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Exposes Partie EET ret EM iy Les mots de liaison et articulations sec nmatiserlesmotsdeaison etarticulationsaiderale candidat mieux comprendre les exposés dans cette partie de Iépreuve, Exprimer ta cause ‘he Pastengers were stranded overnight because of echnical prablems, The technical problems were mainly due to negligence, The Geneva Fight was cancelled asa result ofthe plo’ ines Exprimer'a conséquence TRete was very heavy traficen the highway, sl arrived at atthe airport, tre aibacks were 10 miles ong, consequently Mr Fraser decucs to tum off the motorway, aren had aready missed the meetin, therefore she decided not to bother continuing her journey north, ‘As aresult ofan overtumed truck, the fa eft lane was closed all morning, Exprimer une concession successfully, ea ans aay with a ten thousand dollar contac although it was the first time she had been involved in such a deal, [nsbie ofherlackofexperence, she appeared confident and poised peste the fact that her boss nad originally been skeptical he wae very impressed by the resut. Exprimer un contraste PUNE company whichis very welkestablshedin the are, our rivals have only been here forthe last eighteen months, ‘hel lines general appeal to older women, ‘however they have been attracting some younger customers recently, Exprimer une condition nese 2s hyalene standards are met, the estaurant should Seta good write-up in the ew guide. 1, nou bull up an extensive clientele, provided that rices are not too high, pes they are very unlicy, ina and Bil should mane ‘Comfortable profits. The) should be careful to afer a ved menu, othernnn ‘customers will get tired of ting the same things, Aiouter des arguments available over the Christmas period, Macat® 2ressing you some complementary tickets to apologize for our error, We furthermore hope that you take advantage of the enclosed special pass to vist the artists backstage, ‘Annoncer une bonne nouvelle Theta was robbery this momminginahighstetjeveter, Fortunately, noone washur, Etune moins bonne nouvelle pefortunately students wll have to res the examination 5 the subject was found to beaiittle ambiguous. ReaTettably, good performances nthe fst session ofthe, ‘exam will not be taken into account ‘Les connaissances & avoir Partie wv

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