:
; S '"*? " rf *«
4 w l ma esyo ae wel h
tff, R V. MoCollum, Mandet Sher- we and our children wilt be hap-nounced by Mn*- J. Fred Harned, Bridge: Mrs. Kaplowitz, Mrs.
It attacks first is tat. ^ ^f ^ " ^ *^
man. Lota Holllngworth. William pier. Jr., of Haddonneld, chairman. The M. Segal. Mrs. Harold.Vogel, Mrs. Now fat yields nine calories a'
A. WhU*. K a t i d e Schwelulti. E. tournammit will be held April 20 G. Kopper, Mrs. Koppel and Mrs. gram. There are 466 grams in a
Leo Vincent, Oeorge. Herbert to 25 on the campus of New Jer-William ToborowBky.
Betts, Lillian V-Ubr^th, Kowler Mrs. Flynn Is Given sey College for Women. Pinochle: William Keifer. Mrs. (avoirdupois). Nine times
4,194 calories in a pound of
Brooks, Wank Utchardson. l«ol* The plays will be presented In Robert Brisker, Mrs. William body fat. Three thousand calories
Hayden Meek. Mary day lea, Koy
Whitney, Jessie R. Ulbson, Watt
"Bon Voyage" .Ptrty the college model theatre, which Brown, Sahiuel Vogel.
Whist: Mrs. Simon Schoenbrun, is a good allowance for anyone for
Is used R" a laboratory for cotireos
and Bott. Kleanor Wembrldgc .Member* of the Rosary Society in spcech. dramatic interpretation Mrs. A. Netss. Mrs. George Mol- one day. %
Peekateln ami MetU^or., Lewis of St. Andrew's church. Avenel. and production. The win- nar. Mrs. Charles Far/ . 1 Therefore, theoretically, if y'qu
Termau, Frank M, FtWman. I tendered tMrs. Renee Flynn a sur-.ning play will receive $100 and a Refreshments were served by do not eat a moutful in one day
have not atttuupted to list them In prltw party recently. Mrs. Flynn S silver cup. . Mrtf. A. Neiss, Mrs. Louis Munsky you will only lose about three-
order uf Importance. The librar- sailed Tuesday on the S. S. lsl?! The following clubs have en- and Mrs. Joseph Klein, who were quarters of U pound.
ian wilt show you good books, too, de France for a two mouths* stayj tered the tournament: Bayonne In charge of arrangements^ Thoeretically! I do not know
by still other authors well known abroad. 1 Woman's Club. Bergenfleld Wo- whether that will work out In
and reliable. Cames were played and delict-! man's Clu^b. Bloomnetd Woman's practice. But I would like to hear
. tty rural friends often so to refreshments were served. The Club, Caldwell Woman's Club.
town where there Is a library. Why [guest o f honor received many j May Court House Community
who are willing to,
scientifically and con-
not visit It and find out how youlovely gifts. Club. Cranbury Woman's Club. scientiously whether It floes so
: ^ o e served? For those who do The guests were Mrs. Josephs Hackei&atk Woinan/a Club. Has work out. I would not suggest
not have libraries near th**lr home Suchy. Mrs, R. Vwlker, Mrs. E. brouck. Heights Woman's Club. solng -without'-foot at all. What
or the kind of books they want. Moran. Miss K Hughes. Mrs. J. Peddle7 Woman's Club of Hlthts- we want to know is actual body
Jolly. Mrs. F. Keunedy. Mrs. J.!. town. Leonta Woman's Club. Map- weight—stripped weight—over a
Netftou, Mrs. T. Cannan. leWood Wouiaua, C l u b . . Morris- period of several weeks. To do
Lauds Congressmen town Woman's Club. Mbrristown that a persoti who knows that the
diet has been, say. 3,000 calottes
KKASHKY Current News .Club, Mountain
Lakes Woman's Club. North Hud- n day. should reduce It to 2.000
Claus Luud, Sr w of son "section of National Council for several weeks. In four day*
tvtebrated her s,ev- of Jewish Women. , Hie wi?ii;ht loss should be one
b.iuutay «im pound. 1 •
Also the Contemporary CUib of
•U • * • ! JH'i'f vt**H>utl)., T h v Newark. Book and Needle le Ctfiib'of The bt-st way to do thto Is to
W\l Mr. and \ Mr*. Oradell. 'Palmyra Woman's Olub.i I'm-in small clubs, all the member?
Jotnison ami family A Mr. Clio Ctub or RocttU*. RoselK» Wti- j of whlob, want and need tq> reduce. -
i> t'lr.u't f.uiid aud soil and' man's-Civic1 Club. S^waren History l This luis several advantage: It
1 J t i i f c t i . I't'l'ortti Jmuio>:; Club, *SomerviUe Civio Unicuo.' t:i\fs misery \ company for «ne
i'.-.uui t.uiid. \>i Kooky HiH; the Gontemporary Club of T r i - t i l i n g ami im?n you have a n ob-
ton, il>p«r Momclair Wotnan'.; j»vt to Toflucpf * o n - You are try-
\' .uiil ^U> t'j,i•[ J. Uutid aud Club ••and* W#etwoo4 Woiium 1 ; M,L 10 prove a\ scientific fact, and
:AU •.!>. Mr. a m i , Mrs.. Claude ' J. Club*. A wailing list iiu-'uites 'Ms maVos for'1 more conscientious
...••' ,-. Jr , and t»BUly. o r Ktml*w Tow»ct Woman's Club. \rl ti^i?: -lii'kitii: 10 the diet, and throup 1 )
.:-• V t - ^IAMS. LjtnjL'.Sr,.- and W i i i a a ^ Club Perth Amboy W,> t'u- fur niore-su<v«w^, Lastly, it
N!.. • -..^ Mid Iti^titj Luud. of m a n * Ctub: W|tshln#lo>ri wottv.iU .- - i1* "*s us a
" ' " et\*b. V\Vjm»pV C'us;^ of ' Wrur!-
iut Mts. Veiutal bridiie and J*r*ev 'City \ Y v \ . " . - .i diet.
\U' uiut Mis.
l i
V. > V':U! U'S Watt' - ' - " Mub. : • . . . . . . , • •
l U l T i ) i r s \ NOTE:" S h pam-
Ms s*'l'ok,, notorvU, to Tulou •••il'-t.- h\ !>••].Clendenlne can now
»1 .(. l't".-U»l ytt '><• ^I'lahu'd In sending 10 cents in
Mr». A.' U -\\-. '•"Hi i'ur each dud a seIf-addressed
'U>. .
Mr auit Mr*. d
ot ^.nuiifti «iholopt 1 / to Dr. i.ocan
*» tral .mfHftw o( New j.-rs, v **lrtiiU>uiiiK; i,, care, of this' paper.
larvti, \tr, Sjr*.
,u*r. Jr ...;' "i- •Vntnil Pr*-8» Association. 1435
.•«jasl^lJi-jweHitow*. pr^idetl ai the * K;KI Twi'tfih »trtf«t. Cleveland. O.
Mm. Jtisepn ni««tinjc MOD da v > t Hii- ftainnl»U»ts ar*: "Indigestion
. 06 An»boy B*ook HtKh school. .•uid Cnnmlpotion." "Reducing an,i
««w* l k S h w u e J ^ erom POT4» W*F*: Mr* A 1 lt;." ' l u f n u t Feeding." "ln-
Willtau* Roa»*r, 3r., Gardne^ Mr* William for th« Treatment of
han. president of tK* (\>rti« r "Feminine Hyelene'
ULUAX t 'Tin' Cure of the Hair and

j^r. » t d Mnt. J^as* Q AVKSRL

Airs. t O . f
tram (own, N Y . , « u the guest of Mr
I MMK. I. tunl Mis N«1SO*». of Livingston
aveutw, rfH^utly
, tu* a
r«Mlltcjttwi 9t I N * ***** **' » n d M r t - W - «- P r w t o o . of
twa wftl W aUntniT*»v
I » r 71
* t * r r t »* «» tw»«s of Mr.Wand Mra. Q. Cleve-
* ** ^ j l i u d Holwta, of Manhsttan ave
«Hurlt.«4 A velwt K uwVb'a fsvorttf.
ate eaarf• of

lisa* P. J. Dowtt ana


tm frmiB», • , N«vsrk shoppers oo

to ai *> •* of *allv»r tvbtn» aa Kline
Avfc*. P*t
• • •'„• /

I— . . ^
The Wotfdbridp. Leader, Friday, March 27, 1931 i \

Funeral Mass S Mrs. Randolph Avenel Card. Party Isclin Man Is

For Mr«. A. C.
Tuneml. service* for Mrs. Au-
Gaziim Sponsors Iielin
Woman's Club One ui"Proves
tiie must
Successful Host on Birthday
Mr. iriul. Mr.v
. GorisB. 48. wife of lieo E. VC.K. %J -A'group ol pi'Ojii'ineiit women hi i'l parties of tlu> ,\Vi..s
Smi(.U uf
at 45 flew Bft-eet, Wood-
^ , who Ailed March 18, were lust \veek lieUI at the Avenel school mklilur- of a parly u'ud
held 3iU"urdny)giotnlnK, 'A Wolenin a Wonian'o Clota of ium ..last- FridUy nlftht, AJis. J E. uuato wnlcli tlu'>; Hiu -ihtf
]«>({uluin mass wati said by Father Mrs1. /p. F . . Randolph, Httymorftl
Htyrfl d *k
a tle*ket
:h l Attditjoritmi. on b
nlrhuni O'Karrell at St. Jam^n' president of. the Wood bridge Wo ror a permanent . wave, and. Mrs. iniu recently in honor of the birth-
Church. The internment was* in- St. men s Club, spoktt to the members Jay Herman- was awarded a p i l - d a y anniversary* of Mr. Smith. A
JaiuoH' . Cemetery. T*he bearer* g them something about Wo- t o w ; , . ' , „ , . i l t t r 8« «">»!> of relatvfs and
were William Affcalr, Theodore (uiaiis Ciub work and the State Other beautiful prizes went to friends were pieaem and enjoved
ZHirer, fleorKP Hfeaudott, James etieration. The primary idea of bridge, pinochle and fan tan play- an evening jut dunciny and tun
Zeltrer, Max Ebner and George lae club is to work with the young era as follows: Mrs. P. J. Do--'The Fairmuurit Entertainers' ur-
Cannary, peop.c of iaelln in making the nato, Mrs. I. Baker, Elsie Reimer, ch««tra being engaged for the
wfflii) a n I ty •»- b«4t#e pktee-fce 44v» ilaftb,^ Eima^MJctiaeUen^ exMut—A..,
in. Details of their plans will be Misa M.- Callahan, Carl RaBinug- given the hoBt by hts many
Funeral Services (or announced later. sen, Helen Tuttle, Mrs. O. Pal- as well as of the K ood wished
mer, Jay Herman, Mrs. C. Holmes, tendered by all. A buffet suppe"
Mrs. Julia Radich AVENEL Edward Kennedy, H. Carlrion, T. was served at midnight,
Betty Duller, Carl Mana- Johnson, H. Green, MrB. A. Leid- s thone. prewrft••••w«M*e(. •
. Kunerai services for Mm. Julia
Itmlirh, 4H. who died at her home Mr. and Mrs. Charles Flynn ner, Mrs, F. Fehr, Mrs. John Hartmann, _.\ir»'.'- Peter
attended the theatre In Newark G
George Aloner, Edward Brady. Downey, Mr. jvnd Mrs. Thomas
on Old Uoad, Sewaren. last Frf-
day after a Hhort- Hlnesa. were recently. W. J. Kennedy; W. FUlkenstern, SniiUi, George Smltji, AUHB LJlliart-
held Moiiday morning at I»:,10 Air. 'and Mrs I A, Mallanbre, of Mrs. William Falkenstern, Mrs. A. Sinitn, Robert Smith, Miss Sadie
o'clock at St. Joseph's Hoinan Linden, were the gue»ts on Friday M. Hagen, Mrs. A. Pomeroy, Ralph [Grimes, Mrs. Lee, Mr. and Mrs
Catholic Church In Carteret. In of Mrs. Axel Johnson, of Pa*fk Wheeler, Audrey Bird, Mrs. D. P. i Emll Waehter, K. E. Hynaon, Mrs!
terment was In St. James' Cente avenue. De Young, Fried- pignatora, Franr! H. Mouncey, Mr. and Mrs Ttr-
tery, WobdbridKe. Mrs. fleoige'Kufus visited rela- Sehlemmer, Mrs. J. Mlschler, J. i ranee JUley, Mia, Philip Nash Mr
The bearern were: John Swoc In New York on Saturday. h. Callahan, Mrs. C. R. Klein, and Mrs. Davis, Mr. alid Mrs Don-
lonya, Tony Matutenovtrh. John MTH. deoi^e Kufua visited reta- Clarence Recht, Mrs. C. Palmer, nelly, Joseph Gamire, Joseph R1-'
MtiH*mrlJa, Oeorn#kLticirh, -Anlhonj in New York on Saturday. Mrs. H. A. Fnlkenstevn, A. C. naldn, Frederick Gustatero, Mlsa
Kadlch and IV Delade. .Mrs. Her man Wukitsch, of Rem- Christensen, Emma Johnson, Pearl Grossman, Miss Nettie Katt"
avt'iiue, entertained friends at Joyce Gordon, E. Grode, Mrs. W. MisB"Mary Jaworalti, Chester Am- •
at lu;r home last T-tiureday. A. Harth, MTH. F. E. Bartli, Mra. merman, Benjamin Repanski,
Funeral* Held for citrds, delicious refresh- William Turner,
were served. The guests
Charles Paul, Michael .Surrott,
Mrs. Ehrmann, Marie Hayden, Miss netty Jacob, Miss Mae Jacob".
Oldest Sewaren Resident Miss Klsie HetmeY,^ Mrs. F. j George Kufus, Elizabeth Pintnk, Mr. .and Mrs. John Lasko, Mr.
Funeral aervkeH for Mrs. Anna •r and Mrs. J. Swettlts. I Mrs. Brady, Mrs. J. Mbwbrey.Mrs. and Mrs. Fred Thomas, Mr; and
M, W-UlUUuiiy 0 7 , xhu O)4L*I n^l MIH. K. Clancy, ,.,. trf Arenel R. ~ • -
B»»3ftP»lA, -WUUaqi . . Mrs, . IM „_ Vefne L«wtjr,„ Mr. U11U inn!—
dent o( Sewaren who died Wednes- attended the Hungarian ! M t s - Kutchik, Mrs. J. Schlemmer, Mrs. Frank Lewis, Mr. and Mrs
day. Mnroh 1 8 , at the h o m e of lit-r •Id in New York on Sat-; M r s- Letterle, Mary Gignatora,; Michael Lewis, Mr. and Mrs.
son, Walter K. WhHaker. or Se- j Clara Polish, Betty Etsenhousser, Trleckel, and several others from
waren, were held Saturday afit-r- Van Slyke, assisted b y l E e t t y Henderson, Mra. Newton. Jersey City and Newark.
ndoh at t h e house. Rev. J. Fos- slHti-r.. Mrs," Laura Wallace, 1 Following cards, delicious re-
ter of the St. J o i n t s K|»is<rj}.;il the Ladies' Aid of the freshments were served. Everything is in readiness for
(Jhurch, .flewaren, o&Viatea. In- Much credit for the success of the Rover Boys' DanishrAmerican
l'n'Hi).vtfiiiui church at a silver
terment waH—Ht the I'ten^yteri;
i.-a yesterday afternoon at her the affair goes to Mrs, Edward dance to be held tomorrow night,
Cemetery In Woodbridye. Tin- on Woodbridge avenue, Grode, chairman, and her commit- at the Hopelawn. school auditor-
bearerrwertr: .!•:. J. ChrlMie, Onn- .Mrs. i-'. Voirente, of Brooklyn,'tee, Mrs. I. West, Mra. George Ku- ium. Chris Pedersen's orchentra
lei V. Hu«j,h, FToyd Huyck and visih'd hor sister, Mrs. J. Newton, 5 fus, Mrs. F. Schlemmer, Mra. J. will play for the dancing.
Howard I'ender. ot KitUi avenue, for a few days Herman,-Mrs. F. *Foferch, Mrs. W. . £ *

MAK V. tt**Ht«K« ttitly. Kuzmiak, Mrs. J. Muller, Mrs. F. The'Fortnightly Guild held
HorvictiH for Mac V. Mr. and Mrs. William Kennedy Bracka, Mrs. A. JohnSOH, Mrs. C. successful and enjoyable spring
tt 17. daughter of Mr. and and daughter, Margaret, spent the Berry, Mrs, E, Raymond. time fete on Saturday afternoon In
Mrs, M. A. Mathiascn, of Ueine> w*'t'k-end at the home of Mr and —— the lecture,.room of the Methodist
street. Woodbrld^e. who died at Mrs. Stephen Kennedy of Brook- "So it was, gentlemen," Hotaire church. About $60 was cleared.
lier home Sunday nl^hl were ht-ld lyn. N. Y. ' 'was telling hiB club brothers,
Wednesday afternoon at 2.'.U) Miss Mary Cigutora visited i "that the war started in 1919" Judj;e—If you were In thai
: M'r». V. Bouria, of Jersey City, "You're wron«," said Knowail, house for no dishonest purpose
o'clock at the hoiiae. Rev. Robert t Sunday. j juat enter>ing~fche rootn.
Sehlotter, of Por^h Amboy officiat- war why were you In your stocking
ed. Interment was In the Alplm Btarted in 1914." feet?
Cemetery. They are now broadcasting Ann j -well, 1 guess 1 know the year Prisoner—I heard there was
Mite Ram ben: is survived by Jl'I.IKTTK (MMIITON. Pennington's dancing. But we ; married,' replied Hotatre, sickness in the family.—The Path-
sht- liN>k Hplffy In her won't get a kick out of it until, —The Pathfinder.
her parents, a sister. Junta; and
two brothers, Charles F., df Wood-
bridge ,and Gerhardt, of Laurence
while «IVIH« turtnan?
Hy Central I»re»s
they have telvislon, I
HOLLYWOOD, March 2 7 , —
This ihlnR of grabbing society Every Foot of Space Is Utilized
The followlns Hat of births was for pictures is becoming'an
recorded at the Board of Health
dfftee during the naat week*: \ !V. society deb. wfilplay
A daughter. Cecelia Josephine. l i e r «™t « " » n rofc . opposite
was born to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Jones m, "Red Rive^ Rogr
Nikolvlts. of Commercial avenue, *-
Amboy Hetuhts, on Friday, March
20. , ' A
Yvi\n datiKjitera. Helen Louise, n U U V t a i w t story for the
and Jean >Juriel. were bom to «»vi«-t i» the "GanKster Girl/' It
Mr. and.. Mrs. Arthur Cheistftut. pt popular a^ a newspaper
7:1 New* street, Woodbrldge, on »«riai.
Sunday, March 22.%
A daughter, Dorothy, was born - - .
to Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Pelican, of The clever ratttion writer has
ltiti Hilton ktreet.WoodbridKe. on Joined skirt, the eonijiany
bob anil^iththe the
bull stock
Tuesday, March ^7. ' market. '
A HOU, "Henry Anthony, waa
'born to Mr." and Mrs. yVUHam H. 1
l^ike Tahf*
Stephano. of 88 New Brunswick of the mist beautiful
iiVetuh , Amboy Heltihts, on Frl- in* movie's, are shot at .Lake
ilu\. March 13. h o *•>, Ca'lfornia. Outdoor
A KQn. Josfnh Carmen.. wa» bom
avenue. Port Reading TtV the choice also, for
Tuesday.,Marh 17
«>n Tuesday.,March 17. "Women of A#l . Nations." "and
o,\ son, William, wsm born to Mr. Sinners/'
aijjlj Mrs. Richard Kberl*j or 54
Hiiiwllton afenue, F i d on St
dav, March 14. Kirk wood hag stage*
A son. Patrick Walter, waft born such a comebark t^iat he fraa \teen'
io Mr. a h d Mrs. JlOBeph B e l k o . o f ' s i v f n . a lont: : ternl \contra?t. Hen
-Florida, drove road, Amboy J with Thymas Meighan and Dor'
cthy Jordan In "Young. Sinners."
' i , on
on Su

Sunday, March 15.
A daughter, Frances Natalie.
was born on Saturday to Mr. and
Food Sale Planned
Mrs.-Krle'A. Straight, of Mllling-
ton.A formerly of Woodbrtdge.
By Sunshine Class TELADEGA—DESIGN A420
The Sunshine Claus of the Finn
.Vlnsea Daisy Madsen. Elna Pttsbyw-rJan church perfected ARELY will you find a small On the sccqnd floor are two tf is convenient arid roomy. There is.
Hei^h and Lillian Edwards, of plans at Ms meeting Monday nii$ht, family cottage so compactly sized sleeping rooms, each with an n<\\ !Muu'e wasted'anywhere.
f O bigbi advantage
d i this cot-
(jwn, and Miss Emily Lawrence. at ihe home- of Mrs. Russell Tfiter- ample closet and two windows. The One with
and admirably arranged as bath at the head of the stairway '
of Hah Way. spent the. week-end 'ie*en. In Hillside avenue, for the _i_K'1 •'' fa^'o of b-iting.
friends at Greenwood Lake. is this one and with so many of
food'sale at 3 o'cloek tomorrow
MiKsea Lulu and Mar>r Knowl- afternoon, at the home of Mrs. H.*{ the neceBsary conveniences. It
of Tottenville. were the Sun- A. Tappen. in Sehoder avenue. would seem that the designer had
day Kueats of their cousins, Misses Advance orders will be taken and in mind only the comfort of -those
Florence and Mae McAuslan, of purchases delivered If desired.
Prospect street. who were ultimately to occupy it.
Telephone Woodbrldge 8-0103. It will require considerable living
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Huber. of Plan* were also farthered for
Mew .York, visited bl« mother. th« May frolle to be * e l d Friday in this little home to develop any
A, L. Huher. of Green g May V in the Sunday faults i^t its arrangemenir eenaMeF-
on Sunday. school baaement. M I M Elna ing it from the viewpoint of com-
Mrs. Louis Wencltek, has re- Bergb la general nbalnnan of ar- fort.
turned tQ her home In St. Louis, - •
after a few weeka visit with her Tha next regular* meeting will lit is a common brick house with
daughter, Mrs. Ernest Abbott, in be held April I, at tb« home of solid walls and by reason of its
Rahway avenue. Mia. WUUlm Howe, In RWgedale straight lines very economical to
The Woodbrldge Woman's Re^ avenue. Annual reports will be build.' The lower floor comprises a
imbUcan Club will bold If* refth given at this time and election of living room, a dining alcove which
<ar monthly meeting Tuesday af- (inkers will be held. Opening replace* the dining room and a well
7, at the home of i i w«n bi C # - J L ^ - J kitchen, well lighted. *
Mrs, Carl Common Brick llanutaetu'rera' Okki, « M furnkb MM^Uto irawtwiT l«7thtf
EIGHT The Woodbridge Leader, Friday, March 27, 1931

Twites Face Prospect of Death by ;• ' tl ordinary, heroes w& welcomed

Tii* Uid.ts Aid yoc»piy 0T'U*tli*--plfw -YorK by,tearing up tele-
NVw yuver yMetnouwi Kpiwopo. j phone books to. toss confetti Into
Asks Repairs Degrees as Suicide Pact Fail? church .w*H old-ifeshional, tJie streets, then wherr Einstein
Huppeu ut tt>e (Ouk% Wtvii ttreiiuuaw wept up Broadway they must have
ioii.jfiit jR'tvvtrij tilt* hours of tf [forn up all their dictionaries.
Of Roads There Incurable Pair Seeking to "End All" Are Savfed W
-~- Con tlnue4 : Iron? On*
and 8 o'clock. . - ••; j If they, cult al football field a
*h b « ^ vhV^mr't tflsj* e&H a prlie

suggest that they wait until the'

Doomed to Increasing Paralysis ' liiis'teturned' tof . Better be fat in the head
! lier liuiat? jn Jersey GHy after a'thick in the hips.
people get on tliel feet financially,! !week-i'na. spent at the borne | A .Sweet Papa ain't nothing but
before they add the extra expense, ; oi her parentD. . • • . • • ' a Cranulated 'Lad grown up.'
I might be condemned for saying Mr. and Mm. William Hottpr, J Vou don't have to be a botanist
this, but, I don't pay the hill, nor, or Dow avenue, iiave retu'riieU j to recoguize a blooming Idiot.
the tpwnshlp, It Is the people who; home utter spending-the week-end I Is pawning aif engagement ring
win fiave to pay,. I mn willing to: fti,Uw.twau*w«*t. Mrg. i'ottars rtw a p l e d g e r f t o ? p h f l r t r
Twenn "giurren i u>r, Mrs. Mae Bird, of Morrfstown.
just how I feel In the matter." -Mr. and Mrs. Frank 1'earce, or Ther there IH the mon who
< Nels P. JenBen, speaking for the Uldgely avegue, have named their [rounder a corner cautiously
imttmtofwt Coojtor avenue, de- newly tHf+ved con, James Joseph, thinking Prosperity w^s* just
dared that he thinks that the peo- iMrs. Michael Oliver., .of Oajc around it and found nothing but
ple wilt be satisfied as long as the > Trce'Hoad, acted as Hostess re- > a three*cont increase in the price
road department puts the road in I cently at a surprise party which of gasoline.—The Path,nder.
a condition to make it easy to'ap- \vus tendered her mother, Mrs.s
proach the houses on the street. Katherine Horvath, of Central | CLASSIFIED
Mayor William A. Ryan sug- uvenue, Highland Park, in honor'l
gested that when the permanent AVTOMOBILKS
of her birthday. ' ~'
improvement Is to be made that Agnes Jirsic, danighter of Mr.; FOB SALE-BRAND>NEW MOpBL,A
We residents • should choose a and Mrs. Andrew Jlrsic, of Trieste FORD TUDOR SEDAN., SACRIFICE
more lasting pavement like peme- FOR {450. JMU8T BB CASH. WRITB
street. Is HI nfheV hoffie with seai*- ••&. P.'.' c-0 LEADER, WOOD-
trattpn macadam or six-Inch con* let fever, BTtlDOE.
crete. He said, that in his opin- A group of teachers and mem-
ion, hollow tile is a waste of mon- bers of the Parent-Teacher Asso- Bt'SINKSS OPPORTUNITIES
ey because within a year the road ciation of School No. 15 motored! $10,000 a year it not rare pay for news-
seems to break. to Bound Brook Monday wheie j paper executives In (he larger cttles.
• jSoromltteeman Willtttm Camp- Most of these are practically trained
they attended the spring confer-) men. If you believe you could qual-
bell told the committee of the re- jence of the- New Jersey Congress, ify ID thia fascinating profession,
quests of the Sewaren Citizens' of Parent-Teacher Associations, I write for full information and details
Association htat the trees In that i which was held at the high school of free test. Practical Newa Instl-
t u f . Harrington Park. W. J.
vicinity he trimmed. Although there. Among ifcoftft pposoat w«r«i
r lim commtttqfftclv that WBTBtprest Mrs, John Brennan, president; BUSINESS 8EBH4CR8 «•
was justified it was pointed dut Jjy Mrs. James Whelan, Mrs. Conrad; If you have any fruit trees which do
Commftteeman Grauaam that Flessner,, Mrs. Gordon Gill,. Mrs. not produce as you are entitled to. why
there is no shade tree commission I
and since there is no approprla-j H.
„ . ,Stuart
i u « . Morrison,
tf.«.,»". -Mrs. J o s e p h t aprayed?
-•-• •-"•"£" »ot have Drop them Osproperly
a postalprunedI and
for lnfor-
tlon For the work he did not see) Hammlll, Mrs. John F. Huber and ff ^ t , ^^ a b o u tt *:ur -apfaying p y g Service." r
Mrs. John
Jh Phillips.
Philli i Rates reasonable. bl J.. J E.
E Janm,J Nurs-
how it could be done this year, aaj Mr. and Mrs, John FVancis and j cry, Sewaren. w. J. ^_
' naturally the work would have i family of Correja avenue moved, . FERNS
to be done throughout the entire to their new home In Newark on ' cnll and see our fine selection of Ferns.
—township; j Monday I T*'e Clover Leaf Fern Shop, 56 St
Engineer George R. Merrill re- j MiB8 Carrie Mahon, Miss Jennie* Oorge Aye., Woodbridge.
ported that he had made a pre- 1 Procyk and William Wormlngton j FEMALE HELP WANTED
liminary survey of the Pulton left on Saturday to attend thej — • — • MAO---,' _T; _ ^ . , T > a »^--";'
streetj fewer situation* and found I SprliT^ Conference of the Stetho-j MAKB M NEY YOUR 9 P A R B
the oad conditions occurred' Photo shows Thomas Hall, In the hospital, above, with nurse; dist-Epiacopal churches which -is Lfve wire women or wide acquaint-
-during a storm. He asked I • '•• f Inset, his twin brother, Stephen being held in Nutley. They were ance, club or_church_ workers pre-
for two weeks extension so that ferred, to aell Hi^rade Silk Underwear.
he/ could study the situation In B.v E. M. CIPRIANI we'd be just learned, a selected as delegates at a recent Some make $50 a week, reorders with-
rainy weather. Cent ml Press Staff \ Writer" few weeks ago nothing could be -epreaent the members, of th«» out asking, can be handled along with
done," meeting of the Church body to' other lines, such as hosiery, dreis ma-
The engineer was authorized to CHICAGO, March 27. — On New Dover Methodist-Episcopal
preparep plans^,
^ and specifications white cots in the "county hospital Wanted "Real Cure'* church on Dover road.
for n'flftv-foot. Grave here-lie two brothers, 20-year-old esaary. t HI (trade Underwear Mills,
for a'fifty-foot street
street onon "Grave Thomas spoite in a similar vein. The announcement has been Utlca, New York. Mr. L. A. MulHn.
Rahway e to twins, living against their will be- He jocularly explained the motive made by the trustees of the Iselin Supervisor; 13 Russet PI., .Suipmtt.
Barrori avenue. . for the attempted suicide as being Free Public Library that the card: own nom" personal W
Permission was granted to the cause of the skill o£ medical sci-
due to a desire to find a "real party they were planning to hold '•
Port Reading Firemen's Relief ence. The two are Stephen
. " , . < . .
and Thom- cure," something which the doc- on March 27 is to be postponed! APARTMKNT FOR BKNT
Association to hold a carnival dur- as Hull, doomed to slow death-as tors could not flntl. until, April 24.
ing the week of June 8. Already the story of the suicide p 4 ! FOR RENT—four-room flat. 70 Main
Joseph Petras. Sr.. was appoint- 1-lJaral.vtlc cripplefe. For years
have- been inseparable in thejr 1
l>act of the HaH twins Is provok- Miss Marion Hoffman of Middle- atreet. Woodbridjfe. S25 per month.
Inquire at 508 Bnrron Ave., or at
ed Inspector of* the Avenel Sewer dual affllcition. Igince they were 8 ing the germ of argumentative dis- sex avenue, Miss Elsie Mason of ! barber shop. Phone Wdbge. 8-0783.
Extension, No. 5. old the'twins have been pro- cussion. Had these boys, incur- La Guardla avenue and Miss A Anhanha. , - , - --
A request for a fire hydrant in .wars gressively helpless from the rnv-1 nble
Ripples growing steadily tended a theatre party .in Rahway furnished, for (rent. CalL at un-
Ciccone, of Oak Tree road at- AN attractive flveiroom apartment, 581
k n o w n a s 1 - o r . e Physically, y, t h o u ggh not m e n - recently. • „ ...-,-. . , ! R'ihuay avenue, or phone Wood-
between the Lehigh Galley Rail-, bridge 8-0267.-"^- ' •"** ;
road, and Sfnitlr street, was re-! For six years!; i i h t h i-right h t tot terminate,
t i t their
their Georfee Rosholy, ^ recently. of
has walked. i oviatence? The opinions are pro Dow avenue has announced his
ferred to the administration ond con. To all of which the where he will make his future
mittee. Suicide Parlej's _t twins, helpless already twelve safe arrival at Daytona Beach, My wife having l*ft my bed and
Six months a^o their brother,! r
board, I will not be renponalbTe for any
a n d d o o m e d to Increasing home with his brother and sister-. d<>btB rontracted by her on or after
"b'rougnt hojiie.'-A* jiin^ojE i a

Aquila Attacks •! son

mercury, a yoteuiial pai- words ol1 'I'holllarfS-i
Then feegau a series oi .. "We'll have to find sontel hTn
parteLvs^—parleys uf death! that works faster next
look on, and In the in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ros-; Mftrrh 20 1S31.
w h o
W<vxlhrid^e, N. J.
c .(5«t.r(te Chokanln.
T Lyman A^ve.

Service Charge I weeK.u'or'six months, the

dtscUestd' the idea -ot IJUU*
Only \ine thiiig—hope— AGB
road had as guests "dt her home
recently, Mr. and Mrs. [August
Hultz, Jr.. Kenueth HuUrr of A
Of Water Co. them off. Then, suddenly, a
tew weeks ago, even JLlmi tattii i * « " « " i
A famous artist complains
wcunen uare
r IPRS beautiful
V T » , ,T L than
•Pranklyn Park, Mrs. fclara Bod-
ner, of Nixon, and Mrs.\ Josephine
"I, Woerner of Linden. \ j
Continued from Pafee One i W e Was shattered-f destroyed fy j formerly.
ea Probably he ha 9 notic- Miss Ruth McGo\van\of Sil*r
'.Lmcal edict whicl prUou*Kea! ' Also that green apples aien t
the poor are the oned affect- ,.,«". V-«.,Tiw-. -inwiv Hvint-.- U* ai>petizin e an t|ey, w«rq. in his avenue visited her aunt in Newark
-Tlie Patfinder. on Saturday..
• Hii?e nfi^Dle^ven.'t'cott'nouglL ^ n d Themas wheeled tlwuiaelves Read the Leader Read The Leader
monly E X ? bbad Wnter ?Sm- to the dlhing room tabkV Ther,
W o r no water company they. «f« a. whispered conference and ,
oucht to be stopped. I would like Thomas, stronger ,of the t^vo, |
-Ur-mre this Tonrmtttw1' wo pn -rec*-Hs«^i»4-^«=AI»-4a«--o«--i»»toiiiii' STAGE HOLDUP FDR MAYok TALKER
ortl«that thev did not like the at- -mercury. It was time now. Ste-
iitttde of the Middlesex [water .Phen carefully poured out / two :•
Company " ^r—^ nidiro of the liquid. He gazejtl at !
Slavop Wiiltam A. Ryan agreed ' Ifjs jWn- -Thomas uext filled (his
with Comraitteeman Aquila ".and S ^ s with the Ymercur.v. • They
thought that the practice bught to eyed on* another caliuly. They
he stopped. Comtnltteeman Jacob lifted their glasses—a toast to
rtrausara suggested that the com- death,; • ~ ,,
mittee ought to find out whether ''Good-bye. _
the Public .Utilities Commission Simultaneously the twins drained ;
«ave them any right to eoliee* a wthe tumblers and collapsed. They;
e r e foull
•^charge" d by tfoe mother and twor
I f w i s finally decided that the .young children.! Doctors at* the,
administration committee.look the county KospLtal pumped out their:
matter up, and Mayor Ryan sug- btoinachs and said that they had ^'
gested that the committee lose no chancb to recover—to live. i
time In finding out just what the Questioned later t after eraerg-
rlghts of the people are. It was ency treatment had snatched them
even indicated that the fight might from' their long-sought death, the j
be taken to1 toe, Public Utilities twins admittedvthat they had tried
Easter Suits
Commission* if no remedy .was of- to "cash In their checks." Their (ALL WOOL)
fered by the water oompany. | joint act,-they said, h£d been
. . (planned for six mpnths * to end MASW TO MKABUItE
"* F O R P J O A R S J J J INDIA their misery, ease the burden 1m-
In. order to take advantage of t posed on their family by their in- from
tlie Indian boycott of English-' firmitleB, and remove themselves
made cars the Ford Motdr Co., is from the sight of lowd ones and
building plants at Bombay. Cal-, friends.
cutta. Madras and Multn for the I figured we'd beet be out of
assembling of Ford ears- and the way/' spoke Stephen, slowly, Place Y<»ur Order Kow
trucks shipped to India from. Can-1 "Then th>y wouldn't have to look
ada Ftord has about 250 dealers at us any more. We considered
In India and his firm announced suicide for six months,., but de-
that Its staff Itt toe eountir would layed till now/'
be "Indlanlsed," young Hindus, "Why did you delay until now?" j An old-fashioned western hold- i executive to Palm Springs, Cal. C. Chriftensen ft Bro.
with mechanical Inclinations being was askqd. up. which had Mayor Jimmy After fifty cowboys had held up
trained to assemble cars and to L "flecause we hoped," returned | Walker worried for a miiiutt. \fi train, theyy took him for a 06 MAIN 8TRBET
sell them in India. b the cripple earnestly. "We hoped I served to welcome New York's "ride," a£ shown above.

The Woodbridge Leader, Friday, March 27, 1931 NINE

Failure to Establish System of Defend" Arlene Draves

You're the Judge
Employment Viewed as Deplorable KAllTH STILL HAS A LONG
DottH was a* machinist. He ope-
rated a small machine shop on
Uy Arthur D©J\ Carpenter " tme end ot a side street. Slacks
. .
, My FliANCftS PEICKINS While the death ot our world was also a machinst and operated,
iVimmliwknier of ljnbor, 8Wt« Of New YWk in regarded as the ultimate goal a smilar shop in th»mlddl« ot the
(Francos Perkins waa born at Doaton, Masa., April 10, 1882rShg of its hiatory, yet tftatr guat Is a s»me block,—One,day Slacks gaifl
in a graduate of Mt. Holyoke college, later studying at the University y way off. The liinnan mind 'to Botts, that if he, Botts, would
cannot comprehend the vaetness give up.his business, Slacks would-
of Pennsylvania and Columbia. From 1907 to 1909 sbe was secre- of that stretch of time that will employ him permanently at a
tory of the Philadelphia Research and Protective association. From fiirry the earth to its final doom, stipulated weekly wage. Botts. took
1912 to 1917 she was executive secretary or the Committee on Safe- for its whole security Is wrapped him up and .went into the employ
ly. New, York. Affiliated with numerous other sociological comtnis- ui> in tlie security and endurance 'of Slacks.
nl the sun go on foreyei\ supply- ! But soon Slacks began: isxiBI,
iiinng and rnnnrillff^ffhfinrn« mwrifl a mf""4r ftf th-g M T-T York State ing unstinted heat radiation, the Mm off how and then, and finally
Industrial board in 1923, being named chairman In 1926. A year world might live on forever un- ! dismissed hjm completely. ' Botts
age she wati named Industrial commissioner and Is now head of the less disrupted by the Intrusion of argued that there was plenty of
.state labor department, She has written a number of books on sub- somt! stray star. However, the re- ;work for him to do, and he was
duction of the sun to a state of .willing to do It. Nevertheless,
jects related to her field.) , , enfeebled light and heat Is so slow [Slacks insisted on laying him Off.
. IN REGARD to Preslden ; less than is now being done on a that the annihilation of 1 per BottB went home very moodily
Hoover's veto of the Wagner bill, 1237,000 expenditure, cent of its mass requires 160 bil- that day, and next morning filed
for the creation of a national em-j The veto was a very great sur- lion years. suit against Slacks.
ployment system, it is deplorable, p r t n e to those .of us who believed
•that a small technical point should that even the greatest In the land How would yon decide this
have proved to be an obstacle to had become convinced that- the Miss Huber Again ?
an honest pledge to the unem- terrible plight of the unemployed
ployed that the country will stand m u 8 t be mitigated *by the use of Heads Church Unit Make up pour mind before yon
read th» decision. •
back of them. | intelligent and well co-ordinated Miss Grace C. Huber was re- ______ 0
It rests with the president and means o[ Job finding. flected president of the Brecken- The decision:
secretary of labor to say whether A strong free public employ- rld^e Auxiliary at its meeting The court held for Botts.
ihe lapse of time while changing I ment service is only a drop In the lield Monday night at the home of The judges reasoned thus:
horses tthall be ten minutes or ten bilcket so far as a program for Miss Clara Hanson, in Green The words "permanent employ-
months. It would be a simple ad- abolishing unemployment goes, street. Other officers elected were ment" must * be Interpreted as
ministrative procedure to reap- but It was the drop which vice-president, Miss Louise Huber; meaning that'so long as Stacks
point the present administrative' y e a r a n d t n j 9 people" had the on- secretary, Miss Clara Hansen; was engaged in the business and
offlcera of the United StateB Em- J portunity to contribute and It is treasurer, Miss Genevleve Keene. had work for Botts to do and
ploy ment bureau to act temporar- almost as deplorable for the com- The meeting was opened with a Botts was willing to do I t k
Hyi tfife pefaon- m unity as for the unemployed devotional service, following, mOTst employ him. .
nel of the Aervlces could be orga- that a small technical point should which Mrs. John McCreery, who
nized and the states by a vote of i, a v P be e n permitted to have been was In charge of the program read Speaking of voices, NBS's new-
the legislatures now In Besslon, a n obstacle. a number of Interesting articles ist announcer, Howard Petrle, U
made ready to take over such re-j on the topic of "Work Among the •lx feet four Inches tall, but when
HponBiblUtles as are placed upon ] ^mmmmmmmmmmmm^m—mmmmmm Immigrants." he talks he sounds as if he were
them by this ad. It does not take THE At the close of the meeting i-here down a rain barrel.—Pathfinder.
Lower jiliotu HIIOWS Dr. George
ureat administrative Ingenuity^* Dlcknel), coroner's physician, East was a social hour, during which
see this. One Rflnute Pulpit Chicago, who testified In the mur- refreshments were served. The
Moreover, Senator Robert Wag-
ner showed throughout these [
der trial of Virgil Kirkland at next meeting will be held April WOODBRIDGE RADIO
Valparaiso, Ind., for the death of 13, at the home of Mrs. John.Mc- AND
three v e a « while the bill has been i But the manifestation of the hln Hwei'tlieart. Arlene Draves, j Creery, In Church street, with
in diecussion a wlllfcgneBs to; Spirit is given to every man to
ttmend hl« bill at any tim» to meet' ^oflt withal.
Hint the tfirl met death from In- «rtss Ruth Snyder aa leader.
juries caused by a resisted attack.
procedure or teehnical difflcultieB For to one is given by the Snir- Dr. E. S. Jones, top, was expected
U d since it was the desire of ev- t t h e word of wisdom; to another
oryone who has studied the aues- ..the word of8 knowlodge by the
tion to see the United States Em-'«"»« spirit.- -! OorlnthlanB, xii.
to Rive similar testimony, In con-
tradiction to that of defense doc-
666 (Formerly Williams Electric Co.)
Electrical Contractor
tors who stated the second autop- I Id a doctor's Prescription for
ployment Service reorganized t ' ( 7 ' 8 - t\y showed no evidence of an at- Kinds of Electrical Work
there was some disorganization 1 tack. j COLDS and HEADACHES
there co6)d hardly liave been done Read the leader lU>milarly ! It Is the most speedy remedy known Radios and '
Read the fieader
666 also in Tablets Electrical Appliances
90Telephone Woodbridge 8-1766
STORE A N 1D E A L Have You
LOCATIQN Check Colds at once with
Have You Gowns To Be Pleated? 666.
Take it as a preventative.
Then, th« Place No Hare Your Work Use 666 Salve for Babies.
68 MAIN STREET D d at Reasonable Cost—Is the
Wwfoe Woodbridge 8-1495


f. J,
\ N.

it-; l9fl:l6O StniJTS* ferth Amboy;J-J

, Ohe of the worrderful new "Quality" Gas, FURNISHINGS
- •_•"'» ranges will mak^e in your kitchen and in
your cooking, and you can buy it on easy Utmhmt Htm Ymk Ctuh
payments, too.. j ' 263 MADISON AVENUE,
It would be difficult to mention everything PERTH AMBOT,
you want to know about ( .these splendid Phone P. A. 2609 - 2S01
Gaa rangas. You must see them sjrour- t

• > " selff examine them) ask ^questions, an4 tHOMAS MEACHAM
.compare them with cjther Gas Ranges Manager
costing many dollars more. \i ,


and inspect these ranges at your leisure. Frederic^ H. Turner Co.
; It's a pleasure to show such fine equip-
ment,, and, w^en you are ready to buy, we GENERAL INSURANCE AND
have a budget plan which makes it very t
• ^ • • ' •

easy to pay for any model. "Are you interested In b_y*

lag or resting a home in
Pay Only IO% Down-Balance Over One Year. wareh T Several unuiuil
portunitles at
For Ap0oint_Mmt_ Pfaon©
The Perth Amboy Gas Light Co. S -When Qmk(y Odes' 1

222 SMITH STREET—PERTH AMBOY, N. J. I&O-16O Smith St ftnh Ainboy.KJ Sewartn, If. J.
• ^ '
TEN The Woodbridge Leader, Friday, March 27, 1931
• • • • *. >

Conunercial Chifc
. . .

St. Patrick's Day Noted Violinist

Woodbridge High School News Program Held By Visits Orchestra Holds Interesting
Bi-Mdnthly Meet
Crab * Members Mr. Qesterreider paid tt visit to
* • • • • ' •

. •• ' P u b l i s h e d B y e r y F r i d a y B y aa'd A s F a r t e l „ , • - • - . * • .. _ r ,


The Third Period English Club- the Senior High School Orchestra . The FirBt Period Commercial
5 ^ V A n All-Student Paper last Friday morning for.its on Monday «5j^noon. H«t >»«» Club held (|s bi-monthly meeting
Woodbridfe High School, Woodbridge, N. J. this morning. The Junior1Com-
St. Patrick's Day eeMWatiofi. The f o r o t a k t , 8 m u c h
mercial Club p u t ' o n a 'V
STUDENT BOARD secretary's report—was- given and pifygreda.—Mrr; •' -was;
accepted. Jean De Young, chair- | f t graduate violinist of the PariB cstiitg program. ' :
Editor* . Claire Nelson gave a talk, "Tin
•dtO In ohief ...DAVID B. JOHN •81 man Of the entertain men. U p m m It- Conservatory of Music at the age History of Shorthand." Next, a
New* * Editor
d t -WALTER LBVX *8t • A^^ _• 1 L \ nA niftvcu in ine* iwciroponmii demonstration of a sales talk was
M MARTIN NEWCOMER '31 . -i.. n.»i«ui DI...L. n., P L a orchestra for eight years under cleverly enacted by Virginia Moll,
Mike EUp d i tEditor.
or J : - •— H A R R Y LUND •31 tsocial penon. rii&ncne JOUFKB
A u.h»n*th.uf<>nfo> E»a+i>i*ir
j i . » , . n . . u i « n* t>mtnu*nr Tns. Impersonating a business man'
! the directorship of Professor IOS-
NBWB D E P A R T M E N T told about the life of St. Patrick— .'canlaL He ia now residing at and Marion MeQajin. the sales-
TJWK, D o n a m Horganionr, j a e Trargyafl, * 3 i ; BoU Ferry, an extraordinary man, whtr w » Metuthen. man. An original poem was read
V i n c e n t Shay, Edward Relsman, ' 3 2 ; Adolph B o e h m e , R a y Jackson, born In only four different coun- i The Senior Orchestra is now1 by Dorothy Nelson. The poem,
Craig Senft, ' 3 3 ; Winfleld Bjorson, Warren Geigel, ' 3 4 . tries. Jean de Young conducted practising the music for our fac- was entitled "A Woodbridge High
interesting St. Patrick's games. ulty play, and the Junior orchestra School Saga." Laura Ashley read
MAKE-UP DEPARTMENT Mildred Choper read the humor-
C h e s t e r Cavlllito, Arthur Klein, ' 3 2 ; ; James R e i d , ' 3 3 ; Donald ous selection, "The Charity Collec- is practising the muBic for com- a freak letter. The letter con-
jgeaobia, ' 3 4 . - mencement exercises. tained everything that a letter
tor." A vegetable and fruit game should not have. The program
•* ' • COPY D E P A R T M E N T was played and then the meeting cjosed with a surprise for the-
Dorothy Kreyllng, Mary Levl, ' 3 2 ; Fred Meder, ' 3 3 ; Burnham was adjourned.
ardner, '84.
Soph French Club Soph members.
Kent Pease Faculty Advisor Has Foreign Mail The next meeting will be held
Freshman Party The Sophomore French Club.* April
10, and will be In charge of
Sophomore Commercial Club.
BREAKS Finally Run Off under the personal supervision of
Mr. Metzger Is giving a program
Well!" Tests have come And gone leaving some trium- during Its regular period today. "CHESS NtfTS"
phant and leaving others pretty hard hit by the battle. The darling Freshmen held a The chairman of the committee is er): "NowNewcomer" Martin
during my
t^he explor-
travels I
party in the Gym on Thursday
But remember there is still a chance no matter how hard night. The Gym was attractively Edna Giegel. Mr. Metzger should struck a most unusual plac«..
be congratulated for his fine work in
you are hit. Our marking system is such that you can decorated in violet and white. in the French Club. Several large tt there were no Implements of
mns up a f lunker by passing the last two marking periods. Dancing was the main feature posters describing beautiful soots warfare."
There iss a g
Thre great lesson to be learned from the philosophy pp of t$e night. The broom dance in Alsace-Lorraine are on the vails David John; "Can you imag-
and, au illuminated dance were ine! Deah, deah! I didn't know-
of the following lines from Browning: "Grow old along held. Music was supplied *y the of the Library. Through Mr. Metz- that such an uncivilized place ex-
with me, the best is yet to be . . ." Don't sit back in your Rainbow Serenaders. Games were German pupils Have" exchanged isted.." ger, several of the French and
also playad. — JUIrjfighmanU corregpoHdmit'H with Fiouch" and
served at 10:30. German high Bchool students. One Miss Van Slyke was taking her
student received a letter in French Sunday School Class through a
museum. Suddenly they came to
do it by moping around. You have to plug, plug, and School Band's First from far off Morocco.
a statue of Venus de Milo. Miita
then plug some more. This is all hard work but doesn't Concert on April 11 School Heads Inspect Van Slyke, looking at Miss Duni-
the end justify the means? What is a little plugging and g'an^"Now you see what happens
hard work compared to a fine and comfortable position ' The first of a series of concerts Township Classes to people who bite their finger-
in your later life ? Your whole career hinges on what you to be given by the Woodbridge C o u n t y Superintendent of
do here so make the most of it. The key word is "fight.'' High School Senior Band will be Schools Dr. Millard Xowery, with
held on April 11, at the Fords Supervising Principal John H. Mrs. Werlock: Dorothy, car
Remember it. • • r3 School No. 14, at eight o'clock. A L0.v"e has been visiting the Wood- you tell me what a "myth" is?
nominal admission will be col- bridge To"wnshlp schools during Dot: Yeth, ma'am, a myth itli
lected at the door. a woman that hath not got a suth-
THE DIAL SAYS the last few days.
The tour during the next few They have visited schools in band.
months i% in preparation for the Woodbridge, Iselln, Colonla, Ave-
Bob was on a passenger train.
grand concert to be held in the nel, *Colonia, Haggeman Heights,
The conductor in passing through
Shades of the "Ginger Jar", the spice of the Dials of High Bchool on May 2nd. Port Reading and Sewaren.
observed that Bob" had a cigar in
1011 and 1912! We have with us in this issue the "Chess his mouth.
Nuts." Long may they crackle and pop.
Speaking of pops, did you hear about the blow-out in What Can Reading Do ForYou? * Con.—Hey, you can't smoke
here. '
Bob—I'm not smoking.
Tftr; Nelsons
Nelson's first period Physics class Tuesday. T u e s d y While Con.—Well you've got a cigar
Mr. Nelson was trying t i to
t demonstrate
d t r t increased pressure IV. POETRY will find that BO me of the quota- in your mouth.
in * flash of boiling water the cork flew out accompanied tractions, Poetry haB its own peculiar at- tions that you learned for their Bob—Suppose I have. I've got
bue before it can do beauty you have come to love my feet in my shoes and I'm not
by water, steam and a sharp sound effect. much for you, it is necessary for for their truth. walking, am I?
Mr. Nelson on the spur of the moment remarked with- you to take a right attitude to- The Nut Gatherer, '32. '
out undue emphasis "There goes the cork!" Everyone ward It. You must realize that it Some forms of prose literature
IB one of the great forms of liter- enable you to see life more accu-
. i

agreed that it had gone. ' ature; that It can treat of subjects rately and to understand it more
for which prose Is inadequate. Try clearly; but it is the province of
like pace In leaving the building to imagine "Mandalay" In prose. poetry to make you feel deeply.
Among the
Inter Nos Holds at noon and dismissal? (Mr, Nel- or "The Charge of the Light Brl You cannot read poetry long with-
pupils come to the]
1 gade," of Poe's "Raven," Certain out discovering that it has' the
Persona have a mistaken idea that power to express your deepest
Meeting; Themes school door the same time as a poetry is a fantastic, high-flown emotions.
teacher does. Who should open method of expression, or that it American to whom Whittier's
There 1B hardly an "STAMP COLLECTING"
"A book containing more, fas-

-Read in Session the door? (Miss Snyder.) ,

(b) Corridor and Bu» Maiment
How, does poor conduct^ or bad
is merely sentimental nonsense. "Barefoot Boy" would not appeal, cinating and incredible stortts
But no one takes that attitude ex- W>r who would not have his mem- than a volume of fairy stories."
cept those who_are ignorant, and o ory
y fnobly moved by" the same That is an adequate description
atrt h sifee new boofe, "Stamp Collect-
TKe members of "Inter' NOB," manners In the bUs~ sBow~ lack of edge by denouncing what they "My Playmate," or MB equally ing, Why and How." In it Pres-
school honor and sportsmanship? have never read.
the Junior Latin Club, ^had an en- (Miss Robinson.) touching "In, School Days." cott Holden Thorp, the author, re-
tertaining program at iljeir regu- Of course, not all poetry Is for Joy is deepened by the poetic lates tales connected with thui
p enteringg any y p public ve- all readers; you tuuat not be dis-jexpressfon
lar meeting Monday afternoon. j of It; ; and there is cer- great hobby. These anecdotes
The first part of the meeting hide where there are wpmen p what J a g e d j > should begin with "Qnce upon a
poem t h a t ''ti t a i n consolation in poetry's noble time"; only unlike the. fairy story
was devoted to the <rnore serious should should, a man do with his hat? hat? 1 you read does not appeal to you. [expression of sorrow. I
I side of their work, namely, the Mhis Caster, h One great reason w,hy many per-! When John Esien Cooke wroto they are true aod maV be easily
presenting of tbpics. In a public conveyance should suna do not like poetry ia because the little lyric. "The Band in the linked with the everyday life of
Betty Tiffanjl told the , well- a man be seated while an older they began their reading with the Pines," he put intq words a sol- any pefson.
known- story of the struggle be- woman Is standing. (Miss Cas- wrong poems and. Having received dler's yrlef for his comrades, dead Take for instance i j
tween Romulus and Remus, In ter.) '(c> Party Manners - an unfavorable impression J from In. battle. In a far more elaborate stauip—by a flickering light of
thet reading of .her paper, "The thojee they did not enjoy,. have way. Whitman, in1 his great plegy, caudle an engraver of copper ^a
At a party why-is it youf duty , abandoned th§ attempt t o r find "When Lilac's Last in Ibp Doqr- ipnjL PMt midnight
to help give the chapenjjnes q a"4 any that they can eh Joy! »EVie1i yard Bioomed," volceft the the metal before him tfre. desigi
John Aqujla read "The Story of of a nation fior the death of Lin- of the first stamp for Mauritius.
Mllhridates." Although the~pro- pleasant time? (Mrs. Robinson.) lone must discover the poems that
aunclation oJE -such names as When a high school boy brings j appeal to him. The realm of coin. \ a British colony In Africa. He had
Mithrldates, Theophanes and My- a tllgh school girl to a ftchopl i l»ietry is as wide aa the world; For expreHBiW
p feolemn,
femn, patriotic just finished the central 'figure, a
tlleneus .caused a stumbling block exclusively dance shouldall- he evening? j
dance with her j we t are a k ei free to wander through it.^orrow,
b l
prpbanly no American portrait of Queen Victoria, A-i
(MISB V> as our own what we like poem has ever ! irpassed Theodore he was ubo6t to engrave the in->
In tiiB reading, John's paper was Mqrrow.) < I best, and to leave the rest 'for O'Hara's "The Bivouac of , the scrlption ardund the aides he could
an ,e\celleht example of mu4h ^ much recognition should others. '
library work. Dead." Its opening verse sounds nat decipher from the much -h-anr
be given a faculty member at a What are the gifts that poetry the music and gives the thought died copy in front of him Jus*.»
. S ira Holland presented the party,given by the* high school brings to the hones.t-beari.ed read- what the first word was, P-O-S
topic, "Vestal Virgins and the classes?. (Miss of the whole:
l er? First; poetry 1^ the most com- something! The stamps had been
Goddess Vesta." Can a person do asl he pleases pact of all forms of writing^ aad The'muitfed drum's sad roll has promised In time for the inaug-
The later part of the program at a party? (Mr. Drummond.) Its very form helps you to re- ural ball of the wife of the newly-
was spent in the singing of popu- beat
i (d) General
G l member it. Like » beautiful ship, The soldier's last tattoo; arrived Governor who had planned
lar American songs translated In- Should we use the same man- it can carry great %eight of No more on Life's parade shall to have them at her debut as so*
to Latin. The transference of ner^ In public places among (Nought with ease and grace. ' ctal >ader of the outpost or civ-
these songs was accomplished .by t ^ meet 1
Sir Walter scott said that the The brave and fallen few. ilisation.
George Eepositoi The sdjigs were strangers that we use among our plots of a hundred novels were to
''Caput Sit Argenterlm" . and friends? (Mr. Dougherty.)* On Fame's eternal camplng- On his way to the home of the
be bound in Burns's ground Postmaster, of whom he wished to
"TeitfpuB Vernum Sails," tn other In' sptte of women's "equal
words, 4*Wben Your Hair Has rights" why, do we still Bhow Bpe- Had we never loved sae blindly^ Their silent tents' are spread,' ask advice concerning the matter,
Turned to Silver", and Springr cial courtesies to women? (Miss Had'we never loved sae kindly, ^ And Glory guards, With BOlernn he passed the new Post Office. He
Robinson.) round. stopped short; There it was. Post
time in the, Rockies." Never met—or never parted-r- Office. Bp he hurried back and
What relation is there between The bivouac of ttie dead.
We had ne'er been, broken- completed the die with the word
manners required in adult life and
FACULTY QUIZ those required in school life?
(Mr. Pease.)
hearted. Poetry
words what
feel but
post office on the left. But alas,
the Inscription should road Post
ON CHARACTER . Likewise, the stxnlflcance of
Are good manners an index of Lincoln's noble ano^tragie life is have never had the power to ex-
good character? (l|fr*. Werlock.) to be found in Walt Whitman's press. ore you read poetry,
Only a small number of these.
Subject* tot study and ditcut* In what way would attention to the less you will be inclined statnpf were printed tor the bill.
sion for Character Education to* ordinary mann«H • aftcnt school lines, "0 Captain, My Captain!" say that fou have thoughts mod Not long ago, one of these classic .
day follow; <a> Class Room cHboge your, present method of The best*poetry will supply you feelings that no one can under- stamps of the world was sold for
Manner*. <b) Corridor and Bu» conduct? (Mr. 8*chrlst.) with memorable lines and with stand, for long ago the poets Aave 110,000 at an auction.
ll»n«n. (c) P»rty Manner*. stansas that are not only-useful understood and have expressed Besides being interesting, this
d topics tor study H«f, How AlkMit TMsf and pleasant to recall, but that your feelings for you. Moreover, book is a great guide for atl phU-
contributed by teacher* Three pints of f rce serve as testa by which you can poetry arouses and trains your attUst*.
platter of bacon and 4ff», glass of Judge the merit of other poetry. emotions aright. The poet who Scott's SUmp Catalogue la now
More and more, as you grow older,
orange juice, roll*,, butter, a bowl you will appreciate the selections "died young In each one of us" is to the High School U>rary. U
Wny do many Of the high of mush and two apples is a tru
not dead, but sleeping, and heeds contains illustrations of all stamps
breakfast for Bverette °^ *>*»eV7irWt you committed
DttDlls employ the tortoise pace - •.- - to WtmSmi eWTIfe; ana yog
g ^ g to their <l4ases and the hare Marshall, Colorado nat wonder.
The Woodbridge Leader, Friday, March 27, 1931 ELEVEN

Students Opinions BLIZZARD GIVES WORK TO A1MY OF MEN IN WINDY CITY atest IIPWH and a Hurt on Hohnei
ravel picture of Spain.
When "Passion Flowers," Kfl,thv
Lapid Self-Control leen Norris1 story of a woman who
married fin old man for money and
subsequently rails desperately In
In Everyday 1QVO with the vout.hfiil hitRba.nrl nf
her cousin, became one 'of the
year's most widely read novels,1 it

"He that would govern Others was immediately recognized by

first should be master of himself." iMetro-Goldwyn-Mayer as contain-
The fourth topic for character ed- ing the essential qualities for a
ucation discussion was "Self Con- successful screen narrative,
trol." Outlines w«te prepared as The talking picture tights were
usual«M»d a, great deal of enthu&l promptly purchased and thwathrp^
asm was shown among Students tat ion placed In the Hands of Mar-
and teachers. Self control Is the tin Flavin, the writer who recent-
power or habit of Having one's ly achieved distinction as the au-
faculties or. energies, especially thor of the " brilliant "Criminal
the inclinations and emotions, Code." William de Mllle was se-
under control. It was found thut lected to direct the production,
teachers must. have a great deal and Kay Johnson, CharlesJ i i e k -
of Belf control, which should also ford, Kay Francis and 1 l e w i s
be shown by the students. It Stone, all of whom rank as Screen
should be practiced in the library players of first order, were as-
when you would like to have the signed principal roles. Important
supporting parts were' given to
same book that someone else, has. Zasu Pitts, Winter Mall and the
It also pays In the long run to four-year-old Dickie Moore.
control yourself when a teacher Sophisticated Plot
reprimands you for doing some- Twenty thousand men went to inch blanket of snow over the showB men digging out railroad The picture, which will be tthe
thing that you should not have work in Chicago shoveling snow Windy City, tied up traffic and tracks in an effort to restore feature at the.State Theatre for
done. If everyone would think , when a March blizzard .left a 15- caused a score of deaths. Photo trains to normal schedule*. two days starting Thursday is
of this week's topic when taking rated as being of the type that will
an examination there would be appeal to all classes of moviego-
no nervous worrying and fretting. "BXPKK8HION"
This controlling of your emotions
and feelings should also be prac-
plot on sojne high
A small brook on its way,
pine grove a,nd a
tiny house,
Boy Scout News "Little Caesar" ers, although It. lays particular
stress on sophiscated situations.
Its essentially modern plot, reflect-
ticed at class meetings. It is hard
enough to keep a group of hrghj
nchooP students -quiet jat a peet-j
1 hope
own, some
mats, collect old
TROOP and Clara Bow
--;-—.••• T r o o p
In the domeetie/ discord of matty-
homes today, its sympathetic p"or-
itrayalB and its Interesting back-
ing. If everyone would keep hls 1
thoughts to himself until recog-
nized by the president all meet-
And on
Some broken chairs I'll Ox,
the old Htone mantel 1
at State
The members of Troop 31 met
I at their regular meeting place, tht
Sunday school rooms of the Pres-
grounds—all contribute to satts*
tying entertainment which has its
share of humor, pathos; suspense
Ings would be fn much better or- . byterian Church, Friday evening.
der. It should be practiced at I'll place Home candlesticks. ! In the course of preparing for the The State Theatre, Woodbridge, and effective drama.
athretlc features and care should 1 Double Feature at State Saturday
I'll keep a fire burning Court of Honor which Is to be held offers "Little Caesar" with Ed- This time George Bancroft Is
be taken not ,to razz an official 1 Tuesday evening, March 31, Scout ward G: Robinson and Douglas the two-ft a ted managing editor of
or player. ! From Fall to early Spring. i master Tappen urged all boys to: Fairbanks, Jr., and Clara Bow in | a tabloid newspaper. He is a man
Everyone should practice self I'llFit keep my door unfastened,
make the kettle sing. Complete their test work. Scout- "No Limit" as Its two-feature pro- j feared by all society for his -code
control at all timed. A person master Tappen has received fifty-' gram for Sunday and Monday. :Is a code of "yellow journalism."
cannot control others unless he five applications for merit badges "UtUo Caooar," gives a start-1 We see him in an atmosphere
has self control although he may I'll have a cozy armchair, lo be awarded at the Court o( lingly realistic impression of a charged with the electric ' busy-
have self control and not be able A book, a pot of tea, Honor, but at the rate he has been gangster, from the lowest "rat" ness of high-tension news-gather-
to control others. No roan can And hibernate, and rusticate, receiving them, he expects the or petty thief, up to the "B,ig ing, Presses roar, newsboys cry
hope to attain any degree of ad- And Just—be me! total to be much greater.
vancement In life in character Mildred B. Mooney, '32. Boys" or heads of gangs. \ the latest "scoops," Reporters
The total registration of Troop The picture shows vividly the slick-talk their way into places
building, or success, without self 31 is approximately 40. Many various social strata within crook- where they are not wanted- Civic
control. It is the very essence
of manliness and character. Ev-
Correction on the 9
bojfl, who have long awaited their, dom. The petty thieves and pick-' leaders protest. Prideful citizens
twelfth birthday anniversary in. pockets are seen in cheap rooming are ruined In a one-edition blast
eryone who has succeeded or has
become great has had self con-
Soph * Orchestra order to join the troop, are now houses in. the foreign quarter bf a from the newsprint trumpet of
We wish to correct a statement members. Many Scouts have made large city, while the big racketeers this Bancroftlan terror who barks
trol. He who reigns within hlm- made In the last Issue concerning rapid progress in teat work. The live a life of luxury, if not secur- his withering commaadst and nev-
aclf, -rules passions, desire and the dance orchestra which played following boys may be classed as ity, in the swankier residential, er relents. '
fears *is more than a king. Self at the . Sophomore party last ambitious workers: John Omen- sections. Poor and rich alike are caught
control will succeed with one tal- .Thursday evening. After heiser, Louis Wegand, Charles The story deals with the rise of In the path of the news juggernaut
ent, white self Indulgence g • will I paper had gone g to press it was Kolb, Donald Arroe,. Andrew, a gangster named Rico, played by "If it's news, print It," Bays Ban-
f l l with ten. A good quotation
fall i [announced d that
h R Roy P Patemaa had Bothwell, Gordon Sofleld, Charles Edward G. Robinson, from the croft, "no matter whom It may'
for all of us to remember Is: offered the services of his Rain- Donegan, Bruce Larson, Robert level of a thug to a position as hurt."
"Keep cool .and you- command j bow Serenaders. Previous to that Anderson, and George Smanko. head of powerful gang. But wUh all his bluster, all his
everyone." time It was expected that the High Although they have Just recently With Mr. Robinson are Doug- hardness, he has one weak spot.
Scndol Jasz Orchestra would play. entered the Scout world, yet, they las Fairbanks, Jr., Sidney Black* It is his charming wife. He loves
have reached the second step in mer» Ralph Ince, William Collier, her with a feror that 1s almost
Student *lfcdtr D*«" Senator Scouting, namely, second class. Jr., Olenda Farrell, Thomas Jack- childlike. He has Implicit faith
The older boys have shown their son and George-E. Stone.
usual progress in the Merit Badge 1 Clara Bow comes to the State
in her.
WOBDS i Then comes the Incident which
What language has the longest; field. Theatre also Sunday, In "No Lim- brings his brutal credo to the test.
word now In use In the world? > Troop 82 it,-'- In -which she will be seen and His wife falls in love with the
I am merely presenting the en-1 heard in the first talkie many
Troop 32 held its regular meet- whose scenes were taken in New same time the banker of town's biggest banker. At the
tries of the principal contestant*. I ing last Friday at the Methodist - is In the
Since Latin Is a dead langnarge,; Episcopal (Jhftrch Sunday-* school shadow trf disgrace because pi
It jsaxht ioJbellfift out* but it-iar room. Scoutmaster Quelch in' "•A complete production unit financial obligations of Ms firm.
"worth whlftf to'see Its arguments,; strurted the Scoifts on matters from the Paramount Hollywood Bancroft learns of his wife's de-
which are the words "appropln-; ronrernin'g the Court of Honor. studios journeyed across th« coun- fection. He also knows that no
quaveruntne" (have been ap-. Afl»»r thejbuslness part of .the oc- try with her to "shoot" the*action print the story of the bank's fi-
prnached > and "CarthaRinelnsI- ' casion was taken care of the nances may cause trouble,/ prob-
buaque" <and to the CarthaKrn*- played' ably ruin, for hundreds of th*
lans>. These are too short for nations city's poor. To Cleave It all un-
real competition. Our .next work. printed may mean future safety
claimant for the championship of Triton AS Yorkers . and to visitors to ' the for all. \
long words title Is the English metropolis. But he is a man of iron det^r-
language, which IB split Into two Srouts of Troop 33 huld their; Th* story concerns the fortunes mination. He has said that news.
factions—the conversational and r» ^ular weekly meeting in Ihejand loves of a little usherette In ' fit or unfit, shall be printed. And
the scientific The former pro-' Trinity Church Pariah House. The'a big metropolitan movie palace, ap he published.the stocy. JSttcriflc^
vides two falrlx difficult tongue j Uuule Patrol was announced the iWItfe he* girl ; friend, Dixie Lee, ing even his own reputation In the
winner of the general inspection! Clara lives In I moderate circum- ensuing malestrom of screaming
tiirianlsm" (Hpedd) and "honorl7 i-DiiteMt. After the announcement stances in an apartment near the 'headlines. \
firahilityBuninitv", ( h o n o rable- tiiHiructions in tests were given byj"L" which takes her to work'each j" it is potent stu|ff—drama, a'c-
iiHssi; the latter, hpwever, pro- thc patrol leaders. Mr. Harold -P, morning. At the theatre Clara tlon, thrills, excitement that tin-
vides but "one word, which is, & Haydcn presented the• Tenderfoot finds a cigarette case, and later gles the snlne. A. thundering play
% night's homework on Itself-—"par- j l ins to the following Scouts; meets its owner, Norman Foster, For the mightiest, most thunderous.
a o x y mentametlioxallyebenz^ne" !(>srar LarKe,»Weaton Mundy. WUI- man-about-town. with whom she ' ^,f the talkie celebrites. It \B Ban-'
(ask Mr. Nelson what It means). iiatn Simpendorffer and Alexander falls desperately In* love. croft at hfs flst-thumplng best. A
N6w that we have done with the j Fortenborter. ' 'grand, swash-buckling picture, as
easy words we shall" present the I The members of the troop who Ruth C1i*tterton at the SU(e modern as tomorrow's headlines,
winning long word from tbe Ger- attended tbe meeting were: Mr. Tuesday and Wednesday as exhilarating as a six-alarm fire.
mans. It in "Hirtterladungvetter- ! Harold P. Hayden, chairman of (Advance)
llgewehrpfctronenhulsenfa b r I k- the troop committee; Assistant A "triple characterization," the "Maybe It's L^ve," Warner
arbeitenvejreln," (whljph means Scoutmaster William Jambour; first to be portrayed by one player Brothem Vitaphoiye comedy ro-
society of workers fn £he factory Junior Assistant Scoutmaster JOB- in the history of the screen, is mance of college days, with a cast
or bullet cartridges for. back load- eph F, 11 lot; Senior Patrol Leader enacted by Ruth Chatterton in the headed by Joan Bennett. Joe E.
ing Vetterll rifles). (Can you -my Kiank Yost; former Senior Leader new Paramount vehicle, "The Brawn an4 James Hall, ifl W -
H in one breath, Mr. Metzger?). H<'niy Inselberg and Scouts, 0eo. n 'ght to Love," ' nounced as the next attraction at
George Bspoatto, '33. \xan, O«car Large, Norman Han- This Intriguing drama of ro- the State Theatre. .
SPIUNGTIMK IX THB BOOKJB8 son. William and Paul Sfmpen- mantle sacrifice through three A fast»roovlng story of| campus
Translated Into Latin by dorffer, Edawrd OlBrlck, Francis generations, which begins Tues- life it presents one of the most
Heatty, Henry Stephen, Russel day at tbe State Theatre, la a dla- authentic pictures of undergrade
George RtpdeJto McCartney, Raymond Jensen, logue picturlsatlon of Susan ate, days. "Maybe" It'i lave" is an
Cum stl primus aestris Saxls, William Hansen, Weston Mundy, Glaspell's book, "Brook Evans." original Btory by Mark Canfleld
Ego venlam ad te; Richard Janny, A. August Greiner,
Parva cara mdntiorum, Miss Chatterton plays the rdles adapted for the screen by Joiepfc
William Patterson, Alexander For- of a young girl of 1890, the same Jackson.
Tula bonls occullt tenborter, Charles Farr, Jobn Al- character ks a mother of 1907,
Kge redlcam. "Te amb", Miss Bennett portrays a lovely
aphabet and Julius Hegedus. and the part of a modern daugh- collegiate belle who gucceeda 14,
Dum djem f aves canunt; .'
Cum sit pismus aeatrtt Saxi* ter, •= - • r -••- gathering an "all-American" foot-
Kaxls qui long* idlont. GIFT <HP GAMP SITE Uany dramatic sccpes between hall team to flght oa the' gridiron
the mother and daughter are han- for her Alma Mater. Joe E. Brown
WHEN TOUIt HAIR Here Is Senator Elmer Thomas The gift of a ehblee camp site dled by Hits Chatterton in what has the funniest role of hi* career
of Oklahoma, the man who staged on tbe shore of Lake Nevattel to •he terms her most interesting as a "has been" footbill «tt*
TiiRHvoi T O jsrtv I filibuster on the closing day of
;a be u*ed by the three Boy Scout picture elwe her advent to the pushed into the background Ww*
Te slmlllter amabo congress, wearing the torn aad troops of Shelton, Wash., was re- screen two yean ago. arrival of tbe "all Amerlei "
c»t»ut «it argcnterlm ' tattered overalls which be ha* se- cently made by Mark B. Reed of <'The Right to Love" offers Jame* Ball has tbe role of •>
Cara te mod* vosabo. lected
t d to show hi* sympathy for Shelton., Through the kindness Mlat Chatterton her third, mothej: •kin star opposite. Mist, Bennett in
Nomen semper It #rlt. tat leading male "
»ub vespemm vagablnter MM "usder dof." ll and
The overall* aseutance of local carpentera
aid will be given the Be* Seouta
role, the others being "Sarah and
td V/m 1 tteoisjarr ViHdlng while eature I* surrounded by the jp eutle and r*fet-
dtetHMiuJK t* the puWl«. local mills «U| donate the tnmber, Our Oajag la "Pup* Is Pvp«"i the heart of Brown.
TWELVE The Woodbridge Leader, Friday, March 27, 1931

on; ii <;<;Kit\.UT < Alt Legion to Begin Roundup

rogressives'Ideals Are Classed as Demand Crain' Job
As expected, total <ieatli« from • For New Members
Being Basically Republican tuitt) arrlrtfiila In l!K10
increase, over the preceding year , Trenton, March 26.-FrTheodoro
• and aft other, years." There'were R. Crlchton, State .Commander of
1.100 more Idlitul tflin way than
'•. liy I'llA'lHJM P. HTKWAKT , "For myself I am Ln warm Bym- in 1 !>£!), biin.iilng the/grand total the' American Legion, today an-
IJeiHrtfftl l'rew Htnff Writer nathy with it, though a few of the in ;ta,5(io victims, ot about 90 a nounced completion of arrange-
• JfrASHINGTON, March 27.— ^iJfiiHures described as progressive <iay. TU**n*-wore 835,25.0 automo, | tnents for a Btate-wlde jneniber-
,'"Thfl" progressd vea," Bay's Senator TfffVe seemed to me impractical for accidents I;i 1930 ,in' which ship roundup, beginning on Aprjl*
William H. King, of Utah, "are the present, There has been, ton, 'j!i-t.2S, > person^, were killed , o r first, and fulminating .on Satur-
becoming much »ucM an Influence modicum.of pure politics in some injured, according to figures 'by day, April l*th ( under the direc-
as th
the Anti-Saloon league has been of certain progressives' activities. ihe National Council of Safoty. tion of W. Rex McCrossan, of Pal-
In American politics. ; That fs to say, they have opposed The increase in deaths was said to myra, who Is State Director of,/
"To be sure, their program In nthe White House, It appeared to he the leant for any year since Membership. '
far wore comprehensive than Uie i «. R
simply on general principles. figures have been tabulated, h u t It is anticipated tht* the
• Anti«9aloon " "TessruTTH *©VeT ^ a s ' A a ReptitJMCaiT,'X hav6 supported Hint showing is not so good vfchen hundred and Thlry poflisfwUL turn
(although, incidentally, most- of the administration except when I it. is considered that motor mite-- In sufficient cards to give the State
them are national prohibitionists) !lia<l definite reasons to the con- a.sie last year decreased some 10 Legion a membership greater than
but they seek to accomplish It by j trary. j per cent over the year before. In last year, which was In excess of
the same method—by throwing! "As to the power IBSUC, and spile of this fact accident J in- twenty-one thousand. The preg-
their strength to candidates who j notably Muscle Shoals, I am en- creased 12 pr cnt and datha four ent membership is over fifteen
joiit them, jregardlees ef party*' tlrety In agreement with the pro- pr rent. The saddest feature In thousand.
And yet I predict that, like theiK*essive attitude. I am fully in the figures is that no way of Im- The routrdup plan calls for all
Anti-Saloon league, they always accord with it in its demand for provement seems to have Wen Posts to deliver their cards at a
will be found to be predominantly! the curbing of monopolies, which found. Insistence on good me- place designated In their county,
Republican, for their Ideals essen- I consider a grave danger. In chanical 'condition of cars seems by noon of April 18th. County
tlally are un-Democratlc." matters of unemployment' and to hav. born ineffectual, for 90 courlere from the tweftty-one
Senator King Is a Democrat and farm relief I concur with It. I er cent of the cars In accidents counties' will then travel to Tren-
a libefal one; not a conservative. "In short, I'm a progressive and were f.Mind to be mechanically ton, by airplane, auto and motor,
. ' • • • • * assuredly not a socialist, which all right. Excessive speed a n l cycle, delivering to the State Mem-
IT WAS NOT the Salt Lake City sufficiently answers the query—Do reckless driving were found to bt bership Committee on the steps of
sdlon's Intention to criticize the I consider progresslve-ism'ss trend responsible for the largest part of the State House, not. later than
progressives harshly. socialistic? tlio death toll.—The Pathfinder. three o'clock. Cards will be
Nevertheless, it is a fact thatj '.'It-is, undoubtedly, enlightened Charges against District Attor- counted and the results reported
the progressive movement draws Republicanism.' ney Thomas C. T. Crain, above, of to the State Executive Committee,
decidedly a larger number of Its) New York, one of the most im- BOSTON E8E which wilt be in session at the
recruits from the Republican than :\ She was a Boston provincial, State House. A group photograph
portant Tammany Hall officials,
from the Democratic ranks—to
the extent, In the lajyt congress, aa!
National Farm and smacked of the Back Bay. Ap- of Legion Officers and couriers
are to be investigated by Samuel
proaching a clerk In one cof Fifth will conclude the c e r e m o n i e s * . _
Seabury, named in case as-special
cdmmlaaloner by Gov, Franklin D.
-ffltretratton, of at least h#lf a! avenue's swankiest millinery shops
K sen to one.
"Centralization of government"
! Roosevelt.
would fight
Crain - declared he
she said quite patronizingly: I'm
charges of "in-
The, president of one of the larg-
from Boston and would like some- est tobacco concerns in America is
efficiency, incompetency, failure
continued the senator, "—that is thing a trifle smart without being Bald to be Indulging In a long
the progressives' first objective. By ARTHUR H. JENKINS to enforce the .criminal law and
the least bit showy. ,"I get you, cherished ambition to lead the or-
Their present campaign toward it Editor, The Farm Journal malfeasance in office," brought by
ma'am, sort of second mourning," chestra that broadcasts under his
takes the form of advocacy of fed- Written for Central Press the City Club of New York.
replied the experienced saleslady, firm's sponsorship, even though, a
eral welfare legislation, which has There Is a great deal of disput adding. "I once lived in Boston well-known leader is billed as do-
a powerful appeal, especially In a ing, and there iB going to be much myself."—The Pathfinder.
Read the Leader Regularly ing ao.—The Pathfinder:
time of bitter, widespread eco- more hereafter, as to whether the
nbnitc distress?such as today's. ! one-family farm is played out.
"This goal attained, the natural j The dispute is particularly vio-
next: step seems to me certain to;i e \u in the semi-dry belt, where
be in the direction of national so- j livestok livestock ranges g used to thrive—
i areas thai are now mostly l given
* * ••' lover to wheat, not cultivated at
"I RAISE NO' objection, in jail. Here the big corporation-
principle," said the Utah senator, i owned" wheat farms are growing
""to socialistic legislation b> the in-t rapidly, and * here state leglsla-
diviUual states. I may doubt its '• tures are being besieged to pro-
wisdom, but I recognize the right hibit corporation ownership of
of any sovereign stute to shape its farms, or to tax them out of exls-
own government, socialiettcally or tence.
otherwise, to its own citizens' Ilk- . •. • •
ing. j I£ is a very' live question in
"I do object to the creation und i these particular areas. But to nine
management by the central gov-[out of ten farmers, in the country
eminent, for all the states, of a-whole, it difference
chinery which the constitution at all.
p left it ^ each of thG Wheat g
Wheat growing,
r o g , as most ppeople
p jj
states l l '
ahd, if toBO, create for itself,.if at all, know, is-as near
{o manage. the lazy man's;
paradise as can be imagined, j
/•Ouf 'country Is too large for There Is one iperation in getting '
such a system, whether it\ be so-' the seed-bed ready for planting, j
: - D r t h e contrary u t has and this can bW aotie wholly by;
too large and too widely-c^ttered machinery. • Tllere, is another op-j
'a population, made up of too many eratlon in the summer or • fall,!
different elements; They have too cutting and threshing the grain \
many divergent interests of all with machines. And then you are
Borta; too many conflicting preju- through for the year,
dices.' What Wh works well here will That,'you must realize. Is not
not'work/we.ll k/ there. What one agriculture or anything resemb-
4omnnHa anotherHWitlQa Ung agj^oplture. —But^-a-prqcaaa,
repudiates.'1' 'that is very nicely adapted to ope-
* ration by a corporation. It needs
"THE' HISTORY o,f all far- land, niachlnes, and a limited
flung nations," went, on the sena- supply of labor for a few weeks a
tor; "has been the same—first, a year, "and that is all. I^o houses,
great measure of home rule, by no barns, no stables, no storage,]
communities; then a gradual pro- no livestock. j»o fences, no drains,
cess of centralization; presently, no fertilizers, no roads, no schools,
the complete disappearance of the no churches and I might almost
original subdivisions, except as say, no brains. j
geographical expressions; the up r ,; * * * ]
shot, a steadily, increasingly top- I£or. these reasons, I am inclined ; FACTS AND FIGURES
t^5wt«nifnteg:%Tion. ; j grb>ying "will Burvtve the^ attacks j OF PUBLIC SERVICE CORPORATION OF NEW JERSEY ^
"Our progressive friends' Inteti-; on It In the, legislatures of the
tions 'are excellent, but l a m con- states, 1^ has a certain amount |
they are doing their ut- of economic soundness, provided \ N 1930, there accrued against Pub- ' jnunicipaHties in ^bich its companies
st to lead us along the path I this grain can be. sold at a price lie Service Corporation "of New Jer-
suggested. V that wpi yield a profit. And In- operate, and constitute an' important
"Moreover, I think they will sue* stitutions that are economically sey and its subsidiary companies, contribution to the expenses of munici- •
ceed in leading us to the destina^ sound will usually manage * to
tloQ I* also have suggested." , hang oh; even, when BoctalLv taxes to the amount of $15,439,179.73. pal government.
' ! worthless.
\ EVEN AS Senator King is a lib- But, let me repeat again, such • In the case, of the subsidiary com- In 1930 Public Service was taxed on
era! Democrat, Senator Arthur a process of machine conversion panies, taxes amounted to eleven per account of its electrical operations,
tiapper of Kansas is i liberal Re- of water and chemicals Into wheat
publican, and I wanted a liberal is not agriculture. Agriculture
agriculure. Agricul cent of their gross earnings and more more than $8^00,000.00; on account
Republican's estimate of the pro- has for its objqct, or oujfht to
gresslves^ program.las wel^ a» ^ have, the maintenance of the than one-quarter of their net earning*. of its gas operations, nearly $4,000,- :
liberal Democrat's. ] * largest possible number of Intelli- 000,00 and on account of its transpor-
A progressive's estlmafe of It gent, prosperous American fa,mi- Which means that it took the average
naturaily is biased, he considers it lies lnf homes in the country. earnings of forty dayaj more than one tation operations more than $2,700*«
perfect. An, ultra-conservative's Corporation wheat grpwtng has
is equally biased; he considers H no Idea of any such thing, month, to meet the taxes levied qgainst 000.00.
perfectly awful. • • • Since its organization in 1903, Pub-
These two liberals, Senators There are, of course, other the operating utility companies..
King and Capper, a Democrat and kinds of corporation farming, and lic Service has paid in taxes a total of
a Republican, I felt, might fairly we shall hear more of these hexe- With the exception of th^o^e paid (o
be expected to be Impartial. Sen- after, too. Some of them show more than $150^000,000.00 of which
ator Capper, In fact, refers to him- much promise, because-they are the United States Government, taxes more than $68,000,000.00 accrued in
self as a progressive! However, built around the correct principle
the progressives did not Invite q ; maintaining the farm family on paid by Public Service go. to'the various the last 6ve years.
htm; to tjieir. recent conference in on^the farm but no one need fear f-
Washington, or Senator King, that the wheat corporation type
either. Bpth expressed a trifle of can threaten agriculture In ge,n-
surptts^ v^t being oralttedt
-i • , • ....., • ' *
( eral.
I Outside Us own territory, and
VJ JtjJtWir;"Seaator KingJfienw producing anything other than
Public ation of New Jersey
to m« abaoAuiflly correct," U t d , whAM or one or two other slraplB
Senator Capper, "in classifying products, it -will shrtyol and di
progresslvelsm as esesnttally Re- -. • --,—r^-r^—r—
publican. v - ' Read th« P M » « R««»1arly
The Woodbridge Leader, Friday, March 27, 1931 THIRTEEN
., ' Mv vLfFFORD MrlltillXK ,

;;t I'VB- adrxo TUUNK AKiO TUH^^I^ KRMOMtiy K%L

TO MAK£ •fwe staos IM H E R

, by Central l*rew A»oclat|on, |nc


Mose EM B U T
MAO.1 OONT UJE'L.1. see

Uncle Rufus brinM hit mm youag wife—

.his fifth—to your home for a visit on tketr ,


ETTA KETT—Well, Look Who's Here! By Paul Robinson

I iJC>nT VCU S/MPLV GQ Nats ir x u\sTevi.err/\-
- O H , l' THAT



Whdt is tliutcuiiltnl o{ Austral-

Thte Grab Bag ? r

i VVIiut' is ifio weight of a carat,

! the unit used for measuring gems?
IN ALLTHEPOMPOF^D CHAINS Is the smallest bridge in
the world?
Correctly Speaking—
.OFHIS HOPES HEGAiNS Say "He died of pneumonia",
uot "he died froia pneumonia". V.*
H HAIFACHOWW. •*• 1 p.

Today's Horoscope
PersonB t^ot;n on this day are
affectionate but dictatorial.
m-s . ,.,.. x. .. s.».

UJ*l I Aniiwera to Fofregoinir Questions PUT DOWN THAT UBOOM enough for the dust to settle.— you feel when riding la an Austin,
j 1. The three hidden words A woman's elub expert says The Pathfinder.
are the three words which a r e - t n o r d e r ' m a c e ' a c m e ttnd
that AtnerijCfta.wlKes.are were ef-
. ..„ • 4
Grewl—Aw» you afraid ot dogi t
came, „ » _ _ . . 1 . j f t a w f Willie—Pa. what Is p»r»OB*t- Howl—T*»r every , Ume I e»t
"nut clots hide!, Each: word _
fltent l.ousekeepers^tha'h European. lty?
Canberra. them I get indigestion.
^' letters, arranged -••-27
3. 3.1G8 grains: women. That's
T ' because they! Pa-^Tfs that something * that
4. Tirtdgo of your noa«. don't «Uy In one apartmeut long Keeps you from looking the way THK
FOURTEEN. The Woodbridge Leader, Friday, March 27, 1931

, a* yellow'c&l lic.ked a li,t- HIGH PRESSURE PETE—Fatent Applied For

of klttfens.* '-Atyl «* Hit* ^un
wity* alV those rdUlng hilte
tliiit London Ipved we're splashed
•1 uith color, with greens and blues
antt crimson and.all the gallant
i f »f
• It was strange 'to be where n
Yow Oughf to 1ft [strong niftp ltVedand tio'flnd the
Dirt Hen I !*ood earth ^as beautiful and as
—;—— ^ stiong i as he ha d found it. . . -.
$itting in tin- sun, in a nice I d4dn t know London, and I saw
warm corner, in a quiet place, j him but once. He cattle to a
Work to be ddne, but you don't | group of young fellows, and talked
w»Ht te -de~4ir~<tHHng in tire stnrd-te>- themt He was a little scornful
•n>1 nnhnily ghautUm, " ¥ e » nmet "X wi-thlnk, b w u s o w e were stfH
hop to it! ' Sitting in the sun 'in school instead of in life.
With peace upon your face. Just! .,; *• * •
sitting in the sun, and not ashanir j He had learned more, he said,
& a bit. Jusr being lazy. Folks from oyster pirates and vagabonds
who work.,are crazy and don't! trod children of the abyss "than we
fcttow when to quit. j would ever tpanirtoffi books and
, Sitting here, in the morning. professors. He told us so and we
sun, watching little green leaves.'more than hall believed him. And
Like, the'Jtttle bird in the poem (he said one thing I have not for-
"lets b^is whole "being o'errun gotten.
with the deluge of summer he' re- He stood there before us, with
-tiitHrejb'f-Aiid like, tbat little Wn* his eyes flashing and threw trot
in Other ways.' JuBt satisfied to his open hands and shouted: "You
Ift'iB^Hiret pfralae. Of the clear must set y your hearts flaming ag
Blue Bkyi Of the small grass against we a wall for all to.see!" And
coming out.; Of buds that swell.! n could see the wall before us.
Of, the nierry shout of distant i* d we could see 6ur red hearts.
children playing. Of the sweet i flaming there—and we knew that
-3Rt-M»eU *>t the old •byewH-e»itfr.f U*^wall he -meant was Life 11-
Of the. happy ' sigh and the easy aelf, and that our flaming hearts; t==~^^^r*:
mirth . of this cheerful morning. were the things a man must do; * g=E
No' grief, np troubles, no threat, UInf e this world to justify his little
no warning, noMoud command: - <w
he U
enough, -it's perfect, at such a ! vwe rh>" ile
subdued boys for a little
time Jus.t to be Bitting, sitting in : - We wantedTTrmugh It off.
the sun. jbut-we couldn't. He had held our
Every, sound la a cheerful i y o u n B hearts in his twn strong
rhyme.* Birds hopping 'round.jhands, he had burned something
Tiny things crawling under twlgi™"* u ws -a s a ni ldk ew e worshipped him.
; and "grass. Every tree U° •" t a Pilgrimage, going;
dressed'up in pink or Vhite or 0 dthe place where Jack London
other bloom. Softly "the hours;'^ l i ved I .- a J ld 1 _ dle , d * They said i
fraHa .^A^'H rrirtrti thprp'^:^en "e-djed, that he was"burned ,
room for all* for everything that's i ^ u t "; b u t I *av his heart still^
feathered or furred, or sings a flaming on those sunset hills of
loud song or goes unheard, on -ye-H the Valley of the Moon. I tell
I-saw HI
' You ou^ht to working at some
busy fellow's dare—but here you
the shirking and I know you
don't care. Here you are sitting
on the end of your spine, whittling
on a stick, spitting at a line, as if
ou didn't worry, as if it didn't
matter—ail the world's great
hurry and the world's great clat-
ter—as if your silent motto was,
"The World Is Mine." MUGGS McGlNNIS—Even Uf>! By Wally Btskop
" You're a lazy fellow, you'll never
get ahead, you'll never have a
monument when you are dead.
You'll1 never have ample of this W : t o * i wA^^"
world * gold, nor be a fine example 1b BORROW ADtrA&
to youth when you are old—and EFFICIENT DRIVIX<i T f t GNLV GO'IM* Tb TAKE A
you } Teach the wintry days >and HtCKEL .OF IT MOW *
the sun grows cold. _ You'll 'just The demands for safety in th" KEEP TU'OTHER NICKEL
have memories of sitting, in the
sun when thep$r was wor* you operation of an autoniobile
ought to So and you hadn't even stringent that the demands
begun. But I'll think of you of the law, and rightly so. Ldws
sitting with all that work to do/ are primarily to insure justice.* A
And I'll think of the peace and full appreciation of safety saves
the quiet of the place... . . and
the, singing in your heart and the lives and limbs, no matter who is
joy upon your f\ace . . . and I to'blame.
might a* well admit I'll be envy- Reckless driving is not a dem-
ing YOlf. onstration o.t skill, although the-
(conduct of m^tiy motorists'would
*" ' i i. t um a k e i l appeal that the reverse is
Where Jack London Lll>€d| <e general belief. ,
A " moment or two «saved by j
Just as It Was !reckless speeding«is.not efficiency,!!
Set Your Hearts Flaming! j•for speeding tomorrow may result
Jin a sm(aah that will lay up the!
By MA11SHALL MASLIX ! car for sieveral days and. the driver j
; for several months. Iihave said
1 went-wlie're J'ack,London".IK^fl,! ™j°™ a " J " now repeat' that
to the" .purple and yold" V a l l e y - o ! ^ ^ J j is not invariably
have pointed pjjt


•. ..... .. , -• + lees,
lees, profitless
profitless and-
and a'soa'so needless
The. ,great, eucalyptus trees w hl get'ahead of a train, he knew mem only tall- a s t r e e t c - a r o r B a n J t h e r autO mobile,
e i - j u s t as as splendid
splendid II passed
passed - , two at
savin only a momenl or
-A^eM^iULlli^QaiiJtte^aafifid ^ TmtreaTe---a-e«Inairbn: Tlie
it many times. Thereiwas that g a l n 4 n o t w o r t h t h e danger of
i mighty madrone that Jack London a c c l d e t t , particular^* wllen we
UwM and the red b e l l e s still w a s t e t l m e , B O i av ishiy it) other
blakoned the branches. .^ waya T r e a d a pamphlet i^ued
I\saw a lean rabbit leave shel- b y t h e N a t i O nal Safety CouneU re-
ter and leap, across the road< and M n U y W h i c n developed this point
into fc nianzanita bush; some^an- admirably. It is worth pondeV-
cestoi* of a timid fellow leaped in ing
iuBt auoh a way from beneath .the ^ e b < l 8 t d r j v e r B are especially
feet of Jack London s ' ^ ^ S careful at dusk or twnight. There
horses or from the wheels of hie la. t h e n n e f t h e r enough davlieht
buckboard. ^ r sufficient artfflclal light to
.*' „ x 4 . make objects d^sttoguUnable at
Except for a gasoline station, ordinary distances,
of almost every hill. HlUJng these obstructed and you. may turn, d> slwuld never be held in or be-
perhaps,/ the little town of Glen S i o w u p f o r a l l t u r o a i in t h e
U t too
t high
h i h a spee^
^d may causo rectly l iin front of- another sar
Ellen wfes just as Jack London r o a d . Blind corners are danger- ruts-at tween the arms of the driver.
kn«w it. The stables, where his O us. When it Is impossible to the driver/to lose control ot his coming.tbward you. When you Safe driving demands Wlfand
proud Percherons, his thorough- 8 e e what is coming from arotlnd' ^ tft^% and complete
bred cattle and pigs were >houMd^4hrtiis»^ner. ba jre^ared to etan. at culverts. A badjut or,a stone Into the road nor alow 4own too freedom 6f"raovenTent'of the'arms
are still there. Tlf« ra*ch Ik slIH TheSTire ^recautlbas *t wh!Sl In the road may throw your car soon. • a n d ieg6. P o r th i a r e M o n over-
alive, though.. Jack has been gone m a n y motorists scoff. But they agalnst the structure. clean windshields give you a crowding of the front Beat is dan-
these jnany years. Theawiinming .Qoff a t t n e p e r U of their very car gerous.
pool h« built was drained- creek
rdown"tne when tife.
them on both wheels. Only one
l the same- drtiouW
e a r - - v ihave
e w aahead. Every wiper
wlndsnTetd', Be sure to signal when ttrtving
filled <a the brim a natural chain may result In a serious ac- left at* least seventy-five feet to from prevent Bnow or rain, toward ojr away from the curb.
pool where J»ek London, many a cidente unction all too fre-
time. h*d your view of the road ahead ts git in the rwr of the car. They of many car owners.
The Woodbridge Uadfcr, Friday, March 27, 1931 FIFTEEN

JOE GRADY IS I on- the hour above mentioned. The
j standard proposal form Is attached to "V"
« n n i w > NICELY, the specifications, copies of which will
! be furnished on application to the
SHERIFFS SALE—In Ch n n re ry ol
_ New Jersey.
Jerse Between The Franklin
THANK Y&U" Clerk of the Board or Freeholders.
The t)oard reserves IM right to re-
Society lev Home Building and Savings,
Confpfalnant, and Arthur N. Plerson,
ject any or olf bids if' deemed to the us Receiver of Radio Associates, et.
Patrolman Joseph Qrady i8 u re-lb*st
By interest
order ofof the county so to do. aft., Defendants. F) Pa for sate' of
the Board 'of Chosen mortgaged premises dated February
coveting from an operation at the Freeholders 6t Middlesex 10, 1981, , , "
ivrtfi A hi boy City Hospital, By virtue of the above stated wftx
"Smiling Joe" was taken ill sud- to me directed and delivered, I will
denly Sunday and was told by Qf. «pose lo sale at public vandua nn
| would have to be per-
f o r m e d Immediately —• which SHKttlFF 8 SALE
t APRIL. A. D. 1881
at 3 o'clock In the afternoon of said
day at the Sheriff's Office In the City
meant that Joe had to be sepa- of New Brunswick, N. J.
rated from - hid. appendix. The IN CHANCERY OP NEW JERSEY- PARCEL NO. 6016-B—All that cer-
operation was performed the same
Bttween CIilZKNS tfUlLt>lnU A«D
tain lot. piece or parcel of land, with
the buildings thereon erected, situate,
lying and being In the Township of
At'the Perth Am boy City Hos- , Defendants. Fl Fa tor
to sale Woodbridge. in the County of Middle-
pital officials state that the opera- or mortgaged premises dated March sex and State of New Jersey, and more
22, 1981.
1981 fully described on a certain
ti map en-
tion was successful and that Joe
Is recuperating. It Is expected
• By virtue of the above stated writ to titled map of property, situated at Ise-
ttie directed and delivered, I will ex- lln, Woodbridge Township, Middlesex
pose iu sate at puuiic venuue on County. State of New Jersey, surveyed
and it's
that Joe will be back on his old WEDNESDAY, TUB FIFTEENTH and mapped by Larson and Fox. Sur-
beat on Main' street within a few DAY OP APRIL,, NINETEEN veyors. 17B Smith Street, Perth'Amboy,
weeks. HUNPRBD AND THIRTY-ONE New Jersey, which map has been .here-
at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of said tofore filed in the office of the Clerk
day iff the Sheriff's Office In the City of Middlesex County, and which lots
TilHe—Have you seen the of New Rrunswlck. N. J. are known and designated on' said
nrown'a new mausoleum? All the following tract or parcel of map as lots fourteen (14) and fifteen
Millie—No, 1 don't like those Jand And premises hereinafter partic- OU block 442-P.
closed jobs. ularly described, situate, lying and be- Decree for Parcel
ing In the Township of woodbridge amounting to approximately 13,030.
In the County of Middlesex and State
No. 601C-B
PARCEL NO" 7M6-S~An that cer-
~-LX0AL ADVEATIMMSNT— of New Jersey. tain lot, piece or parcel of land, with
BEGINNING at a point In the East- the- buildings thereon erected, situate,
NOTICE TO BIDDERS erly line of Jensen avenue which point | lyln and being in Iselin, Township
, Notice Is hereby .given that sealed is distant northerly two-hundred forty- odbridge. County «f Middlesex
bids will be received by the Board of flve and thirty-three one hundretn* and State "of New Jersey, known and
Chosen Freeholders of Middlesex Coun- (346.83) feet from the point of inter- designated as lots 38, 89 and 40 in block
ty at the County Record Building, New section formed by the northerly line 445-C on a certain map entitled "Map
Brunswick, N, J,, on Tuesday, March of King George's Post Road with the of Iselln" situated at Isetln, Woou-
Msu 1931. at 3 P. M.. Standard Time, Easterly Ijne of Jensen avenue and bridge Township, County ol Middle-
for the Installation of four traffic reg- from thence Tunning (1) Easterly at sex and State of New Jersey, surveyed An Incident out of the ordinary in the day's
ulation signal units at the Intersection right angles with the easterly lfne of and Mapped by Larson At Fox, Civil
of the Berdine's Corner*Fisher's Cor- Jensen avenue One Hundred seven and Engineers, 173-9 Smith Street, Perth.
ner Road with State Highway Route thirty.flve on* Hundreth* O074*>
work of a Now: Jersey SERVICE Organization.
Antboy, N, J,, whioh map has been
Mov ISbY to the dividing line between lands of heretofore filed In the Office ef the
Specifications and forms of bid. con- P. J. Ryan Estate and lands of the par- Clerk of the County of Middlesex as
tract and bond for the proponed work, ties of the first part; thence running Map No. , said premises being . . . . The Rutherford Night Operator reached
prepared by W. Franklin Buchanan, (2) along the aforementioned dividing more particularly bounded and de-
county Engineer, have been filed In line in a line which runs North six scribed as follows: along the switchboard and answered the tiny
the o..c* of the Engineer at 280 Ho- degrees fifty-six, minutes West, thlrty- BEGINNING at a point on the south-
bart street, Perth Amboy, N. J., and flve and fifty-nine one-hundreths (36.69) erly side of Flat avenue .which point
may be Inspected by prospective bid- feet to a point; thence running (8) Is 140 feet west from the southwest
glowing lamp that told of a Telephone call in
ders during business hours. B i d d e n along said dividing ltne North six de- corner of the Intersection of Fiat ave-
will be furnished with a copy of the gree*, twenty-five minutes, fifty second, nue and Marconi avenue: running
the making ; . . *
specifications by the Clerk of theJ3oaM west fifteen \and thirty-five one-hun- thence 1) south parallel with Marconi "I'm all alone, and it's getting awfully hot."
of Chosen Freeholders, County Record dreths (16.361 feet to a point; thence avenue 100 feet to a point, thence (3)
Building. New Brunswick. N. J,, on running (4) Westerly in a jine parallel west parallel with Flat avenue Id feet
proper notice and payment of c i s t of with the first described course nlnety- a inches more or tans to the wall of a The voice was small, an4 frightened. The
preparation!, Bids must be m a m an seven and' fifty-eight one-hbndretM pump house; thence (K> back along
the Standard Proposal Forms In the (97.5f) £aet to the easterly line of Jen- the tine of the salo pump house 3 feet Operator gave assurance of help-while she deftly
manner design ted therein and required sen avenue; thence running (5) South- 10 inches mere or less to the north-
by the specifications, must be enclosed erly anlong the Easterly line of Jensen easterly corner of the pump house; completed another connection, to police head-
In sealed envelopes bearing toe name avenue fifty (SO) feet to the point or thenca (4) again approximately west
and address of the bidder and name place of beginning.
of the Job on the outside, addressed
along the northerly wall of said pump quarters . . . . """*••
Decree amounting to approximately house 10 feet 8 inches more or less to
to the Board of Chosen Freeholders of $3,860.00.
Middlesex County and must be accom
the northwesterly corner of the said A safety valve on the furnace had jammed,
panted by a certificate of a bonding rights, Together, with all and singular the pump house: thence (6) gack along
rompany authorized to do business In appurtenances privileges, hereditaments and the wall of said pump house 9 inches and the boiler was perilously close to exploding,
the State of New Jersey aggreetng to in anywise appertaining. thereunto- belonging or along the westerly wall of the said
pump bouse to the line of lot No. 22 the officer reported later from the house.
furnish bond In the amount of 100% BERNARD M. GANNON. on said map: thence <6) again westerly
of the contract and a certified check . . - ' Sheriff. along the said line of lot 22 and 21,
for not less than ten per rent. (io<%) HUYLER E. ROMOND, 40.45 feet to the dividing line, between
of the amount bid, provided said check lots 40 and 41 on said map; thence C7)
is not less than $600 nor more than Solicitor.
northerly and parallel with the first NEW JERSEY BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY
$30,000 and delivered at the place and S fi.Sfl
20-4-10-41 course 100 feet to the southerly line of
Flat tVenue; thence (8) easterly along
the said southerly line of Flat avenue
CO feet to the point or place of BE- "A N*t> Jeru% Initiation Backed by National R*so*rc*t"
The Inimitable Decree for Parcel No. 7606-B amount-
ing to approximately WJOO.
I PARCEL NO. 8788-B—All that eer-
• tain lot. piece or parcel of land, with
' the buildings thereon erected, situate,

. lying • and being m the Borough of
Metuchen, County of Middlesex, and
SUtc of New Jersey, known and desig-
nated ss lots nineteen (19) and twenty
130) In block fifty-one K (51-K) on a
certain map entitled "Man of property r ^ •

r PRESENTS i of Radio Associates situated .In the

(Borough of Metuchen. County of Mid-


|1 dlesex, a«d State of New Jersey, Feb-
ruary. 1927. surveyed and mapped by
i Larson aV Fox. Civil Engineers, 175 I f
j SMIUJ Street, Perth Amboy. Ne*nJta^
Your Old Electric Cleaner
say," which map was flled In the office
WITH sex as map number il92, file number
OTT: «s*Jd premises being more partlcu-
-Is GecM; for Something—
i larly bounded* - and described as fol-
i BEGINNING at a point on the wea-
. terly side of Main street distant 140 j
feet southerly from the corner formed ; I T will do for the first payment
I by the Intersectlormf the westerly side t on a'new IJooverj You,need not
HAL NAGEL'S ORCHESTRA of Main street with' the southerly side
of Midland avenue; running thence (1) j begin the monthly payments lof
westerly at right angles to Main
. street 100 feet to a stake in the north- ^5 ,e?ch until thirty days after the
BELLE MOORE iwesterly corner of lot'nineteen (19)
,|on said block, thence (2) southerly tradje-iq is made. , y.
HOT IJLl KS stong the rear lines of lots nineteen ;
(19) arid twenty 420) 40 feet to a stake i
In the southwesterly corner of lot' Thi& electric cleaner beats
twenty (20). thence (3) easterly and:,
LEE WARWICK paraUe) with the first course 100 feet ^sweeps and' Juction-cle'ans—
"^tBe same tim*. That's how it i
street and thence (-f)' northerly aJonJr
the westerly line of Main street 40 .able to remove so much dirt,
feet to the point or place of BEGIN- ;
, NING. • ; ta^s up the embedded grit as
f Decree for Parcol No. 8788-B amount-
Wana's Steak and.Chop House ing'to approximately $5,300.
. PARCEL NO. 9321-B—AH that c4r '
tain lot. piece or parcel of land* with '
the buildings the neon erected, situate. •
tfie 'surface dustand lint*
8t> Oflorge Avenue — At the Speedway lying and being in the. Borough ,ot §79,50 for the, large model
• 8-2391 N. J. Metuchen, County of Middlesex and:
State of New Jersey, known, and destg? f
nated as lots 5, 6 and 7 in. block 51-A
$ 6 3 3 for the smaller
rHEATIUC/M, M<JHT EVKKY KKJDAY NIGHT »n a certain map entitled "Revlseh
map of property belonging to Aadlff
Associates, situate In the Bornuj?* of
Metuchen, County of Middlesex, State *rc.a HtRe higher if you-
of New Jersey. March, 1928,1 surveyed purchase on our divided payment
and mapped by Larson & Fox, HvOj
Engineers. 175 Smith street. Perth' plan.
NAVICQAL Amboy, New Jersey," which map was,
filed In trfe office of the Clerk of the j
County of Middlesex on June' 22, 1938. I
as Map No. 1280, file No. 889; said!
premises being more particularly i
. bounded and described as follows; « t
BEGINNING at the corner formed;
Best Fuel for Kitchen Range, by the Intersection of the. .westerly 1
line or University avenue with the
northerly line of Princeton street,,
Room Stove and Hot Water Heater running thence (1) westerlv along'
the northerly line of Princeton I
street 100 feet to a stake fn the souths'
westerlv corner of lot 7. thence (8) I Do You Want Ideas for
$10,75 per ton northerly at right angles to Princeton
street «0 feet to a stake fn the nor**- •
westerlv comer of lot K. thmntm W j
eaaterlv along- the northerly line of nlot I Lenten Menus?* ,t
ft, 100 feet to the westerlv line of u l >! t r '
verslty avenue, thence (4) "" *
alone; the^sald w#«rt*r|v |i Tun* in tomorrow morning *t «lcvcn o'clock a i l
See It Burning i* the Window at rerslty avAhii* On f#»t to the point
j»ln<w of BBGINNING. near Ada BmW Swano •p««k on cooking vesetaktsj
Decree for Fs.rr#l No. and prcptrtng vesttabl* p4«tM,
284 HobaH Street, Perth Amboy Together with all anA ijnmitr
appurtenances thwjtnto belQndns; or
'•wtWAitjrt M V > A W W . Sheriff.
. . /• t • «
Ltmtw f-nu.i Wm'iii 2TT MflT,

. f ':Jtll nrl itlH, illif ' . t '•>

&*"*** U ,tta«nK owliuif / i w w i ..,

i.<rl / i . &M», imtiuiw »
(• nil lilllU* I [ I T *
jam c.ili"t , Iwti
>; \ r , ,'tttlt .l
rtlit I*? >n«ir & nin.
«* if,•
or 4 luiiim nwmi
Btfwt' Hu,rnM l**v|n iMllaf !

IfCV ^;. -.fa*1 ' fr

ta&w^i wjttli 71
V»T ttoe Lrrdniaii«r,!

t*m n
4*motfTlttrir tt
vt ui Utti nil Mitj
mii» utmif
}r & tU-MtuMi* *;un , '.tun u grim in
lii-- niituitw
.^ M
" t f
' | W H » - ••4L.-31-. t««- (i ui ti'4M |HM*. "T| w ti«- »' i ' lu'V ii1 ."n»'iin.""n
I ( « ^ •rmttimiuii' «''njl tif< ,nir'tiitf*t'. «tfi« iiiinwt- m '»»


': ' i i i ll>T «d

r ^itt alnm- atatcr THOHE
j«ti iHttvwnrc J ""wll
• A'. Pltttlr TB1U11K
• t * ^«fcKk_«li ton MHutuom, .«f o r AHitn. i n w i r g m f « U N
t U S * ti U*> l*imX ANl- THIETT-ONI;
.,*: ^ r. curt n Un atwrtiooi: tr ana ;
o«' n UK StwrtFi URin ii ttH 'Jlv
lt Zl
r* particti' •••*• ti»r tn* tw *itt
iytnr aiu it*-- r u i i i ttonHrttujir u-iriiui
n f inr ir tl> inwnshtT Of V m *
tortoffr ti tot r-t>untr at HtddMaK. *"P*
"iitr T
oi tat waamit? ail* rf
dman*. tout nmiQTvt ai9>-
anr tnrv
ffOB> tte tntBTMCtMK "Wttt ttMr It r yvu.rr tlut ittu
srt»« at FHU atrvet. titena
twOT Ct

" " **
lr tii* fl'!! uut! tilt iufir tif
t m iiouw uft tmtt UIJV* *_I tt<*
(iifioreuiR ijtrtwaer tiit pooC
wltt: U» fmP fl—ctltwti c o m
fuMi. uuunrec vm a n t et«iriv-ow tun>- imt. tit* nui^u-pvutL i i J«*IBV
{Ut.H: I w t u to* wwrorfl?
tn. sttk (ff Furt: imnue t t e m >4 nortiv-
«fti tittntr toe waatafLr Uut tr Fort
« w n i * toirtv«tit> (S3' 'bur w tt»
uiT ut a nvert^uiiif eiBt iai£
ttHsj- ttr^'njn i t ucj uuiiorfiaMt^T
. Gruiiti 'Pmnruif tnifiu ni>
I murt tuai tiit um-«i--f;uuc fciiifi
•'iwi; yuu (iutisitt«r t u t riiife t^
SJTO- your
j UCtjOL 11

Bdlitf tttn.

t Leader
I^ r
. "Tut fiimtw i< ^tint Priittmr*
IS Jt-&?TT ^
ranittng*: Oonpkiiuani a n t
7< Ffc i i r matt Oi
OBtety Hard 4 1B81
l«r HUM u! murtBtniti
« Atirntw? » S o l it suit tr putilit vmuiur m
IK dintvt autuHi <m: t t
it Qflltvwrwt J vrll eft- t, T t Z X TW
aHH u'. puuht vmitlut m. &KI> THU!T! -ONE -
T a g CltagTE i^^T At tpft c ciu-Jt n ti* atto-tioot o* «UK
KH>OCXEB3f<' BUN- Otiy a- tbt Btw-«* t k « t i w it tm O M
».-ti» SwwiTt UftiM ar tin; Gf^r lane wit im<enialter j w tli sue? jmt of VBMr«A|
nr Brutmwiflk. Jff. J, , - iarn stiuatt: tvutr am t mHiomie
toe lultuwittr trwct »»r puroa: rf! n tin- Cti
aiic Btuu i /
tas vi ]
jmmiww uwntiufftttf jmrtteu> C^mit? Hi
tUte in»- q«r>wy

iiumusTv mtmni rJB unc A « M W «* tteitl- ^«»wi in mm iu ran it m iHma-

tn BiUQK UK C ai> » - « W «l|Ti tetit eoai. AxaA
jOwiae p B«i|9ll£ 'WautofiA|K. "WwdlefW alim* t i » buut^r-t11 aim if
A J,. AJKU last
o.v -toe ViMKi- it fimtti fttrwr. ir ii«u«-
of o j ^ itimor«( urn
w w w tiwuu a? l , i >

tot uurtoawn uwnr

. ftmitt
witt at wm
uf L,BT

TIH»»- (BOt «tid ar-ii^rj- i40> ut: t -niui it

Lm>ch Room
1 NC O R V O R A T E D
t>ullctitie Hn* twiiB^iuf ti fwrnuti •'
Outfit Ktfwjt 2U£i. 181ft am *
i t tbf- CHWC # VOluHt a tut Cuuntj S
f Kiud«*tet
Itanir t t e aun»' wanuam rimveywd a<
'If BHltJ JUtllf* StlUhnUT: 1>T QtWt Iif
"" - CHnJurBttwu t ct»rjniraitoi
i-it- t XjStint- \ti ,ti» rSiiuirty ii;
i t JunHr. 8M' irf Xw«di I m
it! Cuutn.?- in; J~ue& <OSi, \
* F.y«tt«Su.
TJM^W- amuinttuir \\

unto. X&ST
n u as.
35 Jte lur a u t uJ
BOSTON i Gerity & Co.

4 &# BUftW*
m Wvvsmmmk., K
luun uff MUO !
in t b « Crt» | BwHie*
to* W
m T* 4ur auh- rf of
« b 44 HMtntaaTtawBT f l aali triat 7 of Ctei*.
•Aworttwrtt. »utu«vt- ui t i * tadcri ttQiber fit... Kt. T ; •me .Saii-
H3 t h tf N r t i vat . I
1»( « M j
ten autffib-j«w «i tbv
I l
tn«« or jmrmd
The Woodbridge Leader, Friday, March 27, 1931

Spying on Sports SORDS POhNTS Port Reading Nine ,

f • Afoot for Combat * Pmen g
Rookie Yankee .Hurlci Real Giant
<Vntral Prww Sport* Editor
•Well." »aid a major lenRUR |
y, The Port Reading field Cluh, a "
tnewly^ organ lied. 'and- pronrhrins
senior, conibinatlon, would like to
In Third Quarter
liiiicr of note a&. tie, watched »ev/\
fral but font attempt to Bock the [
B l baraBnll. '.'tntft
t old
arrange games wfth other- senior
y'be scheduled by calling Wood
of Civic League
pill wilt .put an end to bridge 8-2^71-W between tnt "Autfie" Grfiner THITA*
iii.> I'onr Hundred Club." j
HrliiK a master of the ash* he I hours of 6 and 8 P M. . AUiPe ureiner lanes
was nnalindi to comment on the The new ciub team is being Lead in Individual Score
<mnrrtio«. bnt faded records in oitf
immhnll gulden give him the UP. managed by Ci -A. SimtoTre. The ....— . . . . . . . ,. .
TIHIP wore .400 hitters. In the an- players wilt Include ftuch atnrs a* The end of the thiwVquartet of
cient days when the baseball w»a Joe Vernilo, Al Slmions, Pat Frnt- t n e C i v l c League-matches finds tho
;i« "dead" net the frert Bilver Issue. terelo, Dan McDonnell, Shorty fl et ,, , , , .
Perhaps, temporarily, the sharp- XI.|M..l« »d M.kS ~ f l ^ ^ ™ e % t-J"
.HiiOotorH will be balked by the! .20 and high score of. 1026. They
n«»w hnll, but to say that Bill
Terry of the 1930 New York]
fliantH was the last of the .400
Down in Dixie ;iro followed by the AveneJ 6lue-
shlrts who hav* an average of
S«fi,2D and a high score of 9SJ0.
In tempting fate. Great!
can smack out preirt bat-
ilnp averages hitting _£t door
Baseball Note: "AiiKie"' Grelner of the Rotary
Club tins the high individual
ncore of 266 while Stan Naylor of
knobs. By Central Press the. Craftsmen has the high three-
niLOXI, Miss., March 27.—Joe game total of 686.
Tt. may be Argued that hatters \ Cronin, the- sensational young flfIn the individual averages Nay-
In the early days enjoyed ad*&n?J shortstop "find" of last season, lor "Is firstHewith
J i K».B4. .an avefage
Is followed closely by of
tappa not Klven modern fritters,; will he rewarded thla Beason by M e
Sehubert af the Caseys, C.
hut, nil thlnRH considered! thifc batting in No. 4 position in the J ln e * e r ' ° r t h e p a r i s n H o u s e . M ey-
IP not true. The hall. weiirht and • Washington Senators' lineup. > ,° ' Larson of the Avenel Fireflght-
illmpnKinnn. now In use, is the * * * ; era and Aandy Simonsen, of the
snmo as the one rqade official in ; ( Von hi is the first big league Craftsmen.
1R72. The National league, first shortstop since Joe Sewell's prime ; TIYf complete , Crvlc League
of the major circuits existing t<£ who ha*Tbatted in that covetwl ptH standing at the end bf the third
-rt»r.-- wiwr not orftanlied until quarter is an follows^
1S7R. "'' : * "TeSTm StiniiiniT * :
j Manager Walter Johnson gives ilo. Team- '•/• ' • * ~
It 1P tru*> that up to t m hit-' W. -lL. Pet. Avg.
tor!* wpre allowed to call'for a ' Cranin the bid because of his 2 Craftsmen 20 1 .962 889.20
or a low hall Rnd that in great showing of last season and 18 Avenel Fireman ..17
Pariah Houae ....16 45 .810 86B.29
excellent baseball swatting In 3 K. of C .762 873.6
10 11 .476
1SR7 four strlko* were permitted. 8)8.36
However, this wan offset by th* jcaron here this spring. Last sea- B American Legion 9 12 .429 7«5.8
son Joe batted sixth. Now he's 7 R 4 W
o r l d g e Fire. 5 16 .238 7ft5.49
fact that until 18*7 a base on Ro t a r y C Club
._r . . . 6 16 .238 672.16
bnllp counted n time at bat and too good for that. I, 6 Llona
Liona Club '. 2 19 .095 2.31
a hit batsman was not allowed to * • * j Individual .Score
tnko hts base. B u d d y Myer w i l l l e a d off for t h e Q,. e ( n8i . 260
In the first National leapue per- Capital Oity crew. Ancient S a m , '- — .
iod, 1R7fi-l887, under the old R i c e rates N o . 2.... Third w i l l b e 1 . . , **l«Ii Throe-Uame Score
rules tho league was led by three H e i n l e Manush, t h o d e m o n slug- \ N f t y l o r ' c ' a f tBmcn_. m
.4 00 hitters. i AKWARFS Rep. ; lnUlvlduul Averages . . . ... .
• • • . . • * * to. ^uyior, Crufujmen , 60 lflftM
Threo men have hit .400 three WITH m -Next to Cronin will bat old J o e J g - j ^ p ^ ^ ^ ; - • ; ; ; ; $ .$;f
spiisonf*. Hogera HornRhy is the iti'S SEAStol J u d g e , t h e e t e r n a l first baseman AM. Larson, Avenel Firemen ..63 183,12
only one still remaining as an w h o in recent y e a r s successfully - LSimonsen, Craftsmen 41 183,6 2
iirtlvp, Jess Burkett hit .423 in atnad efforto of O^aree Staler o n e Rs - ±-etorsoii,fariah
. Parish House til 182.22
Mouse ...SBlSt.St-
1S05; .410 In 1896 and .402 in t i m e g r e a t e s t first sacher, a n d A . Levi, Crajtamen
j ea 180.46
1 8!>flf). Ty Cohb clinked with .420 talkative young Mr.,Art Shires to F
out him from the Washington -Uua^n, Avenet Firemen ..62 178.26
In' m i l ; .410 in "1912, and .401
In 1922. Hornsby hit .401 in j Mis / / i "varsity." A. Griener, Rotary Club . . . . 4 1 IT/.
lf>22; .424 !n 1924, and 403 In i FieuD • • • W. Skay, Parish Houae 63
H. Neder, K. of C 36 174.4
1025. ! y JACK KOKDS, IViUml l»re«8 S]K>rtN Artist Sam West will most probably T. Sullivun, K% of C. .* 36 lU:i
It cannot he denied that the rab- A real giant will pastime for the New York Yankees this Beason! 65 173,27
The M. Mandemaker, Craftsmen
Jim Weaver, six-foot Beven-inch, 230-pound tower of pitching'
Baltimore convinces Manager Joe McCarthy he has' catcher and pitcher.
, Woodbridge Fire 47 170.4
i.VVuodbrltlge Fire 53 16S.51
Rtfiht of eleven .400 or better per- 1 ' "* I F . Schwenzer, Craftsmen ...,03 169,46
formance In the major leagues in McCarthy has no doubt that Jim can pitch. The mammoth t W h a t this n e w lineup of wtihi ie J. C- Clewel, Avenel Firemen .60 169.41
Petras, Avenel Firemen ..44 1««.28
the last 30 years, the so-called i rooundsman has,definitely .proven that ab an Oriole and la camp in " • " \u WUIT, Holury Club 30 169.10
-. . Cannon, Avenel Firemen .46 168.22
11° w.anr«ePa> t O ° k ^ ^ lD t h e \Mt! SL ' ^i™1*111"** F 1 f' m* Bpr!ng - \ ' I t h i s season* Is, of course, p r o b - | E. Osborne, Woodbridge Fire 23 168.22
A nrw»ter blow to ih© pote^ttfRt' However, ivhAt MvCatthy lf+n't HO sure about i« Whether or not|:lematic9l. WashmgttrnrlB the onee
dark horse of the A. Thergeaen, Pariah HoiiW .45 167.17
.400 hittfrH than the new bUll Weaver'wlil be able to field his position properly. It takes time to
coulir 'possibly be is the more btud llown from such a height and grounders ripping through the
; thej>a,crlfice fly rule. pitcher's box travel at expreoa BDead. '
halter "oopHj^ h?ph o / e L S
^l^r i
l^_E^tJ^.i!.^i^gP.!?H£.li£iJ!i8>'inS. hie flf at-flrQ-oaU^wtitU-L
piayflmows on tt»"" rtTr? . 0 V •" TOnTstate. when Pfe was Just 19 .years old. Kansas City, & . a f tsmen Beat Firemen B. Schoeder, Rotary Club 15 160.10
L. Pomeroy, Craftamen 22 160.
It wiH be a real sacrifice, had him for awhile and BO did Chattanooga. • . ' i n P I A S A A I I A V M a t o l t W. Meselck, Amer. Legion . .62 168.8
fnrhp will be rredited w i t h * tlmej , \ViiH|\inntbn tried UYavpr in I'p2 8 and sent him to Birmingham! ^ V>IO8C A l l e y m a i d l J. L. Liivingood, Rotary Club ..35 167.2O>
Einhorn, Amer. Legion . .60 157.30
hitlers rho S "!?e^?iealou?oMhS a
* d flnd
tb6D t p
N e w Haven>
Be1 an<
" Wlndin
& »P *tt« Baltimore. Weaver seemed | Wh*n star meets star'things are £•
a movie actress Is of > ,* ' * Rhowed such speed and control that the Yanks; hound to happen. And|when the R',
her close-ups. grabbed -him. Woodbridge F i r e .,26
Somebody has ftcured what the at the Green street alleys i: .^Llojw C l u b J . . . . . 2 159.
Wednesday night the 'former were g
103T sacrtflep fly rule would hare
dono to T1IU Terry's average last ST. LOUIS' NEW BROTHER BATTERY just about .able to nose out the A. GerTty,*K.
R ud
1 1 . £
o f ,c.'
20 1M.18
House ...... .19 154.8
fli-pflffhters. J. Larsen rollfd a p- , r dy.wK. of_C. .'.',.'..'.,'.', 3 163.3
season. . •,
Figuring that at leasj half iof 2:tr>"for the-fire company. , Wyld," Liona Club ','. .1V.'. ,'eo 152.*7
Hill's sacrtflces last season were Tho figures: , J. Powers, K. of C 11 151.9
nirrlflre flies hlH average tin dor ! H. Ford, Lions1 Club 20 149.5
Simonsen 157 208 , G. Kayser, Lions CluV ,.41 • 14!.,5
tin- nt'w rti!•» wotiM have read—at J 7 J W. ,Ryan, F&rlah Houae . . . . t U9.
<;43 ;•. hju..rZSi: sacrifice Ults.- >S CllW GHZ8 V 17 8
(ino; avoniue, .3ftB. lntttrmrt nf the simonsen 183 188 1 9 5 M. Trainer, Lions Club . . . . . 4 147I
Levl. ...I; V..-.175 199 1 6 0 }'• R.y>»6ha, Parish House . . . 2 145.1
rft hnt. C,:i3; hltH. 2B4: sacrifice L. Johnson, Pariah House , . 2 145.*
I!*; average, .4f01, which you Nnylor A :.2O3 £, Silas, Amer. U g l o n 22 144.9
find In ihp Record hookp. . S96 934 a Kruska. LlonafClJb . . . . . . 2 2 . 143.22
- Avenel Fine| Company I
."H. Hhnsen, Lions' Club 28 143.7 ,
O, Slessel-.; :.™.,153 158 1KO J. Breokeiiridfee, Rotary Club 10 143.2
Rbmer Bros. Pinrnen T. Cannon, 175 \ 171 _j«£ A. Httgan, Liona Club JI. 10 \ 143,1
E. Nier J ...168 16fi ?• Sattler, Woodbrld,ge F i r e . " l 9 14140
Me€>t Bosies Tomorrow J. T-arj^en 23G
'181 lft1 J..Mullina, K. of C L., 3 no,
Tho nomer Brothers llowiititr Larson lfite 191
1 en in. of Keasibey. will" swin*: ipto " i n , {<• SP e " ce T r - Xptwy Club ,.\.. 7 138.4
1 9 3 N. Duff. Lionk Club 1.22 138.9
fiction aualn f^aturdny night when 898 870 857 W.< Fenten. K. of C 4 137 1
iln*.^ will meeffl the rJosie ^rntli-ers J. Carpenter, Amer. Legion . 1 lag. •
nf 1'prth Ambfity '^ a r^ntrri match M. McLtiin, Lions Club 13 JB7.2
on Hie (Recreation " alleys. T h e ' Knifrhts Prove Better 1
A. Hruaka, Liona Club i 2 186.
C. McCann, Woodbrldge Fire.156 13B.40
Kt'asbeyltes won out in the last 1
match ano the BOHIP boys will he Pinmen Than Fire Co. A. Coley, K. of C. , 3 • JJM,
P. Ho well. Rotai-y'Club •...,35113317
out for revenge. > r. Grnusam. Lions Club 8 188,
The Casey's smoked out the H. Tompkins, Rotary Club ..11 131.9 0
Jim. star bowler of the Tt&Ht oodbvldge Fire Company i n all., ". ~Falko,
„ . , „ „, „LJona
, _ „, C,
,. , . . / B 180.1 >
-I110, who rolls with <,he General three games rolled at the Craits-1 .
M. Ktiteenv K. of C. . , . . S 129.1 3 129.2
an4 "Wte.^Natcoutar. men's Club— • alleys
" • ' ' T H. Vogel, Lions Club .
~Wednesday . 6 127.1
will he in the Romer lineup along 1 nff,rht In a Civic League match. A. Hanaen, Lion* Club 3 124.
with "Buck," Michael and Melvln. E, Hardlman, Liona Club , .24 123.28 v
I The bowling in each case waa con- H. McKlusky, K. of C. 1
sistent. J. Dume, Lions Club . . . . . .< 1i. 116,'
For Sandy Hook, N. J. Time, Merfd-
I Woodbridge F i r e rompftny ,
P. Etnhorn .._ 156 155 201
Coll, K. of C
Anderson, Rotary Club ... 8
mn 75 degree* west. VHfuraa In heavy- McCann 142 ..: 109 P. Plavln, Woodbridge Pire. 2 96.1
f.trc tyn« tndlrttt* P. M. tide*. H«l«hU S. Suprak ' 127 MOTOROYCIiB POLO -
reckoned from mean low water »*
l e d bv aoundlnire of th« U B A. Aayoe ..«...„., U 6 3 , 179 1JJ0 The FVtrds Motorcyol* Club will
Geodetic 1 SOrvev charts; * * j E. Oaborne 163 179 1?6 meet t h e Queen City Motor Club
HIGH LOW S. Osborne ...162 - 193 138 In a game of motorcycle polo a t
Time Kt. Time Ht.

aurdy 2:11 4.5 »:00
- - H.S
the Liberty Btr^et^ flejdfc t Fprdi,
March 28 »:<»,.••* 781 800 714 Sunday afternoon, :March i o , a t '
Sunday . 8:M ' " 10:0S On Knights of Columbus* 2:30 o'clock. The Fords club ex-
JJ«rch 29 8.21 itiis e.i Sullivan -.169 192 132 tends • a . cordial invitation to .alt
Monday 11:00 -0.4
March SO iM 4.9 11 tU i t J. N*eder ..... 170 ;i41 in the..townihlp - t o , attend t h e
y .fi:M 11:60-0,8 A. Gerity -....170 ., 181 game.
31 .8:58 5.0 158 I
Marvin Fterrell, o
Keating „ 143 148
9,4 pitcher, and bis brother, Rtck, ^ . " J w u r es. M. Schubert -„. 171 189 Spaxker—parrypy 1B crasy to be
:07 1:04 -0.0 Nleder -......178 l'l 192 ft radi
radio announcer.
April a right,
130 803 822
for the low of
AprH V 3 tiM ».• t:ie -1.* brother b»tt«ry, .now performing «r. mlkel
-.* Woodbridre Leaaer. Fr-c.v

All the Tow s

the lseSn School First Gradesat
_rH Pndijy. , laterestss* items of tfce work
tile «choo&. w^Si.v artkks by members of the fac- Busy Week Fords Aim
projects being carried through
Spelling Record
school page, whic£ ha* the endorsement of
....._. _ Principal John H. Lov* ajxi all of the prta- Spring Projects Keep All
cif*!*, is a joint endeavor bj t&e faculty members and d a s set Bos? — F i l t h
to btffeg the par**t| and the public in closer Gmdet Stort libnries.
wnh the acfmtps of the township srhooj sy»-
«ad the work of the children iaciaas.
N*ws of all of the schools wit! be contained In
every Friday, with the exception of the high
as pan of this paper,
aeitaainted with the pvblie. •
to publicly express its appre*
: Lov* and to the jtrittcifeals T>f the thir-
y schooU of the township. for The bosor pupils for
"#iot i^ miking this page possibk. ' are,; Joseph Kora^v,
. V. EDGAR. Buddy Z*rkorM»ki, G*or«* Bod
Ptteei|ML *a*. Edward MiUer, Mar?
Te4dr Larsoo. Glatfjr*

M a t Father Fords Court Tte*

Glass Blowers
Program in Team Ends Its jets
¥3- Vint School A g n a t man j
coatribuffoBf bare bec«
Isefin School Season by Wm y At Keasbey br the cMM
I To^d of tbdr *t«*»f^M
Acquire Maooal
nni A* a result of the
children have not oeJy
i s — S U E of more it*wi*i
.> v - * i •» • * * li-: . i • . - ! .
rf It

lookin* forward to
: 1
"iiw' «TStef SMS. >: ^ ^ l ^ y ^ f ^ * ^ "^ b<»u. 7.'
—TS> Farmer W^sf Tb«. psptls ©f Miss Aa#«r»E
Totis .*;—'— K'Cood, -tffadt ,tre


Thursday alter-
» ••• * i « » f t i r > ; t $ » 'Uwt :

whieh wa» on
here too. Mid dW
WP\H of.
t». f y n * l a t 4r h
« p « p j with «rt. vaJcias t*»k
1M.S o n J»pan. '. • • - - . . .•• ; \ - r - - • •
pil* ear&ift* tb*
The pupil* t b * hl«b*it
school?- -K«a£bey school; for
f Ute*
U* fourth
f h a^rtod
T V*kl Albert Bac-
• W* hare ranked tm *k*J
?Ftnnhi]c of school iff l e w ,.
We hope to contittue Ptte pujHl* In ltr»v>jb»irf*t1'lotirt
....... \ the j e a c * grade rff*lv«d ,prltea for
v —*- vorfc' tn *rtth[it*tic af»l ^

T ~ TT

9 1 Ttiey ar*: GeaerleVe Jittscn.
_ ^ ; ^_I*J« Nrt«p«. Ch4i-l«i Nearr. liar
3M. ilru Ji-
• • • * \

Port Reading
• ' » . .

Much lnttr**t .'has' been arou*e>

Ih th«> two f flfih iri>ad«« by th«
\ •

Own Fdrmture Siwarai School P; T. A. to Organize t •

foMnMMo • ( clr*.ulat(n« Itbrarie?
Ha%« Now IJtMmr** \
The books har» hf#n contrih-
For Next Year's Activities in May 1
t*H hv. tttttmKttr* «»fr t h e * ctassts .
faction d*»al-
r ha*

_ * ^y ' r ^I^^^^^H a^^^^^^M ^^^h^^^M ^K^k^ ' ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ .^^^h_ ^^H:

T* ^w ' - "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^B ^^^^^^1^^^^^^^^ ^^B^^^^^H^ ^^^^^fci^^^^^^^^R ^ ^ ^ ^ H ^ ^ ^ •• i^^^^^^
The Woodbridge Leader, Friday, Mardh 27, 1931

Pupils Build Vincent UosttfU of Daniel
street, Hugaman ilel^iitH, WIJUT. awn
Modd Farm visiting '.Saturday- nlklit anij.
pinked hlH tar In u vacant lot ad-
ro\l'he home or John .Schu ln correlation wttli the study of
elk, of Hoily street, Hagaiiiali Africa In Geography Uiw pupils of
H«iBiitH, Two. hours later^ Ms the Seventh'Grade have JUBI made
'on 1 IRMIUJ irum tlifir cpumy su- visit over, he went to get his cap
•j>ri inunuoik. .Mr. Lowtry and but found that all four tlrea were a beautiful frieze •-titled, "A Triif
IIII:H' township HUpervlHor, Mr, Mat. Upon investigation he found to the Water Hole" which shows
]>ovu. . • that they had been slaBiied and itmfcle life In ATtiw. -•''•'•—•--•"
'I'IIO £olluwlug "Junior I'olice" I tint the front seat had been cut The boys made v. plan of the
i>u\a am now on duty:' William: with a knife or some sharp instru- second floor of our building ,on-a
I,ou.\, Eugene 1'luey, Kobert ment. large piece of, cardboard. Arthur
iMiaurr, Lintllfcy.GodBon in the Police headquarters were noti- Grundmann was chief draftsman,
morning and William Loux, John flod and Patrolman Allen McDon- tirade 5
Johnson, William fiooth at noon- upll and JoBeph Mokfinsky were I h« eirls of MJHB Dolan's room-
time anil a [tor ttchool. IS.MII to investiKate. They found' served tea to the faculty of our'
• Win Attendance BaiiiUT i fumer prints on the car that might school on Thursday afternoon at
The- attendance banner for lust have been left there by a woman i 3*30. The girls looked very chic
W4-I k wa» won by grades live and or child. R'osetti said that as far i n w h i t e aprons and served de-
six in Miss Sacttett'B room, and the he knew he had no enemies. licioua refreshments,.
health* banner was won by
The children of this graUe Jiad .
four und flve'tn JVIIBB NUBH- '
i>a urn's rooiih '
Fords Juniors Plan a nne
fine t time .paintins e n a m e l sil-
Tlio second and third grades in'
MJBS Lmllbw'g rgom have ju»t fin-
Active Diamond Season i houettes on j g l a s s , . . T h e figures
Plan's for an active diamond were of D u t c h people, d o n e in '
ished n frame project. They .^•uHon were m a d e by the 'Fbrda correlation w i t h Geography. : "'
planted wheat for grass and the J u n i o r s Athletic Association a t a • * Grade 1
whcatflotd. A hoiibf, a barn, two meeting held in F o r d s recently. | The children, of this g r a d e a r e ' •
silos and several small building T h e F o r d s J u n i o r s will book h o m e joining t h e H e a l t h Guards and
wi*ro made. • ' travelins gameB anywhere in will try to win a badge by com- •
Twigs formed th'e trees mid.a Middlesex County or vicinity. Inp to school clean and d r i n k i n g
Noah's Ark furnished the animals T h o s e desiring t o m a k e a r r a n g e - -mtik fa eh" (Lay: - • • - - •*-
Tfte children, cut a fen<?e am[ nirntH for games may call Mana-. t —_—»_____,; „__„ .
brid^t xaiLxxlLcorrugaXtid *r»nl- ner Lesko, P e r t h Arnfroy 4W8~~6r --~- —-
ooard. They brought ttntlr toy write to him at 141 Ford avenue, Miss Vaik Houteil B a c k
automobiles and tractors. In the Fords. at Hajjaman Hei ^—
river was placed a hoirt which on*- Jn order to assure a successful
of the boys carved out of wood. season the club will run its an- School After [ness
nual dance tonight at School No.
HO\OU 14. Connie Atkinson and his We were glad to welcome Miss
The following puplts >in Rhythm Tickets
Kings will
may provide the Van Houten back after a • two
be procured
NusBhattm'R room are on the music, ~
"Honor Roll" for the last i>erind. from any member or at the weeks' illness.
••_v.h Miss Van Houten's, third grade_
Thene pupHs attained f*T_i'«r Rolle—What is Bowen doing, pupils are making a collection of
or above In every tmbjert: Kdna
Madison, Warren' Dey, OIIH Lann- these days Spring poeuiB which they are 11-
Imrdt, Lillian Farr, Martha Mann- Polle—SellUi^ furniture: lustratlng during periods. fc
ker; nlanche Jeroff, John John- Rolle—Has he soTd much? The first and second grade_pu^
son. Polle—Everything
y in his house' plla of Miss Bettnian's class have*
Much credit is due Edwin Mr A ivli^ioiis-itoliiical row of but one bedroom strite.—The Path-' completed their Dutch village
Michael of the s'xUi grade. Edwin reachitiK proportions has been finder. tubJe project.
has had entire charge of the milk prcolptlaled at (lermnntown, I'a.,
distribution during the school with the Invasion by prohibition <-oiirt .^ei'redt's to .Meet
year. His records show neat and agentu of the paritdi houfi^ of St. A re^'ilar meeting of Court
ByHtematlc bookkeeping, and his Peter's Church, above. No liquor Mercedes, Catholic Daughters of
efficient work has been a great was found. The Rev. "A. It, Van America, will be held Thursday
help to the «chool. Meter, inset, executive secretary evening, April 2, at 8 o'clock at
M. W. CAMPTON, of the Pennsylvania diocese of the the Columbian Club, tipper Main
Principal., Episcopal Church, termed the ac- street and Am boy avenue.

Where Sunshine Begets Good Cheer



may etlll have*a lot of wear to It, but why not get a brand: .
new one and spruce up for Spring. ' . "\ ;
Use the old one for .occasional wear-and step out ,ln a
smart new . ,. \ • ' .•
• See our stunning- New Sprint Fabrics at • '
$22.50 $25 . $30 1 _
Poiie Virgin xxxs. v
Suite -1 Ready to wear j
With Extra Pants Fine Blue Serge Suits
To Measure
$22.50 fc.
$28.50 Extra Trousers, $5,00
: . , , . • •

i UNSHINE is as necessary with* fininimunt of landscaping and it! The open Spanish doorway leads
a bungalow jof this type as it should always find a ready^pur-ito an open covered porch _^
• • • \

is to the fjivejr carden. It ia |dxaser if coniiitiona nectssijjlie its^ftrces th"e patio and behind which -
The Store of Good Values
deslBned ior Bright weather and being put on the market. And that the vestibule, The living room aUo Tailors—SPOT SHOP—(ients1 Furnishings
demands it if th^ full measure of is a consideration worth while and faces the patio and is unusually , Hatters .
tomfort is to be enjoyed. It has not to be ignored by ant builder. large 'with, an open grate at the
solid brick walls to Keep out tHe end for" wood firps in the chilly
neat of excessively hot days yet is r •••• > " • • • r .. i evenings that come occasionally 155 SMITH STREET
many windowed to admit the bril- even in the most delightful of cli- TELG^PHOKE: 808—PERTH AMHOY, N. J.
liance of early spring and late fall mates. There is no other heating
Kunliffht when it counts for the equipment for it is a warm weather
most. home without furnace or basement
Us whitewashed walls not on|y Both may be provided where the ,
bungalow is built in sections
contrast sharply with the green of
thy shrubbery and the foliage of a scourged by winter aero tempera- MAURER COAL YARD
wooded background, if jt happens tures. We Offer Our Service in Your Requirements Regarding
»« to be favored, but they reflect1 The qther rooms are admirably
ihe gladsome spirit which may be
expected to pervade such a home.
arranged. ,Oflf the living room js
the dining room with kitchen ad- COAL AND ICE '• ''
cheer should b« its High note, joining and a coxy little breakfast Wej AT4 the Same Ones, Under a New Name, That Served You
«r it has all1 the elements that nodk Snugly isolated and cheerful for Many Years Past, * Give Us a Gall and Be Convinced of Our
muke for it, togg$h*r with appeal with a double window, Back of it Courteous, Efficient 8©rvk» -
u an unusuisl degree. is. an inclosed porch for tha wW-
Good architecture and an interior gerator. Across the . haH is the
arrangement beyond criticism com- bath, flanked on either side by a
comfortable sleeping room with
bine to make this little burifralow
«mt motive. It is of the typa which double exposures. All in all it IN 901 Htrte Street, Perth Ambqy, (Sfctt*«r), N,
is ea«y to make *ttracUv« with a • TWC>t * PLAN * J t O - S H - onally flne little TBLHPHOWB PKRTH AMBOY
Th. c<;mjn«ii Brkh
•>» trick ewmtmettoo M «t upo« w n w i
AwK>clftCian, Ckvel«uU, Obl«, M D furnfat
;+ — *f • * < • ?
TWENTY. The Woodbridge Leader, Friday, March 2 7,


THE STATE I* Rapidly Becoming Monday to Friday Evening : 35c
J I U k s e x County's Mott Pofmlar Saturday and Sunday Matin««.......5Oc
Saturday and Sunday Evening* .'_t40r-
New Patrons Each Wed* Find
Their Way to Our Doors— DBRIDG Kiddies—15c Always






COME EARLY— /' iSbe ^ ^ liXer m a n
'—but i s h e w o r t h tht
* P'iVe? Ht
' quashes her illusions, breaks ; M,
i her heart, drags her from luxury to the law's clutches. Yet she love* him—-s«5e whj!
nee at 2 P. M.
BRING THE FAMILY rnrill to the new Clara, you've never seen before. Evening, 7 and 8.45


The t'irsl I^nly ai the Screen iu the first


•lual r«>U' she has ever gt\en to the world— **

as her
two vUfc.l, \ibrant |>ortrajais tn *one
picture! >


l f
. , • ^ ' \ • '.'• • •


1 • * I





-IN- -IN-
It's Love
•'• stprw tenter the man everybody bate* and feara. 'ftcarefaMu! of laughs! A «1«> of tkrUlu—la tkU sriant«g ooUectate
wbo aeas all, knows all* and tells all he knows. That's ikmcinlt, the "A1X AMERICAN FOOTUAU. THAM" Is
to this Ugceit of Ua wlgMy n>l««. dee4 him build up a woritf o* hate
:-*i--. • » '

1 •••*•

Ttoite—JMB CrmwWd • "Pod". CoaptM in "Car of Qrowhrajr" ft Bock J M M ia "Mia Witkct Law"

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