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Its correct use is necessary to express experiences or memories that occurred long

ago, but of which memory is still kept or are important today. Thanks to this, its use
is very common and it is important to know it perfectly.

Structures and conjugation of the present perfect

The present perfect has three structures: affirmative, negative and interrogative,
which are ordered in the way you can see in the tables below.

Structure affirmative

Sujeto Verbo en Verbo en Complemento Traducción

auxiliar participio
I Have Talked To the doctor He hablado
con el doctor
You Have Played Videogames Tú has jugado
video juegos
She Has Worked In radio station Ella ha
trabajado en
estaciones de
We Have Been To Tijuana Nosotros
hemos ido a
They Have Learnt Korean Ellos an

For short forms use:

Sujeto Verbo auxiliar Forma corta Verbo en

I, you, we, they. have I’ve, you’ve, we’ve, Talked, played,
they’ve worked
He, she it. Has He’s, she´s, it´s Worked, learnt,

Structure negative:

Sujeto Verbo Not Verbo en Complemento Traducción

auxiliar participio
I Have Not Watched That movie No he visto esa
You Have Not Cleaned The house Tú no has
limpiado la casa
He Has Not Called His Él no ha hablado
grandmother con su abuela
We Have Not Sold The house Nosotros no
hemos vendido la
They have Not Written The report Ellos no han
escrito el reporte

Structure interrogative,

Verbo auxiliar Sujeto Verbo en Complemento Traducción

(have/has) participio
Have I lost My wallet? ¿He perdido mi
Have you eaten In that ¿Has comido en ese
restaurant? restaurante?
Has she cooked Pozole? ¿Ella ha preparado
Have we traveled In an airplane? ¿Hemos viajado en
Have they read My novel? ¿Ellos han leído mi

Adverbio Descripción Ejemplos

Ever We use ever in interrogative sentences Have you ever been to the United
Never We use never in affirmative sentences but the I have never cheater in an exam.
meaning is negative.
Just We use just to express a recently completed action The cat has just caught a bird.
Already We use it to express that something has happened Don´t forget to bring you book! O I
sooner than expected. have already brought it.
Yet We use in in interrogative and negative sentences. Have you done you homework? No,
It suggests a time later than expected I haven’t done it yet.

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