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This book is dedicated to Heeboη,
without 1ν hom it could η ot have happened.
Sincere appreciatio η for being there ,
with all your wonderful hints and suggestioηs.
Apologies for all those ho μ rs that we didη ’ t
spend iη doing our favorite thiηgs.
Thαη k yoμ.

Andrew Finch
Discussion is an activity that demands high-level thinking skills
such as problem-solving , critical thinking , deduction , inference , putting
ideas in logical sequence , and summarization, to name but a few. In
addition , students need to express their ideas and opinions simply and
clearly, using persuasion, cooperation , suggestion , agreement,
disagreement, and negotiation. These are important skills in the mother
language (L1), as well as in a second language (L2).

This book is therefore not just about getting students to talk. It also offers
students training in the techniques needed for expressing one ’ s ideas and
opinions to other people. Because of this , the users of this book are
treated not only as language learners , but also as thinking human beings ,
capable of and (wishing to) talk about things that are important to them.

Each Unit in the book follows a set structure , designed to develop

meaningful vocabulary, expressions , conversation strategies and
discussion skills , in a logical sequence:

1. Pre-reading : Every Unit begins with one or two authentic ‘ Pre-

reading' tasks. Students who actively explore the topic before reading and
talking about it are activating the ‘ reading schema.' As a result , they have
no trouble learning new vocabulary and expressions. These activities are
usually interactive , since learning is doing , though they can also be done
by students as homework , in preparation for discussion in class.

2. Topic Reading : The ‘ Topic Reading' section follows the ‘ Pre-reading’

tasks , and presents a reading passage about the main topic , along with

related activities and useful vocabulary.
Comprehension Check' questions help students to check that they
have understood the reading passage in detail and in genera l.
• ‘ Think for Yourself' questions ask the students how they feel about
issues related to the reading passage.
’‘ Background Information ’ offers useful and relevant information about
the main topi c.

3. Post-reading : The ‘ Post-reading ’ section begins the discussion

process. Students should have enough vocabulary and information by this
stage to express their opinions on the various related questions.
• ‘ Discussion ’ questions invite students to discuss the issues of the

·‘reading passage.
Conversation Strategies' present practical tools of discussion. These
are the cement for the building blocks of fact and opinion. However
knowledgeable we are , we need to know how to present our ideas and
how to link them.
What ’ 5 in a Name? / 10
Discussion / 12
Dialogue / 13

4 LIJiTIl . Opinion Samples / 14

Man ’ 5 Best Friend / 16
Discussion / 18


Dialogue / 19
Opinion Samples / 20


8 l!.I'it[] 21
’= ‘ Healthy Body, Healthy Mind / 22
Discussion / 24
Dialogue / 25
Opinion Samples / 26

Thanksgiving Day / 28
Discussion /30
Dialogue / 31
Opinion Samples / 32

Role Models / 34
Discussion / 36
Dialogue / 37
Opinion Samples / 38

learning by Doing / 40
Discussion / 42
Dialogue / 43
Opinion Samples / 44

1닝ill11iRUI~rnI l 앓 45
Generation Gap / 46
Discussion / 48
Dialogue / 49
Opinion Samples / 50

Water Shortage / 52
Discussion / 54
Dialogue / 55
Opinion Samples / 56

Creation Myths / 58
Discussion /60
Dialogue / 61
Opinion Samples / 62

Fashion language / 64
Discussion / 66
Dialogue / 67
Opinion Samples /68
Cell Phones / 70
Discussion / 72
Dialogue / 73
Opinion Samples / 74

Right-brain Jobs / 76
Discussion / 78
Dialogue / 79
Opinion Samples / 80

Well-being School Lunches / 82

Discussion /84
Dialogue / 85
Opinion Samples / 86

The Olympic Spirit / 88

Discussion / 90
Dialogue / 91
Opinion Samples / 92

Family / 94
Discussion / 96
Dialogue / 97
Opinion Samples / 98

Advertising / 100
Discussion /102
Dialogue / 103
Opinion Samples / 104

Travel in Korea / 106

Discussion /108
Dialogue / 109
Opinion Samples / 110

.r.!.1'i"r:i’‘’r:TII~:r 1:~9
Success and Happiness / 112
Discussion / 114
Dialogue / 115
Opinion Samples / 116

Television / 118
Discussion /120
Dialogue / 121
Opinion Samples / 122

Field-dependent/independent / 124 There are more reading passages and

Discussion /126 interesting activities about eat h Unit at
Dialogue / 127 www.finchpark.comfdiscuss.
Opinion Samples / 128

Family and Friends

We ’ re going to meet seuen peopLe in this book.
They wiLL work through the topics with us.
Let ’ 5 find out who they are.

Here’5 Grandma Brown.

She’5 Mlchael’5 mo"ther.

Here are M u m (Helen Brown)

and Oad (Michaoel Brown).

Jenny and Kevin are

5i5"te r and bro"ther.

Kim Ji-hye iØ
Jenny’ 5 frien t:l.
Park Sung-min i5
Kev;n ’5 friend.
Michael Abigail
James Nathan Alexis Emily
John Nicholas Alyssa Emma
Jonathan Ryan Ashley Grace
Joseph Samuel Ava Hannah
Joshua Tyler 8rianna Isabella Sarah
Matthew William Chloe . Lauren Sophia

We think the top 3 boy’ 5 names are : 1. 2. 3.

We think the top 3 girl ’ 5 names are : 1. 2. 3.

* The answers are in the Answer Key , at the back of the book.

Here are some names and their meanings:

Edward • Wealthy guardian Trevor • Big village Natalie • Christmas Day
Kevin • Kind , gentle , handsome 8renda • Sword Rachel -+ Innocent Lamb
Rowan -+ Li ttle red one Emma • Whole Sophia • Wisdom

댈훌힐 By yourself Student A: What ’ 5 your name? What does it mean?

Student B: I think it means ... / I don ’ t know. / I’ m not sure.
Ask some people in your class about their names.

Name: Name: Name:

Meaning: Meaning: Meaning:

Name: Name: Name:

Meaning: Meaning: Meaning:

(J Read this passage together.
.;) While you read , answer the questions on the next page. Track 1

Imagine you are choosing a name for your baby brother or sister. What name
will you choose , and how will you choose it? Each cu1ture has its favorite names
and customs , but if we consider the whole world , the possibilities are endless.

Mongolian names have beautiful sounds and meanings , such as Bayaarm:

‘ Mother of Joy. ’ If you have seen the movie Dancing with Wolves , you know that

American Indian names like Chilam (Snow Bird) and Demothi (Talks while
Walking) describe what the mother saw when the baby was born. Eskimo babies
are named by elders after relatives or favorite people , while in Russia long ago ,
you could tell someone ’ s occupation and family relationship from their name.
For example , Portnoi means ‘ tailor ’ and Ova means ‘ daughter. ’ Therefore ,
Portnova means ‘ Daughter of the Tailor. ’

- Many people use astrology to choose a name. They believe the stars and planets
can affect the child in a positive or
negative way , so they want to choose an
auspicious name. As we can see , many
things influence the naming of the child.

- ‘끼끼 I
” 를-를i메


1. Do people in different cultures use the same names?

2. Where is Mongolia? b. custom c. consider

e. occupation f. relationship
South America ~ Asia Africa Europe h. astrology i. planet
k. influence
3. How do American Indian women choose the baby ’5 name?
1. a job; career
4. If Pastukh means ‘shepherd ,’ what does Pastukhova mean?
2. a large object which goes round the sun
5. Can you explain the meaning of ‘ astrology ’?
6. Why do people consider the position of stars and planets when 3. a pattern of life passed from one generation
to another
choosing a name?
4. a person who makes and repairs c1 0thes
7. The passage explains the best method of giving a name to a
baby. True False
5. an older, senior, aged person
6. connection between people
7. to help to change; to effect
II류t'i1~r.t톨깐톨l 8. lucky; favorable ‘

9. the arts, beliefs , and behaviors of a society

仁 Do you know any unusual names? What are they?

仁 If you could change your name , what new name would you 10. telling the future from the study of stars
choose? and planets
• My new name is: 11. to think carefully

仁 Can you make a unique name (one that has never been used
before)? What does your unique name mean?
• My unique name is:
• It means:

Background InformatLon
r father’ s first name. If your name is Demesíe Bírhanu ,
Ur father might be cal led Bírhanu Tesfay, and your child could be called Bεín Demesíe.
r~llo,.j h、I -t.h p. ir n찌mations. For example: Evans the Bread (Baker) and
-In Wales ,

- 1n England and the U5A, many family name5 gtill refer to the occupation5 of the ance5tora For
example: Albert Miller, George 5rnith , Terrv 5aker, Alice Tai|0r and John Nobleman.

- In Iceland , most oeo l? le have no family name.

-1n POπugal, ever밟 has two family names: the mother’ s fam ily name and
the father’ s family name죄쁘person can have Uo to six nameS!
11____ -

<J TaLk about the questions below.
~ Use the Conversation Strategies at the boUom of the page.

[I 야
띠 yoωu kno
뻐 ww
삐빼ho 다c 대hose yOl
~ How did they choose it? What was the reason?

〔톨 Are you proud of your name?

~ Why? Why not? Support your opinion .

! Does your name affect your personality?

~ Please explain your opinion .

4 Is it OKto ‘ westernize ’ your name?

~ (e.g. Ji -hye Kim instead of Kim Ji -hye)

[[ Is it OK to have a Western nickname?

룰 What names would you give to your son or daughter?

~ How would you choose the names?

[I Wωld you let your elders choose your chi빼me?

~ Why? Why not? Support your opinion.
롤 Why do you think people change their names?
’ Can you think of any famous people who changed their names?
~ Would you like to ch ange your name?

[! What do you think about astrology?

~ Would you ask a name-maker to name your child?
’ Why? Why not? Support your opinion .
Asking for information: Making sure(l):
• Excuse me ... • What did you say?
• Can I ask a question? • Pardon?
• Do you know ... ? • How do you spell it?
• Can you tell me ... ? • What does it mean?
• I’ d like to know .. . • Can you say that again?
• Pardon me for asking , but ... • One more time, please.

ialogue (pairs)
;) Li sten to the dialogue with your partner.
‘ Perform the dialogue together.
에 Change roles. Perform the dialogue again. Track 2 Key Words & Expresslons
Ji-hye Hi , Kevin. What are you reading? a book about a famous person , but
not written by that person
Kevin Well , ... do you know what a biography is, Ji-hye?
a leQend in his / her time
Ji-hye Let me think. lsn ’ t it the story of someone ’s life? someone who is very famous
during his / her lifetime
Kevin Yes, it is. This one is about Muhammad Ali , make a new start
to begin a new life , leaving the old
the heavyweight boxer. one behind
Ji-hye He threw his Olympic Gold Medal into a river, didn ’ t he? “ That explains it."
" understand , "
Kevin That ’s righ t. He ’s a legend in his time. “ That’5 the reason ,"
man of peace
Ji-hye He wasn ’ t always called Muhammad Ali , though , was he? a person who believes !n peace
instead of war
Kevin No. He changed his name from ‘ Cassius Marcellus Clay.'
Ji-hye ls that the man who said “ 1 have a dream"? /‘•
,r ‘


Kevin No. That was Martin Luther King.

Ji-hye Oh , yes. Why did Cassius change his name?
Kevin 1 think he became a Muslim ,
so he wanted to make a new start. 짧
Ji-hye That explains it. 1’ve heard that
he was a man of peace.


1. What i5 the difference between an autobiography and a biography?

2. What wa5 Muhammad AIi’5 original name?
3. What did he throw into a river?
4. Why did he change hi5 name?
5. 15 it pos5ible for a boxer to be a man of peace?


Oplnlon 5훌 mple훌
\) Which opinion do you agree with? Why?

I~괴괴.. 1 Track 3

It’ 5 not right to ask elders or fortune tellers to name a baby. of li원~1)1얀힌헤씌컸해갖원r.m-.
course , these people know about tradition and customs. But
fortune teller
they ’ re not up-to-date , and they can ’t understand how quickLy someone who uses ca rds or
the position of the stars and
the worLd is changing. A name that was good 50 or euen 20 years planets to predict the future
ago can sound old-fashioned now. I think chiLdren shouLd choose not up-to-date
not understanding modern
their 0ωn names when they grow up. Till then , they can be called times; old-fashioned
“ son of ... " as in Russia and other countries. in tune with
living in harmony with
tell the weather
I!I파파파.~ Track 4 to predict the weather in the

빼 빼
near future


M m


What ’ 5 wrong ωith Letting the stars and pLanets decide a baby’s


M c ”

M m

name? There are many things in Li fe that we can ’t understand ,



S mi m

but that doesn ’t mean they ’ re wrong. Our ancestors were in tune
with nature and the seasons. They could tell the weather , euen
without sateL Li tes . We haue Lost touch with our roots . If I euer
haue a child , I will ask an astrologer to choose a lucky name , just
Li ke my ancestors did.

웰 Choose one of t뼈 bate statements below. Write it on the line.

1. People with the same family name should not get married.
2. People should not be allowed to change their names.
3. Children should take their mother’5 family name.
4. We can tell someone ’5 personality from his/her name.

빨 Debate together in pairs or groups .

• One team or person should agree with the statemen t.
• One team or person should disagree with the statemen t.

흥 티
Ther대 e ar대
아re reading passages and interesting activities about Names at www

'(~~ .. I렌R멘I표잘쿄필훌•
‘.' "Þ l~힌I!I.'.ll파릎E파흩l

What type of pet? )[ Whynot?


What’ 5 its name?
!+ Because ...

How long have you had it? 야

What do you feed it?

How often do you feed it?

[ Where does it sleep at nigh t? 야 ----------

렐훌힐 Groups
How many pets can you think of?
What are the good things and bad things about pets?
Work together and write as many things as you can.

Types of pets

Good things 8ad things

about pets about pets
llike pets
because …


Read this passage together.

~ While you read , answer the questions on the next page. Track 5

Cropper is the perfect pet. He is friendly, loyal , and he likes to be stroked. However,
Cropper is a fox! In Britain , foxes are considered to be pests , eating trash and killing
farmyard animals. Cropper is different , however. He behaves just like a dog. He was badly
injured in a fight , but his owner took care of him and gained his trust and friendship.
- This news item is adapted from Reuters (8 May 2007) .

What do you think of this news item? Can a fox be a

pet? Can any animal be a pet? ‘ Exotic ’ pets
(spiders , snakes , frogs , crabs , insects ,
etc.) are becoming more and more
popular in the West these days. Some
doctors even prescribe “ therapy
animals" to sick people who need exercise , fresh air , and

Wolves were probably the first animals to be domesticated , at

least 10 ,000 years ago. Since then , their descendants have
become ‘ man ’ s best friend' in a number of ways. Not only are
dogs good pets , but they also guide blind people and help the
police. Cats have been around for a long time as well. You
might not believe it , but they were sacred animals in Egypt ,
where the goddess Bast had the head of a ca t.

These days , pets give friendship and joy to

many people around the world. If they ’ re
given a good home , they can be like one of
the fami1y.


1. What do people in Britain usually think of foxes? MQtc l1 t l1 e wo . . ots

2. How is Cropper different from other foxes? b. pest c. injure

e. prescribe f. therapy
3. How did Cropper meet his owner? g. domesticate h. descendants
i. sacred
4. What are ‘ therapy animals'? What are they used for?
1. a bad person , animal , or thing
5. What were dogs before they were domesticated?
2. children; offspring
6. How do dogs help humans? 3. holy; divine

7. Why were cats holy animals in Egypt? 4. to hurt; to damage; to cause harm

8. What is the modern role of pets? 5. to order medicine for someone

6. to tame an animal for humans
7. treatment for an illness

8. trustworthy; faithful

. m ·ma


n mQ

r w

仁 Do you know any holy animals , besides cats?

r:: Do you know any animals that help humans , besides dogs?
r Ifyou could be a pet , what would you choose to be?
• I would like to be:

r Have you heard of the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals(RSPCA)?
• What do you think the RSPCA does?

Back연round Inforroatl.On
Did you know?
- The dog , Laikia , was the first living creature to go into Sp~ce.
5he went round the earτh in a Russian satelli쁘 in 1957
- Two dogs survived the wreck of the Titanic. -
- Pigeol김경과김their way home from long distances. Birds which have been
tal짜짚00 kr낸 from home 젠감쁘found their way back safely.
- There 싫65 괴 illion dogs in the USA and 77 million cats
_Three out of four families in the 쁘맥칸~pets
- 때as b월Ero~ed that people 밴0프땐ts experience less stress ,

have fewer heart attackS , and live longer.

- Americans spen인nore money 01역으g food each year t면쁘브ba앤땐션
_ 17
Discussion (groups)
냉 Talk about the questions below.
냉 Use the Conversation Strategies at the bottom of the page.

및 Have you ever owned a pet?

’ Tell us about it.
~ Why do you think people have pets?

C면뀐 Can 따
얀ts understand 뻐

~ What do you think? Support your opinion.

~ 00 pets have emotions?

~ Can they feel happy and sad?

팅 00 pets have souls?

~ Please explain your opinion.

~ Wo 비 d you like to be a pet?

~ Why? Why not? Support your opinion.

CL Would you give a pet as a present to someone?

~ Why? Why no t? Support your opinion.

흩 Is it OK to have pets when many people in the world are starving?

~ Why? Why not? Support your opinion.

믿 Why is it OK to eat some animals , but not others?

’ What do you think about vegetarians (people who eat no meat)?
많 00 pets have legal rights?
~ Is it a crime to hurt pets?

Agreeing: Bringing someone into the discussion:
• I agree . • How about you?
• That ’ 5 righ t. • What do you think?
• Exactly! • How do you feel?
• That ’ 5 a good poin t. • Do you agree?
• You said it! • Don ’ t you agree?
• Tell me about it. • Tell us your opinion.


Dialogue (pairs)
~ Li sten to the dialogue with your partner.
I;þ Perform the dialogue together.

~ Change roles. Perform the dialogue again. Track 6 Key Words & Expresslons
“What’5 new?"
Jenny C’ mon , c’ mon .... Come to Jenny.... l-l ere , Stranger. ’What’ 5happening?" "Is there
anything interesting to tell me?"
Sung-min l-l ey, Jenny. What ’5 new?
stray ‘

Jenny l-l i, Sung-min. Meet my new pet. 1’ve called it “ Stranger." an animal with no owner ana
no home
Sung-min 1 didn ’ t know you liked dOg5. Wa5 it a birthday pre5ent? nametag
a card with information about the
Jenny No. lt ’ 5 a 5tray. lt followed me home from the park. animal’5 name and address
wagging its tail
Sung-min Really? Doe5 it have a name tag on it5 collar? moving its tail up and down and
side to side
Jenny No. 1’velooked. lt ’5 all by it5elf, with no home to go to.
crying its eyes out
Sung-min We 5hould tell the police. lt5 owner could be looking for it. unable to stop crylng
“ Iwish .....
Jenny But it ’5 50 5wee t. Look at it wagging it5 tail! ’‘ If only .. :'
“1 hope that will happen.
Sung-min Come on , Jenny. Some poor kid could be crying
it5 eye5 out right now.
Jenny OK. 1 5upp05e you ’ re righ t.
、‘ 、

Sung-min Maybe if it ha5n ’ t been reported mi55ing ,

you can keep it.
Jenny Do you think 50? Oh , 1 Wi5h ...


1. Why do you think Jenny called the dog ‘ Stranger ’?

2. Can you find a word for a homeless animal in the dialogue?
3. Where can we find the name tag on a pet?
4. Why should Jenny and Sung-min tell the po \i ce about the stray?
s. Why would some child be crying its eyes out?
6. Do you think Jenny will get to keep the dog?

Opinion Samples
IJ Which opinion do you agree with? Why?

I!R1il효괴11 Track 7

It seems to me that peopLe think more of their pets than they do ·K펀I!!하핀FιI홈얀E형~
of other human beings. Wheneuer I go to the park , aLL I see is
'"l t seems to me .. .'.
peopLe waLking their dogs. And the sidewaLks are euen worse! “ In my opinion .
'"1 think that ‘

They ’ re aLways couered in animaL dung these days. peopLe spend

"Alll see is ... dogs."
too much on cat food and dog food , and they treat their pets “ It is as if everybody is ..

dogs." lexaggerationl
like members of the famiLy. I onLy wish they wouLd spend the
same amount of money on homeLess , sick and eLderLy peopLe. paths for walking
love and affection
a caring, sharin g
|l!Il피;퍼~~ Track 8 relationship
make afuss
We aLL need to giue and receiue Loue and affection , and pets are tocomplain; to disag ree;
to grumble
as you take care of them and give them
perfect for this . As Long
have acuddle
a good home , they neuer make a fuss. They are aLways ready to to hug; to kiss; to curl up
haue a cuddLe and pLay games . of course , you haue to train
them and giue them exercise reguLarLy , but that's not a serious
probLem. I think we can Learn a Lot from pets. They are so
trusting and faithfu l. Maybe they can ’ t taLk , but I know they
understand what we say.

TILet ’'s Debate!11))


웰 Choose one of t뼈ebate statements below. W끼te it on the line.

1. Animals do not have feelings.
2. Animals can understand human beings.
3. Pets should not be given as presents.
4. Pets help children learn how to be responsible.

Þ뼈D e야ba뼈


빠떼r끼in 빠sor대댄
剛뻐 j
• One team or person should agree with the statemen t.
• One team or person should disagree with the statemen t.

훌 Further Reading
There are more reading passages and interesting activities about Pets at www .f

Imagine you can do anything you wa
Choose the 5 things you want to do mos t.
Write 1 , 2 , 3, 4, 5 in the boxes (‘ 1 ’ is the thing you want to do most).


This weekend , I want to

口口口 口미 口

口 do ae때 ICS 口 surf the Internet


口 go cycling 口 go In미빼
1너l 口 watch television

가 go shopping 口 play computer games 口 do yoga


口 play basketball 口 st떼 E떼 sh 口 go singing


口 do homework 口 do not

에뼈 口 play so야er
口 go dancing 口 go Jogglng 디 watch 뼈os

뀔훌힐 By yourself
Talk to people in the c\ ass. What do they want to do this weekend?
When you find someone , write his or her name in the box.
Can you fill all the boxes in one line?

Excuse me . Can I ask you a question? 00 you want to .. . ? • Yes , I do. / No , I don’t.
00 you mind if I ask you something? 00 you want to ... ? • Yes , I do. / No , I don't.

Find someone who Find someone Find someone Find someone Find someone Find someone
wants to play who wants to who wants to do who wants to surf who wants to do who wants to do
computer games. watch television. Internet chatting the Internet nothing . yoga.
Nome: Nome: Nome: Nomc: Nome: Nome:

Find someone Find someone Find someone Find someone Find someone 「수ind someone
who wants to go who wants to go who wants to go who wants to go who wants to go who wants to go
cycling dancing. hiking skating joggmg. smgmg.
Nome: Nome: Nome: Nllmc: Nllme: Nllme:

Find someone Find someone Find someone Find someone Find someone 「됨매 someone
who wants to who wants to do who wants to who wants to who wants to who wants to go
listen to music. aerobics. play the piano. play soccer play basketball shopping.
Nome: Nome: Nllme: Nomc: Nllmc: Nllmc:

Find someone Find someone Find someone Find someone Find someone Find someone
who wants to who wants to who wants to who wants to do who wants to who wants to
go to a movle send e-mails study English homework watch videos sleep.
Nome: Nome: Nomc: Nomc: Nomc: Nomc:

냉 Read this passage together.
내 While you read , answer the ql퍼 stions on the next page. Track 9

Can you answer this riddle?

1am the most precious thing in the world. You can ’t buy me in a shop , and you can ’tgive me
as a present. 1don ’t grow on trees , and you can ’t eat me. Everybody wants to keep me forever.
Everybody has me , but they sometimes lose me. What am 17

Did you guess? Yes , the answer is ‘ health. ’ Health is the most
M 켜뤘\ valuable thing we have. If we lose it , then money and
possessions are useless. The strange thing is that we often
take it for granted. We don ’ t think about health until it has
$\11 gone. And then we realize how important it is.

Have you ever thought about your body? It’ s a wonderful

"" collection of parts , all working together. The heart
sends blood round the body , and the lungs take in
air. Your stomach digests food , and sends it to the muscles.
The bones let you run , walk, dance , and play. Your brain
has thoughts and ideas. Scientists have tried to imitate
the human body , but it ’ s much too difficult. Yet
every new baby has a body which grows by itself, as
if it knows what to do.

The body needs exercise to stay healthy , but these days ,

people spend all their time in schools , offices , cars , or in
front of the television. Because of this , the body runs
down , becoming tired and sick. We don ’ t have to work
out every day , but we do need to be active in order to
stay healthy.


1. Can you find a word that means ‘ precious ’ in the passage?

2. ‘ Everybody has me , but they sometimes lose me.' What does this b. precious
mean? d. take for granted
f. lungs g. digest
3. Why do we often take health for granted? i. run down j. work out
4. How does oxygen get into the body? 1. a group of objects
5. Can scientists make a human body? 2. goods; money; belongings
6. Why do people get less exercise these days? 3. of great value; dearly loved ..
7. Do we have to exercise every day to stay healthy? 4. organs which give oxygen to the body ..
5. puzzle; brain-teaser
6. to accept without question; to ignore

II퓨r.P.I'웨톨τ111:1'4'. 7. to become worn out; to be unwell

8. to copy
C:: Do you know any riddles?
9. to exercise in a health club ..
r-: Try this one: 10. to take food into the body
*1 ’m as small as an ant , and as big as a whale.
People can hit me , but they can ’ t hurt me.
1dance to the music , though 1can ’ t hear.
You can ’ t run away from me. What am I?
*The answer to this riddle is in the Answer Key , at the back of the book.

Back연round Info다natl..on

Here are 10 fit:

1. Wear comfo rτa bl e shoes. Walk at least 30 minutes every
a walk,?
2. If you want t o talk t o a friend or a
f or th e wh ole day.

Our bod ies are 60% water.


9 . Make some quiet tim e f or yourself. Sitting

a natural
10 .
Discussion (groups)
o Talk about the questions below.
α Use the Conversation Strategies at the bottom of the page.

및 Do you do any exer따 e?

.. What? Where? When? Tell us about it.
〔훌 How can you make your lifestyle more active?
’ Give us some examples.
댐 What is the best way to keep fit?
.. Explain your opinion.
패 ‘An apple a day keeps the doctor away. ’
.. Can you think of any healthy foods?
’ Can you think of any unhealthy foods?
~ Some people never seem to get sick. Why do you think this is?

굶 Do you think vitamin pills help us to stay healthy?

.. Why? Why not? Support your opinion.
텐 Have you heard of ‘ health freaks'?
.. Do some people do too much exercise?
~ Have you ever been to a hospital?
.. What did you see?
’ How did you feel?
탠 What is the difference between Western medicine and Oriental medicine?
.. Which do you prefer?
’ Support your opinion.
밴 Do we worry too much about our health?
.. Why? Why not? Support your opinion.
Disagreeing: Making sure(2):
• 1’ mnot 5ure 1agree . • Right?
• 1don ’ t think 50. • OK 50 far?
• 1can ’ t agree . • 15 that clear?
• 1di5agree . • Have you got it?
• No way! • 00 you follow me?
• You mU5t be joking! • Are you with me?
• You ’ re pulling my leg! • 00 you under5tand?


Dialogue (three people

.a Li sten to the dialogue with your partners.
o Perform the dialogue together.
i) Change roles. Perform the dialogue again. Track 10 Key Words & Expressions
“Ireally don't get Kevin:'
Kevin Bye , mum. "1 really don ’t understand Kevin
Mrs. Brown Where ’ re you off to , Kevin? "Iwouldn’t ... even if you paid me."
“ Iwould never go to the gym
Kevin The gym , of course. You know 1 go there every 5aturday. "50 what?"
What’5 the problemT

Mrs. Brown "H ave a good time , then. (Kevin leaves.) What’ 5 wrong with that?"'

keep fit
Jenny 1 rea11y don ’ t get Kevin. to stay healthy
Mrs. Brown Why ’5 that , Jenny? fitness freak
someone who thinks about health
Jenny "H e’ 5 always exercising in the gym , or playing some sport or all the time
other. 1 wouldn ’ t go to the gym , even if you paid me. couch potato
someone who sits on the sofa ,
watching TV all the time
Mrs. Brown 50 what? "H e likes to keep 터 t.

Jenny 1 know, but he ’5 a fitness frea k. lt ’5 a11 he thin ks abou t.

Mrs. Brown lsn ’ t that better than being a couch potato?
Jenny What do you mean?
Mrs. Brown Maybe you should do something active , tOO.
Jenny Oh yeah? And how would 1 study for my exams?
Mrs. Brown Regular exercise gives you more energy
for studying, Jenny. 1 thought you knew tha t.


1. How often does Kevin go to the gym?

2. Why doesn ’t Jenny go to the gym?
3. Does Jenny like exercise?
4. Is Jenny a ‘ couch potato'? What does this mean?
5. How will exercise help Jenny?
6. Do you think Mrs. Brown agrees with Kevin , Jenny, or both ofthem?


Opinion Sample!훌
.J Which opinion do you agree with? Why?

l!1TI1il과괴11 Track 11

1 don ’ t go for aLL this fuss about keeping fit and staying healthy. lK포I.!.!하iL~를휩효준m하표,.
It’ s all a waste of time , in my opinion. 1 don ’ t do any exercise , but

t m4f




|’m neuer sick. 1 eat what 1 want to eat , and 1 do what 1 want to ] ”

do. It doesn ’ t seem to make any difference. If you ask me , health fuss
bother; worry
is in the mind. If you ’ re always looking for problems and
... as It comes
worrying about tomorrow , you get sick. 1 just take tomorrow as it accepting whatever
junk food
food which has no
nutritional va lue
l!Ii!피피괴t~ Track 12 skip meals

to miss meals

It ’ s easy to ignore health , espec iaLLy for young people. They think m m


they ωill always be healthy , so they eat junk food and skip meals.
when they grow older , they find that they can ’t take health for
granted . 1’ m not going to be like tha t. 1 want to take care of my
body , so that 1 can enjoy euery moment of my life. Therefore , 1
eat healthily , and 1 lead an actiue lifestyle. I' m not sacrificing
tomorroω to the bad habits of today.

TLet'S De.bate!/! ))

밥 Choose one of the debate stater떼ts below. Write it on the line.

1. A healthy body makes a healthy mind.
2. Too much exercise is not good for yOU.
3. We worry too much about our health.
4. Health takes care of itself. Money is more important.

쳤 Debate the statement together in pairs or gr이 ps .

• One team or person should agree with the statement.
• One team or person should disagree with the statemen t.

웰 Further Reading
There are more reading passages and interesting activities about Health at www

• Every country and culture has special days.
• How many special days are there in your country?
• What do you do on those days?
• Let's find out about some special days around the world.

This is similar to Thanksgiving . Families come together at

this time and give thanks for a fruitful year

On this day , people who didn’t get gifts on Valentine ’5 Day or

White Dayeat noodles with black bean sauce.

On the day after Christmas Day , servants in England carried

Black Day ν
boxes to work. Their employers put coins in the boxes.

During the morning of this day , people play jokes on friends

and neighbors. It is also a popular day on the Internet

This is a Korean special day. It marks the making of the

Korean alphabet by King Sejong the Grea t.

When this day began , in 1872 , more than 1 million trees

were planted in one day.

On this Irish holiday , people wear green clothes , eat Irish

포펠펀펠갓 food , drink Irish drink , and watch parades

* The answers are in the Answer Key , at the back of the book.

뀔훌힐 Byyourself
Do you know any national holidays , public holidays , and other types of special days?
Write the names of some special days in the table below.

Independence Day , NewYear’ 5 Day , Labor Day ,

냉 Read this passage together.
~ While you read , answer the questions on the next page. Track 13

Thanksgiving Day is an annual one-day

holiday in which people give thanks for
the harvest and the famil y. ln the
United States, Thanksgiving is on the
4th Thursday in November. ln Canada,
it is on the 2nd Monday in October.

ln the fall of 1621, the European

colonists gathered corn, barley , beans
and pumpkins. This was their first harvest, so they had a feast to celebrate. They
invited the local lndian chief and the 90 lndians who had helped them during their
first year in America. This first Thanksgiving meal included turkey,
cranberries , and different kinds of corn and squashes. The
lndians even brought popcorn.

Turkey , pumpkins and cranberry sauce have become

symbols of Thanksgiving, and we can see them on
holiday decorations and greeting cards. “ lndian
corn" is often put on tables to represent the
harvest and the fall season.

These days , Thanksgiving is a time for

sharing. Even if they live far away, family
members come together to give thanks for
the good things they have. Many charities
offer a traditional meal to people in need ,
especially the homeless.


1. When is Thanksgiving in Canada? M &l tc V! t V! e WOyol .s

2. According to the passage , how did Thanksgiving begin? b. harvest c. colonist

e. squash f. symbol
3. Where did the colonists come from? h. represent i. cha rity

4. Who were at the first Thanksgiving meal? 1. a person who settles in a new country

5. What did they eat? 2. a pretty item , used to make something look
6. Where can we see symbols o fT hanksgiving?
3. a sign , wofd , or thing which reminds us of
7. What does ‘ Indian corn' represent? something else

. aw m‘ n ”

때 띠
m, -b

.m 0 r

t nu Q L

8. What does Thanksgiving mean these days? u


9. How do some charities celebrate Thanksgiving? 5. an organization which helps needy people
10. Can you find another word for ‘ harvested ’ in the passage?
6. happening every year; yearly
7. the gathering of crops

8. to have a party; to remember an event
9. to stand for; to symbolize
r:: If you could make your own Special Day, what would you call it?
• My Special Day would be called:

C What date would it fall on? What would you celebrate?

• It would fall on:
• It would celebrate:

Back연round Informatl..on


Double Ninth Day

Halloween Hangeul Day

Labor Day

Solar New Yea r Pa re nτ5’

Teachers’ Day Tha
Remembra nce
United Nations Day 5 t. Valentine’ s Day
Winter Solstice Earth D경y
White Day


Discussion (groups)
~ Talk about the questions below.
() Use the Conversation Strategies at the boUom of the page.

c1- Which 띤
i syoω
삐u바r 떠vor끼따빼

itt앤es매pec때 d
a리lk때〈애a뻐bOl이u따 .
Jt it.
’ When is it? What happens on that day? Why do you like it?
및 What do you know about Halloween?
~ What happens on Halloween? What does ‘Trick or Treat' mean?

믿 What do you know about St. Patrick’5 Day?

~ What? When? Where? Why? Who? How?

또 Have you heard of Martin luther King Day?

~ When is it? What does it celebrate? Why is it important?

쿄 Peace Day, Earth Day, Bu띠y깨No따t배

n때g Daι
om맨e민r때 Da매y are 맨
n ews돼pec때 d뻐ays.
’ What do you think ofthese new special days?
호 Do you know ab이 tthe ‘14th’ days (February 14, March 14, April14 , et c.)?
~ Tell us about them. What happens on those days?

CZ: Are any days celebrated ONlY in your country?

~ What are they? Talk about them.

ft What do you think about commercial special days such as Pepero Day?
’ Have special days become too commercial?
및 Do you think special days like Christmas have lost their original meaning?

Please explain your opinion.

딸 Do you think that new special days will be made in the future?
’ What sort of days will they be?
Interrupting: Getting back to the topic:
• Excuse me , • Anyway ,
• Sorry to interrupt , • As 1 was saying ,
• Can I say something? • Where was I?
• Can 1 make a comment? • What was 1 saying?
• Can 1 add something here? • We ’ re getting off the topi c.
• 00 you mind if 1 say something? • Can we get back to the topic?
• Excuse me for interrupting, but ...

서 .펜 f 간 -쩌「샤세씨않 I

Q Li sten to the dialogue with your partner.
Q Perform the dialogue together.

~ Change roles. Perform the dialogue again. Track 14 Key Words & Expresslons
"Guess whatT
Jenny l-l ey, dad. Guess what? "Canyou guess what Iwant to
tell / ask you?
Mr. Brown 1 don ’ t know. What is it , Jenny?
Jenny l-l ave you heard of Ramadan? to go without food
“ It says so in this book:.
Mr. Brown lsn ’ t that when Muslims fast for a month? “ This book tells us the
information ,"
Jenny That ’s righ t. They ’ re not allowed to eat anything t i1l the sun

me o -‘ “” f M m,




goes down. Look. 1t says so in this book.


. el

Mr. Brown Let me see. l-l mm , Special Days Around the World.
Jenny And there ’s more. ‘ Ramadan ’ means extreme heat.
Mr. Brown lnteresting. What else did you find out?
Jenny Well , you know Valentine ’s Day? ln fact it was named after two people , both called
Valentine. They were Christian martyrs.
Mr. Brown Don ’ t be silly, Jenny. Everyone knows Valentine ’ 5 Day is about giving cards, roses and
chocolates to your lover.
Jenny Yes, that ’ s what happens now. But people didn ’ t start giving love letters, or ‘valentines;’
until the 19th century.
Mr. Brown Amazing.
Jenny And now it ’s the second biggest commercial
holiday in the world , behind Christmas.
Mr. Brown Really? Can 1 borrow the book when you ’ve
finished with it?


1. Is Ramadan a national, religious, or commercial festival?

2. When do Muslims eat during Ramadan?
3. What book is Jenny reading?
4. Why were the original Valentines killed?
5. How did the modern version ofValentine’s Day begin?
6. What is the biggest commercial holiday in the world?


Opinion Samples
~ Which opinion do you agree with? Why?

l~따꾀괴I 1 Track 15

I really like celebrating special days. It’ s great to get presents on l~핏~받~톨훨효톨핏경연f를


christmas , Chuseok and other days. And on the major holidays ,


s mt “
a Ld
ωe don ’t haue to go to schoo l. 50 we can stay home and watch

뼈{뻐 때
m mF e

teleuision or play computer games. It ’ s also interesting when new

k m e


days appear, like Black Day , White Day and Enuironment Day. W he ‘N M
m j

I don ’t think speciaL days are ouer-commercialized. They are just

good fun .

Track 16

There are too many speciaL days , and they have been
commercialized by companies Looking for extra profit. Why shouLd
I buy fL owers or candy on a certain day , just because they teLL me
to? I like traditionaL euents such as lunar New Year and Children ’s
Day , but I think they haue Lost their originaL meaning. They used to
be times for ceLebrating with the family and thinking about life.
These days , peopLe just want to haue a good ‘ time.

(f tet'S De1>ate!II))

밸 Choose one of t뼈ebate statements below. Write it on the line

1. St. Valentine ’s Day, Black Day and White Day ignore single people.
2. We sho 띠d just have fun on special days.
3. On special days , we should think deeply about life and tradition.
4. The original meaning of festivals like Christmas has been forgotten.

원웰갚 D뼈

• One team or person should agree with the statemen t.
• One team or person should disagree with the statemen t.

훌플 Fur
Q 빼「
There are more reading passages and interesting activities about Special Days at

Student A: mou's person (l iv 쾌‘or dead).
Other people: Ask questions about the person.
Student A: Answer “ Yes" or “ No." Count the questions on the chart below.
Ot her people: Here are some sample questions:

행 \s this pers on a man?
에% ls he/she allve?

흉 \s he/she an actor / actres ~

뼈 때is person a woman ~ 빼 s he/she trom .,,? 2 3 4
흉 \s he/she Amen can ~ 흉 \s he/she a poet'1 5 6
q 7 8
행 \s he/she a movie 략 ar~ 행 \s he/she Korean? 10
뺑 \s he/she a sing er ~
행 \s he/she a sports star ~
뺑 \s he/she a pop star!
뼈 \s he/she a writer?
훨 \s he/she on ìV? 행 Oid he/she ".? 20
흉 \s he/she an artist?

탤훌홉필 Pairs
Interview your partner. Ask these questions and write the answers on the \i nes.

Role Modellnterview

Student A: Can I ask you some questions '1 Student B: Of co urse . Go ahead .
Who is your favorite movie star?
Who is your favorite singer '1
Who is your favorite sportsperson?
Who is your favorite person in history '1
Whom do you a 이에대 most?
Why do you admire him/her '1
What is he/she famous for '1
00 you want to be like him/her?
Why?Why noP

탤궐홉피 Pairs
Change roles and perform the interview again.
Q Read this passage together.
~ While you read , answer the questions on the next page. Track 17

He is the first Asian to be elected to ‘ the world ’ smost

impossible job. ’ Born in Cheongju, in Chungcheong-do , he
graduated from Seoul National University. After various
government jobs, he worked for South Korea at the United
Nations in New York. He says: “ I may look soft from the
outside , but I have inner strength when it ’ s really necessary."

She was World Junior Champion in 2006 , and became the first
Korean to win a g01d meda1 in senior international competition.
She won a bronze medal at the 2007 World Figure Skating
Championships , even though she had back problems. She was
born in Gunpo , in Gyeonggi-do , and was South Korean nationa1
champion four times.

He is 175 cms tall and is famous for his long range free kick.
The first South Korean to play in the British Premier League , he
is an attacking , creative midfielder. He helped his country ’ s
team get to the World Cup semi-finals in 2002 and played again
at the World Cup in Germany in 2006. He is a regular scorer for
his team , Manchester United.

When she was only 11 years old , she won the first prize at the
Rostropovich Internationa1 Cello Competition, in Paris. Since
then , she has led the new generation of artists. She performs in
the most famous concert halls of Europe , America and Asia , but
a1so wants to he1p children to love musi c: “ My task is to make
music children ’ s friend. "

*The names of these people are in the Answer Key , at the back of the book.



1. What is ‘ the world ’5 most impossible job’? Matc J.1 t J.1 e WOyo{s

2. Who is well-known for his long range free kick? b. province

c. graduate d. international
3. Who won a medal despite her back problems? f. bronze medal
h. creative i. cello
4. Who won a first prize before she was a teenager?
1. a large region of a country
5. What does ‘ new generation of artists' mean?
2. a large stringed instrument of the vi이 in
6. Can you explain ‘creative midfielder'? family

3. a mix of copper and tin

7. These four people have something in common. What is it?
4. original; imaginative; making possibilities
8. Ban Gi -moon is 175 cms tal l.
디 True : False ~ Not in the passage
5. over a large distance
9. Jang Han-na became World Junior Champion in 2006. 6. the prize for third place
True False 7. to choose; to select

10. Park ji-sung played in two World CUp Competitions. 8. to complete one ’ sstudies

True False 9. worldwide; between nations

11. Kim Yeon-a won third prize at the 2007 WFS Championships.
True False


仁 Whom do you admire?

c What values would you like to have?

C What lifestyle would you like to have?

Qualities of Role Models

With your partner: Look at these Role Model qualities.
- Which do you think is most important?
- Which do you think is least important?
- Number the qualities from 1 to 15.

口 honest 口 wealthy 口 happy 口 diligent

口 strong 口 powerful 口 successful 口 humble
口 intelligent 口 good-lo때19 口 S히In때
1 口 funny
口 generous 口 confident 口 creative

Choose three qualities for yourself:

Discussion (groups)
~ Talk about the questions below.
~ Use the Conversation Strategies at the bottom of the page.

떠 Talk about your role mode l.

~ Li festyle , Personality, Occupation , et c.

틸 Do you want to be successful?

~ Why? Why not? Support your opinion.
[!: What are the advantages and disadvantages of being famous?
패 Why are ordinary people interested in the lives of famous people?
[: How does the media treat famous people …
i nyOl

~ ‘“‘T
5얀t 때
t e뻐ac대he댄
r언sa하re 야
ives 야
0 fg
빵 r댄ea따t men and women."
’ What does this statement mean?
’ 00 you agree with this statement?
’ Talk about it.
i “ Rather than money or 떠 me , give me truth."
~ What does this statement mean?
’ 00 you agree with this statement?
‘ Talk about it.
흘 Have you heard of ‘ the Ameri때 Dream? ’ Can you explain it?
’ “ He went from rags to riches ." What does this mean?
’ What is your dream?
I would like to be , and

밍 Imagine that you are a role model for other people.

~ What things do you want people to copy?

’ What things do you NOT want people to copy?

Adding comments: Expressing opinions:


• By the way , • I think ...

• Oh , I forgo t. • I suppose .. .
• That reminds me . • I feel that ...
• Don ’ t forget ... • I believe .. .
• We shouldn ’ t forget ... • In my opinion ,
• It seems to me '"


ialφ e(thre률 people)

.;) Li sten to the dialogue with your partners.
Il Perform the dialogue together.

냉 Change roles. Perform the dialogue again. Track 18 Key Words & ExpresSions
“What’ 5 up?"'
Sung-min Hello , Grandma Brown. Have you seen Kevin? “ What’ 5 the matter?"
“ What’ 5 the problem?"
Grandma Brown No , 1 haven ’ t , Sung-min. What ’ 5 up?
figure it out
Sung-min 1 want to ask him about this homework. to work it out; to understand
Grandma Brown Maybe 1 can help. What ’5 the problem? tricky
difficult; not simple
Sung-min 1 can ’ t figure it ou t. What ’ 5 the difference between a role ''1 don ’t get it.
model and a hero? “I don ’t understand."
"1 ’ mwithyou."
Grandma Brown 1 see what you mean. That ’5 a tricky one. 1 suppose heroes “ I understand."
can be role models, but not every role model is a hero. “ No swea t."

Sung-min What? 1 still don ’ t get it. That’5 not a problem."

a piece of cake
Grandma Brown OK. Think of someone you really admire , like a doctor or ... ve 마 simple

Sung-min Or an artist?
Grandma Brown That ’5 righ t. Well , not every artist is a brave hero ,
saving lives, and fighting for his or her country.
Sung-min Ah. 1 think 1 see what you mean.
Grandma Brown But an artist can be a role model if you want to
follow his or her example.
Sung-min l ’ m with you now. Ah! Here ’5 Kevin.
Kevin Hey, Sung-min. Have you figured out
the homework?
Sung-min No sweat , Kevin. 1t’5 a piece of ca ke.
Let me explain ...


1. Why is Sung-min looking for Kevin?

2. What is Sung-min ’5 problem?
3. Can role models be heroes?
4. Does Sung-min want to be a hero?
5. Does Kevin want to be an artist?
6. 00 you agree with Grandma Brown ’5 explanation?

j [fmiJli 니 - -

Oplnlon Samples
,j Which opinion do you agree with? Why?

I!ITI:따다괴• • Track 19

For me , a ‘ roLe modeL' is someone who has done what , want to IK판~~험까I과*펌w'톨

do in life. He has become successfuL by ωorking hard , but he

look after number one
hasn ’t forgotten his friends or famiLy. He is not proud , and he to take care of himself,
without thinking about other
doesn ’t just Look after number one. He is a normaL person , doing people
an honest day’s ωork , and he is happy with himseLf. But it doesn ’t honest day’ swork
doing his best all theti me
stop there. My roLe modeL is a generous member of society ,
happy with himself
doing what he can to heLp homeLess and unempLoyed peopLe. satisfied; he doesn’t want to
I !]7Hj'1[.] ,...1 Track 20 to worship; to treat like a
Most peopLe idolize rock stars or basebaU pLayers. , think TV and win out
to be successful
the mouies are to bLame. They show unreaL characters ωho
live happily ever after
aLways win out and liue happiLy euer after. But life ’ s not like that . likea fa i 마 story , everything
is wonderfu l fo r them
, suppose peopLe are fed Up with their 0ωn liues , so they want to
fed up with
escape into another worLd. Not me. ,’ d rather liue my own life. not satisfied; disappointed
These famous stars don ’ t haue any peace or priuacy , and euery
day there are new scandaLs about them . No thanks . ,’ m happy
with who , am.

TlLe.t'sDe삐ate!11 )}
웰 Choose one of the debate statements below. Write it on뼈
1. We don'’야t need role models in orde r to have a good life.
2. Success comes from working hard.
3. Everyone needs a role mode l.
4. The most successful people make the most mistakes.

밸 Debate the statement together in 뼈irs or groups .

• One team or person should agree with the statemen t.
• One team or person should disagree with the statemen t.

웰플 Fu
Q 마

R 않
T are more reading passages and interesting activities about Role Models at www .f

탤햄IJ Pairs

Look at this table. Talk with your partner. Wh

. do homework . get up
• eat dinner • go home . go to school • have breakfast
. get dressed • go to bed . go to sleep . have lunch

랜훌힐 Byyourself
Choose four things from the table and write them on the Ii nes below: .........、
1. What time do you ?

~ 2 :3 :4 5

2. What time do you ?

2 ~ 3 :4 ~ 5

3. What time do you ?

2 :3 4 5

4. What time do you ?

: 2 :3 ~ 4 5

圖휠 By yourself /
Ask your questions to five people. Write the times in the boxes above: .,/'

뱉훌률 Byyourself
Write about your typical school day: 1 wake up at _.__ am. Then I brush my teeth and wash my face .

Next , I

o Read this passage together.
~ While you read , answer the questions on the next page. Track 21

Children start the day in school by saying hello to all the staff. It’ s normal to call the
teachers by their first names , since everyone wants school to be a pleasant and
exciting place. In the classrooms , pupils choose their weekly goals with their
teachers and then carry out tasks at their own pace.

Teaching is practical , encouraging students to do things by themselves. Instead of

simply remembering information in class , children walk around , collect information ,
ask the teacher for advice , and cooperate with other pupils. Even in language
lessons , teachers use role plays , songs , games , tapes , and dramas. There are no
discipline problems , however.
The teacher is always in contro l. It UJ

This isn ’ t a special school. It’ s a normal comprehensive

school in Finland. A recent study of 40 OECD*
countries rated Finnish teenagers the best in math ,
reading and science. This is due to a number of
factors. First of all , teachers are highly qualified.
Secondly , children have only one teacher between
the ages of 9 and 16. Thirdly , students learn by
doing , and develop higher-order thinking skills.

The Finnish language is similar to the

Korean language. Could the Finnish
education system be used in Korea? It’ s
certainly food for thought!

*OECD: Organization for Economic Cooperation

and Development

듀듀듀 째-닐l
• 111'] t~ .I~ .l--1['> •• "111:

Matc Vi t Vi e wO Y"o! s
1. How does a typical school day start in Finland?
b. at their own pace
2 . Who chooses the learning goals for the week?
c. encourage d. cooperate e. role plays
f. discipline problems g. comprehensive
3. 00 students alllearn the same things?
h. highly qualified i. high.orderthinking
j. food for thought
4. 00 students sit at their desks all day?

5. 00 students have to remember lots of information? 1. active , critical , logical thinking

6. Can you find another word for ‘ students ’ in the passage? 2. all together; whole; multi-Ievel
3. at their own speed
7. Give one of the reasons for the success of Finnish education.
4. bad behavior; loss of control .

5. having high-Ievel diplomas; expert

6. people who work in the school
7. small dramas; real-life situations

8. something to think about

仁 How does the day start in your school?
9. to give support and confidence; to inspire
I What is your teacher’s first name?

C Is your school a ‘ pleasant and exciting place ’? 10. to work together

仁 Would you like to have the same teacher between the ages
of 9 and 16?

Back연round InforroaUOn
Did you knOWf
_Children in Australia go to school for an average of 16.2 years.
_Chi ldren in Chad (Africa) go t으5Chool for ar[averagE of프9 years.
- Education in New Ze싹d is댄e 한빨n the ages of 6 a n쩍
- Every day, 3 ,000 st콰nts drop out of school in the 쁘E」 - - -
-두heir lives are 9 2원r르shorτer than the lives 아 high프hool graduates
- In Nepal , students h칸얀wo months holidal during the 쁘onsoon
The sch。이 week is from Sunday 뜨흐쁘ιmor뻔낌 --
_Over 115 million ch ildren of elementary school age around 낀le
와lOO\. Nearly 60% 야 these are girls
world do not go to
_Over 860 million people in t쁘 world cann얀 read.61% 뜨낀e
from급a nglad esh , 민ina , 뻔 ia an깅 Pakistan. 66% are women.
_According to theUN , educa~ion reduces poverty , impro보5
ge줍강he꿇r씩듀top얀he spread of 비V and AI 연

_ 41-
Discussion (groups)
., Talk about the questions below.
" Use the Conversation Strategies at the bottom of the page.

!. What are the advantages of schoollife in Finland?

~ What are the advantages of schoollife in Korea?

훌 What is your favorite school subject?

~ Why do you like it?

빨 Who is your favorite teacher?

~ Why do you like him/her?

댄 Do you agree with school uniforms?

~ Why do you agree/disagree? Support your opinion.

많 Is there a subject you want to learn that is not taught at scho이?

’ What is it? Please explain.
룰 What is the purpose of education?
~ Why do we go to school? Support your opinion .

[ [ Should everyone learn the same thing at school?

’ Should we be able to choose our favorite subjects?
’ Why are math and English so important?
~ What about artistic subjects (Music , Art , Drama , Dance , Craftwork , et c.)?

훌 Imagine that you are the Minister of Education.

~ How wiU you change the education system?

믿 Have you heard of ‘ home schooling'? Do you agree with it?

~ Why? Why not? Support your opinion.

Giving information: Adding information:
• To start with , • Also ,
• To begin with , • Besides,
• First of all , • Furthermore ,
• Next , • ln addition ,
• Finally, • And another thing ,

Dialogue (palrs)
\) Li sten to the dialogue with your partner.
녕 Perform the dialogue together.
., Change roles. Perform the dialogue again. Track 22 Key Words & Expresslons

(Kevin is sitting on the sofa , watching TV. Mr. Brown enters the room.) realityTV
a television show in which people
are put in ‘ reallife’ situatíons
Mr. Brown What are you doing , Kevin?
“ Give me a break:'
“ Please understand me “
Kevin Hi , dad. 1’ m watching reality TV. lt ’5 grea t.
take it easy
Mr. Brown Don ’ t you think you 5hould be doing your homework? to have a rest; to relax
“ l’ve heard it all before."
Kevin 1 don ’ t want to , dad. lt ’5 too boring. ‘'We have talked about this many
Mr. Brown We can ’ t alwaY5 do what we like , you know.
“ You mean well."

Kevin Give me a break , dad. 1 jU5t want to take it ea5y and relax. "Your intentions are good."
"You are trying to help."
Mr. Brown 1 under5tand , Kevin. But the fact i5 ... “ C’ mon."
“ Come on.
Kevin 1 know, 1 know. 1’ve heard it a11 before , dad. "Oon’t be unreasonable

Mr. Brown We only want the be5t for you , Kevin.

Kevin Sorry, dad . 1 know you mean we11. But ...
Mr. Brown But what?
Kevin We11 , it ’ 5 ea5y for you. You don ’ t have a11 the5e
5ubject5 to 5tudy.
Mr. Brown C’ mon , Kevin. Don ’t put off till tomorrow
what you can do today.
Kevin 1 5upp05e 50. Oh , wel l.
1’ d better do my homework.


1. Why isn ’ t Kevin doing his homework?

2. Whatis he doing instead?
3. Is Mr. Brown angry? What do you think?
4. Does Mr. Brown want to help Kevin?
5. Why should Kevin do his homework?
6. What happens at the end ofthe dialogue?

• How is it different? How is it the same?
• Think about

뱉훌11 Groups

11ings we like and our parents like

렐훌홉 Groups
Look at the Background Information (Page 47).
Does your generation have a name?
Make a new name for your generation:

Our generation should be called the

~ Read this passage together.
~ While you read , answer the questions on the next page. Track 25

Young people have rarely agreed with their elders , throughout history. Nevertheless ,
the term ‘ generation gap' is less than 100 years old. It was first used in the 1920s in
the USA. At that time , men coming home from the First World War were shocked to
see young people dancing to jazz music in nightclubs. Since then, it has become a
household word , describing wide differences in musical tastes , fashion , habits ,
opinions , and behavior.

These days , high technology has given a new twist to the generation gap. Chi1dren
who have grown up in a world of mobile phones and cable TV have quickly become
expert computer users , leaving their parents far behind. The Internet has opened up
a whole new world for the young generation. They can chat online , shop online ,
watch videos , play games , and even read books online. The
sky ’ s the limit, as every day brings new Internet

Things are not always as simple as they seem , however.

The 21st century has made life easier for parents as
well as children. Because of this , there are many
cases of parents and chi1dren sharing the
same interests , wearing the same
clothes , and even going to the
same music concerts. Perhaps
the generation gap is getting
smaller after all!

1. Is the generation gap very old?

2. How old is the term ‘generation gap ’? a. rarely b. nevertheless

c. household word d. a new twist
3. Why were ex-soldiers shocked in the 192os? e. leaving ... far behind
f. The sky’ 5 the Ii mi t.
4. How has high technology affected the generation gap? h. after all
5. What can youngsters do today that their parents often can ’ t do?
1. a common word , used byeveryone … ‘

6. How is the generation gap different these days? 2. a different meaning ……· ‘ •

3. however; in spite ofthat …

4. in the end; ultimately ‘

5. new and different things; creations “ “

亡 Can you think of any examples ofthe generation gap?

6. not often; seldom; almost never ‘

仁 00 your parents understand you?

7. becoming much better than their parents

c 00 you understand your parents?

8. The possibilities are endless. .
c 00 you share any interests with your parents?

C:: Will you understand young people when you are old?

도 Have you heard of the ‘ MTV Generation'?

C Have you heard of the ‘ Boomerang Generation'?

• 00 an Internet search and find out about these generations.

Back연round Informat1on
Did vOU knOWf
- Americans born betwee얘25 and 1945 are called
the ‘ Silent Generation ,’ orthe ‘ GI Generation.’
-‘ Baby Boomers’ were born after the Second World War: 1946 -1964.
This group is also called ‘ Generation X.’
- Babies born between 1965 and 1975 are members of ‘ Generation Y. ’ ,

They are also ca lled ‘ Echo Boomers’ and the ‘Intern얀 Gene때on
- Babies born between 1976 and 1988 are ca lled ‘ MillennialsI v; n c:; went to university in the 1980s
- 386 Generation: íhese people were born in Korea in the 1960s and went to unlv
_íhe New Silent Generation : Children born in the 1990s or 2000s.
without children: Double Income No Kids Yet.
-‘ DINKYs’ are married co
.:JTalk about the questions below.
.J Use the Conversation Strategies at the bottom of the page.

〔홍 Do you always agree with your parents and grandparents?

’ How are you different?
’ How are you similar?
G훈 Do you know any other gene 때 on names?
’ What are they?
’ What do they mean?
[I Whydon't 이der people understand young peo 미e?

딛 Whydon ’ t young people understand older people?

투 Do you think your ancestors had generation gaps?

룰 Is the generation gap getting bigger or smaller?

I Have you heard of the gender gap?

~ What do you think it is?
’ Do you know any other types of gap?
~ Do people change their ideas when
they get older?
~ How do they change?
’ Why do they change?

Expressing your opinion: Putting the other side of the argument:
• Personally , • Yes , but …
• I feel that ... • Alternatively ,
• To my mind , • On the other hand ,
• In my opinion , • You have a point , but ...
• From my point ofview , • You might be right , but ...
• If you ask me , • From the other point ofview ,
• As for me , • The way I see it ,


Dialogue (pairs)
.., Li sten to the dialogue with your partner.
i;) Perform the dialogue together.
Change roles. Perform the dialogue again. Track 26
Key Words & ExpressïOnS
"It’ 5 nothing."
Grandma Brown Ji-hye. Are you OK? You ’'ve been crying! ’‘ It’ 5 not important."

Ji-hye 1t’5 nothing , Grandma Brown. Rea11y. “ l’ IIget over it."

“It’ 5 not senous
“!’ II feel better soon.
Grandma Brown Come on. You can te11 me.
“ They’ II come round:' ’

Ji-hye Oh , 1’11 get over it. 1t’5 just that ... “ They will change th 밍 r minds. ’
“ They will understand

Grandma Brown What is it? “ Dryyour eyes."

“ 5top crylng
Ji-hye 1 don ’ t know what to say. 1t’5 like no one undεrstands me.
bring Up
to rear children ; to take care of;
Grandma Brown What do you mean?
to nurture
Ji-hye We11 , my parents say 1’ m too American.
They don ’ t want me to have fun.
Grandma Brown ’m sure they do , Ji-hye.
Ji-hye But they make me study all the time.
Besides, they won ’ t let me date.
Grandma Brown Perhaps that ’5 what they ’ re used tO.
Ji-hye Yes, but we ’ re not in Korea anymore.
Things are different here.
Grandma Brown They ’ re from a different generation.
Ji-hye But why can ’ t they understand me?
Grandma Brown They ’11 come round. Don't worry. Now,
dry your eyes, and let ’ 5 have some ice cream.


1. Why has Ji -hye been crying?

2. Where were ]i-hye’5 parents brought Up?
3. Were they allowed to date when they were ]i -hye ’5 age?
4. What advice does Grandma Brown give ]i-hye?
5. What do you think Grandma Brown and Ji -hye will do next?


Opinion Samples
() Which opinion do you agree with? Why?

I!Iil따센괴11 Track 27

My parents are so oLd-fashioned , and their Li ues are so boring! l~꽂I!.!하~훨얀I강쩌하표I

They go to work euery day , then come home and watch TV euery
"That’ sif'
euening. That ’ s it. But if I want to haue a good time , they’ re "That’5 all. "
That’5 all there is."
aLways on my back. “ Turn that music down. Do your homework. Be
always on my back
back by 9 pm , or eLse." That 's aLL I euer hear. What happens to always telling me off;
always telling me to do
peopLe when they get oLd? That ’ s what I want to know. things
“That ’ 5 alll ever hear."
“That’5 what they keep
I~파마~.. Track 28 sayi ng to me “
in our day
Young peopLe these days don ’ t know how Lucky they are. They when we were young
haue TVs , computers , bikes , Internet chatting - euerything. But
they’ re stiLL not happy. We didn ’t haue those things in our day ,
but ωe didn ’ t compLain. What's more , we respected our parents .
Howeuer, this younger generation has no respect for oLd peopLe.
They ’ re seLfish and ungratefu L. I mean , they take euerything for

T'Le.t's De.ôate.!/I ))
웰 Choose one 뼈le debate statemer따 below. 빼
W r끼it따
e빈하it on빼
1. Young peo
야미p〕기le have no respec
다t for older people.

2. Older generations cannot understand young people.

3. People become more conservative as they get older.
4. Children these days don ’ t know how lucky they are.

웰 Debate the statement together in 뻐irs or groups.

• One team or person should agree with the statemen t.
• One team or person should disagree with the statemen t.

쫓 Further Reading
There are more reading passages and interesting activities about Generation Gap at

댈훌11 Pairs
Ask the questions below to

How many times do YO \j!rwash your face each day?
How many times do you brush your teeth each day?

many times dóyou f1 ush the toilet each day?

How many times do you t~ke a shower each day?

Student B:

Do you let the water run when you brush your teeth?
Do you let the water run when you wash your face?
Do you try to save water when you have a shower?
Do you ever forget to turn the water faucet off?

렐훌힐 Pairs
Make some sentences to describe your results.
For example : Some people try to save water when they have Q showe r.


M06t people

Some people

Almo6t noboày


~ Read this passage together.
~ While you read , answer the questions on the next page. Track 29

It’ s easy to think that water shortage is a Third World problem. However , the World
Wildlife Fund has warned that even developed countries face water shortages , due
to climate change and bad water management. Economic wealth does not mean an
endless supply of water anymore , and even cities such as Houston and Sydney have
to cut back. As for the UK , the WWF report says that London loses 300 Olympic
swimming pools of water every day because of old , leaking water pipes.

Believe it or not , the water we use now is the same water that was on the earth
millions of years ago. However , we are using it at an ever-increasing rate , and rivers
and lakes are drying up as the water table continues to drop. Not only have 815
lakes disappeared from China ’ s ‘ Thousand-Lake Province' (Hubei) , but glaciers are
getting smaller in Europe and Greenland , because of global warming. Australia had
its worst drought in 1,000 years in 2006. It has even been suggested that wars will be
fought for water in the future.

70% of the world ’ s surface is covered by water , but

we can only use about 0.3% of this , from
groundwater , rivers , and freshwater lakes. The
WWF is therefore asking for global cooperation.
Wealthy countries must act first to maintain water
supplies by replacing aging water systems and
fighting water pollution.

1. What does ‘ WWF ’ mean? Mαtc l1 t l1 e woyols

2. Is the water shortage limited to underdeveloped countries? b. developed countries

d. 8elieve it or not ,
3. What has caused the water shortage? f. glacier
h. groundwater
4. Do developed countries have plenty of water? i. global cooperation j. maintain

5. Why is so much water wasted in London? 1. a large mass of snow and ice
6. Give an example of the overuse of water. 2. a long period without rain
3. countries round the world helping each
7. ‘ Wars will be fought for water.' What does this mean?
8. Where does our drinking water come from? 4. countries that are already rich and
industrialized .
9. What does the WWF want rich countries to do?
5. to keep in good condition; to look after

6. the level below which the ground contains

7. underdeveloped countries, especially poor
1 . What are the causes of ‘ global warming'?
8. to use less and less
1. How does it affect our water supply? 9. water beneath the earth ’ ssurface
C How can we save water? 10. You might find th is hard to believe , but ...

Back연round InforrnaUOn -- ---

Did vou knOWf
-Th e.잃꽤갑merican uses 300 족젠ters of wat er per day._
A mp- rica꼬꼬e 408 billion ga llon s효쁘쁘r per day.
- ;4boutmJ과김 of our water 찌
i 5허때

l os뺨뻔쁘땐ugψhl빼
eaa값ki“i ψ
n g pipes
뼈es 야
b e랴빼
뼈셈 e잉때
- Ma ny 야
p eo얘ple 띤
Id use less th쁘 10 \iters of water a day
돼J꿇i나st th e sa me as 0빼J sh of th e t oilet
- A dri p pi교fa u cet wastes up t o fo ur liters of wat er a day
- 97% of ea rth’ s water is in t he oceans.
_The polar ice caps contain 75% of t he wo rld’ s f resh water .
_The record f or living without f ood i츠a 깐ut 70 days.
-We can n랴 l ivew
LJt water foαr rηmor
r에Id얘 Water 때
D a씬y 녕
i sc떠
쁘ear on March
x 22.
_4 out of every 10 people in t he wo rld f ace a da ily wat er shortage.

Discussion (groups)
냉 Talk about the questions below.
냉 Use the Conversation Strategies at the bottom of the page.

며 How can we save water at home and at school?

~ How many tips can you think of? (See page 56.)

~ How 대 n the government save water? What do you think?

~ Should the government make water-saving laws?
’ Should the government build more reservoirs
(man-made lakes)?

[I Should water be more expensive than gas or ele따icity?

~ Why? Why no t? Support your opinion.

많 Sho 비 d overuse of water be a crime?

~ Why? Why not? Support your opinion.

투 How can we prevent companies from pol lL때 g rivers?

’ How many ideas can you think of?
표 Sho 띠d water be limited to 100 liters per person per day?
~ Why? Why not? Support your opinion.

[I Should car washes and saunas be banned for 띠 ngtoo

much water?
~ Why? Why not? Support your opinion.

Introducing surprising information: Generalizing:
• Believe it or not , • On the whole ,
• Surprisinglyenough , • By and large ,
• Oddlyenough , • Generally,
• Strangelyenough , • As a rule ,
• You might not believe it , but ... • Usually ,


Dialogue (pairs)
iiÞ Listen to the dialogue with your partner.
~ Perform the dialogue together.
iiÞ Change roles. Perform the dialogue again . Track 30 Key Words & Expresslons
“ Guess what?"
Ji-hye 1-l ello , Jenny. “ Guess what I’ mgoing to tell you.'
Jenny 1-l i, Ji-hye. Guess what? “ l’ mallears."
'"1’ mlistening 100%. ’-
'"1’ mconcentrating."'
Ji-hye What is it? 1’ m all ears.
“ That ’snewsto me."
Jenny Did you know it ’5 World Water Day tomorrow? '"1’ve never heard that before."'
“ Iknow .....
Ji-hye Really? That ’5 news to me. “Iknow what to do."
“Ihave an idea."
Jenny lt’ 5 true. 1 just read it in a magazine.

Ji-hye Why don ’ t we do something to save water?

Jenny That ’5 just what 1 was thinking. But what can we do?
Ji-hye 1 know ... Let ’ 5 fix that leaking faucet in the bathroom.
Jenny That ’5 a good idea.
Ji-hye And how about taking a really short shower?
Jenny OK. Let ’ 5 make a list of things we can do.
Ji-hye Yes , and then we can show it to everyone else.
Jenny We can be a water-saving family!
Ji-hye 1 agree. Let ’ 5 do it.


1. What is the date tomorrow? (Look at the Background Information on page 53.)
2. How did Jenny find out about this special day?
3. Did Ji-hye already know about it?
4. What do they decide to do?
5. How do they decide to save water?
6. What will they do after the dialogue?

{훌f챙혔k 剛麻I없
• Myths and legends are traditional
• Each country has its own myths.
• Do you know any myths? Have

뀔햄11 Pairs
Read this Greek myth calletf 'Pañëlora

Which is the next sentence? Write ‘ 2 ’ in the ova l.

Complete the myth using all the sentel).ces (f to 1.0).

O ~ldher 뺀r to ODPn
It, and gave the key to her husband.


l o이n맨1띤eda
l d 5he 5tole the key.
μ. 、
Pandora tried to catch them , but it was too late.
Pandora sat ::a nl'f ,.r:",~
·"~aL 삐U 다leo.
Then the 뻐5t thing 圖값끼 o
o The(astthi뺀as ho
댁) Pando대 was a be뻐tiω( woman
She askprl h .,. r h ......... __ -'
빠rn뼈뻔l프o 앨띤딱E’ p 밴E박
w i삐
뼈d ‘“‘ No.", ~、

f 패밟

-11 me “‘‘v…,“…
11‘u ‘나씨)(뻐e5 of the world flew ou t.
The King of the God
q5 J!'a밴 er a little box J (그

* The answers are in the Answer Key, at the back of the book.

렐렐휩 Three people ” - ”


Make a mini-drama based on this Greek myth. Student A: You are Pandora.
Perform your mini-drama to other students. Student B: You are the King of the Gods. ‘,
Student C: You are Pandora’5 husband.

~ Read this passage together.
11 Who do you think made each myth?

~ While you read , answer the questions on the next page. Track 33

A tiger and a bear both lived in a cave. They wanted to become human , so they
prayed to Hwanung , who gave them 20 cloves of garlic and some mugwor t. There
were two conditions: i) They should eat only this food ; ii) They should stay out of
the sunlight for 100 days. The tiger gave up after twenty days. The bear remained for 100 days
and was changed into a woman.
Australian Aborigines 口; Ethiopians 口 ; Koreans 口; American I뼈

In the beginning , the Father of All Spirits woke the Sun Mother , saying “ Goand
wake the spirits on the earth." The Sun Mother went , and as she walked on the
earth , plants grew. Then she went into the dark mountain caves. Her light woke the
insects and her heat melted the ice , creating rivers and streams. Then she woke the birds and
animals. Finally , she gave birth to two children, who became our ancestors.
Australian Aborigines 口; Ethiopians 口 ; Koreans 口; American I뼈

’ ....-y The woman and the man dreamed that they were in God ’ s dream. They saw a great,
~ shining egg , so they sang and danced inside the egg. They were crazy \1뻐 desire to
c:../' be born, so God , still dreaming , created them. As he did so , he sang: “ 1 break this
egg. The woman is born and the man is born. Together they willlive and die. They will always be
born, die , and be born again between the Atlantic and the Pacifi c."
Australian Aborigines 口 ; Ethiopians 口 ; Koreans 口 ; American Indians 口

7 →~ Wak, the creator God , lived in the clouds. He told man to make a coffin. Then he
~1 buried man in the coffin for seven years. During that time it rained fire and the
I mountains were made. Wak dug up the coffin and man jumped ou t. Wak took some
of his blood , and made a woman. They married and had 30 children, but the man was ashamed ,
so he hid 15 of them. They became African animals and spirits.
Australian Abo 때ines 口 ; Ethiopians 口 ; Koreans 디 ; American Indians 口

1. Why did the bear and the tiger pray to Hwanung? Mtftc Vi t Vi e WO l'"cts
2. What did they have to do in order to become human? b. mugwort
d. crazy with desire
3. Did they both succeed? f. rained fire

4. Why did the Sun Mother visit the earth?

1. a box for holding a dead person
5. What happened when she went to the caves?
2. a green herb used in medicine and tea
6. Where was the shining egg? 3. a rule; restriction; limit

7. Was God awake when he created man and woman? 4. Fire came out of the sky like rain; volcanoes

8. What is the name of the Ethiopian God?

5. guilty; regretful; embarrassed
9. How did the creator God make a woman?
6. really wanting to do something; almost mad

7. small buds or bulbs


仁 What can you remember about these myths?

도 Do you know any myths about gods , ancestors , or heroes?

亡 How is a myth different from a fairy story or a folktale?

Backgrol.1.nd Informatl.On
Have you heard of the6e Greek

was the messenger of the

- F' oseidon (Neptune) was the god of the sea.
- Zeus (Jupiter, Jove) was the king of the gods.

- 59'- -
Discussion (groups)
~ Talk about the questions below.
.. Use the Conversation Strategies at the boUom of the page.

많 What is your favorite Korean myth?

• Tell your favorite myths to each other.

혹 Do you know any myths from other countries?

.. Explain the myths to each other.

탬 Can you think of any modern mythical characters (Superman , Spiderman , et c.)?
.. Why do people like reading about these chçHacters?

많 00 you have a favorite mythical character?

’ Is hejshe ancient or modern?
.. Do you want to be like himjher?

및 00 different c비tures have similar myths?

’ If “ Yes," why do you think this is?
~ Are myths just stories , or do they tell us about life?

’ Support your opinion.

[ [ 00 we still need myths , even though we have
science and the Internet?
’ What do you think? Why?

Putting facts in sequence:
• Firstofall , • In the first place ,
• Second (l y) , • Next ,
• Third (l y) , • After that ,
• Finally, • Lastly ,

Dialogue Ithree people)
~ Listen to the dialogue with your partners.
~ Perform the dialogue together•
.,Change roles. Perform the dialogue again. Track 34 Key Words & Expresslons

Kevin Hi , Grandma. youth

young person
Grandma Brown Hi , Kevin. What are you watching? “ Don ’t tell me."
' 1 think I can guess what you ’ re
Kevin lt ’s an animation about a youth and his lover. going to say.
Grandma Brown Sounds interesting. What happens? “ Spill the beans.
“ Tell us everything."
Kevin He fìghts the enemy to get a magic flute back , and he ’s
almost killed , when ... 'Flower Knights ’; young noblemen
Sung-min (Looking up from his homework) Don ’ t tell me. His lover in Korea in the 10th century
gives up her life to become a flying horse and rescues
the magic flute from the enemy.
Kevin That ’ s right , Sung-min"-How did you know?
Grandma Brown Yes, spill the beans, Sung-min.
Sung-min 11earned it in Korea before 1 came to the US.
We call it ‘ Hwarang Giparang:’
Grandma Brown And what happens next?
Sung-min Giparang dies and becomes a flying horse ,
to be with his lover again.
Kevin ls that the end? Do they live happily ever after?
Sung-min 1n a way. The story ends with them living for
ever and protecting Korea.
Grandma Brown That ’s a beautiful myth. Do you have
any more for us?
Kevin Maybe another time , Grandma.
Sung-min ’s got homework to fìnish.


1. Do you know the story?

• Do you know the name of Giparang’slover?*
• Why is the magic flute important?
2. What is Sung-min doing while Kevin is watching the animation?
3. How does Sung-min know the story?
4. What does Grandma Brown want Sung-min to do?
*The answer is in the Answer Key , at the back ofthe book.

Oplnlon Samples
~ Which opinion do you agree with? Why?

l!Bril꾀괴.. . Track 35

Myths like ‘ Hwarang Giparang ’ are uery interesting , but tha t' s aL L. ·i원믿맨하m;w흉얀E옆r.'I'itW
We don ’ t haue to take them seriousLy. of course , our ancestors
take them seriously
needed ways of expLaining the worLd , so they inuented gods and to believe them
heroes for their myths. But when we come down to it , myths are 'When we come down to it ,"
“All things considered,"
just stories that peopLe toLd each other before they had TV . Now
a lot to tell us
that we haue science and the Internet , howeuer , we don ’t need 'We can learn many things
from ..
these ancient taLes any more.
a Greek hero who took 10
years to return to his home,
I!l파llIiL>>'.1 Track 36 after fighting in th eTrojan

I agree that myths are interesting , but I aLso feeL that they are classic
deep and meaningfu L. Belieue it or not , myths haue 0 Lot to teLL
view 01 lile
us in the 21 st centuα . The Greek myth of ‘ uLysses ,’ for exampLe , cultu re and thoughts about
is 0 cLassic search for truth. uLysses has to pass through many
dangers before he can return home to his faithfuL wife ,
peneLope. Then there are characters like ‘Echo ’ and ‘ Narcissus.’
I belieue the Greeks expressed their uiew of life in their myths.

벨 다loose
1. Mythsone
areof t뼈ebate stateme때
just stories. We shouldn ’ t take them seriously.

2. Mythical heroes make good role models.

3. Our ancestors made myths to tell us about life.
4. Modern myths help us make sense of life.

렐빨h- 빠
D e야ba빼
te 야
• One team or person should agree with the statemen t.
• One team or person should disagree with the statemen t.

훌 Further Reading
There are more reading passages and interesting activities about Myths at www

Jenny Kevin

a pair of , bLonde , bLouse , boots , coat , cotton , dress , gLoves , hair-band , hat , jacket , jeans , Long-sLeeves ,
neckLace , pants , scarf , shiπ , short-sLeeves , shouLder-Length , skirt , sneakers , socks , sweater , t-shirt , tights

뀔훌홉 Everybody
Student A: Go to the front of the classroom.
Walk from one side of the room to the other side. Walk like a fashion mode l.

Student B: Tell everyone what ‘ Student A’ is wearing.

Imitate a fashion announcer. Here is an example :

“ Ladies and gentlmen , )i -hye is wearing a pink sweater with blue flowers_ She has brown shoes and black
socks. She is wearing a white cotton skirt. )i -hye has shoulder-Iength , straight , black hair.

α Read this passage together.
., While you read , answer the questions on the next page. Track 37

We usually thi따(language and communication happen through words. However ,

we express ourselves in many non-verbal ways. For example , have you heard of
‘ bodylanguage ’ ? The way you stand , sit down , wave your arms , or raise your
eyebrows , tells other people what you are thinking.

Clothing is also a language. The things that you wear express your age , gender ,
occupation, and personality , in addition to your favorite rock group and TV star.
Well before any words are spoken, your clothes communicate many things. Why not
do some ‘ people-watching ’ on the bus or subway next time you travel? See what
people ’ s clothes tell you!

The language of fashion is especially important for teenagers.

Adolescence is a difficult time of personal development.
Young adults want to find their own identity , so they often
rebel against their parents. This need to protest and be
different is expressed in teenage fashion. At the same time ,
teenagers want to be ‘ cool ,’ and ‘ with it ,’ so they wear
‘ the latest thing ,’ imitating fashion idols such as pop

Language uses symbols to communicate

information and ideas. These symbols can be
words , pictures , signs , actions , or clothes. Take a
moment to think , next time you get dressed. What
are you saying to other people through your


1. What is non-verbal communication?

2. What can you express through your clothes? a. non-verbal b.gender

c. people-watching d.adolescence
3. What can you learn by watching people? e. identity f. rebel
g. with it h. idol
4. Why is adolescence a difficult time?

5. Why do young people rebel against their parents? 1. a god-like figure; someone who is
worshipped ‘
6. Why do young people want to be ‘ with it’?
2. character; uniquenesS (“ Who am I?")
7. Can you find a word in the passage that has a similar
3. looking at other people
meaning to ‘ teenager’?
4. male or female
8. Can you find a word in the passage that has a similar 5. not using words ..
meaning to ‘ rebel ’?
6. letters , signs , marks , etc. that represent
9. Summarize the final paragraph in one sentence . things or ideas
7. the period before adulthood; youth
8. to resist; to reject; to protest
9. up-to-date; fashionable


C What do you think it means when someone raises his/her eyebrows?

亡 Why are pOp stars fashion id 이s?

仁 If you could make a new fashion , what would it look like?

Back연round InformaUOn
Did you knOWf
_For Egyptian women in 1500 B.C., a sh떠aved
싫d head was th야
le he딴
l1'에1끼in에1니i…ne 뼈 w
b eau따
-건BL뼈%찮Oαonrη1rt뼈 싫
-Two out of five Women in America dye their hair.
- Fashionable peo쁘 in E앵걷nd in the 19th century used
only blue or green si lk umbrellas.
_Fashion designer Ra lph Lauren해 rst job w연 sel 띤영l oves
- Calvin K파n designs clothes for Julia Robeπs, 므뺑th Paltrow,
and Helen Hunt. •

-Tommy Hil띠er's first store , in up갚견te New York , was called

“ The People’ s Place."
- Yves S싫때 rent, the ‘ King of Fashior깨as the first desi뻗얀O
puτ h 션 fashion show live on the Inτernet.

65. __ _
Discussion (groups)
냉 Talk about the questions below.
~ Use the Conversation Strategies at the bottom of the page.

!: Why does fashion change so quickly?

G휠 Talk about a fashionable person.

~ Would you like to be like that person?

~ Why does fashion go in cycles?

’ Why do clothes go out of fashion and then come back in again?
댐 00 you like to wear the same as your friends?
’ Why? Why not? Support your opinion.
[[ 00 you follow fashion?
~ Why? Why not? Support your opinion.

호 00 you wear ‘ brand ’ clothes?

~ Why? Why no t? Support your opinion.

II Would you wear fashionable clothes ...

~ ... even if you didn ’ t like them?
’ ... even ifthey were uncomfortable?
표 Can you tell someone ’s personality by their clothes?
~ Support your opinion. Give some examples.

밀 What colors are ‘ in ’ this year? 00 you like them?

뀔 What do you think of fashion shows?

Sharing information about opinions: 1 ‘
• I’ d like to ask .. . Of course!
• Can I ask you ... ? Certainly.
• Could you tell me ... ? |’ 11 be happy to tell you .
• What do you think about ... ? Well , my opinion is ...
• What ’ 5 your opinion ? To tell the truth ,
• How do you feel? Frankly spe aking ,


Dialogue (pairs)
o Li sten to the dialogue with your partner.
Perform the dialogue together.

o Change roles. Perform the dialogue again. Track 38 Key Words & ExpresSïons
Ji-hye Excu5e me , Mr5. Brown. suit of clothes; matching clothes
Mrs. Brown Hello , Ji-hye. How can 1 help you? “ Is it me?"
“ Ooes the outfit suit me?""
“ Ooes it express my personality?
Ji-hye 1 wanted to a5k you about my new outfi t.
out of this world
Mrs. Brown Let ’ 5 have a look. Turn around a bit. unique; original; fantastlc
“ Don ’ t be silly! ’·
Ji-hye What do you think? 15 it me? '"Oon’t look for bad meanings.
Mrs. Brown Certainly! ln fact it ’ 5 out of thi5 world. worn out
old; in a bad condition
Ji-hye ln a good way, or a bad way? down to the ground
100%; absolutely
Mrs. Brown Don ’t be 5illy! ln a good way, of COUT5e! When did you get it?
Ji-hye Ye5terday. My old 5kating clothe5 were getting
worn out, 50 1 decided to get 50me new one5.
Mrs. Brown Well , 1 think they 5uit you down to the ground.
Ji-hye Thank5, Mr5. Brown.
Mrs. Brown But why a5k me? Why didn ’ t you a5k Jenny?
Ji-hye Jenny ’ 5 my friend. She ’ d 5ay anything to
make me feel good.
Mrs. Brown You mean 1 wouldn ’ t?
Ji-hye No , that ’ 5 not it. 1 mean 1 can tru5t you
to 5ay what you mean.


1. When did ji-hye buy her new outfit?

2. Why didn ’t ji-hye show it to Jenny straight away?
3. When do you think Ji-hye will wear these new clothes?
4. Doesn ’ t Jenny say what she means?
5. Does Mrs. Brown like ji-hye’s outfit?
6. Is ji-hye wearing the clothes , or are they still in the shopping bags?


Opinion Samples
~ Which opinion do you agree with? Why?

I!fl(i]괴괴1 1 Track 39

personaLLy , I don ’ t foLLow fashion. It ’ s a waste of time and money. lK핏~'J까7.쩨~험얀E혔~톨

I buy cL othes because they suit me and because they last. Why
should I throw them away , just because they’ re out of fashion? a trick; deception
It ’ s aLL a big rip-off in my opinion . The brand name makers want brand name
the name on the clothes 01
us to buy lots of expensiue cL othes , so that they can make a huge famous companies
profit. I go to outlet stores ωhen I need cL othes. They’ re just as outlet store
astore selling items
good , but they’ re much cheaper! straight from the factory
move with the times
toadapt to modern trends
톨!Iπm괴괴t.l Track 40 cool
fashionable; ’ with it"
I can ’t agree. I like fashion , and I like to look good. What's ωrong designer clothes
with that? It ’ s nice to buy new cL othes each year and moue with brand name clothes

the times. people who don ’t like fashion are just not coo l. Clothes
are not just about staying warm. They also teLL people who we
are , and they help to make a good impression. 50 I always buy
designer cL othes , to show people that I care about myself.

밥 Choose one of t뼈ebate statements below. W끼te it on the line.

1. Fashion is for rich , shallow people.
2. Fashion is an art form. It expresses life.
3. Fashion is used by clothes companies to make profi t.
4. Fashion helps us to feel good about ourselves.

않 Debate the statement together in 뻐irs or groups .

• One team or person should agree with the statemen t.
• One team or person should disagree with the statemen t.

훌 Further Reading
There are more reading passages and interesting activities about Fashion at

없Øm훌 PE,헬y

k to back. Imagine you

can use your cell phone if
situation (below) a
·ι:ti πF.1 πππi.

Student A: You bought a sweater yesterday for your

mother’ 5 birthday. However, your mother didn ’t
like it. Ring the department store. Ask for vour
rnonev back.

Student A: You want to go to the beach for the
weekend. Make a booking at a hotel,Explain what sort
t염Z혔앓X Z앓ditc하잉”
of room you want , how many nights you will stay , etc.

ower shop as5i5tant- e얀

닷ude따 B: ì' oU are 찮de마 þ.. wants (h엘$헬 웰
Student A: You want to order some flowers for your what sort of flower- e etcj . 돋멜밸the?fI
parents’ wedding anniversary, tomorrow. 젠많피ξ what color , vv address-
f10wershoD, Say what sort of flowers you want , ask the ~or the de\iver'/ â
price , and give the delivery address.

훌l-i1 πF.1 ππiw:: 를



1 하;니싸


00omn a?
þ.. that ,/ OU wW
싸\\ sen
미‘u 그ν what ha??eneu
Student A: You have just seen two cars crash into each

5tud e따 þ.. tote\\ ,/ OU
other. Phone the polic~ and ask them to come quickly.
Tell them what happened.

;J Read this passage together.
ü While you read , answer the questions on the next page. Track 41

Have you ever been in a public place like a bus or a subway and seen people talking
on their cell phones? Isn ’ t it strange how they talk so loudly , letting everyone know
what they are talking about? What ’ s more , it ’ s not unusual to see couples in
restaurants talking on their cell phones , instead of talking to each other. Even in the
street , we can see people ‘ on the phone ,’ entering text , sending e-mails , playing
games, reading online newspapers , surfing the Internet, or taking photos. It’ s as if
mobile phones are taking over our lives.

The number of cell phone users worldwide was 2.6 billion in 2006 , and is expected to
reach 4 billion in 2010. This growth is due to the large number of new subscribers in
Africa , the Middle East and India. Wireless communication is particularly good for
developing countries , since they don ’ t have to set up telephone lines across the
country. Because of this , people who have never heard a dial tone in
their lives can now use a cordless phone to speak to
anyone , anywhere.

There have been many generations of cell phones since they

first came ou t. What will they look like in 10 years time? There
are many ideas , such as watch phones , or necklace phones ,
in which you squeeze the
beads on the necklace ,
instead of dialing numbers.
They say that mobile phones
in the fu ture will recognize
the owner ’ s voice and will be
like a companion, or friend. It
certainly makes you think!


1. What does ‘ public place' mean?

2. What can we do on cell phones , apart from calling people Up? a. subscribers b. wireless communication
c. developing countries
3. How many new customers will buy cell phones between 2006 d. set up e. dial tone
and 2010? f. first came out g. dial
h. recognize i. companion
4. Why are cell phones good for developing countries? j. It makes you think.

5. How does a necklace phone work? 1. began; first appeared on the market
6. Can you find a word in the passage that has a similar meaning 2. countries that are not yet industrialized
to ‘ cell phone'? 3. to enter (press) numbers on the phone
4. friend ; partner; mate

5. It’5 food for thought (Unit 6); It’ ssomething

II류r.r.I'센톨’r.TTT:깐Ta to think abou t.

6. methods of communicating without cords or
C Do you have a cell phone? wlres
• Who do you call? 7. people who own cell phones
• Do you use it for other purposes? 8. the noise you hear before you dial a number

C If you could make your own cell phone:

9. to install; to lay down; to make
• What would it look like?
• What would you be able to do with it? 10. to remember; to identify

Back연round Inforroatl.on
Did 、IOU knOWf
compared wit h 4 .3 mi \l ion in 1 990α.
n mill inn r:~11 ohones are thrown away each
oes into the user’ s head.
_Uo to 60% of th e rad iati on f ro m a
- Millions of birds are killed by
- Ce \l /?ho ne rad iation makes it hard f or beest약쁘쁘르i r home. In a recent
→一」 70% of bees did not return t o hives containing cell 뻗쁘슨
- In Santiago Cit~때ePhilipp ines~obi le phones are ban ned in

_Julia Roberts does not own a 1Y. She has a mobile

-58% of

Discussion (groups)
에 Talk about the questions below.
에 Use the Conversation Strategies at the bottom of the page.

및 Is it OK to use cell phones in public places?

Why? Why not? Support your opinion.

[I: What do you use your cell phone for?

How many uses can you think of?

C켈 Co 띠 d you live without your cell phone?

What would you do without one? Talk about it.

단김 Can you remember what cell phones looked like 5 years ago?
What do you think they willlook like in 5 years time?
’ Explain your ideas.
~ Are cell phones environment-friendly?
Do they cause pollution? How about noise pollution?

및 Can cell phones damage our health?

When is it dangerous to use a cell phone?

[I Have you heard any funny stories about cell phones?

., Have you seen any funny situations involving cell phones?
밀 What are the advantages and disadvantages of
wireless communication?
., Are cell phones a blessing or a curse?

Sharing news on the phone: Receiving news on the phone:
• Have you heard ... ? • Really?
• They say that .. . • Is that so?
• 1’ve heard that .. . • Are you sure?
• Don ’ t tell anyone , but ... • You ’ re kidding!
• A little bird told me ... • Are you serious?
• Between you and me … • 00 you really mean that?

Dialogue (pairs)
1;) Li sten to the dialogue with your partner.
냉 Perform the dialogue together.
1;) Change roles. Perform the dialogue again. Track 42 Key Words & Expressions

úenny’ 5 cell phone rings.) “ Jenny here.

“ This is Jenny." 'Jenny speaking.

Jenny Hi , Jenny here. “ How long do you need?

‘'W hen will you finish your
Mr. Brown Ah , he110 Jenny. How ’5 the 5hopping? shopping? ’

Jenny Oh , hi , dad. 1t’5 going we1 1. 1’ve near1y fini5hed. ... orso
about; approximately
Mr. Brown How 10ng do you need? “ That sounds like a plan."
That’5a good idea.

Jenny About 30 minute5 or 50.

for ages
Mr. Brown How about meeting at the Soft Rock Café in ha1f an hour? for a very long tlme
Jenny That 50und5 1i ke a p1an. Then we can go home together.
Mr. Brown OK. 1’11 park the car and meet you there.
(An hour later, at the 50ft Rock Café. Mr. Brown ’ 5 cell phone rings.)
Mr. Brown He11o. 15 that you , Jenny?
Jenny Ye5, dad. Where are you? 1’ve been waiting for age5.
Mr. Brown What do you mean? 1’ m waiting for you.
Jenny But 1’ m in the Café and 1 can ’ t 5ee you.
Mr. Brown ’m in the Café , and 1 can ’ t 5ee you!
úenny and Mr. Brown turn round. They were sitting back to back.)
Jenny and Mr. Brown Ah! There you are!


1. Why does Mr. Brown ring jenny?

2. What is jenny doing? 1’‘」

3. What do they agree to do?

4. Why does jenny ring Mr. Brown the second time? 7 ‘

5. Who is in the wrong place?

6. Why couldn ’ t they see each other?

Oplnlon Samples
~ Which opinion do you agree with? Why?

I!l파괴괴• • Track 43

It’ s ue ηI fashionabLe to haue a ceLL phone these days. In fact , lK펀l센7-헨톨휩효포옆까w톨

eueryone seems to haue one , from kindergarten chiLd r en to oLd

mixed blessing
peopLe. I’ ue heard that there wiLL be 4 biLLion subscribers soon , not as good as they seem
but I won ’t be one of them . I think ceLL phones are a mixed disturb
to interrupt; to bother
bLe5sing. I hate it ωhen I’ m taLking to 50meone and their ceLL
put up with them
phone ring5 . What ’ 5 more , I don ’t want peopLe to be abLe to to leave themalone;
to ignorethem
disturb me any time they want. If it’ s important , they can send
far outweigh
me an e-mai l. to be much more important;
to be muchgreater than

톨~따다I’l Track 44

In my opinion , ceLL phOne5 are fanta5tic. They haue made my life

50 much easier. of COUr5e , some rude peopLe use their phOne5 in
public pLaCe5 like mouie theaters , but we just haue to put Up wi t h
them . In my opinion , the aduantage5 far outωeigh the
disaduantages. And , belieue it or not , ceLL phones can saue your
life. If you are in an accident , the police can find your exact
Location using your ceLL phone.

웰 Choose one 아
0 ft야뻐
1. Wireless communication is the pa따thway to the future.
2. Cell phones are taking over our lives.
3. Cell phones will replace computers in the future.
4. Cell phones are unhealthy.

빨 Debate the stater빼t together in pairs or groups.

• One team or person should agree with the statement .
• One team or person should disagree with the statemen t.

좋흩 Fu마
q jπ「빼
T are more reading passages and interesting activities about Cell Phones at wwvv


actor / actress fashion model police officer soldier

Do you start work at 9 a.m.?
bank teller flight attendant professor student Do you use a computer?
Do you use special tools?
chef judge reporter taxi driver Do you wear special clothes?
Do you wear a uniform?
dancer mail person sClentlst teacher
Do you work alone?

tennis player Do you work at night?

dentist πluslclan secreta 미
Do you work in a ba바?
doctor nurse slnger TV anchor Do you work in a plane?
Do you work in a factory?
farmer pilot soccer player waiter /
waitress Do you work in a post office?
00 you work in a restaurant?
Do you work in a shop?
1. Student A: Choose an occupation from Table 1.
Do you work in an Office?
• Oon ’ t tell anyone what it is.
Do you work indoors?
• Stand uo and act vour occuoation .
Do you work on Sundays?
• Perform it in front of the other group members.
Do you work 에th anima둠?
2. Everybody else: Watch Student A’ 5 performance.
00 you work with food?
• Ask Student A questions from Table 2.
• See if you can guess the occupation.

Read this passage together.

~ While you read , answer the questions on the next page. Track 45

Parents used to te11 their kids to become doctors , lawyers , accountants or engineers.
Those have always been the jobs that led to a prosperous life. However , tomorrow ’ s
economies will reward a different kind of mind. Instead of left-brain knowledge
workers , the future belongs to right-brained artists , inventors , and designers.

Our brains are divided into two hemispheres. The left one is logical. It works like a
computer. The right hemisphere is artistic. We use both sides of our brain in daily
life , but left hemisphere abilities are becoming less valuable , while right hemisphere
ab i1 ities are becoming more 、raluable .

Why is this happening? Firstly , products have to be more than just useful these days.
They also have to be attractive and meaningful. Secondly , knowledge-based jobs are
being outsourced to places like India and the Philippines. Fina11y , computers can do
left-brain jobs faster , cheaper and often better than people can.

Future jobs won ’ tbe “ high-tech." Instead , they ’ 11 be “ high-concep t." This means
creating artistic designs and using unusual ideas to make new products. This is the
sort of job that computers cannot do faster and foreign workers cannot do cheaper.

So next time your parents ask you

what you want to be in the future ,
te11 them you ’ re going to fo11ow a
right-brain career path!


1. Which jobs used to be the best career paths? M &f tcn tne woyds
2. Were these left-brain or right-brain jobs? a. prosperous b. inventor
c. hemisphere d. ability
3. Do we use our right brain in everyday activities? e. product f. attractive
g. meaningf비 h. outsourced
4. Why are knowledge-based jobs becoming less valuable? J. concept
J. career

5. What is the difference between ‘ high-tech’ and ‘ high-concept’?

1. a half of a sphere

6. Can ‘ high-concept’ jobs be outsourced? 2. beautiful; pretty; nice-Iooking

7. Can you find another phrase that means ‘ left-brain jobs ’ in the 3. deep; expressive; worthwhile

passage? 4. idea; notion

8. Why does the passage recommend a right-brain career path? 5. long-term occupation; profession

6. someone who makes new things

7. something made by humans or machines

8. the quality of being able to do something
亡 Are you aiming for a left-brain job or a right-brain job?
9. sent to a different country
仁 Can you think of some right-brain jobs?
10. wealthy; comfortable; well-off
C Why are jobs outsourced?

Back연round InformatLon

A re they left-brain jobs or

Discussion (groups)
~ Talk about the questions below.
\) Use the Conversation Strategies at the bottom of the page.

~ What is your dream job?

’ Is it different from the one your parents want you to do?
’ Do you want security or challenge and excitement?
’ Discuss your future careers together.
밍 What do you think of outsourcing?
’ Are many jobs being outsourced from Korea?
’ Where are they going to?
밍 Will computers take over many jobs in the future?
’ Will robots take over many jobs in the future?
’ What will happen to the people who lose their jobs?
냄 00 you want to stay in one job for your whole life?
’ Why? Why not? Support your opinion.
딛 Is it OK to be unemployed?
’ Why? Why not? Support your opinion.
획 Would you like to start your own business?
~ Why? Why not? Support your opinion.

Giving advice: Responding to advice:
• Why not ... ? • Actually ,
• Why don't you ... ? • To be honest,
become a teacher |’ d rather no t.
• If I were you , I’ d .. . • To tell the truth ,
• You could always .. . • Frankly speaking ,
• What about ... ? becoming • Come to think of it,
that’ 5 a great idea.
• Have you thought about ... ? a dancer • Now you mention it,


Dialogue (palrs)
~ Li sten to the dialogue with your partner.
~ Perform the dialogue together.
~ Change roles. Perform the dialogue again. Track 46

(Mrs. Brown is making the dinne r. Kevin comes into the kitchen for a glass of juice.) chat
brief talk
Kevin 1-l i, mum. That sme11s good! '1 can’t see it happemng. ’
" 1don’ t think it’ s possible.
Mrs. Brown Oh , Kevin. While you ’ re here , can we have a chat? "We don't want to push you.
'Wedon’t want to force you to
Kevin Of course , mum. What is it? make a decision.
(He gets the juice out ofthe refrigerator.) media design
3D animation , graphic design , and
Mrs. Brown Your dad and 1 have been talking about you. digital media
'1 see what you mean.
Kevin Oh dear. 1-l ave 1 done something wrong? '1 see your poin t."
"1 understand."
Mrs. Brown Don ’ t worry. We were ta lking about your future. Do you have
any plans?
Kevin ’d love to be a fìlm director, but 1 can ’ t see it happening.
Mrs. Brown Anything else?
Kevin 1 haven ’ t rea11y thought about it. What do you think?
Mrs. Brown We11 , you always get good grades in art and media design.
Kevin 1-l mm , and 1 do like photography. (He drinks the ju
Mrs. Brown We don ’ t want to push you , but ...
Kevin Yes, you're righ t. Maybe 1’11 be a photographer.
Mrs. Brown ln that case , you need to study photogra
media design in co11ege.
Kevin 1 see what you mean.
Mrs. Brown We want what ’5 best for you , after al l.
Kevin Thanks, mum. Now, when ’5 dinner?


1. Why did Kevin come into the kitchen?

2. What does Mrs. Brown want to talk to Kevin about?
3. What is Kevin ’5 dream job?
4. Why does Kevin consider being a photographer? (2 reasons)
5. Do Kevin ’5 parents have their own plans for his career?

Opinion Sampl톨S
.J Which opinion do you agree with? Why?

I!Ð파괴괴1 1

I don ’t reaLLy have a dream job. The most impoπant thing for me Ii핑I!!하~흉-:r;'갖원하H-'II
is to get a secure job and settle down. perhaps I’ LL be a public
seruant , or a teacher. Then I can keep the same job for my the payment given to people
when they retire from work
whole life and get a good pension at the end of i t. Maybe the
“Iwon ’t have to ... from."
job ωon ’ t be exciting or chaLLenging , but at least I ωon ’ t have to “I will have enough money
all the time'"
worry about where the next meal’ s coming from.
“|’ d ratherfollow my heart."
“l’d rather make decisions
based on instinct Ifeelings l."
Track 48

What ’ s the use of doing the same old thing every day for the
rest of your life? In my opinion , that's too high a price to pay for
security. I’ d rather folloω my heaπ. I want to find a job that I
love doing and that makes the most of all my abilities. It might
not be highly paid , but money isn ’t everything. If I can use my
talents to make ‘ high-concept ’ things for people , then I’ LL be

” õ

벨 Choose one of t뼈ebate statements below. Write it on the line.

1. Everyone should aim for his or her dream job.
2. Computers are putting lots of people out ofwork.
3. Happiness at work is more important than money.
4. Offices are not needed any more. People can work at home.

헬 Debate the statement together in 빠5 or groups •

• One team or person should agree with the statemen t.
• One team or person should disagree with the statemen t.

훌 Fu 이 her Reading
There are more reading passages and interesting activities about Dream Jobs at

w훌I'eb첼10쩔 T켈St • How is your quality of life?
• How is your stress level?

뀔랩삐 Byyourself
Take this ‘ Well-being Tes t.’

Answer the questions honestly and to the best of your ability.

V I know what I want to do in my life.

r Fa!se 0::::그 도=그 True
r 2 ’ I find it easy to concentrate.
r- Fa!se [[二〕 [c그 True
(' 3 ' I make my own quiet time every day.
r Fa!se 0::::二〕 도=:=J True
1훌.1 I do some exercise or deep breathing every day.

、‘-‘、 e O::::그 도=그 True
S' I eat organic food whenever I can.

Fa!se [[二〕 도~ True

6 During most of the day, my energy level is .
very!ow 0==그 도=그 3 도=:=J 도=그 very high

7; On the whole, my life is ...

r、 boring 0:=그 [c그 3 [c그 도二] exciting

8' I feel happiness in my heart ...

...‘、 never 0:=그 도=그 3 E二J [C그 all thetime

91My life so far has been ...

(l unproductive 0=:그 또~ 3 [c그 도~ producτive
10> I feel that my school studies are ...
wo야h!ess 0::::二] 도二그 3 도=:=J [[二그 worτ빼i!e

11’ When I am frightened, .
야 하

12' When I think about my past, I feel ...

rr=그 도~ 3 m m “

regrets “

Total C그 E二그 며E그 /
*The feedback for your result is in the Answer Key , at the back of the book.

Ii Read this passage together.
Ii While you read , answer the questions on the next page. Track49

Did you know that school children consume more than a third of
their daily food at school? This makes school a great place to
establish healthy eating patterns. Falling in Loνe with Food is the
name of the annual N ational Nutrition Week in Australia , and
during this week, ‘ healthy lunch ’ activity kits are given to
schools. These kits include information about the health value of
foods and hints about how to make well-being lunchboxes containing
all the 5 food types.

In addition to this week-long festival , Let ’ s Get Fruity is an exciting new program in
Australian primary schools , supported by the kiwifruit industry of New Zealand. It
provides lots of fun classroom activities and other materials , all of which explain the
importance of fruit and water. School children often like high-fat cookies and candies ,
but these do not provide the energy needed for studying.
Because of this , one of the first changes made by
the Let ’ s Get Fruity program is to introduce a ‘ fruit
and water time' during classroom lessons.

Many people are worried about the rising number

of overweight children in Australia , and fruit offers
a low calorie , nutritious snack. Eating more fruit
can improve children ’ s health and well-being , and
there are other benefits as wel l. It has been said that
if every Australian ate one extra fruit a day , *$180
million would be saved in national health care costs.
As the saying goes , “ An apple a day keeps the doctor
*1 Australian dollar = about 780 Korean won

I뭔힘F맘툼쿄쿄감효E힘뭔. .

1. Why is school a good place to start good eating habits?

2. How often does National Nutrition Week happen? b. establish c. activity kit
e. introduce f.overweight
3. What ’5 wrong with high-fat snacks? h. nutritious i. snack
4. Name one change made by the ‘ Let ’5 Get Fruity' program.
1. a collection of activities
5. How can fruit help school children?
2. a un it of energy value of food
6. How can fruit help the economy of Australia?
3. food eaten between meals
4. healthy; valuable
5. to begin; to start
IIπ제~톨π맨줘1를 6. to eat; to use up
7. to make better ...
仁 Do you have healthy eating patterns?
8. to set up; to make
C What are the 5 food types?
9. too heavy; fat
1" Have you heard of the ‘ food pyramid ’? 10. very interesting
1" Why is the New Zealand kiwifruit industry supporting an
Australian school fruit program? What do you think?

Back연round Informatlon
Here ar‘e 60metip6 for a healthy Iife6tyle.
1. 않
짜 tw

: §;z;뽑;:::魔rzg$rX끄뚫r:3뚫選lL껍Lk찮 ng people. 까í재빼

4 z찮醫鐵:따뚫¢흉 뿔鐵; 따뚫; 뚫gr뿔뚫
5 뚫캠ZXZIS뚫;;tZl@::ith friendg Forget your worrieg arld do whatever ma|<eg yO뼈 good
Be kind to yourself.
6. Don’'t be fooled: 삶tfalI for the latest diet on 1v
íhe best way to lose weight is to eat healthily and to be active!
7. Re려duce 강
stress당: M
이1a‘ke 잇
s ure yo u have 5 rηminu따
stretch , take a walk , 0r just close your eyes.
8. Breathe: í ry some deep b~eathing with the whole lungs .
Breathe in and out slowly 앤낀얀약f oxy쁘샌t액ur body!

_ 83- - -
Discussion (groups)
liÞ Talk about the questions below.
\J Use the Conversation Strategies at the bottom of the page.

rr: How many of the ‘ tips ’ (previous page) do you already do in your li헨
~ Do you agree with all the tips?
~ Can you think of some other tips?

덜 Whyis ‘ well-being’ so popular these days?

~ What is well-being food?

~ How is it different from other food?
’ Where can you find it?
’ Does it really make you healthy?
댐 Have you ever thought of being a vegetarian?
~ Why? Why not? Support your opinion.

덜 What is well-being exercise?

~ How is it different from normal exercise?
’ Is it better than normal exercise.
호 Have you ever thought of doing yoga?
~ Why? Why not? Support your opinion.

æIs your life stressf비?

~ How can we reduce stress in our lives?

Suggesting: Saying ‘ no’ politely:

• Let’ 5 ... • I’ m not into ...

• Shall we ... ? • I’ m not keen on … V

watch a movie M

• Would you like to ... ? • I’ m not really interested in ...

• Why don ’ t we ... ? • I’ m not in the mood for ...

• How about ... ? • I’ d rather

no t.
watching a movie
• Do you fancy ... ? • Maybe another time.

Dialogue (three p훌ople)
~ Li sten to the dialogue with your partners.
<i) Perform the dialogue together.

~ Change roles. Perform the dialogue again. Track 50 Key Words & Expresslons
“ Iwon’ t be a minute."
Oenny and Ji -hye are reading a magazine , while Grandma Brown vacuums the floor.) 'ï' ll be ve이 q비Ck ”

Grandma Brown Hello , you tWO. Can you move a 1itt1e bit? “You don’t believe in diets , d。
Jenny Sure , Grandma. “ 00 you reallybelieve that diets
are good for you?"
Grandma Brown Thanks. 1 won ’ t be a minute.
Oenny and Ji-hye move onto the sofa and read the magazine.) cleaning the house , washing the
clothes , etc.
Ji-hye 1 rea lly 1ike this ‘ healthy food ' section. "Ciao!"
Jenny Me too. And how about the ‘ Organic Diet' on the next
Ji-hye ’ve heard 10ts of Hollywood stars are into it.
Jenny Yes. lt must be good.
Grandma Brown (She has finished vacuuming.) What ’ s that you ’ re reading?
Ji-hye lt ’s the 1atest edition of TeenYoung Magazine , Grandma Brown.
Grandma Brown You don ’ t be1ieve in diets, do you?
Ji-hye Of course we do , Grandma.
Grandma Brown Don ’ t be si11y. You ’ re sti11 growing up.
Ji-hye But we want to be coo1 , and wear the 1atest fashion.
Grandma Brown 1 see. Well , if you really want to 10se weight , then
you can he1p me with the housework.
Jenny We ’ d 10ve to , Grandma , but ...
Ji-hye Don ’ t we have some homework to do?
Jenny Yes, that ’s righ t. We have to go. Ciao!


1. Why does Grandma Brown ask the two girls to move?

What age group is the magazine aimed at?

3. Why does Jenny expect the diet to be good?

... .
---~-,.. ~.t
_-- →→
←~--'-- ,‘ - .... ...-‘"'‘ - .‘""~, .. , •.- . -

4. Why do the two girls want to go on a diet?

5. What does Grandma Brown suggest?
6. Do Jenny and ji-hye accept her suggestion?


Opinion Samples
;;) Which opinion do you agree with? Why?

I!E:파따괴11 Track 51

weLL-being is not just a fashionabLe trend that ’ s ‘ here today and l훤믿맨하7-J;1ιI홈효E옆까~

gone tomorroω. ’ It ’s based on the advice of experts. If we want a

reducing stress
heaLthy Li festyLe , then we must change our habits. We need to lessening stress;
cutting stress down
waLk ωhenever ωe can , and we need to eat heaLthiLy and be
“ If you ask me .....

actiue. Most of aLL , we haue to find ways of reducing stress. “ In my opinion

That ’ s why I Li ke yoga. It heLps me to breathe deepLy and forget stuff

matter; Issue; attentlon;
aLL my worries. tOplC
“ Itwon ’ t last: '
'ïtwon’t stay very long. "
Track 52 get fed up
to get bored; to have had
If you ask me , aLL this weLL-being stuff is just a passing fashion. enough
It ’ s great for TV shows and magazines , since it giues them couch potato
someone who watches TV
something to taLk about , but it ωon ’ t Last. peopLe wiLL soon get on the sofa instead of
getting exerclse
fed Up with paying for expensiue organic food and doing yoga.
junk food
MeanwhiLe , I’ m happy being a couch potato and eating junk food. food with no nutritional
That ’ s how I get rid of my stress. why shouLd I change my
Li festyLe?

밥 Choose one of the debate stater떼ts below. Write it on the line.
1. Organic food is too expensive.
2. Modern life is too stressfu l.
3. Well-being is just a passing fashion.
4. You are what you ea t.

빨 Debate the statement together in pairs or groups .

• One team or person should agree with the statemen t.
• One team or person should disagree with the statemen t.

웰플 Fu마
g lπr빼
T e are mo
아re reading passages and interesting activities about Well-being at www


1. Write the names of two sports on the lines.

1£;;j 「깐--. golf 더I] 1 9

2. Ask everybody the question : '"0 0 you prefer swimming to golf?"
3. Count the number of "Yes '’ answers and “ No" answers 빼빼
4. Here are some names of sports that you can use :

archery baseball skiing

mn” bowling tennis
… R

badminton I basketball ice hockey

m4 volleyball

00 you prefer to ?
Yes No
00 you prefer to ?
Yes No
00 you prefer to
Yes No
00 you prefer to ?
‘ --‘----“---“--‘‘----•~•-
Yes No
00 you prefer to

뀔훌힐 By yourself and groups

Summarize your results , and read them to your group members.
For example: “ On the whofe , peopfe prefer 5 wimming to goff."

On the whole ,

In general ,

Overall ,

By and large ,

All in all ,

에 Read this passage together.
1,) While you read , answer the questions on the next page. Track 53

The Olympic Games go back to 776 BC , and 홈톰훌

were held on the plains of Olympia , in Greece. -!j

They were banned in 393 AD , and didn ’ t start
again until1500 years later. In 1894 , the
Frenchman, Pierre de Coubertin , created the

-F빼 I .ω휠
얻 ζlIì껴‘펀객;’혜헛
\11썩싼시11μ·까‘ ·철쌀’
International Olympic Committee (IOC) , and the ‘

1st modern Olympic Games were held in Athens

on April 6, 1896.

Promoting peace has always been an important part of the Olympic spiri t. If there
was a war , a truce was made between the fighting armies , so that people could
travel safely to the Games. This ‘ Olympic Truce' could be seen in the Sydney
Olympics in 2000 , when North and South Korea marched under the same flag.

The goal of the original Games was to balance body and mind , in a spirit of peace ,
friendship and fair play. For the early Olympian athletes , taking part was more
important than winning. Modern athletes , on the other hand , are under a lot of
pressure to win gold medals for their countries.

A recent version of the Olympics is the Paralympics , in which handicapped people

take part in 12 sports. The International Paralympic Committee (IPC) began in 1989
and is a non-profit organization. It aims to develop sporting opportunities for
disabled people , and promotes values such as courage , determination, motivation
and equa1ity.


1. What does ‘ IOC ’ mean? M"tc Vt t Vt e wO t"cts

2. What does ‘ IPC ’ mean? a. go back to 776 BC b.banned

c. truce d. fair play
3. What are the goals of the Olym pic Games? e. athlete
f. handicapped people
4. What are the goals of the Paralympics? g. non-profit organization h.opportunities
1. promote
j. determination
5. How are these goals different? k. motivation l. equality
6. How long did the original Olympics continue before they were
1. a time during which armies agree not to fight

7. Did the Modern Olympics start in France? 2. an organization which helps people , without
8. How are modern athletes different from the original athletes?
3. balance; sameness
9. Explain what ‘ Olympic Truce' means. 4. chances
10. Can you find another word that means ‘ handicapped ’ in the 5. desire; wish
passage? 6. drive; energy; diligence
7. evenness; equal treatment

8. people who have damaged bodies or minds

9. player; sportsperson
C Are the original Olympic ideas still followed today? 10. started in 776 BC

π How important is winning? 11. stopped; finished

12. to assist; to encourage; to work for
亡 Why do athletes take drugs?

Back연rOl.lnd Info~ìna:UOn

Da딴판핸e USA.
Here are the Top 10 Sports
Doyou 핸hich spo야s are play~쁘n these o. aysf
1. Super Bowl
2.Baseball’ s Opening Day
3. First two days of th e NCAA T0얀쁘쁘약
4. Kentucky Derby
5. Thanksgiving
6. Ga me 1 of th e World Series
7. Final Four Saturday
8. NewYear’s Day
9.Sunday at Masters
*The answers are in the Answer Key , at the back of the book.

_ 8-9
- I
Discussion (groups)
" Talk about the questions below.
" Use the Conversation Strategies at the boUom of the page.

cr What’'s your favorite sport? Talk about it.

圖 00 you have a role model who is a sports star? Tell us about him/her.

뀔 00 you like to watch spo 따 on TV?

’ Why? Why not? Support your opinion.
團 00 you ever watch sports live at a stadium?
’ Why? Why not? Support your opinion.
댐 00 you like to play sports?
‘ Why? Why not? Support your opinion.
힘 What was your best (or worst) experience
when playing a sport?
~ Tell everyone about it.

[L Do you think sports players get too much money?

[ [ Whydowe 미ay sports? Talk abωt it together.

훌 Why do some athletes take drugs?

뀔 Is the original Ol ympic spi 끼t still alive?

~ Are the Olympics too commercial?
~ Is there too much drug-taking?

’Is there too much nationalism?

끊 Is winning the most impo때 nt thing in sports?

멜 Why do sports stars become fashion idols?

Asking for explanations: Responding:
• How come ... ? • Maybe it’ s because ... Korean soccer stars
• Why is it that ... ? soccer IS more • It could be that ... are so famous .
• Can you tell me why ... ? popular than • I’ m not sure . • I have no idea .
• I don ’ t see why ... baseball • Me eithe r. • Search me .
• I don ’ t understand why ... • I don ’ t know. • You tell me.

Dialogue (three people)
‘ Li sten to the dialogue with your partners.
~ Perform the dialogue together.
~ Change roles. Perform the dialogue again. Track 54 Key Words & ExpressïOnS
“Haven ’t you got ... today?"
(Kevin and Sung-min are sitting on the sofa , watching TV. Mr. Brown enters the room.) ‘Why don't you do something
Mr. Brown "H ello you two couch potatoes. interesting?"
"That’ 5 differen t."
Kevin "H ello , dad. "That’ 5 a special case.
Mr. Brown "H aven ’ t you got anything better to do today?
Sung-min But, Mr. Brown , it ’ 5 the Rose Bowl. accident; chance; two things
happening in the same way
Mr. Brown 1 see. That ’ 5 different. Who ’5 playing?
Sung-min lt ’5 Michigan against Stanford University.
Kevin Yes. lt’ 5 really exciting, dad.
Mr. Brown Did you say Michigan and Stanford?
Sung-min Yes. Why do you ask?
Mr. Brown Believe it or not , the tìrst Rose Bowl game ,
in 1902 , was between the same two teams.
Kevin Wow. That ’5 a coincidence!
Sung-min 1902. That ’5 more than 100 years ago.
Mr. Brown That ’ 5 righ t. You can see why the Rose Bowl
is called ‘ The Granddaddy of them alL’
Kevin (Looking out ofthe door) Why is mum waving at you , dad?
Mr. Brown Oh , 1 forgo t. 1 promised to take her skating. let me know who wins.
Kevin OK , dad. See you later.


1. What is the date today (i n the dialogue)? (Check the date of the Rose Bow l.)
2. Why does Mr. Brown call Kevin and Sung-min ‘couch potatoes'?
3. Which teams played in the first Rose Bowl?
4. What does ‘ them all' refer to in ‘ The Granddaddy ofthem all ’?
5. Does Mr. Brown watch the game with the two boys?
6. How will Mr. Brown find out the final score?

Opinion Sample룹
,,} Which opinion do you agree with? Why?

I!fl:IilE고1 1 Track 55

I Love every sport. I just can ’t get enough. I pLay sports ωith my %I~껴믿”까~망까I종저Tõ)1~톨
friends whenever I can and I watch sports on TV. Ithink sports
“ I can ’ t get enough."
keep us heaLthy in body and mind , and they teach us about I always wa nt more."
friendship and fair pLay. My roLe modeL is park Ji-sung , who has commercialized
based on money;
pLayed i n many internationaL teams. I don ’ t think he gets too done for a profit
much money. He has worked hard to get to the top and he has “ Money talks!"
"M oney makes everything
become an exampLe for euery young person in Korea. happen.’

홉1!l1il따I’l Track 56

|’ m afraid sport is too commercia Li zed these days. ProfessionaL

tennis pLayers , goLf pLayers and soccer pLayers get far too much
money. They can ’t think about friendship ωhen they pLay. For
them , winning is everything. As for the OLympics , the originaL
oLympic Spirit is dead. The athLetes get Lots of money if they ωin
goLd medaLs for their countries , so Lots of them take drugs. After
aLL , money taLks!

발 Choose one of the debate statements below. Write it on뼈
1. Spor야ts players are paid too much these days.
2. The Olympics have lost their original goals.
3. Sport develops our minds as well as our bodies.
4. Winning isn ’ t everything.

Þ뻐D e때ba하te 야t 뻐
hle 하
5 ta하te민rr때
• One team or person should agree with the statemen t.
• One team or person should disagree with the statemen t.

훌 Further Reading
There are more reading passages and interesting activities about Spoπ5 at

• How many people are there in your family?
• 00 you have any cousins or aunts?

뀔휠11 By yourself
Make a family tree of your family.
Do you have more than one brother or sister?
n add as many extra people as you wish.

뀔훌힐 Byyourself
Look at this Family Wordsearch .
Can you find all these words?

".----------- - --------------、
aunt family husband slster
brother father mother son
‘ cousin grandfather niece uncle
I daughter grandmother 때 hew wife
*The solution is in the Answer Key , at the back of the book.

;>Read this passage together.
냉 While you read , answer the questions on the next page. Track 57

The Korean family has changed greatly in recent years. Even 60 years ago , it was
normal for three generations to share the same house. Now, however , this is very
rare. 55 percent of households are nuclear families , mostly with one child. In fact ,
the size of the average household is only 2.8 people , compared with 4 .5 in 1980 ,
and 5 .5 in 1966.

This change has happened for a number of reasons. First , Korean culture was
damaged by the Japanese occupation (1910-45) and the Korean War (1950-53).
Then, from the 1960s , Korea changed from a farming society to an industrialized
society , quickly taking on Western values and technology. As a resu1t, the
traditional extended fam i1y has given way to the modern nuclear family , and the
number of divorced and single mothers is increasing.

Attitudes are also changing. Young people these days do not want to live with
their parents and look after them in old age , though this used to be their duty.
They feel that elderly parents should stay in nursing homes , or that society should
take care of them. Even the parents feel
bad about depending on their children
for suppor t.

As with many developed countries ,

the changing family in Korea is
producing an aging population, with
fewer young people to take care of
the economy. This situation is a
major problem for politicians.


1. What does ‘ three generations' in line 2 of the passage

mean? b. nuclear family
d. extended family
2. How many generations make Up a nuclear family?
f. single mother
3. How big was the average household in 1980? h. nursing home

4. Why has the extended family given way to the nuclear 1. a woman who looks after her children by
herself ‘
2. an institute for looking after old and sick
5. 00 young people want to take care of their parents? people ... -‘’ “‘·’ “’‘ -
-- .. . .... . . ‘

6. What do they think should happen to elderly parents? 3. harmed; hurt; injured ..
4. not married any more
7. Why is this situation a big problem for politicians?
5. the people who live in a house
6. three (or more) generations living together
“ “ . . “ ‘ ’ “ “ · ‘ ••. .• “ “ “ “ ‘ .. “ ’ ““ ‘

I파파훌한흩따뭘뭘흩 7. two generations (parents and children)

living together ..
c: 00 you want to take care of your parents when they get
8. way ofthinking “ ‘ .. .. ’


亡 00 you want to have any children in the future?

다 Who willlook after you when you are elderly?

Background Informa-uon
Did 、fOU know'? (까lese facts are all aÞout κorea.)
- M잃's biπhrate is lower tha때at of the United States , france , and 빼an
ducation. Those with
- Parents with one child spend 23.8% of their i
two children spend 59% , and those with three children spend 63.9%.

- There are about 250 Korean family names.

-45% 아 Korean people are called Kim , Lee , or Park.
n) was traditionally at the hearτ of
- filial piety ‘ hyo’ in Korean)
Korean family life.
-.In English , ‘ uncle’ can mean ‘ my father' s brother' or
‘ myrνymηmo
야 야애뼈뼈
t 야
얘 야b 뼈lerκ,기In뼈
- M이1erηmbers of the sarηme generatiψOαni씨n a family of야ten have the same 'general/lon n~r [IC;
family name. for example: Kim Sung-min , Kim Sung-jun~"'~ h <=lc; p ,.j nn Knrean words , instead of
- 5ince the 197Og, parent5 5tarted giving their children nameg ba5ed on Korean w

Chinese characters.

Discu톨률iolI lgroup룹l
\) Talk about the questions below.
~ Use the Conversation Strategies at the bottom of the page.

[I What do you think of the extended family?

’ Support your opinion.
흘 What do you think of the nuclear family?
~ Support your opinion.

[l, What do you think about the falling birthrate?

~ What effect will it have on jobs?
~ What effect will it have on the economy?
’ How will it affect elderly people?
단L Why do many couples not want to
have children these days?
’ Support your opinion.
〔룰 Why is the number of divorced and
single mothers increasing?
’ What do you think about this situation?
~ Many farmers are m

wives these days.
~ Why is this?
~ What effect will it have on Korean society?

[L Is it better to be a single child or to have

many brothers and sisters?

Restating someone’ S opinion: Confirming:
• In other words , • Yes , I suppose so .

• You could say tha t.

• Let me get this righ t.

t a

%’ M


• That’ s it.

”” f



• 50 you mean that ...


· ru

• 50 you ’ re saying that ... l • Yes , you ’ ve got it.

• What you ’ re saying is that ... • That ’ s righ t.
• If I understand you correctly , • Absolutely.


Dialo l힘 U 믿 pairs)
냉 Listen to the dialogue with your partner.
í) Perform the dialogue together.

α Change roles. Perform the dialogue again. Track 58 Key Words & Expresslons
"Things were different then."
Grandma Brown l-1 e11o , Kevin. What ’s up? “The situation was different , so
Kevin l-1 i, Grandma. Can 1 ask you a question? people acted differently."
“ We’ llsee.
Grandma Brown Sure. What is it? “ Let’5 see what happens
Kevin 1 hope it ’s not too persona l.
. ‘
Grandma Brown You won ’ t find out if you don ’ t ask.
Kevin We11 , ... how many children did your parents have?
Grandma Brown Let me see. 1 had three brothers and two sisters.
Kevin Wow! That ’ s a 10t.
Grandma Brown Oh yes. Things were different then .
Kevin What do you mean?
Grandma Brown 1n my parents' day, it was norma1 to have a large number of chi1dren.
The mother used to stay home and 100k after them .
Kevin ’ve heard about tha t.
Grandma Brown These days married couples both want a job, so they don ’ t have many children.
Some don ’ t have any.
Kevin Why do they get married , then?
Grandma Brown Perhaps they just 1ike 1iving together, Kevin.
Kevin 1 suppose so.
Grandma Brown Let ’ s ta1k about it again
when you get married.
Kevin Don ’ t worry. That won ’ t happen.
Grandma Brown We ’11 see , Kevin . We ’11 see.


1. How many children did Grandma Brown ’5 parents have?

2. Was this number of children unusual?
3. What was the role of the wife in those days?
4. How has this role changed?
5. Does Kevin want to get married?
6. Does Grandma Brown think that he will get married?


Opinion Samples
G Which opinion do you agree with? Why?

I!B:따핀괴.. 1 Track 59

FamiLy uaLues are disappearing these days. In the traditionaL lk포I!!하~훨얀톨옆밍얀품톨

extended family , three or more generations liued together , and it
family values
was the duty of the oldest son to take care of his parents and values traditionally
associated with the family
grandparents. HOweuer, young people these days prefer to liue [filial piety, etc.J
by themselues and send their parents to nursing homes. The destroying
breaking down; erasing;
nuclear family is destroying our traditional ualues and crushing
encouraging diuorce and single mothers. burdened
loaded; weighted down

I!Til1파괴t~ Track 60 related; proper; acceptable


Korea is a deueloped country now , and just as in other deueLoped
countries , young people don ’t want to be burdened with elderly
parents or lots of children. The extended family is not releuant
any more in our high technology society. Looking after a child is
becoming more and more expensiue and time-consuming , and
young wiues want to haue their 0ωn careers. It’ 5 a time of
opportunity and equality.

밸 Choose one 뼈le debate stater빼ts below. Write it on뼈
1. Family values are disappearing these days.
2. Young people should take care oftheir elderly parents.
3. Single mothers should get help from society.
4. The government should encourage couples to have children .

렐빨k- 뼈
D e매ba하t앤

hle 하
s t뻐
• One team or person should agree with the statemen t.
• One team or person should disagree with the statemen t.

웰플 Fu빼
Q j
T are more reading passages and interesting activities about Family at www

뱉햄11 Byyou!se

2. Is there a TV ad that you don ’t like? What is it?

3. 00 you buy things that are advertised on TV?
4. Who is your favorite TV ad personality?
5. 00 you believe TV ads?

1.00 you read Internet ads?
2. 00 you buy things advertised on the Internet? ”””
3. 00 you believe Internet ads? u
4. 00 you read spam e-mail messages?
5. Have you ever answered a spam message?

1.00 you read newspaper/magazine/comic ads?

2. 00 you buy things advertised in print media*?
3.00 you believe ads in print media?
4. What is your favorite print media ad?
5. 00 you read leaflets given to you in the street?

*print media = newspapers, magazines , comics , leaflets , brochures , et c.

1.00 you listen to ads on the radio?

2. Is there a radio ad that you like? What is it?
3. Is there a radio ad you don ’t like? What is it?
4. 00 you buy things advertised on the radio?
5. 00 you believe radio ads?

뀔훌E Groups
Share the results of your survey with everyone in the group.

~ Read this passage together.
Q While you read , answer the questions on the next page. Track 61

How many advertisements do we see every day? Let ’ s

think about this a moment. Of course , there are TV ads ,
shop signs and advertising billboards on roadsides. Every
newspaper , magazine or comic contains ads , and every
shop , bank and post office has ads inside it. Then , there are
the people who give out leaflets on the street and the ads on
our doors when we come home.

What ’ s more , every time we surf the Internet, we see

websites with ads on them , along with pop-ups and banners. Even when we use e-mail ,
spam messages advertise all sorts of products. In other words , advertisements are all
around us. If you don ’ t believe it, try finding a place that doesn ’ t contain any
advertising. It’ s more difficult th(~m you think.

The nature of advertising is changing as wel l. When they started , ads used to give
information about products. Now they use images instead of words to persuade us and
they target our dreams and emotions. Ads show us images of movie stars and famous
athletes , cars driving along empty roads , happy families having a picnic in the country ,
beautifullakes , romantic dinners , and lovers walking along the beach. The commercial
has become a drama or a myth , full of beautiful people enjoying themselves.

Finally , commercials are very

effective , so TV networks
charge high prices for prime-
time programs. For example ,
the average cost of a thirty-
second TV commercial during
the 2007 Super Bowl game
was $2.7 million.

1. How many types of ads are mentioned in the passage?

2. Is it easy to find somewhere without advertisements? b. billboard

e. lmage
3. What did the first advertisements contain? h. effective

4. What do commercials use now, instead of information?

1. a box at the top of a website containing
5. Do modern commercials target our reason? advertising

2. a large panel on which advertisements are

6. Why does the writer think that ads are dramas or myths?
7. Can you find another word that means ‘ advertisement ’ in the 3. a picture; graphic; illustration
4. a short word for ‘ advertisements ’
5. character; type

6. the most popular times for watching TV

II류t:'1~t'!1톨깐"."춰1를 7- to advise; to influence; to urge

8. to aim at; to direct .....

C How many types of advertisements can you think of?
9. useful; forceful; powerful
亡 Do you buy things you see advertised on TV?

C Do you believe advertisements?

C If you could make a TV ad , what would it contain?

Back연round InformaUOn
Did you know~ ----
ay and two million TY
_íhe average Amer~ca n sees or hears about 3 ,000 advetτiser↑1ents a d
commercia ls by the time he or she is 65.
- - Globa l companies spe쁘 over $620 billion each year onadvert젠19
_íhe Internet is the fastest growing adverτising medium . ----
Donuts , in 1954.
서 o 까n commercνials for Southern Made
- íhe singer Elvis Presley aPEeare &1
- an hour,
- íhe mosτ famous car ad was for the British Roll s-Royce: ‘ At 60 milee
the loudest noise in this new Rolls-Royce is the ticking of the electri
- íhe Ii pstick manufacturer Charles Revson said: “ In our factory , we mak
lipstick. In our advertising , we sell hope." -
- The writer H. G. Wel ls said: “ Advertising is legaliz!d lyin
_The scholar Marshall McLuhan said: “ Advertising is the greatest

arτ form of the 20th century.

101 __
Di를CUSSion Igroupsl
~ Talk about the questions below.
~ Use the Conversation Strategies at the bottom of the page.

U: What do you think of advertising?

’ Support your opinion.
cr What are the advantages and disadvantages of advertising?
‘ Support your opinion.
OC Are all ads honest? 00 they give us the information we need?
’ Support your opinion.
[E How does advertising target different groups?
’ Is it OK to target children? Can they make logical decisions?
및 How does advertising persuade us to buy things?
‘ Is it OK to target our emotions instead of our reason?
~ Why? Why not? Support your opinion.

[ [ Ooes advertising persuade us to buy things we don ’ t need?

[I How does advertising affect language?

‘ Do the words of famous ads become part of the language?
표 Are there too many commercials on TV?
~ Can we concentrate on the news when it has commercials

before and after it?

믿 Can we tr빠 TV programs wt빼 are funded byadvertising?

Giving examples:
• For instance ,
we don ’ t need to buy cell phones
Advertising persuades • For example ,
us to buy things that get smaller and smaller each
• For one thing ,
we don ’ t need. yea r. The old cell phone does the
• To give you an idea ,
same job , just as wel l.
• To show you what I mean ,



e (three people)
.., Listen to the dialogue with your partners.
Q Perform the dialogue together.
내 Change roles. Perform the dialogue again. Track 62 Key Words & Expressions
“ All by yourselves?"
Oi-hye and Sung-min are sitting on the sofa , watching TV ,) 'ïs nobody with you?"
Ji-hye Oh , 1 love this ad. "Vou’ re not serious , are you?
"Vou must be joking ,"

Sung-min Me too. lt ’5 rea lly funny. .‘ Are you joking?"

Mrs. Brown "H ello , you two. All by yourselves?

Sung-min "H ello , Mrs. Brown. We ’ re waiting for Jenny and Kevin.
Mrs. Brown 1 see. Any plans?
Ji-hye Yes. We ’ re going to the movies.
Sung-min We ’ re watching the Advertising Oscars.
Mrs. Brown The what?
Sung-min They ’ re like the normal Oscar awards , ...
Ji-hye ... but the prizes go to the best TV commercials
Sung-min ... and the best TV ad actors and directors. '
Mrs , Brown You ’ re not serious, are you?
Sung-min Of course we are , Mrs. Brown.
Ji-hye TV ads are much better than TV programs.
They ’ re funny, interesting, and clever.
Mrs. Brown Really? 1 never watch them. 1 always go and get a drink or a snack when the ads come on.
Ji-hye Maybe you ’ re missing something, Mrs. Brown.
Mrs. Brown You could be right. 1’ d never thought of that before.


1. What are Ji -hye and Sung-min doing when Mrs. Brown comes into the room?
2. What are they going to do when Jenny and Kevin arrive?
3. What are the ‘Advertising Oscars ’?
4. Does Mrs. Brown believe them?
5. Does Mrs. Brown usually watch TV commercials?
6. What do you think she will do in the future?

Opinion 5amples
α Which opinion do you agree with? Why?

I!l立파단괴1 1 Track 63

In my opinion , TV ads are a big probLem. They giue peopLe a lK펀I!!하iLr.:I'를롤~원~

faLse idea of rea Li ty and encourage them to buy things they

false idea of reality
don ’ t need. Euen ωorse , they’ re often dishones t. They target an untrue picture of life
certain groups of peopLe and offer them impossibLe dreams. For dishonest
not honest
exampLe , many ads show cars driuing aLong empty roads. others
impossible dreams
show apartments surrounded by trees and parks. Eueryone knows hopes that ca nnotbe
this isn ’ t true , but they aLL faLL for the fantasy .
fall for
to be tricked into doing
I!I파파~.1 Track 64 fantasy
dream; illusion; unreal idea
I Li ke ωatching TV ads . They ’ re funny and interesting and the brighten up
creators are uery cL euer. Sometimes I think the ads are better to make [our lives! more
than the actuaL programs. We don ’t haue to take them seriousLy
and we don ’t haue to buy anything. And then again , there are
many ads which target probLems in society. For instance , ‘ NO-
smoking ’ ads heLp young peopLe to understand the dangers of
smoking. ALL in aLL , I think TV ads can brighten Up our Li ues.

TLe.t'S Debate!fi ))

벨 Choose one of the debate statements below. W때 it on the line.

1. Advertising has many’ advantages.
2. Advertising which targets children is wrong.
3. Too much money is spent on advertising.
4. Advertising encourages us to consume too much.

웰 Debate the stater뼈t together in pairs or groups .

• One team or person should agree with the statemen t.
• One team or person should disagree with the statemen t.

훌 Further Reading
There are more reading passages and interesting activities about Advertising at www .f


1. This is the house in which the president lives.
5. This is an ancient school near Andong .
6. There is a cherry-blossom festival here eve 대 year.
8. This is the tallest building in Seoul 2. This palace is also called The Northern Palace
10. This city is the ancient capital of Silla 3. This city holds an annual Mask Dance Festiva l.
11. This famous mountain is in Gangwon-do. 4. This island is the number 1 tourist destination in
12. Many foreigners buy Korean souvenirs here. Korea.

13. This river passes through Seoul 7. This is a famous ma 대et in Seoul

14. This is a national park in the north of Seou l. 9. This is a famous temple in Gyeongju.
15. This때 held an EXPO in 1993.
L _______________________________________________ ’
*The answers are in the Answer Key , at the back ofthe book.


‘ Read this passage together.

\1 While you read , answer the questions on the next page. Track 65

Korea has its own special culture , which makes it an exotic place
for Westerners ‘ Visitors can experience 산lÌs unique culture in the
cuisine , arts and crafts , temples , festivals , mountains , and all the
charming tourist attractions of the peninsula.

It’ s difficult to mention all the wonderful places waiting to be

discovered in the ‘ Land of the Morning Calm.' For instance ,
the number 1 tourist destination is Jeju-do , known for its
‘ Three Abundances ‘ (wind , women , and rocks). Next , there is
M t. Seoraksan, famous for the color of the leaves in fal l. For
visitors who want to visit an ancient school, there is Dosanseowon, near Andong , the home
of the annual Mask Dance Festival. But that ’ s not al l. Jinhae holds a cherry-blossom festival
every year, Gyeongju (the ancient capital of Silla) has Bulguksa and the World Cultural
Expo , and we can still visit the site of Daejeon Expo ’ 93.

We can experience the magic of Korea without leaving Seoul , however. If we want some
exercise , we can climb M t. Bukhansan, to the north of Seoul, or take a walk along the banks
of the Han River. Gyeongbokgung Palace is well worth a visit, while Namdaemun lets us
experience the atmosphere of an all-night market. Then there is the famous 63 Building, and
Cheongwadae , the home of the president. Finally , visitors can find
UJ꾀que souvenirs of their trip in Insadong.

To sum up , there are many wonderful

places to visit around the world , but
there are also many sights and
sounds to be experienced in
Korea. For those who live
here , it could be good to
remember the proverb ,
‘ East, west , home ’ s bes t. ’

1. How can tourists experience the culture of Korea?

2. What does ‘ peninsula’ refer tO? a. exotic b. cuisine

d. tourist attractions
3. Can you find another word for ‘ tou rist ’ in the passage? f. three abundances
h. magic i. SOuvenir
4. What is M t. Seoraksan famous for?
1. a style of cooking ....
5. What is Dosanseowon?
2. an area of land with'seas on three sides
6. Has Seoul always been the capital of Korea?

7. Why do tourists visit Insadong? 3. charm; attractiveness ...

4. Items made by skilled people .

5. Mount; mountain ……… …

II류r.r.I'센톨π큐뭔얀Ta 6. places that tourists find interesting …-
7. something that reminds us of a place;
C Can you think of examples of Korean cuisine? memento; token …
C What do you think ‘ Land of the Morning Calm ’ means? 8. three things that there are many φlenty) of
~~ ..•.... ., ...••••••’"' .... . ..
C Can you explain the ‘ Three Abundances' of Jeju-do?
9. unusual; new; strange; unfamiliar ...
C Can you think of some festivals in Korea?

Background Inforroa~n

갤싫:t밸?agty in Korea wa5 named Goj0%O빼 뼈

waas ,


애 띠떼
뼈e "Kor때
ea" comαomηmes

e 세h1니ígψψhes강t pO이ínt ín SOLωu따jπt야
t뼈h “
KOαrea 녕
ís 바
M t. 뻐
H a에Ilasan …
J껴q태jL뼈 Oι.
::1 ic; r: overed ín mountaínS.
-70% of the Korea n pemns Ul1a I ~ (.,U V C/

- About half the populatíon of South Korea líves ín Seou l.

- Hangeul was íntroduced ín 1446 , by Kíng S에ong.
- Printing from metal letter5 wa s developed
ín Korea before

the Gute

ated areas ín the world.

- South Korea led the world ín the use of h
lnternet access.
_fh e fountaín ín front of the Seoul World Stadíum was

the world ’ s híghest fountaín when ít was built ín 2002.

Discu톨훌ion Igr@l,lpsl
" Talk about the questions below.
‘ Use the Conversation Strategies at the bottom of the page.
넌~ 빠

þ> Is Korea a tourist-friendly country?
’ Which tourist attractions would you recommend to tourists?
C률~ What are the advantages and disadvantages 아
0 f텀tOlωu따Jr따 mη?
Þ> Is tourism helping to destroy Korean traditions?
’ Is tourism helping the Korean economy?
~ 00 you think Koreans should travel inside
Korea before going abroad?
Þ> Why? Why not? Support your opinion.

띤 Is travel in Korea becoming too difficult these days?

Þ> Are there too many cars on the roads?
Þ> How easy is it to get train tickets and bus tickets?
’ Are the tourist attractions overcrowded?
낼 Would you like to visit North Korea?
Þ> Why? Why not? Support your opinion.

Expressing plans and intentions: Responding:
• Our plan is to ... • That’ 5 a great idea!
• We’ d like to … • What a good idea!
go to
• We’ re hoping to … • That sounds great!
Where are Gyeongju.
• We ’ re going to ... • Fantastic!
you going for
• We ’ re planning to .. . • Wonderfu l!
the holidays?
• I wish I were going with you .
• We ’ re thinking of .. .
going to • Have a great time .
• If all goes well , we ’ re ...
Gyeongju. • Enjoy.
• What we have in mind is ...

U 1~III.Þ~

ialogue 야hree people)

~ listen to the dialogue with your partners.
~ Perform the dialogue together.
~ Change roles. Perform the dialogue again. Track66 Key Words & Expressions
loads of attractìons
(M r. Brown and Jenny are sitting at the table , looking at a travel book.) lots of places to vìsìt
Mr. Brown 50 what do you think , Jenny? ïhat sounds Uke a plan.M
"That's a good idea “
Jenny How about starting in 5eoul? “ That’5 a good plan."
Mr. Brown You mean before we look at the rest of the country? ïhìs ìs goìng to be some
Jenny Yes. Th ere are loads of attractions there. This is going to be a wonderful

Mr. Brown OK. How long shall we stay?
‘ 'can’twaìt!M
Jenny We could have a week in 5eoul , and then another week or •• ,’ mreally looking forward to it!-

two touring Korea.

Mr. Brown 깨 at sounds 1ike a plan.
Jenny ’ d love to visit Gyeon 띠u. 깨 ere’s so much to see there.
Mr. Brown 1 know what you mean , but how about J~u-do?
Jenny Of cOUTse! And don't forget Mount 5eoraksan ‘
Mr. Brown Th is is going to be some vacation !
Jenny You ’ re not kidding. 1 can ’ t wait!
(Grandma Brown comes into the room.)
Grandma Brown Hello. Have you made any plans yet?
Jenny You bet, Grandma. We ’ re thinking of going to
5eoul first , and then Gyeonqju , Jeju-do ,
Mt. 5eoraksan , and lots of other places.
Grandma Brown Th at sounds great. 1 wish 1 were going with you ‘
Mr. Brown You can come another time , mum.
Grandma Brown Of course. 1’ m happy to stay here and look after the house.


1. What sort of book are Jenny and Mr. Brown looking at?
2. What are they planning to do on their vacation?
3. WiII eve 미one in the family go with them?
4. WiII they tour the rest of Korea before looking at Seoul?
5. How long will they stay in Korea?
6. What will Grandma Brown do while they are away?


Opinion Samples
\J Which opinion do you agree with? Why?

l~깅파파괴• • i Track67

As a Korean. ít’ s ímportant for me to kn이AJ about my homeLand. I l쉴I!!하iLl:Ii톨훨얀I갖쩌~

thínk mony peopLe take ít for granted. They don’ t expLore Korea
take for granted
and see how wonderfuL ít ís. For ínstance. h이AJ many countríes to accept wíthout thought
have such beautífuL cherry-bLossom festíva Ls? where e Lse ín the on my doorstep
close at home; nearby; local
worLd con you vísít so many famous tempLes and experíen∞ the
tradítíonaL cuLture of the ancíents? Wíth aLL these wonderfuL to yisit
attractíons on my doorstep. I don’t need to go abroad. appreciate
to admire; to cherish;

l!I파파파~.I Track68

I agree that Korea has a Lot to offer, but I a Lso want to traveL
overseas and experíence other cuLtures. I’ d Lí ke to see h얘J other
peopLe líve and go to pLaces that I’ ve onLy seen ín books. For
exampLe. ít wouLd be great to vísít Europe and take ín famous
p Laces líke the EíffeL T,이ær ín París and Buckíngham PaLace ín
London. There wouLd be so much to do. and so many síghts to
see. Then. when I retumed. I’ d be abLe to apprecíate Korea much

‘ 7J

밸 Choose one of the debate statements below. Write it on the line.

1. Tourism ís important for Korea.
2. Koreans should explore Korea before goíng abroad.
3. People tend to take theír homeland for granted.
4- It ís important to experíence other cultures and customs.

hle 화없a하te민빼빼
• One team or person should agree wíth the statement.
• One team or person should disagree wíth the statement.

예톨 Fur예훌.. R빼i때
There are more readíng passages and ínterestíng actívitíes about TraveL ín Korea at

F홈避빼『홉웹활 t훌l활 뚱順훌聊뺨활 • Whatis

뱉훌11 By yourself
What do you want to achieve in the next 5 years? Where do you want
Draw two pictures of yourself in 5 years time.

뱉훌홉 Byyourself
What do you want to achieve in the next 10 years? Where do you want to be?
Draw two pictures ofyourself in 10 years time.

뀔훌휠 Pairs
Talk to your partner about your pictures.
What does success and happiness mean for you now?
What will success and happiness mean for you in 5 years and 10 years?
~ Read this passage together.
1) While you read , answer the questions on the next page. Track 69

Ev~ryone dreams about success and happiness , but what do these mean in the 21st
century? The Greek philosopher , Aristotle , said that the pursuit of happiness is the goal
of humanity , and the US Declaration of Independence lists ‘ life , liberty , and the pursuit
of happiness' as basic human rights.

Indeed , most of us chase after success and happiness , trying to find them in money ,
relationships , or possessions. In fact , the answer to our dreams is inside us. All we need
to do is believe in ourselves. It sounds too simple to be true , but when you think about
it , it makes sense. If you don ’ t believe in yourself , who will?

One way of learning how to do this is called ‘ Affirmation. ’ When

you ‘ affirm ,’ you remind yourself of your value as a person.
This can be done by saying ‘ I believe in myself ’ or ‘ I can
do anything if I do my bes t' 20 times a day. Another
method is called ‘ Visualiza tion. ’ This means
imagining yourself as happy and successful. As
the American scholar , William Arthur Ward , said ,
“If you can imagine it, you can achieve it; if you
can dream it , you can become i t."

Finally , it is a fact of life that positive ideas

make positive results and negative ideas make
negative results. Just cutting out all the “ Nos"
and “ Can ’ ts" from your speech can make a
huge difference in your life. Perhaps the song is
right when it says “ Don ’ t worry. Be happy."*
* ‘ Don ’ t worry. Be happy' was sung by Bobby McFerrin. It was number 1 on
the Billboard Hot 100 chart for two weeks in September 1988 and won Best
Song of the Year prize at the 1989 Grammy Awards. The original music
video stars Robin Williams and Billlrwin.
I뭔암힘감툼쿄쿄감효E힘힘. .

1. What does ‘the goal of humanity' mean?

2. What does ‘ basic human rights' mean? b. pursuit of happiness

d. human rights
3. Where do most people look for happiness? e. possessíons f. make sense g. affirm
h. a fact of life í. positive j. negative
4. Where can success and happiness be found?

5. What is ‘Affirmation ’? 1. a deep thinker; someone who offers theories

about life .
6. What is ‘ Visualization ’?
2. a truth; something that usually happens
7. How can we become more positive?

3. to approve; to agree to; to declare

4. freedom
II류r:r.I'페톨깐m묶I를 5. good; effective; sound; useful

6. to imagine; to picture in your mind

c 00 you ever affirm or visualize? 00 you want to try?
7. natural rights .... ‘

亡 How can you be more positive in your life? 8. the opposite of ‘ positive ’
C What do you think ‘success ’ means? 9. things that you own

π What do you think ‘ happiness ’ means? 10. to be logical; to be reasonable

C If you could choose only two of the things below , which would
you choose?

a good job fame family friendship

health love money peace
possesslons securíty

Back연round Infortnatl..on
Did you know'? r

- The world ’ s ha l?l? iest countries are

1) Nig싫죄잃xico, 3) Venezu뻗객트년alvador, and 5) Pueπo Rico

:L魔였rt@t,@;; :g」쏠Z경;;껑t경JZ껑뿔2$Zf뚫I:Lraining programs in from 2 뺏뽑

- The감값김F Americans h켠젠얀딴약imes over the last 50 years ,
but their happiness leve~as 쁘뜨면nged.
- Theh월싫 people love tl누irfamilyand friends , don’t care about
nn00essions , focus 100% (αen i쁘젠ya얀ivities) and fo~g ive easily
- Ri;뚫끊그ohn (the writer 極션’s Guide to Success) 뻗뻗쁘ppiness
and success in 8 words: 1~assion 2. work 3. good 4. focus 5. push 6 . serve 낀쁘연프

,- -
Discussion (groups)
Q Talk about the questions below.
g Use the Conversation Strategies at the bottom of the page.

圖 Who is the most successful person you know?

~ Tell the others about this person.

圖 Who is the happiest person you know?

~ Tell the others about this person.
’ Is hejshe the same person as in Question 1?
’ Why is that so? Why isn't that so?
배 Is it possible to be successful and happy?
~ Why? Why not? Support your opinion.

폐 What was the happiest time in your life?

~ Talk about it.

댐 What does success mean for you?

버 Does money equal happiness?

æWould you rather be poor and happy or rich and unhappy?

밍 Are some people born successful?

빼 What do you need to do to be successful?

Li sting reasons:
• For one thing ,
• The main thing is ...
you can ’ t buy happiness .
Why do you think • The main reason is ...
happiness and money • The most important reason is ...
don ’ t always go • And another thing ...
together? • Besides that ,
happiness is a state of mind.
• On top of that ,
• Furthermore ,

Dialogue (pairs)
.. Listen to the dialogue with your partner.
.. Perform the dialogue together.
Ii>> Change roles. Perform the dialogue again. Track 70 Key Words & Expressions

(Mrs. Brown is sitting at the table , choosing lottery numbers.) lottery

a game of chance. using numbers
Mrs. Brown Let me see. 32 , 55 , 27 ,... gambling
playing a game of chance for
Ji-hye What are you doing , Mrs. Brown? money
Mrs. Brown He11o , Ji-hye. 1’ m choosing lottery numbers. hooked
addicted; captivated; dependent
Ji-hye lsn ’ t that gambling? “ I be t."
.'\’ msureyou ’ re righ t. " Righ t."
Mrs. Brown 1 suppose you could ca11 it that. But don ’ t worry, 1’ m not “

hooked! the American Dream

the idea that anyone can achieve a
Ji-hye Do you have any chance of winning anything? comfortable life through hard
work. courage and determinat lO n
Mrs. Brown Not rea11y, but you know what they say, ‘You ’ve got to be in
it to win it.'
Ji-hye And what ifyou win?
Mrs. Brown We ’ 11 have a long vacation , for a start.
Ji-hye 1 be t. But aren ’ t you happy as you are?
Mrs. Brown Of course , Ji-hye. 1’ve got a wonderful family.
What more could 1 want?
Ji-hye So the lottery is just a game?
Mrs. Brown That ’5 right. You can ’ t buy happiness or success.
Ji-hye So how can you get them?
Mrs. Brown That ’ 5 a good question. 1 would say passion
and hard work.
Ji-hye 1 see.
Mrs. Brown That ’5 the American Dream , after all.


1. Why is Mrs. Brown choosing numbers?

2. What does ji-hye think ofthe lottery?
3. Does Mrs. Brown expect to win anything?
4. Is Mrs. Brown happy?
5. What advice does she give to Ji-hye?
6. What is the American Dream?


Opinion Samples
i) Which opinion do you agree with? Why?

I.!J~괴I 1

It’ s fashionabLe to say that money can ’t buy happiness , but I IK팍I!.!단~얀까I강핑하al

think peopLe who say that are jeaLous of rich peopLe. Let ’ s face
it , nobody wouLd choose to be poor if they had the chance. I envious; resentfuL
worked hard to get where I am , and I don ’ t haue any regrets . "Let’5 face it:'
To teLL the truth:'
Now I can afford anything I want. The American Dream has “ The fact of the matter is ,"'

worked out pretty weLL for me , so my aduice to eueryone is afford

to buy; to obtain; to get
“ Effort equaLs success . Stop worrying about how happy you are ,
“Effort equaLs success:'
and get down to work. " "If you work hard , you wiLL
be successfu L. "




m m me

Q」 、J

nF ‘

I!Bril:따피...1 4

Track 72 w

Most peopLe seem to think that success means Lots of money. They
spend their whoLe Li ues wanting bigger cars , bigger houses , and
better jobs. They think that happiness wiLL come aLong
automaticaLLy if they get to the top of the tree. Howeuer, I can ’t
agree. I think happiness and success are personaL , not things to be
earned in the future. In my opinion , we haue to be Li eue in ourseLues
right now , and Learn how to be happy with what ωe haue.

웰 Choose one of the debate statements below. W때 it on the line.

1. Success means having as much money as you wan t.
2. Happiness is in the mind. It has no price.
3. People who want money and power can never have enough.
4. Success means learning to love myself.

빨 Debate the statement together in pairs or groups .

• One team or person should agree with the statemen t.
• One team or person should disagree with the statemen t.

쫓 Further Re빼9
There are more reading passages and interesting activities about Success and Happiness at www

렐흩힐 By yourself
Show your schedule to another pair of students.
Talk about your schedule together.
\) Read this passage together.
에 While you read , answer the questions on the next page. Track 73

It’ s a strange fact that by the time they graduate , American high school students have
spent more time watching television than in the classroom. In other words , watching TV
is the most time-consuming thing they do , apart from sleeping. What ’ s more , the
situation is getting worse , as computer games increase the amount of time spent in front
of a monitor or TV screen.

Children need to be active in order to develop healthy minds and bodies. Language
skills and social skills grow as a result of reading , playing , doing homework, and
talking with friends and adults. However , children who watch a lot of television tend
to: i) have lower school grades; ii) read fewer books; iii) exercise less; and iv) be

In view of these facts , parents should help their children develop good TV-watching
habits. This can be done by:

1. watching programs with their children and asking questions about them;
2. helping their children to choose interesting , non-violent programs;
3. helping their children to analyze commercials;
4. turning the TV off during meals and study time;
5. being a good TV-watching role mode l.

In conclusion, TV can be a good source of

interesting information and entertainment if
it ’ s used well. If not , it can
harm a child ’ s natural
development. How
about turning the TV
off for 30 days , just to
see if you really need it?


1. What is the main pastime of American students?

2. What do children need to do in order to grow in a healthy way? a. time-consuming

c. develop
3. Does television help children to develop healthy minds and e. non-violent
bodies? g. entertainment

4. How can you tell if a child watches too much television? 1. a computer screen ..
2. to advance; to grow; to mature
5. How can parents help their children to develop good
3. amusement; pastime; recreation
TV-watching habits?
4. to consider; to evaluate; to judge
6. Are the effects ofT V all negative?
5. cooperation; teamwork ‘

7. What does the writer suggest at the end ofthe passage? 6. peaceful; without violent scenes

8. Why does the writer make this suggestion? 7. taking up time; eating up time ...


C Do you turn the TV off if you can ’ t find a good show?

r: Do you analyze TV commercials?

C Have you ever tried not watching TV for a day?

α Could you go without watching TV for a month?

亡 What are the good effects oftelevision?

Back연round Infortnatl.on

Did fsgE:??child reaches age 70 , he or she wilI have watched betwee써d 10 years of television
5 900 hours in school and nearly 1,023 hours in front of a TV each
_The average American ch ild s

- Eating junk food and watching τelevision are two major causes of obesity.
- Children who watch 5 hours of TV a day are more likely to
begin smoking than those who watch less than 2 hours.

- The ave
Discussion (groups)
~ Talk about the questions below.
~ Use the Conversation Strategies at the boUom of the page.

[ What are the good and bad points about television?

• Discuss together and support your opinion.

댐 Do you think television harms young children?

• Why? Why not? Support your opinion.

렉 Do violent sce 맨5 on TV make children vi이ent?

• Does it cause violent crimes?

패 What are the good and bad sides of TV news?

• Why is there so much crime and violence on TV news?
• Does TV news give us a true picture of Ii fe?
• Does TV news show us ‘the whole picture'?

〔릉 Is cable TV better than normal TV?

• Why? Why not? Support your opinion.

표 What do you think about TV shopping channels?

• Have you ever done any TV shopping?

[1 What do you think about reality shows?

콜 Could you live without a TV?

• What would you do instead?
• Talk about it.

Looking ahead: Routines:
• If I ... • When I ...
• If I ever … • Whenever I …
come home , I’ 11 turn on come home , I turn on
• When 1 •• • • As soon as I ...
the television . the television.
• As soon as I … • The moment I …
• The moment I … • )ust after I …


Dialogue (palrs)
i) Li sten to the dialogue with your partner.
.;) Perform the dialogue together•
.;) Change roles. Perform the dialogue again. Track 74 Key Words & Expressions

(Sung-min is sitting at the table , doing his homework.) soap opera

a drama series based on normal
Sung-min Hi , Jenny. people
Jenny Hey, Sung-min. Do you mind if 1 turn the TV on? simple; easy; not interestlng
one-sided love
Sung-min No , 1 don ’ t. What ’s on? love for someone that is not
returned; A loves B, but B does
Jenny lt ’s my favorite soap opera. You know, the one from Korea. not love A
Sung-min You don ’ t like watching that , do you? double-showing
two episodes shown one after the
Jenny What do you mean? lt ’ s coo 1. other

Sung-min But it ’5 50 obvious. You can tell what ’s going to happen.

The woman will cry becau5e of one-5ided love , and then ..
Jenny ... 1 know, but 1 love watching it , anyway.
Sung-min How about Monday Night footba11 instead?
Jenny Oh , come on , Sung-min! Aren ’ t you interested at all?
Sung-min We11 , maybe it ’ s nice to 5ee Seoul and the Korean actors.
Jenny Thank5. lt ’5 only for 25 minutes.
Sung-min OK , and then 1’11 get back to my homework.
(1 hour later)

Jenny Sorry, Sung-min. 1 didn ’ t realize it was

a double-showing today. Sung-min?
Sung-min (Quietly snoring) zzzz .......... .


1. Does Sung-min get any homework done during the dialogue?

2. Why doesn ’ t Sung-min like the soap opera?
3. Why doe5 he agree to watch it?
4. What would he rather watch?
5. Where does the soap opera take place?
6. How many episodes were shown today?


‘ Which opinion do you agree with? Why?

l!I파고따괴1 1 Track 75

In my oplnlon , there are more aduantages to TV than li펀l센7-1'1필혼앙파종찍πm;w

dlsaduan t ages. of course , some chìLdren watch too much TV , but
that 's t he fauLt of theìr parents ‘ They should help theìr chìldren error; fa iling
to deuelop good Tv-watchìng habìts. Instead , they leaue them blame
to charge; to accuse
alone in front of the TV , and then bLame the TV companìes when
take responsibility for
their children are ouerweìght Or uìoLent. It’ s lìke euerythìng else to be responsible for
in this world. We haue to take responsìbìlìty for what we do. have a lot to answer for
to have done many wrong
I!J파파파:'.1 Track 76 good; high-minded; just;


뼈 때때
I think the TV companìes haue 0 lot to answer for. Fìrst of all ,


there ’ s too much uioLence on TV , euen ìn chìldren ’ s programs .


when you think hoω often they watch TV , ìt ’ s not surprìsìng when




they become uiolent. secondLy , there ìs no moral educatìon.

Instead of using TV as a ωay of deuelopìng chìldren ’ s mìnds , TV
channeLs aìr lots of bad or mindless programs and leaue the
prob lem of seLection with the parents . It’ s just not fair.

발 Choose one of the debate stater떼ts below. Write it on the line.

1. Television is harmful to young minds.
2. Parents should help their children to learn good TV-watching habits.
3. There is too much violence on TV.
4. Shopping TV channels encourage people to consume too much.

헬 Debate the statement together in pairs or groups.

• One team or person should agree with the statement.
• One team or person should disagree with the statement.

Further Readin9
There are more readìng passages and ìnterestìng actìvìtìes about Televìsìon at www.fììscuss.

pape r. Write “ Fron t" on one side and “ 8ack'’ on

c 1-------- Fro nt ---------1 D

2. Twist the strip 180 degrees.

Front 8ack
3. Glue the ends [A and 81 together. How many sides does your strip have?
4. Cut your Möbius Strip in half, from C to O. How many strips do you have?
5. Cut each new strip in half the same way. How may do you have now?

댈훌힐 Pairs
Look at these optical illusions. What is strange about them?
Talk to each other about them.
00 you know any more optical illusions?

/ \

\ /
/ /
\ \
\ /
/ \
Which is the longest line? Which way are these boxes facing?

" Read th is passage together.
" While you read , answer the questions on the next page. “ 11 Track 77

Q: Are you a field -dependent (FD) learner , or a field-

independent (FI) learner?

A: If you can see only one person in this picture , you are
probably field-dependen t. FD students often find it
difficult to divide something into its parts. They tend to
be passive learners , accepting information from the
teacher and needing help in analyzing that information.
It could be said that FD students ‘ can ’ t see the trees for
the forest.' However , they have good social ski1l s , and
are good at making relationships. Because of this , they like to work in pairs and

A: If you can see an old woman and an old man, in addition to a young woman , you
are probably field-independen t. FI students are good at analytical thought , so
they have little trouble in separating details from the background. If anything ,
they ‘ can’ t see the forest for the trees. ’ FI learners don't need the teacher ’ shelp
when solving problems , and 난ley like to work alone. However , they are not so
good at making relationships and working with others.

FD and FI students learn in different ways , but these are not the only different
learning styles that a teacher might see in the classroom. There are many more , in
addition to the 8 Multiple Intelligences (MI) that everybody has in differing
amounts. When you get a chance , try to find out what sort of learner you are. It
could help your studies enormously!



1. What do ‘ FD’ and ‘ FI’ mean? M.&ftch tht WOy~S

2. Can you explain ‘can’t see the forest for the trees'? a. probably b. dìvìde
c. passlve d. analyze
3. Describe FD learners. e. can't see the trees for the forest
f. can't see the forest for the trees
4. Do FI learners like working in groups? g. learnìng styles
h. Multìple Intellìgences
5. Does eve 깨one have the same Multiple Intelligences? 1. enormously

6. Can you find another word for ‘ learner’ in the passage?

1. to consìder; to break down; to evaluate; to
figure out …“‘
2. to cut; to separate ““ ‘

IIπ제톨R흩π맨줘1를 ). dìfferent types of thìnkìng

Oogìcal, musìcal, etc‘) “ “ “
Are you an FD or Fllearner? 4. hugely; greatly “ “ ““ “ “ “ “ ‘

도 How many people did you see in the picture the first time you S. methods of learnìng “ “ “

looked at it? 6. possìbly; perhaps; maybe ‘

C Are you good at social skills? 7. Quìet; ìnactìve; patìent “ “ “ ‘

8. Thìs person sees the whole forest“ ‘

9. Thìs person sees the trees ìn the forest.

Back영rO'l1nd 파ìfortna-uon


• - --
-• - - ---

.Analytic learners

amic learners
Discussion (groups)
" Talk about the questions below.
\) Use the Conversation Strategies at the bottom of the page.

메 What do you think about optical illusions?

’ 00 they tell us anything about ourselves?
’ Are they just tricks?
~ Oiscuss together and support your opinion.

폐 Are you FD or FI learners?

~ What are your learning styles?
~ What do you think your Multiple Intelligences are?
’ Oiscuss together and support your opinion.
밍 Is there a best way to study?
~ Oiscuss together and support your opinion.

댐 Can we change our learning styles?

~ Why? Why not? Support your opinion.

털 What will you do when you have finished this book?

’ Any ideas? What do you think?


Making a guess: Asking for help:

• I’ d say ... • Any ideas?
• I think it’ 5 a .. . • How about YOu?
• Perhaps it’ 5 .. . • What do you think?
What do you
• It looks like ... • What would you say?
think it is?*
• I guess it’ 5 a .. .
• It’ 5 not easy to say.
• It’ 5 hard to say.
*Can you see a beautiful woman or a saxophone player, or both?


Dialogue Ithree people)

\ilisten to the dialogue with your partners.
Q Perform the dialogue together.

에 Change roles. Perform the dialogue again. T머ck78

Key Words .. Expressions
"We leam somethìng neweve깨 day “
(Mrs. Brown ìs sìttìng on the sofa, lookìng at Jenny’ 5 homework book‘) "We're never too old to leam.~

Grandma Brown Hello, Helen. What are you looking at?

Mrs. Brown lt’s Jenny’s homework. 1t’ s really interesting.
Grandma Brown Let me see.
Mrs. Brown Do you see these 1ines? Are they all straight?
Grandma Brown 1t’s hard to say. Wh at do you think? / - 、

Mrs. Brown ’ m not sure. And how about these circ1 es?
Grandma Brown The ones in the middle, you mean?
Mrs. Brown Right. Jenny says here that they are
the same size.
Grandma Brown Hmm. Let’ s get a ru1er and check.
Mrs. Brown We didn ’ t do this sort of homework
when 1 was at schoo1.
Grandma Brown Neither did we. What’ s the subject?
Mrs. Brown Let me see. lt’ 5 Social Studies.
Grandma Brown Really? 1 can ’ t see what these pictures
have to do with Social Studies.
Mrs. Brown lt seems you can find out about yourself
Grandma Brown Well , wel 1. We leam something new every day.
Mrs. Brown ’d better put the book back. Jenny’s coming.
Grandma Brown Right. Tum on the 1V. Oenny enters the room.)
Jenny Hi , mum. Hello, Grandma. Have you seen my homework book?
1 can ’ t find it anywhere.


1. What does Mrs. Brown think about jenny’s homework?

2. Did either of the two women do homework Ii ke this when they were at school?
3. How do the optical iII usions help jenny to learn about Social Studies?
4. What is jenny looking for? Where do you think it is?


Opinion Sampl톨S
;) Which opinion do you agree with? Why?

I~파다괴1 1 Track 79

I Li ke the idea of using strange pictures to heLp us think about 톨;원메1ft.얀7-예~컸꺼종~π1톨

ourseL lJes , but that ' s aLL they are , reaLLy , just iLLusions . They don ’t
heLp us to Learn anything. If you ask me , the best Learning styLe is trick: delusion
simpLe hard work. I’ m not bothered whether I’ m a lJ isuaL or tactiLe “ |’ m not bothered."
|’ m not interested."
Learner. ALL I know is that when I want to Learn something , I ha lJe
to sit doωn and study hard. If peopLe spent more time studying solid ; tou chable
and Less time thinking about it , they ’ d do much better on their motivate
to drive; to induce; to move;
tests. to cause
many; different; diverse;
I~뾰단괴...1 Track 80

|’ m reaLLy gLad I found out about Learning styLes and muLtipLe

i ntelligences. Noω I can study in the way that is best for me and I
can get better grades at schoo L. ElJeryone has different Learning
styLes , and we need to know what they are. Most importantLy , we
need to be moti lJated . Otherwise , we ’ LL neuer Learn anything. If I
know my Learning styLes and muLtipLe inteLligences , I can find out
what motiuates me and turn Learning into an enjoyabLe experience.

벨 Choose one of t뼈ebate statements below. Write it on뼈
1. Hard work is the best learning 얀
5 ty
꺼le . .
2. Opticallllusions help us to understand ourselves.
3. Teachers should find out their students ’ learning styles.
4. Teachers should show students how to learn , not 맨깐학 to learn.

첼 Debate the statement together in 삐5 or groupS .

• One team or person should agree with the statemen t.
• One team or person should disagree with the statemen t.

훌 Fu따
There are more reading passages and interesting activities about Learning Styles at www

圖톨I Names page 9
Here are the most popular names in the USA in 20(재:
Boys: 1. Kevin 2. Michael 3. Joshua.
Girls: 1. Emily 2. Emma 3. Madison.

圖흩I Health page 23

The answer to the “ Think for Yourself" riddle is: “ I am your shadow."

I뭘겔 Speeial Days page 27

This is simila r to Thanksgiving. Families come together at

this time and give thanks for a fruitful year

On this day, people who didn’t get gifts on Valentine ’5 Day or 11

White Day eat noodles with black bean sauce.

On the day after Christmas Day, servants in England carried

boxes to work. Their employers put coins in the boxes.

During the morning of this day, people play jokes on friends

and neighbor s. It is also a popular day on the Internet.

This is a Korean special day. It marks the making of the

Korean alphabet by King Sejong the Grea t.

When this day began , in 1872, more than 1 million trees

were planted in one day.

On this Irish holiday, people wear green clothes , eat Irish

, St. Pat때’sDay 강 food , drink Irish drink , and watch parades.

밸홉I Role Models page 34

The people in Topic Reading are: Ban Gi-moon , Kim Yeon-a , Park Jj -sung ,
and Jang Han-na.

I圖m M;째$ page 57

3. He told her never to open it , and gave the key to her husband.
4. Pandora was very curious about the box.
6. One day he fell asleep , and she stole the key.
8. Pandora tried to catch them , but it was too late.

12 9
9. Pandora sat and cried . Then the last thing flew ou t.
10. The last thing was hope.
1. Pandora was a beautiful woman.
5. She asked her husband to open it , but he always said “ No."
7. She opened the box and all the troubles of the world flew ou t.
2. The King of the Gods gave her a little box.

page 58
1- Koreans; 2 - Australian Aborigines; 3 - American Indians; 4 - Ethiopians

page 61
Giparang’s lover is called ‘ Seonwha. ’

뀔흩뭔 We))-being page 81

Here is the feedback for your result:
If your score is 45 to 60 , you have a healthy sense of well-being. You are
looking after yourselfwell , and keeping a positive attitude to life.

Ifyour score is 30 to 44 , you are making some effort to stay physically and
mentally healthy, but you need to work more on this. Be more active.
Practice deep breathing every day.

If your score is 15 to 29 , you know what you want to do , but you are having
difficulty in doing it. Remember that your health is most importan t. It is not
a waste of time to do some exercise three times a week. Pick up a book.
Start doing the things you always promised yourself to do.

Ifyour score is below 15 , you need to think about your life as soon as
possible. What do you want? Are you doing anything to get it? Is money more
important than health to yOU? 00 you become angry easily? 00 you get
stressed easily? Try to get some quiet time to yourself every day and do some
deep thinking. Take a walk and do some deep breathing. Turn the TV off.

밸훌필 Spor싫 page 89

Here are the Top 10 Sports Oays in the USA:
1. Super Bowl: This is the championship game of the National Football
2. Baseball ’5 Opening Oay: This is the beginning ofthe baseball season.
3. First two days of the NCAA Tournament: This tournament is held each

13 0
Answer Key

spring between 65 college basketball teams. It is known as March

Madness or the Big Dance.
4. Kentucky Derby: This famous horserace for three-year-old horses is
held annually in Louisville , Kentucky, on the first Saturday in May.
5. Thanksgiving: The ‘ Turkey Day Game' (‘ Turkey Bowl') is a football
game played on Thanksgiving Day. The Turkey Day Game is played
between high-school football teams , and goes back more than 100
6. Game 1 of the World Series: The World Series is the championship
series of Major League Basebal l. It takes place in the postseason , each
7. Final Four Saturday: This is the Semi Finals day ofthe NCAA Basketball
8. NewYear’'s Day: There are five major football Bowl Games on this day:
Cotton , Fiesta , Sugar, Orange , and Rose.
9. Sunday at Masters: The US Masters tournament is the first men ’ 5 golf
championship to be played each year. The final round is always on the
second Sunday in Apri l.
10. Indianapolis 500: The Indianapolis 500-Mile Race (“ The 500") is an
automobile race , held on the Memorial Day weekend at the
Indianapolis Motor Speedway in Indiana.

밸훌뀔 Family page 93

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Answer Key

뀔흩훌 Travel in Korea page 105

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13 2

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