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Which of the following themes of Kantian ethics refers to a person as a rational

-Personal Autonomy

2. Who was considered the most influential philosopher for the past 300 years?
-Immanuel Kant

3. Which of the following three principles of Duty is the action of an individual

against the wrong thing?
-Acting against duty

4. (Hedonism, Maximalism, Consequentialism, Universalism) the Ethical theory that

leads to the consequences of an act to pleasure.

5. According to Bernard Williams, why Utilitarianism is considered a “Doctrine of

Negative responsibility”?
-Because it allows killing

6. What is the difference between Bentham’s theory of Utilitarianism to Hobbesian

Utilitarian theory?
-Bentham’s theory did not look at the possibility of self-sacrifice

7. Why John Stuart Mill’s Utilitarian theory is considered to be ruled by the few?
-Because uncultivated cannot be a competent judge of the cultivated

8. Which of the following formulation of Utilitarian theory refers to the best action
that can produce the greatest happiness and reduce pain?
-Principle of Utility

9. Which of the following theme of Kantian ethics saying that the moral person is
rational and self-legislator?
-Personal Autonomy

10. What can we learn from the “Doctrine of the Swine”?

-The pleasure of the intellect is more necessary than the pleasure of flesh

11. According to Jeremy Bentham, what are the two great masters of man?
-Pain and Pleasure

12. What are the things that we can consider if we are dealing with higher desires?
-We can look at the quality of experience
13. Which of the following is the role-related duty?

14. In Kantian Ethics which of the following is the only thing that is good without

15. Which of the following is the best definition of Categorical Imperative?

-We ought to do things unconditionally

16. For Jeremy Bentham, what is his advice to be used to measure the pleasure in
our life?
-Calculus of Felicity

17. (Hedonism, Maximalism, Consequentialism, Universalism) The ethical theory

that refers to the rightness and wrongness of an action is determined by the

18. Which of the following statement is not the essence of Jeremy Bentham’s Theory
of Utility?
-Action is correct if it follows the rules to give pleasure over path

19. Which of the following is not considered as part of the right motive?
-A sense of responsibility

20. Why the Golden Rule of Jesus of Nazareth is the complete spirit of ethics of
-Because it talks about the ideal perfection of utilitarian morality

21. According to Jeremy Bentham, all utilitarianism involves a _______.

-Moral Calculus

22. For Immanuel Kant, the foundation of morality is the unchangeable noumena.

23. Maxim is a principle that underlines an act or set of activities.


24. Which of the following choices is not the essence of the Utilitarian theory of John
Stuart mill?
-An action is correct because it can lead to the greatest happiness of an
25. Which of the following phrase is not the principle of utility?
-Pain and pleasure is the motivating factor to an act

26. If we choose between duty or obligation or rule, we need to choose obligation

that binds us to oud duty.

27. According to John Stuart Mill, why is the lower quality of pleasure not necessarily
-Because man share that with other animals

28. From John Stuart Mill’s perspective, what must society have in themselves when
people are expressing their unpopular opinion?

29. (Hedonism, Maximalism, Consequentialism, Universalism) The theory of ethics

that deals with the right action produce the greatest good consequences and the
least bad.

30. Which of the following theme of Kantian ethics says that moral action in the one
that we must do following certain principles not because of a good consequence?

31. Kant’s argument about the things that we think the most as good is not always
good because it leads us to different forms of morality.

32. Our job as a rational moral agent to do our duties and follow them all the time.

33. Goodwill is the result of rational thinking, which means proper use of reason.

34. Which of the following ethical theories opposing the Machiavellian principles of
“the end justifies the means”?

35. Comparing with the Greek hedonism, how unique is Jeremy Bentham’s
36. Intelligence and health can be qualified as goodwill because it is not necessary to
follow the moral law.

37. According to John Stuart Mill, what is the problem with Bentham’s Theory of
-It pays no attention to the quality of pleasure

38. On Kant’s Categorical Imperative, morality is not a guide to our actions because
it is good in itself.

39. Which of the following choices is not included in the idea of Duty?
-Duty as an obedient citizen

40. According to Kantian Ethics lying or stealing is wrong because it will not pass on
the universal and human law.

41. All people must act only in the following morality but for the sake of the well-being
of others.

42. (Hedonism, Maximalism, Consequentialism, Universalism) The theory of ethics

that measures the consequence of action must receive by everyone equally.

43. Which of the following basic themes of Kantian ethics refers to a person should
always be treated as an end, not means; in other words, no person used to be
used as an end?

44. Which of the two conceptions of duty is internal?

-Impose to oneself

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