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Chakra Healing Protocol:

-I’ve used both methods of chakra healing. The chakra healings that I’ve noticed notable differences is
with my son. This was one of the first I completed. Some issues I wasn’t expecting to find but it seemed
to help my son a lot with his digestion, eczema and behavior.

-This healing protocol is with spoken commands

 Clear all chakras of blocks

 Do any chakras have imbalances? Yes. How many imbalances total? 5.
o All in one chakra? Yes. Which one? 4th.
o Do I need to know more? No
o Cleared
 Do any chakras have trapped emotions? Yes.
o How many total? 19? Cleared.
o Do they have any emotional resonance? Yes.
o How many? 17. Cleared
 Open all chakras
o Are all chakras open at 100%? NO. 2nd, 3rd, and 4th have negative cords caused by curses
o Are all chakras open at 100% now? NO. 4th not open caused by boundaries with mother
earth and dimensional debris. Cleared
o Is 4th Chakra open 100% now? Yes.
 Align all the chakras
 Are any of his chakras too big? Yes. Which one? Crown.
o Reduce crown chakra to optimal size
o Are all chakras optimal size now? Yes.
 Increase the perfect flow of energy into the chakras
 Harmonize all chakras
 I witness proper functioning of all chakras

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