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According to the French dictionary to SCHOOL that provide it of schools and a regular system of
primary education a region or a country given. It assure a school teaching to the children, to
submit to the school obligation the children middle-aged. To submit to a school discipline, to
make adopt a physical or moral behavior in conformity with this discipline. And that speaks to
school speaks of education.
Is this counterpart reason important to school the girls and the boys ?
The answer to this question is going to take us to demonstrate brief way on the one hand on the
other hand the importance of the schooling of the girls and boys the importance of the education.


I.1) The essential role of schooling
In a country to strong demography the level of the employment is the best criteria of the
economic and social situation, and the creation of employment measures it clearest of progress to
accomplish. The extension of the employment is there the surest means to increase the global
income and to assure a larger diffusion of this income.
In this domain the data of basis are precise enough: the birthrate and the demographic
extrapolations that she/it permits to establish give, fifteen or twenty years in advance, the
measure of the jobs to create. The uncertainties that cannot weigh on the birthrate in the future
reverberate on the numbers of the active population that to the beyond about fifteen years.
One observes a role positive of the teaching in terms of construction of the citizenship, of
knowledge avoiding the scientific fracture and of the opportunities of employment in many
services. The teaching is an investment intergénérationnel that concerns the professional life
The essential role of schooling evoked, we are going to show the importance of the schooling of
the girls and boys on the one hand:

I.2) The importance of the schooling of the girls

 Schooling of the girls: a powerful lever of development
The schooling of the girls is an essential element of their access to the economic autonomy and a
major stake of development. By the education, they win in knowledge, what influences for
example on the infantile mortality because once mothers, they will have the good gestures for
their children.
Their schooling is in progress in the world, so much in primary that in secondary, but strong gaps
persist according to the countries.
If there is an obvious 'equality' with 16% of girls non schooled in the secondary in the world in
2012, against 15% of boys, she/it hides big disparities according to the countries. For example,
more of the half of the girls (54%) are not schooled in sub-Saharan Africa against 47% of the
boys (UNESCO source - 2012).
Focus on Senegal, where the schooling of the girls permits to fight against the precocious

 The schooling of the girls, alternative to the precocious marriage

The practice of the precocious marriage is encouraged by the precariousness, especially in the
underprivileged farming zones where the families have the tendency to get married their
daughters, because they are not able economically to raise them. And the custom that wants that
one gets married them since 13/14 years weighs a non negligible weight also...
To Amazed Garage, farming community far from all infrastructure and big city, with a growing
population (25 000 inhabitants distributed in 50 villages and 20 hamlets), one yet organizes itself.
A dynamic educational team, in tie with the parents, fights to encourage to the maximum the
access of the girls to the college.
Thanks to financing of Caritas, the residency in ruin has can be cleared; in 2017, the AEM take
the relief to sustain this program, allowing these teenagers thus to reach studies of general or
technical teaching and to escape the precocious marriage.
The education contributes to the girl's emancipation and allows him to escape the precocious
marriage. Today, an educated girl is a leader for his/her/its generation. The education participates
therefore not only in his/her/its personal blossoming but guarantees his/her/its future also.

 The sensitization to the girl's schooling

The sensitization to the girl's schooling carried its fruits, because it permitted to make progress
the indication of parity filles/garçons of 0,86 in 2011 to 0,99 in 2018 to the primary and 0,74 in
2011 to 0,86 in 2018 in the secondary general where the girls represent 44% of the strengths of

 The advantages of the education of the girls

The schooling of the girls is an essential element of their access to the economic autonomy and a
major stake of development. By the education, they win in knowledge, what influences for
example on the infantile mortality because once mothers, they will have the good gestures for
their children.

I.3) The importance of the schooling of the boys

The education is a powerful factor of change. She/it improves health and the means of
subsistence, contribute to the social stability and stimulate the long-term economic growth. She/it
is as essential to the realization of each of the 17 objectives of lasting development. And as boy to
be able to succeed to his/her/its ends, to become independent, in constructing itself/themselves in
order to become someone of where the necessity of schooling because she/it is to the basis of the


The childhood is a vulnerable period in the cycle of life of the women and men. Considering the
care that children health, food, education, requires. The childhood can be a real challenge in the
poor farming and urban zones. The whole world agrees to recognize that the education for all is
the key of the development. For the a few 218 millions of children that work, the access to an
education of quality is the path toward one life better.
Thanks to the education we learn the knowledge to live:
Once very armed, each will make its choices freely, each will be responsible for his/her/its life,
but there the school also has his/her/its role: to learn to become responsible, to learn to become
one - even, to good to know itself/themselves to choose well and well to decide.
And on the other hand we have ten (10) reasons that prove that the education is important to have

II.1) The education is powerful

When the children go to the school, their brain develops itself, their mind dilates himself and
their eyes open up. The education has the power to change the world, if we let it well, while
allowing every child to have access to the training.
II.2) The education is the first step toward the understanding interculturelle
Geography, history, social studies, is as many topics landed from all over the world in the
schools. More we consist of the world, more we have information accessible to the hand, bigger
are our odds to see like what look the life of" the other ".
II.3) The education reinforces the confidence in evening and
towards the other
When the children learn to read and to write, they become confident in their capacity to succeed.
Every question which they answer correctly reinforces their capacities and their confidence in

II.4) The education fights against poverty

With the education the opportunity comes, especially the opportunities of employment. The
higher education prepares the children to a larger range of jobs and professions, giving them the
possibility thus to change the cycle of poverty in their family.

II.5) The education encourages one healthy life style

The children started learning the nutritional concepts in the school, they are encouraged to be
active and begin to understand the importance of the well-being.

II.6) The education encourages the decision making

and the critical thought
The children who frequent the school learn the values, the morals and the means to solve the
problems. With the capacity to take important decisions and to consider all possibilities, the
children will have more success undoubtedly in their personal and professional life.

II.7) The education contributes to the development of the

expertises interpersonnelles
The school is the first opportunity structured for the children to create some ties with other
children of their age, with rules and instructions to act correctly and to treat itself/themselves one

II.8) The education develops professional expertises

More you will teach some, more you will win expertises. As we learn, we begin to innovate, to
initiate and to consider all professional opportunities that present themselves to us.
II.9) The education forges the character
The company of the school helps us to learn that we add, some what we believe and what role we
play in the world. This sense of oneself is essential to the personal growth.

II.10) The education can change our future

To go to the school doesn't only have an impact on the future of the children, but on the future of
their families, their friends and their communities. As more of children are educated, the world
becomes a more luminous place.

The education plays a role determining in the perspectives of the young and in their odds to
succeed in life, and throw the bases of the blossoming of the learners in their life citizen and
social, on the market of work and in their personal life. From where the importance of schooling.

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