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No. 13, Hay-Market, London;

THEIR шииты,



Their Patent Grand, and Square Piano Fortes,








Arranged under different Head Pieces, particularizing the various Species of Compolìtion inferted.

Ю- The following WORKS may be had at all tlxe Mufìc Shops and Bookfellers in England, Scotland and Ireland,
France, Holland, Батат, RM@ Italy, Spain, Portugal, and America.

86. Еда.


For a Full Band. ForaFull Band. 1; r. d.
Abel, Op. 12 - .. - 10 6
Ä ноооооооЁЬ ~­­ 3d Set . - 106
ASTARTO, by Giardini ~ En? Boccherini, 6, Violoncello ~ Boccherini, Op. 32 . - 106
Bach, Op. 8 - . - 0 0 0 Oo*0 0 0\ 0 \0‘Q0 `O\0` Brevaldi, 2, Concerto Violin ­ "_ 33 ­ ­ 76
Barrierre, Op. 10 ­ - w`l Cirri, Violoncello ~ ­ -­ 6 . - 106
Borghi, (ingle - . Cramer, Violin ­ - Baumgarten, Op. 2 and 3 - 106
Clementi, each ­ ­ v-F» Ditto, La Chaire ­ ­ Cambini, Op. 3 ­ ‘ - 106
Carnbini, Op. 5. ­ - о о о о о о о 0 0 15 Feyer, Op. 2 - - —— 22 . - 106
ad Set ­ - Б Geminiani, Op. 2 and 3, each ­ Y 3, ditto - .. 60
Capuzzi, Op. 1 ­ - Вшфщчн
Giardini, 6, Violin ­ ­ I, ditto ­ .. 50
Gyrowetz, 3 Grand . . Ditto, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, (ingle, Capuzzi, Op. 2 - - ro 6
Giordani, Нише - . each - 000000000000 4 О Canaille, Op. 3 ' - - 6
Haydn, 3, Op. 15 . - ­Iarnowichi, No. 11 - - 4 0 Difller's, 1li: Set о - 0
No. 9, [ingle . . ._ 12, _ - 4. О Davcaux, Op. 6 - - 6
dino, dino ­ ____-.- 13 . . 4. О 9 - n 6
-—-— La Reine de France ­ ___. 15 - - 4. 0 Fialas - - - o
Almands ­ . La Motte, No. 1 and 2 - 40 Florio, G. Flute ­ ­ 6
Three Overtures ° ­ иО Pieltain ­ - - О Gyrowitz . ­ ­ 6
Hoffmeiíler, No. 5 . - i) Pleyel’s Concertante - - О
Giardini, Op. 23 and 29, each ­ 6
Lodoilka о - Tenor - - 0
Hotïmeifter, Op. 7 ­ ­ 6
Nlartini to Henry, 4 о - Violoncello ­ ­ О
'- 9 q _ 6
Mozart, each ­ _ Raimondi’s, Op. 9, Violin ­ ____-_.. 18 . .. 6
Milliwicks ­ . Trickler’s Violoncello, each ~ 4o Haydn, Op. 1 and 2, each ­ о
Maldere’s, each ­ . ___- Op. 7, 9, and 10, each ­ 6
Pleyel’s, each о . —-—- 16 -. . 6
Rofetti, Op. 7 ­ _ For Flute and Hautôoy.
__.- 48 . - 0
Stamìtz ­ ­ . Baumgarton ­ - 000000 __ - ~ 0
вши-д ОООО‘ОО
Vanhall's, each ­ . Giordani, each ­ - 61 . . 0
Le Brun, No. 1 to 7, each - ­larnowichi, Op. 1 ­ ­ 6
Plas ­ . _ Lolli, Op. 8 - . - 6
MILITARY PIECES Kammell, Op. 4 and 12, ea ­ 6
Toefchi .- . . 12
Wendling - ­ - Kozeluck, Op. 32 and 33, each 6
For 2 Full Band.
Mìfcellaneous, Ifl and 2d Sets, each 10 6
Abel, Stamitz, Src. . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 lO QUINTETTos. Mozart, Book Iii
Book zd ­
. -
Coleman’s Marches - . 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0@ 106
Е|еу`$ ditto о . Boccherini, Op. 12 ­ . 000000 н ь: 000000 Op. 18 - . 80
Ной'тетег’з Pieces ­ . ­ ­ Op. 36 ­ ­ Pleyel, Op. x, 2, and 3, each ­ 106
March in Iphigenia ­ - @amr-1 Cambini’s 3 - Op. 6 ­ - 106
Olive1"s Divertimentos я - Mozart, No. 1 . - 71h Set ­ ­ 106
Pick’s ditto . - 2 . - 12, dedicated to the King of
Rofetti's Pieces ­ . ___-.l 3 n n Prufíia, in 4. Boo'ks, each ­ 60
Roñer's Marches ­ ­ 10 .___- 4 ' _ - wwvï-è-à-P Op. 17, Flute ­ ­ 80
Rogers’s Divertimentos ­ ОФШМФ .__-_ S ­ .
Rofetti, Op. 6 . . 106
Siege of Valenciennes . . 6 . . Richter, Op. 6. ­ ~ 106
Six Marches, by a Lady ­ Haydn’s ­ .. Raimondi, Op. 7. ­ ­ 60
The Guard Marches, each ­ Pleyel, Op. 8 . - Stamitz, Op. 4. , - 106
Weiland’s Pieces ­ ' ­ 9 .. - _ 5 ' . ‘ 106
__ г,“

Stamitz, Op. 10 ­ ­
Spetger, Op. 1 - .
For Violín and Tenor. DUETs i
. ß и. o @o o ocsiï 0 0 0 0 0 о о о о ‘б \1\1v\`lu­\<7~v\ °~>i` o~o~o ~o oa~oî~
Titz, Op. 1 ­ ~­ . Blanc’s ­ ' ­ ‘y .
Eichner, Op. 10 - - o \I\ID\IU\O\I

YVeifs, Op. 6, Ger. Flute ­ Hoffmeilier, Op. 13 ч - о Bich’s

5 , ` о ­
Walters ­ . . ­laulett, Op. 1 - - о
Le Brun, Op. 4 ~ ­ o Chartrain's ­ ­ ­
Mozart, 2 Sets, each - ` -K o De Camp - .
TRIOS. Devienne, from Pleyel ­ ­
Pichl, Op. 18 ­ _ о
Abel, Op. 5 - . . Schwindle . . о Op. 1 - -
0000000 go
16 - - 18 . _
Añorga, Ger. Flute ­ _ 106 57 ' ’
DUETS Fifcher’s . . - 106
Boccherini ­ _ 76
Cramer, Op. 1 and 3 . - 106
Ghillini, Op. 18 - - мичи ишфиодноч О ФО О О О ФО ‘ОФ
For Violin and Violoncello.
Hartman, Op. 7 ­ .
Giordani, Flute, Seleëìion - 106
Giordani, Op. 28 - _ 106 Breval, Op. 19 ß ­ o щшчрч чшиоч О ФОФ ФО Ф Ф НоГГшеШег, Op. 16 . _
Giardini, Op. 17 - - 106 Op. 21 - - о Op. 20 - -
Haydn, Op. 47 ­ ­ 60 Cirri, Op. 12 - - 0 ›‹ Juli ­ ­ -
Holïmeifter, Op. 12 ‹ - 76 Campioni, Op. 8 ­ ­ 0 Kerntle ­ ­ ­
Humble, each . . 76 Claggett’s Airs ~ . о Lings, Op. 2 - -
Kammell, Op. 3 ~ ­ 106 Càmbini, Op. 4 ­ ­ 0 Mancinelli, Op. 3 ­ ­
Notturnos, Op. 6 ­­ 106 Eley, Op. 2 ‚- - o ­- Notturnos ­ ­
Mozart, Violin, Tenor, and Vio Grelbach, Op. 1 o _ о Pleyel’s 2 Sets Clarinets, each ­
loncello, Op. 19 . . 000000
0000 4o ]аг110у1с111 - - о Flute and Violin, each ­
Pleyel’s, Op. 11 - . 60 Р1еуе1, Op. 12 - - о ­-­­­~ Sonatinas ­ _
Op. 16, Book 1li ­ 60 Schwindle ­ . 0 eafy ditto ­ _
—-—- Op. 16, Book. ad . 60 \Vutlty’s, Op. 2 - - о. ——-— Op. 32 - -
Flute, by Devienne ­ 76 Stumpff, Op. 17 - .
Stamitz ­ ­ ­ 106 Urbani’s Scotch Times ­ ­
Shield’s Violin, Tenor, and Violon DUETS
cello ­ _ _ 106
' For Two Violoncellos. German Flute
Vanhall, Op. 6 . .
Viotti, Op. 2 - ­ _ 106 Breval, Op. 2 '­ ­ o soLos
ÑVeíierhoff, Op. 1 - - Op. 25, for the eafy Study
Wendung, Ger. Flute, Op. 1, 2, of the Cliffs ­ ­ ­ о Devienne,’Op. 58 - - 000000 76
and 7, each ­ ­ 00
000000 Bal-retti@ Divertimentos о - о __ >Study ' ­ ­ 76
VVeifs, ditto ~ ­ _ 106 Civetto’s, Op. 2 - - 0 106 Eíiex Orpheus ‘ - - 36
Giordani, Op. 9 ’ - - 76
Hugot '- _ _ SO
DUETS Violoncello Linley ­ - - 26
Miller ­ . . 4o
For Two Violins. S О L О S.
Pleyel, by Holluba ­ ­ 76
Borghi, Op. 3 - - Breval, Op. 28 о — 0 00001 Rodil ­ ­ _ 76
ч шы щч ч ршч ш Ф О ОФ Ф О Ф ФО оччч
Foder's, rath Set ­ ­ Boccherini д - _ о Weifs ~ . - 106
Op. 30 - ~ Paxton, Op. 3 ­ ­ o Zanetti ­ . - 4o
.­ Oog ­ ­ Op. 6 О h О

рты/Ест, llt and 2d Sets, each ~

Le Duc, Op. 6 ­ ­
Mozart ­ - - SOLOS
For the German Elzas or Violín.
Pleyel, Op. 13 ­ ­
'Fm' a Violin and Baß.
...__- 1 s . ц Artaxerxes ­ - - 00000000 инщ цмишпщн щ—Нщ шмнп ОФ О ФС‘Ф О ФО ФО О‘
...___ ‚3 - _ Borghi, Op. 1 .‚- - о 00000* Beggar’s Opera ­ .
5th Set, progreílive ­ Correlli ­ _­ - 0 Cymon ­ _ v -
Pichi, Op. 7 - - Conti ­ ­ ~ 0 “vosèòwov
Children in the Wood ­ ­
Raimondi, Op. 4. ­ ­ Giardini, Op. 2 - - 0 Crufade ­ ­ _
Schwindle, eafy, Op. 4. ­ Hewitt’s Airs . . о Choleric Fathers ­ _
Shield, Op. 1 - - jarnowichi’s Airs ­ ­ 0 Deferter - - -
eafy, Op. 2 - - La Motte’s ditto ­ ­ о Е1е6`11011 — - -
Simonet, Op. 3 ­ ­ Noferi, Op. 11 - - о Elfrida ~ . .
Stamitz ­ ­ ­ Raimondi, Op. 6 ­ ­ о Fontainblettu ­ _
Viotti’s ift Book ­ ­ Tartini ­ ­ - 0 Golden Pippin ­ _
zd ditto ­ ~ Variations to Correlli’s Ga Hartford Bridge ­ _
vot ­ . ­ 0 он OO` Jubilee ­ — . -
Vanhall, Op. 10 ~ ­ o _lult in Time ~ ­
пинты Love in a Camp ~ ­
Love in а Village ­ ­
For Violin and Tenor. German Пил Maid of the Oaks ­ ­
Blake’s Op. 2 - - 00000 106 Mariners ­ ­ ­
Cambini, Op. 12 - - 76 Midnight Wanderers ­ ­
Ор .4.6 - - All-Unik ­ - - о 50 Marian ­ ­ _
Devienne’s, ditto ­ ­ 76 Broderip and Wilkinfon's Periodical Prophet ­ ­ ­
5th_Set ­ . 76 Seleétion ­ ­ ­ 0 Padlock ­ ' ­ -
For the German Flute or Violin. For the Pedal Harp. CONCERTOS.
ooooooooot?s ь. o o o o oä o o o o o o oî'ï ь. o ~o ~o ~o o~ o ~ofï~ o o o o o o o o lfń ь. .
Quaker ­ ­ _ финьыв-н р' Grettry’s Air ­ ­­ чрнмнщчщ' Bach’s @intets и. .
Round Tower i ­ .
Hinner’s, Op. 7 ­ ­ @artets ­ -
Richard Cœur de Lion ­ Op. 6 ­ _ Bach, 4th Concerto, from Op. 15
Война - - - 14 Journals, Harp, each ~ Corrclli, No. 1 10 12, еас11 -
Smugglers ­ _ _ _Fé-__n- а ~ Duffeck, Op. 17 - -
Travellers in Switzerland ­ ___- Op. 29 - -
Twelfth Cake -. - Dupuis ­ - -
\Уа101тап . ~ - . Krumpholtz Duets, Op. 5 ­ Р11`с110г’з 4111, 9111 апс1 7111, each ­
Woodman ­ _ --­­­­­­­­­ Sonatas, Op. 8 ­ м о Giordani’s @inrets ­ ­
...___ 14 . ШЧШЮ Op. 23 - -
____-__- 1S .
--'­­ warms, Op. 17 -
0 Р в R А 5, &с. ———————— 16 - Hande1’s 111 Set ­ о
___--..___- 17 - Iliff, Op. 4 - -
For fh. Ganar. ` tingle « а -
___-_- feleëtcd by
А1Г11п1‘5 Songs, Op. 20 - 0 0 000000
000000 шин ыпиф-рты
ми-рынвщ чо‘ 0 ‘0 0 ‘0 ‘0 0 0‘ Seybold, from ditto, Op. 13 ­ 0000 М-{ъч
Jarnowichi's 111 Set ­ ­
ditto, Op. 2 1 ь - Krumpholtz Concerto ­ ~ OOO@ 2d ditto . -
Bolton's Rondos - - Lentz’s Preludes ­ ­ Klamer ­ ­ -
Crufade . Latonnier’s Airs ­ ­ Pleyel ~ ­ ­
Deferter ­ _ Mellico’s 111, 2d, 3d, and 4th Sets, Smethergells - ~
Eleátion ~ _ _ Canzonets, each ­ ­ o o o o o' o o О‘НЧЧШ
О‘ О ОФ О‘ФО‘ О‘С О ‘ФО Schobert, each ' t ­ _
Golden Pippin ­ - Mayer’s Sonatas, Op. 7 v ­ Sterckel, Op. 18 ­ ­
Jubilee ­ _ . ­­­ Op. 8 - Op. 24 - -
Love in a Village ­ - Mufette di N ina - - Stamìtz ­ ­ ­
Marian ­ _ _ Petrini’s Airs ­ ­ ~
Maid of the Oaks ­ ._ — Ор- 4 ~ ­ н0
Magdalen Hymns - - —— 7 - ­ Piano Forte
Prophet ­ ­ _ t.. O
___-.__ 13 l . _ f i DUETS.
Piétnre of Paris -l _ ____- [4 . - »О
Вобла ­ _ - __..___. I5 -ì .. н0 Artaxerxes Overture ­ ­ 0000000000 26
Schuman, Op. 1 - - ._..__ 16 - - н0 Añarto ditto ­ ­ `26
Thackray’s 111 and 2d Book of Les ___-_- 20111 (30110611011 of Airs чвюнвщч Bach, Op. 15 - _ 106
fons, each - - 000000 2111 ditto ­ ­ Clementi, Op. 6 ’ - .. 26
_ Divertiments, Op. 3 - ­-- Concerto, Op. 29 - __- 14 * ­ _ 106
__.- 44 Airs ­ ­ 81111111’5 German Air ­ - Collizzi, Op. 11 - - 76
NVoodman ­ _ Seybold’s 111 La Chañ'e ­ Haydn's Overture in D. _ 30
ÑVaterman ­ ­ ­ 2d ditto ­ ­ ditto, Surprize ­ 50
Chriíimas Tale ­ ­ Overture, La Cofa Rara Sonata ­ _ 50
Те11101’5 Airs ~ . Mailer and Schol _ 26
Kozeluch, Op. 4 - - 26
___- Op. 19 and 29, еас11 - 30
For the Pedal Натр. Piano Forte and Organ Ма1‘11111’5 Overture to Henry IV. - 30
Mozart’s Air ­ . 30
Ви11101101'5 Ariettes _ _ ——-— Ор. 34 . - 60
Broderìp and Wilkinfon’s Seleétion, CONCERTOS. Pieces, Op. 28. ­ ~ 60
4 Numbers, each - - 0000000 @onv wè О О‘О‘О‘О‘О Nicolai, Op. 9 - _ 106
Arnold’s,­ Op. 15 ­ _
Carden, Op. 7 . ‘ ­ .. 000000 N 000000 Pleyel, Op. 20, Book 111 ' - 76
I Op. 8 ~ - Abel, Op. 11 - - .О -—-— 22, —— 2d ­ 76
Campbell’s 2d Set Broderip, Op. 7 _ _ они-г 241 _' 3d ­ 76
Ducliatz Sonata ­ _ Borghi’s 111 and 2d Concertos, each Smìth’s 111, 2d, 3d, and 4111 Sets,
` Duíicck, Op. 2 - - Boyton ­ - _ each ­ _ _ 60
— Op. 3 Bach, Op. 7 н Sterckel, Op. 15 and 36, еас11 - 3o
.Piano Forte Piano Forte VOLUNTARIES,
SONATAS. S О N A Т А S. Organ Pieces.
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01?n t., ооЁ'ч
ARNOLUS La Chafi'e - Kozeluch, Op. 3 and 6, each ­ com@
Baumgarton’s Fngues _ ~
New Britifh Tar ~ 17 and zo, each ~ Blewitt's Treatife and Voluntarios,
————-————- Ор. 7 ­ Kozeluch, Op. 21, 23, 27 and 3o, Op. 4 - ‚ - 000000 O wnvyAvtO о о ‘о о о
-————-—-—— 1:1, Book tft ­ each ­ _ _ 0000 Broderìp, Op. 5 - -
2d ~ Kambra, Op. 1 and 2, each ­ Bartheleman, Op. 11 ~ ­
Attwood, eafy ­ _ 000005.
O0~ФO0`O0ОO10~Ф0О Kalchbrunner, Op. 1. ~ \I\I`|О"1`1
\IO`O\IU'\ Eighteen eafy _ _
Abel, Op. 5, 13 and 18, each - King, Ор.; _ _ Green, &c, Book tft _ ._
Bertini, Op. t ­ ­ Mozart's п. “Таки, with an Accom~ Handel, ôte. Book 3d _
Burton’s 3 _ _ paniment for the Tamboureen ­ 00000 ooooo _-­­-­-_« 4th -~
Broderip, Op. 1 ~ ­ Molinaer's ­ ­ Keeble, tft Set ~ ­
___- g, _ _ Mazzinghi, Op. 3 ­ ­ ~­ 4th Set _ _ 5
Boccherini, Op. 3 _ _ Mozart, Op. 2, Book 1 and 2, each Miller, Dr.l _ v _ N\l

2d Set ­ ­ 7 ` ~ n Organiit Pocket Companion _

Bach, Op. 2o ­ ­ 15 ~ ­ Organ Journals ~ if _
4 Sonatas ~ ­ Май - - _ Worgan`s ift, 2d, 3d ат! 4th Num
Baumgarton Capriccios ­ Nicolai, Op. 3, 5, 7 and to, each 5 bers of Organ Pieces, each . ­
Clementi, Op. 2 ­ ­ Paíiello`s Capriccios ­ ­ -5~\l

4 - -
Pleycl`s 2 Sonatas, Op. 7 ­
7, 9 and to, each 6 ditto, dedicated to the
15 _ _ Ogeen _ _
этом; SONATAS,
IO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 н \Фччю
lO\ 1\|`1\ `1v œ 0 0 O O O O O
Capriccio, Op. 17 ­ Op. 21 ­ _ ~
БчФочщччщ ц. Sonatinas ­ i ­ Piano Forte.
Sonatas 23 ­
Collizzì, Op. 7 _ ‘ _ _ _ 12 ditto ­ _ Burton’s Courtfhip » _ ч . 00000000 t0n-.gon a 00000000
___-_. 8 . _ Rondos _ _ La Chaße _ ­' _
Cramer, Op. 12 _ _ 18 Pieces _ _ Tit for Tat _ ' _
13 _ _ ——-— tít Suit from the шах-(св Benfor’s Storm ­ _
Dupuis, Op. 4 _ _ —-— ad ditto _ _ Battle of Prague _ _
Витая, Op. 12 _ _ »__ 3d ditto _ _ ­­ Rofebach _ _
Dance, Op. 1, 2 and 3, each _ 4th ditto 7 _ _ Boccherini's 2d, 3d, and 4th, each
Dufi'eck, Op. 5, 7 and 8, each ­ œ`l 81h ditto ­ _ ' Baftille _ _ _
32 _ _ Капищ], Op. 1 _ _ и Cox's Organ Muíic, No. 1 and 2,
Eichner, Op. 1 _ _ Rofeiti, Op. 1 ­ ­ each _ ' _ _ 00000 ОФОФО О О
Edelman, Op. 1 _ _ 4. _ _ Coronation Anthem _ ­ иены-днища.
___- 5 - -
Reli, Op. 4. _ _ lO Clementi Toccatta, Op. 1 1 ­
7 _ _ __- 7 ~ Single Sonatas, each ­
-————-—- lo в - Sterckel, Op. 17, Book 1 and 2, each `l
Fergus Tocatta, Op. x ~ ­
2d Set, Op. 15 _ 3o _ _ Giornovichi ~ _
»__-è Harplichord Part alone ____ 32 . . Gyrowetz ­ ­ ­
Ferrari, Op. 1 _ _ Schmid`s Rondos _ _ Ошшышщш
очщщчьэ Giordani’s Storm _ _
___-_ _ 2| - . _
Stcibelt’s Ladies Amufement _ My Lodging, Rondo ­
Fodor, Op. 2 - _ _ St. Paul’s Proceíiion i -­
Op. 2.1. Haydn, Op. 60 _ _
готы, Dr. Op. 6 _ _ from Op. 14 and 17, Single,
Graaff, Op. 2, 4and 5, each ­ _ Duncan’s Victory ­ each _ _ . - 00000000 О О ФО‘ О О ОФ О О
Gyrowetz Notturno, Op. яр - Grand Sonata, Op. 32 ­ favorite _ _
Op. 2:2 ~ ­ Schroeter, Op. 4 - _ ——— in G. _ _
Giordani, Op 34 _ _ Siege of Gibraltar, by Gonetti ­ ———-' Ор. 68 _ _
Haemer, Op. 12 ­ ­ Schubert, Op. 1, 2, 3, .t and 5, each Op. 76 _ _
Haydn, Op. 13 ­ ­ 10
7 и - Hnlmandel, Op. to _ _
14. - - 10
8 _ _ Kozeluch's La Chaire, Op. 5 _
„__- 17 - ~ lO
9 and lo, each _ Sonata, from Op. 3 _
____-_- 4o ­ ­ ЩЧФЧФЮФ
Stae's, Op. 1, 2, 3, 5 and 7, each ­ Rondo - _
___- 42 ~ ­ Storace`s Collection, each _ Mozart, Fantafia, Op. п _
»_1-___ . - Twelve German Waltz, with an Ac Trio, Op. 14 _ цщнш'мМЮМ—щЮн—щ
„ companiment for the Tamboureen, Mnlly ~ ­
__*- 53 » ’ '
­­­­­­­­­­ 75 ’ ' by Mali ­ _ _ 00000 Мишюэщ 000000 Nicolai, 1 to 6, from Op. 3, each
Horn, Op. 1, 2 and 3, each _ Uber’s Sonatinas _ _ Pleyel ­ ­
Hoebrecht, Op. 4. - -
Vanhall’s Capriccios ­ _ No. 18, ditto _ _
____- ­ Op. 3, 5, and 9, -—-— Op. 32 _ _ 1 and 2, from Op. 7, each ­
each ­ ~ ­ o`o 'o.o o o 34 ­ ­ Concertante, by Cramer ­
обчшнччч-г-ч О ‘О‘ОФ Ф ОФ
.Hulmanclel, Op. 5 ­ ­ 2d Set Sonatas _ IO —- Ditto, by Lat-hnitt ­
Vento, each Set _ _ Single, fiom the Suite, each
11 i - -
Juft, Op. х - - Von Efch, Op. 13 _ _ 76 Radcgar _ _ _
2 _ _ Wranifky, Op. 1 _ _ 76 Sarti, Op. x _ _
___-_g 3 n _ Whalley’s, Op. 3 _ _ 26 Schobert, each _ _
Vogler’s Quartet - ­
'___- 5 - -
.._. _I 7 ­ _ Wagenfeil _ _
-—- . . 13 ­ ­
Kozeluch, Op. 1 _ _

For те Piano Forte. For thc Piana Forte. Wit/1 Variations.

00000000000?ä 1_,_ o~a o~ o ~o o~ o~ì­ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 r:4`ì
0 0 0 0 0 0 ~0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 ?'5 ‘I’ l" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9‹
Artaxerxes, Dr. Arne ­ _ Royal Shepherd ­ »u upv-_v-ucwo Of a noble Race ­ ­ “ЮНОЦР'ЧМКО ОИО
ниОн—О МО ОФ ОФ ‘О ‘ОФ О‘ О ‘ О ‘Ф О ‘ О ‘ О ‘ О ‘?
Rofett1’s La Chafl'e _ O dear, What can the Matter be?
Ariadne, Handel _ _
Armida ­ _ Samfon, Handel _ Purcell`s Ground _ _
Alexander’s realt, Handel ­ Saul, Ditto - Pleyel’s Hymn - ~
Acis and Galatea, Handel ­ Smugglers, Attwood ­ Rural Felicity _ _
Afiarto, Giardini ­ _ Travellers in Switzerland, by Shield Rofary, by Duffeck _ ­
Vanhall, No. 42 - Scotch Air, in Peggy’s Love ­
Blade et Babet _ _
Blackamoor, Dibdin _ _ 4S ’ Scotch Reel ­ ­
Children in the Wood, Dr. Arnold Woodman, Shield _ Smith’s German Air _
Wicklow Mountains, Shield The Yellow Hair’d Laddie, Bach _
Choleric Fathers, Shield _
Defertcr, Philidor _ _ шинные, Mozart _ To Thee О Gentle Sleep _
Duenna, Linley _ _ ронымонцд-мо н—омдр нфр‘юм-о н-—
The old Highland Laddie ­
Ditters ­ ­ ­ Wilhelma’s Nafl'au, Vogler -
Waterman, by Dance i ­
Demiphon, Adam ­ ~ _ AIRS,
Either, Handel _ _
Eliritla, Arne _ _ Wil/1 Variations.
Elopement, Giordani ­
Fontainbleau, Shield _ _ Auld Robin Grey, Mali 000000000 @0 0 0 0 0@0 0 0 0 A prili's Canzonets ­ - 00000000 5o
Gli Schiavi _ _ Allen a Roon ­ Aliioli’s Duets - ~ 106
Henry'IV. Martini - - Air in the Heirefs, Storace Burney’s Canons ­ ~
Наудп'э La ChatTc ­ _ Alley Croalter ­ Borghi, Op. 7 - - lo 6`
Loudon _ _ Air de `Iulia ­’s Duets ­ ­
in D. _ _ Black Joke, Clementi Cipolla's Canzonet ­ ­
No. 1 to 5, each _ Calioon’s Air, Noon ­ »nv-90 90» Cantatas _ ­
No. 1 to 6, each _ Rule Britannia Daphne and Chloe, RouÍTeau ­
Hartford Bridge, Shield _ Airs _ O Ferrari’s Notturnos - - н 0 @000000
Hoebrecht's, each ­ _ Carter’s Rondo _ Он н ОричниОн О н щн— н Canons ­ ­ \ìlnv\v\v\ l
Iphigenia, Gluck _ _ Corn Riggs, Urbani Giordani _ _
]omelli, with the Chaconne ­ Dulce Domum
Joan of Arc i _ _ Haydn's Cantata ­ ~
Del Cards Hornpipe, Field Ariane and Naxos ~
1.a Buona Ефима, Piccini ­ Forkel's Air _
Il Marchefe Tulepano ­ _
La Cofa Rara _ _ From Night ’till Morn `
Kelly’s Airs and Duets ' _
Lionel and Claritin, Dihdin _ Go to thc Devil _ La Regina­ de Golconda, Rauzzini,
Love in a Village, Abel - God fave the King ­
Aét I. _ _ 000000
Love in a Camp, Shield _ Отчщчи 000000
Galloping Dreary Dun Aft II. _ _
La Schiava, Piccini _ _ Handel's Water Piece ­
Aft III. ­ ­
Maid of the Oaks, Bartheleman ­ Hamilton’s Strathfpey Mortellnri’s Canzonet, Op. 6 ­
Marian, Shield _ _ Henry’s _Cottage Maid
ditto _ _
Meliiah, Handel ­ _ Jack Latin - Catches, Op. 13 f ­
iMidnight Wanderers _ Kambra's Dance ­
Mellico’s ift, 2d, 3d and 4th Sets,
Mariners ­ _ Lewie Gordon ­
ешь _ _ _ 0&0 0 0 0 0 шниФЗЗИчшчщ О О ОФОФОФО
Mozart, by Horn _ _ La Belle Catherine _ Martini’s Canzonets _ _
New Spain, Dr. Arnold _ La Folio d’ Efpange ­
Canons _ _
Niobe, King _ _ Mozart’s No. 1 to 16, each
МошЬсШ’з Ariete _ _
Occaiional, Handel _ - Maggie Lauder ­ Nauman’s ditto _ _
Otho ­ _ _ Магию! Saxe’s Minuet Pozzi’s Airs ­ _
Opera Overtures, each _ Mrs. Bond ­
Air and Duets - -
Pleyel, No. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, each My Ain kind Deary ~ Righini’s Самолет: - -
Prophet, Shield _ _ Minuet Belgrade с Vento’s Canzonets, each ì ­
Rodolinda, Handel _ _ Malbrook _ Venus and Adonis, Mortellari ­
Round Tower _ _ Nancy Dawfon _ Worgan’s ditto ­ _


o o o o o o o o o 'f: ь. кN 00001?” E" отвод For Мс Piano Forte and Voice.

АН соте 11 cor, Haydn _ юн н нвюн ышнр ынмшщнюнюш
Perdonate Signor, Didoni ­
Ah cara fpofa, Giulio Sabino ­ Picchie conacchei, Gli Schiavi ­ NNN“ Mariner-s, shield _ - Ji; is'
Abbracciami o fpofo, Elfrida ­ Pandol titto, IZingari in fiera ~
t Ah quanti volti, L'Arbore di Diana Pieta di noi, L’Arbore di Diana _ Macbeth, Lock _ _ о 6 о
Ah brillar la, La Molinara ­ Риг troppo ё ver, Poeta di Cam Maid of the Oaks, Barthelemon _ o 1о 6
парнишка New Spain, Dr. Arnold ­ ­ о 10 о
A mi a mi credite, La Pri. d’Amalfi pagna _ _ 00000000 О ‘С"О‘О`О`О `

Pria che fpunti, Il Mat. Segreto _ Nina, Shield ­ _ ­ o 5 0

.Ah la rabbia, Salieri _
Per te folo, Azur Ri d’Ormns _ Ргор11е1, ditto '_ _ ­ о 8 0
Ah che frenar, Sofronia _ ОФ О‘ О О О ‘ФО‘ О‘ 0 0 0
(malche Diavol, L’Arbore di Diana Padlock, Dibdin ­ ~ o 6 о
Allerta zovenotti,"`\Azur Ri d'0mar
Ah quel cori, Evelina ­ Qiantunque, Il Talifmano ­ Rolina, Shield ­ ­ о 8 o
Che mai feci, L`ul`urpar. Innoce ­ Round Tower', Reeve ­ ~ о 8 о
@i dove fcherza, Azur Ri d'0rmus
(wel Iabro adorato, Alceíie ­ Strangers at Home, Linlcy ­ о 10 6
Confola le pene, Martini ^ .
'Smugglers, Attwood ' ~ ­ о r8 о
Са1та la pena, Mortclari ­ (Шанс equato ­ ­ ›‹
Siege of Curzola, Arnold ­ о to 6
Cara fpofa amate, Bach _ (bella brovezzofa, La Gen. D'Al
Travellers in Switzerland, Shield ­ о 10 6
Che vidi che afcoltai, Brifeide ­ leflhndro ­ ­ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ножным—п ю ншнюн н мрирнрноюн 0 0 0 ФОСФО Ф О‘ О‘ О ‘О ‘О Ф
Caro ben ti, Il Defertori ­ Trip to Portfmouth, Arne ­ о 3 о
Ogelia non ira, Olimpiade ­
Come afre Azur Ri d’Armc'es ­ Theatrical Candidates, Bates ­ о 3 0
Rendi il fereno, Sofarmes _
Cofa e mai, L’Arbore di Diana ­ Thomas and Sally, Arne ­ ­ o 1 6
Son regina e fon, Sacchiui ­
“Мобтап, Shield
Che lilenzio, La bella Pefcatrice - Si libora non, Grefnich ~ ­ Wicklow Mountains, (11110­ ­ о xo 6
. o­ s о
Сага т1а fpofa, La Paliorella Nobile Se cerca ce dici, Sacchini ­
Cara Boza, I Zingari infiera ­ Se unochiatina, L`arborie di Diana
Chi mi comforta, Il Talifmano _ Se il voi faper, ditto ‹ - - VOCAL ENGLISH.
Comeal Corfo, Elfrida ­ Spofo amato, La Conte ­ ­
Chi un dolce, Catoni in Utica ­ Se povera fon, Il Talifmano ­ Ancient and Modern Glees, Book
Crudele or colei, Amor vendicato Senza (решит, La Prine. d’Amalñ 111, ad, 3d, and 4th, each ­ 0 7 6
Donne Donne chivi, Mengozzi ­ Soave luce, Azur Rid Armus _ Bland's Ladies Glees, each _ o 1 6
Da parte 11 fcheria, L’Arbore di So che una beliia, La vera cofianza Billington’s Canzonets, cach _ o 5 o
Diana ‘_ _ _ ` _ 000000 непримиримы О О‘С‘О‘О ‘О‘О О Se ti perdo, Pozzi ­ _ Bach's 3d Colleftion Songs ­ о 4 o
Dio falvi Giorgio ­ _ Seil feil mi, Piccini ­ ­ Broderip's Songs ­ ­ о 10 6
Deh vieni alla, D. (затаив; . Ti reverifeo, Paeliello ­ . Corfe`s ifi Book of Harmonized Glees @xo 6
Deh t' afcolto, Vergine del Sole ­ Tefe о mio, Haydn ­ . 2d ditto ditto ­ ­ о 10 6
Di furor per me, Elfrida ` ­ Т1 confola amato, Gazzaniga _ 3d ditto ditto - ­ o 10 6
Da qneiii lineamenti, Il Talifmano Tutto da voi, Paefiello ‚ - - Campbell`s Songs ­ _ o 7 6
Deh ti comforta, Il Mat. Segreto ­ Т1 ungrazzia, @acquera Spiritofa Collins’s ditto ­ ­ o lo 6
Dove ridotta fono, Pacfiello _ Tu di faper procura, Olimpiade _ Cooke, Dr. Glees, &c. ­ ­ о lo 6
Era meglio, Webbe ­ ­ Tu medame, ditto _ _ Ebdon’s Six Glees ­ ­ о 8 о
Fra tuoi palpiti,” Sofrouia ­. Tutto amabile, La рай. Nobile ­ Fifcher’s Canzonets ­ ­ о 7 6
Fin ch’an `del vino, D. Giovanni Tu mi fprczzi, Mombelli _ Giordani’s ditto, each ­ ­ 0 5 о
Forfe abbas tanga, La Principefi'a Un amante, Sarti ­ - Hermit ­ ~ о 2 6
D'Amal'a ­ - 00000 пьём—н 00000 Va pure, La рай. Nobile ­ Haydn’s Ballads, by Shield ­ o 7 6
Fugiti о Donne, Fra due litiganti Vedrai carino, D. Giovanni ­ by Arnold ~ ­ о 7 6
Gli añetti, Mazzinghi ­ ­ Verdi prati, Handel .. - Canzonets, each ­ _ o 7 6
Grande e ver, Mazzinghi _ ­ Vivi alina, Rauzzini _ ­ Harrington‘s 111 and 2d Set ­­ o 5 о
Il core vi donno, Mozart ­ 3d ­ ­ 0 7 6
In qual _bar-baro, La Principeílä Н1пс100 Airs ­ - - o ю 6
D’Amalii ­ _
юным О‘О‘ФО Hindle’s Songs _e -‘ о 10 6
Io ti lafcio, Il mat. fegreto _ For the Piano Forte and Voice. Hermit, by Baron Nolke ­ 0 10 6
Lungi dal caro, Sarti _ - - Hook’s ÑVreath ­ ­ о 7 6
La mia fpof'a, Abbertini ­ Artaxerxes, Dr. Arne ­ _ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IO О О‘ОФОС‘О О ‘О ФО О ‘ Anchor-et l., ­ ­ o 50
Blackamoor, Dibdin ­ _ Holder's Canzonets,l Op. 4 ­ o 5 o
La Cagion del Vofiro, La Principes ооощооошф
Га D’Amalfi ­ - 0000
О N <7` Beggars Opera ­ _ - Jackfon`s Songs, Op. 1 ­ ­ о 5 о
Lungi fen vede, La Principeffa D’A­ Children in the Wood, Dr. Arnold ——-—- Elegies, Op. 3 - - о 10 6
malŕi ­ _ 00000 акына 00000` Crul'ade, Shield ч - ’ _ ___- Palioral Songs, Op. 4. ­ o 10 6
La belle mie (регата, Cimarofa ­ Comus, Dr. Arne ­ - ————- Songs, Op. 7 ~ ­ o ro 6
La faccio un, Il Mat. Segreto ­ Cambio-Britons, Dr. Arnold _ Canzonets, Op. 9 ~ о 10 6
L’Anno mille, La Cifra ­ Duenna, Linley _ . ._ь. _______'Сш21г1е15‚ Ор. п - o lo 6
Lilla mia dove, Martini _ Deferter, Philidore ­ _ ФФОЮШИЧЮШЧ Canzonets, Op. 13 - o 10 6
Mio ben ricordati, AlletTandro in Dead Alive, Dr. Arnold ­ ­ Pafioral Duets, Op. 15 - о 10 6
Indie ­ ­ ­ 000000 "привыкни—мн О О‘С‘ФС‘ОФО ‘ФО Elfrida, Dr. Arne ­ _ Songs, Op. 16 - - о 10 6
Mifero areñuil, L’Arbore di Diana Enchanted Cafile, Shield ­ ­ Epigrams, Op. 17 - о lo 6
DIadamìna il cataloga, D.Giovanni Enraged Muiician, Dr. Arnold ­ King`s Ariets ~ ~ о 8 о
Mifera me che, La bella Pcfcatrice Eleâtion, Barthelemon ­ - Ladies` Amufement, being a Selec
Mifero me che, Olimpiade - Hartford Bridge, Shields ­ ­ tion of Catches and Glees, each
Non vo gia, La Cifra ­ - Juli in Time, Canet ­ ~ ›-‹ Book _ _ _ 0000000 „покорны ФФОООФО
Nato io fon, Azur Ri d`Omar ­ _loan of Arc, Reeve — - Melliflfs Glees - -
No cordebole, Gazzanigo _ ­Iubilee, Dibdin ­ ­ Муга’з Evening Service _ -
Ombre cara, Didoni - . Love in a Village ­ ­ Mould’s Ballads _ -
Ог vicina ati, Haydn _ Lionel and Clariffa, Dibdin ­ Ode on Handel, Dr. Cook _
Olinda o dio, Sofronia ­ Midnight Wanderers, Shield ­ ­-­ on St. Cecilia's Day, S. Webbe
О Elfrida giuiia, Elfrida ­ Marlan, ' ­ ditto ­ ­ Poole, Mìfs, Canzonets ­

OOOOOI:45 oooootb 000005 Piano Forte.

Pocket Catches and Glees, each _ Opera Dances, 1786, each ­ шииты?
oooljx Ь ooo§
Paxton’s Glees, Op. 5 - - 1787 _ _ Princefs of Wales’s ­ ­ oen-IH
Profeliional Glees, Сапсан, ôte. ­ ­­­­ 1788 - -
Vanhall’s ­ ­ ~
Pigmy Вещь, Dibdin _ _ 1789 - - Urbani’s _ i _ _
Rural M irth ­ _ _ Zemire 8c Azor, Book Iii and ad _
Smith’s Glees, each Book, Iii, 2d,
and 3d _ _ _ 00000 TREATISES.
Stevens, Op. 3 - - COUNTRY DANCES,
Antoniotti’s, L’Arte Armonica, a
Op. 4 _ _ _
COTILLIONS AN n REELS. vols. each _ _ - 10
Twelfth Cake, by Spotïorth _
Tenducci's Songs _ - Blewitt’s Treatife on the Organ, with
Urbani’s Scotch Songs, Book 111 and Anderfon’s tti Book, Scotch _ explanatory Voluntaries, Op. 4 _ IO
00 Ow
____-- 2d ditto _ _ Brewfier on Thorough Bafs ­
ad, each _ _ _ 0 0
Wilbye's Madrigals _ _ Broderip 8c Wilkinfon’s Colleétions, Broderip’s Inliruâtions for the Piano
\V3r1‘en`s Annual Collection of each _ _ _ Forte, with progreüive Lelfons,
00000 010510 39! 00000

Catches and Glees, No. I to 31, Cooper's Reels _ _ Op. 6 - . -

each _ _ _ Claggett’s Airs ~ ­ Corri, a New-invented Diâionary ­
ditto, Monthly, each Col Campbell’s Dances, each ­ Hulmandel`s Principles of the Piano
leciion, I to 24, - - Y Gow's ditto, each _ _ Forte _ _ _
Ч’сЬЬе’з rfi, 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th, 6th, Harrington’s ditto _ _ Hook’s Guida _ _
7th, 8th, and 9th Collection ditto, `Ienkins’s ditto ­ ­ lO
Jackfon, Dr. on Thorough Bafs,
each _ _ _ M‘Glaman's ditto ­ _ Op. 5 _ _ _
0 IO Ш

Mozart’s ditto _ _ _ Lamp’s Thorough Bafs ­ _ O

Art of Muůc _ _
DIVINE MUSIC, VOCAL. Lindfey, n Scheme fhcwing the Dif
Bond‘s Anthems _ _i LIARCHES tance of Intervals ~ 0
0 Борн—нчфвфч Miller, Dr. The Infiitutes of Muße 0 Ф
Broderip's Pfalms, for I, z, 3, and For the Piano Forte. ———-—- The Elements of Tho
4 Voices ­ ­ ­ ФО ОФ О ОСОФО О rough Bafs, and Compoíition _ ФОО‘ОО
Hear рту Prayer, Kent ­ ­ Auftrian Retreat ­ _ 00000000 н мнц н н —О н—и н ио 0 0 0 ‘ 0 ‘0 ‘0 0 ‘ Nares, Dr. on Singing _ 0000
Handel’s Te Deum ­ ч Archduke Charles's _ - Pafquali's Thorough Bafs made eafy
Jackfon`s Anthem, Op. 5 - - Aberdeen Slow ' _ ‚ - ———— Art of Fingering _
Kent's Anthems, Voi. I and a, each 0 0 0 0 0 H0`0 0 Bagfliot Slow and Quick, each _ Rameau, on Compofition _'
Lord of all Power _ _ Brighton Camp ­ _ Rofs’s Infiruéiions for the Piano
Magdalen Hymns, each Book _ Bacchanalian, in Bacchus 8: Ariadne Forte ­ _ 10
My Song Ша” Ьс always, Kent Ball's Taunton March - -
The Italian Method of Singing, with
Milgrovc`s 3d Book Hymns ­ Сутоп Одйск and Slow, each ­ 36 Solfeggas, by Sig. D. G. Aprile 10
Miller’s Pfalms ­ _ Duke of York's old _ _ Tetfarini, The Art of playing the
Anthem, Op. 6 ч - — Troo'p ditto _
“Ч Violin _ ' ' _
Organifi Pocket Companion ` - Effex`s, each _ _ _
Pring’s 8 Anthems _ _ lll
»NN Fall of Paris _ _
Ponder my \Vords _ _ Fantini _ _ _ INSTRUCTION BOOKS,
Simpfon’s Anthem ­ _ Ipliigine _ _ _
The Sacred Mufic performed at the London _ _ - New Editions.
King of Sardinia‘s Chapel in Lon March, Surrender Dering _
don, compofed by Samuel Webbe Marfeillois _ _ _
Playing the Piano Forte or Organ
000 NOD OO
Vital Spark _ _ _ made eat'y _ ' _ 0 0 0 0 0 '0 0 0 0 VIDUJN N NO N DN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Prince Wurtemberg _ ­
Whalley’s Anthem _ _ New Inliruétions for the Violin ‘ ­
Royaliít _ _ _
German Flute ­ ­
Schroeder's Quick _ _
­ Slow _ _ Hautboy _ _
OPERA DANCES. --_ Clarinet _ _
Smith's _ _ _
Guittar _ _
Don упал _ _ Worgan’s _ _ _
——— Piano Forte Guitar _
Iphigenia & Anlide, Book rfi and ‚
Baflbon _ _
2d, each _ _ _
Il Convitata di Pietra _ _ 00
MINUETS, Violoncello _ _
French Horn _ _
Kambra Dance - н о
­ La Premier Navigateur, Book rfi
Piano Forte. Common Flute ­
­­-­­ Fife ­ -
and ad, each - ­ 00000 О‘О‘О‘ФО" Belles Su'atagem _ _ напав-ч 00000 Bagpipe _ I _
кончик» 00000
Le jaloux Puni, Book rfi 8: 2d, cach Haydn's _i _ _
L’Amour et Pfyché, by Mazzinghi Metallic Harmonica _
Mozart's _ _ _
Tenor _ _
La Chafie d'Amour ‘ ­ ~ Martini`s _ ^ . -
-~ ide Drum _ _
Macbeth ' ­ _ ­ Marfhal Saxe’s _ _
—-— andoliue _ _

at their VVarchoufe in the Hay Market, alfo, every MUSICAL PUBLICATION, both Ещё/Ь and Foreign.

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