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A substantial amount of research indicates income inequality leads to violent crime; as

income gaps create social tension, this leads to a feeling of unfairness for the poor and
they lash out with violence. However, there is less of a consensus when it comes to
property crime.

Lack of support to families and neighborhood:

High-crime neighborhoods are characterized by high concentrations of families
abandoned by fathers. State-by-state analysis by Heritage scholars indicates that a 10
percent increase in the percentage of children living in single-parent homes leads
typically to a 17 percent increase in juvenile crime.

lack of leadership in community:

There have been many different angles that have been studied as the potential cause of
crime. Currently, the three major aspects include a lack of education, living in poverty,
and being raised in a single parent home.

Low value placed on children by parents:

Family plays an important role in the socialization of the child. Family and social
conditions affect behaviors related to and levels of crime. Ahuja (1986) in his study found
that female criminality is most affected by maladjustment in the family. As per each
human being every child has to be given much importance and treated equally to avoid
such crime.

Not sharing power:

Power crime reflects the asymmetrical abundance of degrees of freedom and resources
with which to both commit crimes and to convince others not to define them as such. ...
Crimes of the powerful are linked to how social power itself is formed and defined,
distributed and altered.

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