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Teacher's name: Drumia Maria-Magdalena

Date: December 9th, 2021

Time: 50 minutes

Class: IVth

School: Liceul Pedagogic "Nicolae Iorga"

Frequency: 2 hour/week

Lesson: „Our World”

Type of lesson: knowlwdge fixation

Textbook: "Limba modernă engleză"

Skills: Speaking, Listening, Reading, Writing .

Objectives. At the end of the lesson students will be able to:

O1-practise and develop reading skills.

O2-practise and develop writing skills.

O3-make prediction based on images.

O4-read for specific information.

O5-learn how to use correctly the Present Simple.

O6-write sentences using much and many.

O7-use the new words in the textbook.

Didactic strategies:

-Methods and procedure: conversation, explanation, practice , reading.

-Materials and resources: textbook, notebook, , worksheets, pictures.

-Organisation: whole class, individual work.

Name of Objective Teacher’s activity Stundent’s activity Methods and Materials

activity s procedure and
1.Warm-up! T greets class, checks Ss greet the teacher and answer conversation
attendance. to informal questions: "How are
1 minute T presents the objectives of you?", "How was your day so
the lesson. far?".

2.Revision O1 T asks Ss to read their Ss read their homework and conversation notebooks
homework and corrects the correct the mistakes if reading images
9 minutes mistakes if necessary.T asks necessary/
Ss about their latest lesson
and revise adverbs of
O3 frequency – always, seldom, exercise
05 never, sometimes, usually, Ss respond to T's questions
T asks Ss questions using
adverbs of frequency, in
order to receive answers
wich contain it, as well.

3. Jobs and Ss observe attentively conversation textbook

activities T: uses a PPT with paper practice notebook
O1 money and coins used in reading
most important areas in the
10 minutes O4 world.
T explains Ss the following
-a coin is a piece of metal
a note is a piece of paper
the symbol for a pund is £
1 £ 100 penny
1 £ is also called a quid
1$ 100 cents
1$ is also called a buck
4.Practice O1 T asks students to solve ex Ss will write down in their textbook
O2 no 2, on page… in order to notebook ex no 2 , on page …, notebook
15 minutes observe how they managed choosing the correct answers.
to understand the notions
presented. Students write exercises on their
O7 Students are asked to read notebooks
and then work exercises no
1.. 2, on page… , in wich they
05 would review grammar and practice
vocabulary skills previously
learnt = present simple,
adverbs of frequency,
prepositions of place etc. exercise

5.Game! O1 T initiates a role playing Students imagine different practice

O2 game/ At the bookstore , situations using conversation exercise
using the discussed notions skills.
Homework O2
7. Ending of T congratulates the Ss for
lesson their work and attention
within the class.

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