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Medical Tests for the Yatra

The below mentioned laboratory tests and investigation would be conducted by Delhi Heart & Lung Institute
(DHLI), and ITBP Hospital before the Yatra to determine high altitude endurance of the Yatri. The acceptable reference
range and cut-off values for the mentioned tests would be applicable while considering the fitness of an applicant for
high altitude endurance/trekking.

Investigation Unit Reference Cut-off value Investigation Unit Reference Cut-off value
value value
Haemoglobin % 13-17 11 gm% S. Bilirubin Total mg/dl 0.2-1.2 2mg/dl
Total Leucocyte count /cumm 4000- 4000/cumm S. Bilirubin Direct mg/dl 0.0-0.3 0.4 mg/dl
11000 11000/cumm
S. Cholesterol mg/dl 150 No range S. Bilirubin Indirect mg/dl 0.1-0.6 1 mg/dl
S. Triglyceride mg/dl 150 No range SGOT U/L 0-40 120 U/L
Blood Sugar (F) mg/dl 74-100 130 mg/dl SGPT U/L 0-41 120 U/L
Blood Sugar (PP) mg/dl 74-140 180 mg/dl TMT Abnormal Stress Test
Hb A1C % 4.8-5.9 8% X-Ray Abnormal Chest X-Ray
S. Urea mg/dl 16.6-48.5 55mg/dl ECG Abnormal ECG
S. Creatinine mg/dl 0.7-1.2 1.5 mg/dl PFT Abnormal PFT
Cut off Value
FVC < 70%
FEV1 / FVC > 70%
F6V1 > 70%

► Body Mass Index: A person’s fitness for the Yatra depends on many factors of his/her health. An otherwise fit
person should try to lower the BMI level to 25 or less to add to his/her fitness.

► Before applying for the Yatra, applicant may consult reputed hospitals in their place of residence for pre-checks to
find out if their physical & medical condition is within this range of values. This is only a suggestion.

► Test results from other hospitals/centers would not be valid for this purpose.

► Additional medical checks during Yatra to ascertain reaction to high altitude endurance/trekking will be conducted
by the ITBP at the following places:
Lipulekh route, at Gunji
Nathu La route, at Sherathang

► Medical examination/test fees are non-refundable. Any sum of money paid by a Yatri at any stage after selection
and confirmation is non-refundable and non-transferable.

KMY 2016 – Medical tests

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