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Nutrition Plan 1

Nutrition Plan

Melissa Gilson

Health Safety and Nutrition

Linda Langevin

October 29, 2019

Nutrition Plan 2

Meal Plan

Meal plans are important, they can help us to save time, so that we have more time to

spend connecting with the children. When we work together it can be a bonding experience with

the kids. Working with them in this way gives kids a break from academic learning and it gets

them to learn some helpful kitchen life skills. We can also use this food making time for one on

one talking time with the kids; spending this time with them helps them feel included which is

very important. Meal plans can also help us to save money. Here is an example of the meal plan

for tomorrow October 29, 2019.

Choosing appropriate foods

For help with choosing foods that are appropriate we look at the Canada Food Guide. It

is a good idea that we also take the food color into account and work to make sure the kids will

like it. If the colors are bright and fun, they will be more likely to try and eat it. If the colors are

boring, they might not try to eat it at all. We also want to make sure we follow the Canada’s

Food Guide and provide more fruits and vegetables and less fatty foods. “Ensure preschoolers

get a variety of different foods and nutrients” (Mealtime Struggles PowerPoint pdf).

Morning Snack

Morning is an important snack because it gives them energy to learn and play and may

not have had breakfast at home before they came. We will be giving the children a choice

between a fruit cup or an applesauce cup. To go with the applesauce or fruit cup we will also

offer some crackers or rice crackers to go with their fruit. Because it is morning, we will give

them a drink and they will get to choose between water or milk.
Nutrition Plan 3


For lunch I will give them the choice between a chicken salad sandwich or a ham

sandwich. For their sandwich they can choose if they want it on a whole grain tortilla wrap or on

some whole grain bread. As a vegetable side they will have sliced pickle to go with the

sandwich. To drink they can again have a choice between water or milk, if they did not have

milk in the morning. If we had a child at our center that is vegetarian due to religion beliefs, we

would accommodate that and give them the choice of cucumber or cheese sandwich instead of

the meat option.

Nutrition Plan 4

Afternoon Snack

For the afternoon they snack we would prepare some veggies and yogurt. I would make

sure there was lots of colors to make it interesting. The vegetables will be served raw and sliced

lengthwise. This makes them easier to dip. To drink with their snack, they can have some water

this time. If they want some dip to go with the veggies, they can have that too. I would use

ranch dip because most children seem to like it better, if they do not want dip, they can just eat

them raw.

For someone with allergy

For children with allergies, we will work together with the parents and come up with

something that all the kids can eat at the same time and make a new meal plan. This way they

can still expand their taste palate without eating different food from the other children. If the

child has an allergy to gluten, we will accommodate that need as well. We will be doing this by

having the available choice of rice cakes, gluten free bread or gluten free pasta when we have

pasta on the menu.

Nutrition Plan 5

For picky eaters

To help kids be less picky we can get them to help prepare the food by cutting up some

veggies with a child-safe knife and be sure it’s only done under direct supervision (Mealtime

Struggles PowerPoint pdf).They can also help by mixing in the dressing for the chicken salad

during lunch time. This could make them more interested in trying out the new foods. They can

put their food choices on their own plate this way they have a choice on what they eat not us

telling them on what they are supposed to eat. We should “allow them to leave their plate

unfinished” (Mealtime Struggles PowerPoint pdf).


This is our meal plan for the day of October 29, 2019.
Nutrition Plan 6


Chicken Salad Sandwich


Veggies and Yogurt

Mealtime Struggle PowerPoint PDF

Fruit Cup




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