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Writing project

Student: Mariana Hernandez Alanis

Grade: 1!°
Group: C
Shift: Evening
MARIANA Hernandez Alanis

She was born in the State of Mexico on January 31, 2005

lives in the CDMX with her family, when she turned 4 years
old she entered the kindergarten "Erandi" in which she was
chosen to be queen of spring for this reason she toured all
the surroundings of her school in a parade distributing
At 6 years of age he entered the primary school El amo
Torres in which he spent 6 years studying the basic level,
while he was in primary school he did 2 sports in which he
was in first place and took the Gold medal

Competition at age 8 in a volleyball competition she and

her team were in first place in basic selection of the
aforementioned sport.
At the age of 10 he competed in athletics covering 8km in
which he won the gold medal for being in first place.

At the age of 12 he entered the Federico Froebel

No. 98 high school in which he studied his 3
years of high school.

At the end of high school in 2021 entry to

the upper middle level obtaining a place in
the cetís 6 for this reason he is currently

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