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Common krait (Bungarus caeruleus) — Venomous Elapidae Identification * It is bluish-black or black in color with several narrow light or white cross bands on its body along with a narrow head. * Narrow and slender body and is about one to one and half meter long. * Neurotoxic venom Sea snake— Venomous Elapidae (Hydrophidae) Identification * All sea snakes have paddle-like tails and many have laterally compressed bodies that give them an eel-like appearance * Short and stout & yellowish-white belly. * Myotoxicity (predominantly) & neurotoxicity Common Indian Cobra or the Spectacled Cobra (Naja naja)— Venomous Elapidae Identification * These snakes are easily identified by presence of the hood with dark spec like mark on the dorsal side of its head * Colour may vary from light brown to dark brown resembling almost black. * They vary in size from one to one and a half meter * Neurotoxic Rat snake — Nonvenomous Identification: * Very long body with dark colour patterns on the whole dorsal surface. * Posterior body reticulated with black colour net like markings. Saw-scaled viper (Echis carinatus) — Venomous Viperidae Identification * They are the smallest of the big four and the adult measures only about 0.3 to 0.5 meters * They are rough scaled vipers with large eyes and a characteristic wide viper head with a stubby body. * Their body colour varies from light to dark sandy brown to grey and have peculiar zigzag darker pattern all over * Vasculotoxic Russell’s viper (Daboia russelii) — Venomous Viperidae family Identification: * These snakes ate short in length (up to maximum of 1.5 m). * Light brown ood with black or dark brown Pings extending. throughout the body can be und. * Head is triangular in shape which is a characteristic of most vipers including the pit vipers. * Head scales are small * Its venom has mainly haemotoxic characteristic but neurotoxic content of the venom is also very potent Common Krait Cobra King Cobra (Ophiophagus hannah):— Venomous Elapidae Identification * These are the largest poisonous snakes of the world. * The long body of the snake is thick and fleshy with a large and slender hood covered with several large scales. * The color may vary from light to dark brown, grey to even black. * Neurotoxic

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