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Philippine Literary History: Famous Literary Works (Spanish Period)

Most of the literary works produced at the time of the spanish period were around hundreds.
The meaning behind these works are often the same but noteworthy. Many of the compositions
made were either for teaching the fellow Filipinos about proper virtue and knowledge instead of
false information, but other works were also used to share a societal message against the
Spaniards during the Spanish period.

Examples of works that are part of Philippine Literary History during the Spanish period:

● Noli Me Tangere

- the book touches on the sufferings of the country during the reign of the Spaniards

- it shines light on how the Spanish rule affected the millions, living in the Philippines

● El Filibusterismo

- this is the second part of Noli Me Tangere or the “sequel”.

- it continues to show the actions brought by the Spanish authorities.

● Urbana at Felisa

- an important work to showcase how relevant it is to follow proper virtues.

● Doctrina Cristiana (The Christian Doctrine)

- the prime message of this book is to share the Christian religion and teachings
throughout the lands of the Philippines.

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