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The candidate needs to develop a chat web application where 2 or more users can chat

with each other, apart from that the chat should have the following features/ text-format
options in the chat text input window:

1. Bold
2. Italic
3. Strikethrough
4. Hyperlink
5. Bulleted List
6. Numbered List
7. Blockquote
8. Code Snippet
9. Code Block
10. File Upload
11. Emoji
12. Mention Someone

Also, the appearance of received text should have the same text formatting as formatted
by the sender. Apart from that web links should have a preview of the webpage.

Last thing the appearance of the chat input window should be as the image attached

PS: The server should be NodeJS Server, and should be built using either JavaScript or
You’ll be required to share the complete source code of the web app via GitHub, along
with a readme file explaining how to install, deploy, run and use the web app.
Share your git repo link in the following google form link:

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