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Obrambeni mehanizmi ovisnika

/ Defence Mechanisms in Addicts

Ante Bagarić1, Mihovil Bagarić2, Zvonimir Paštar3
Klinika za psihijatriju Vrapče, 2Klinički bolnički centar Sestre milosrdnice, Zagreb, Hrvatska, 3Klinika za psihijatriju
i psihoterapiju „Furtbachkrankenhaus“, Stuttgart, Njemačka
/ 1University Psychiatric Hospital Vrapče, 2University Hospital Centre Sestre milosrdnice, Zagreb, Croatia, 3University
Hospital for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Furtbacjkrankenhaus, Stuttgart, Germany

U radu je istraživana povezanost obrambenih mehanizama i drugih parametara ovisnosti (dob, spol, bračni i radni
status, vrsta ovisnosti, te duljina i težina ovisnosti). Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da su dominantni obrambeni
mehanizmi kod ovisnika: apatično povlačenje, devaluacija, negacija, potiskivanje, projekcija, projektivna identifikacija
i racionalizacija. Rezultati su također pokazali da postoje razlike u svim navedenim ispitivanim elementima. Kod žena
se ovisnost razvija znatno rjeđe nego kod muškaraca, ali kada se ovisnost razvije tada ima teži oblik (češće prisutni
nezreli obrambeni mehanizmi). Ovisnost o alkoholu i kockanju je više povezana s potiskivanjem, racionalizacijom,
negacijom i projekcijom, a ovisnost o drogama i internetu s apatičnim povlačenjem, devaluacijom i projektivnom
identifikacijom. Daljnja istraživanja obrambenih mehanizama ovisnika značajno će doprinijeti daljnjem napretku u
dijagnostičkim i terapijskim postupcima.

/ This paper investigates the correlation between defence mechanisms and other parameters of addiction (age, gender,
marital and work status, type of addiction, and length and severity of addiction). Research findings have shown that
dominant defence mechanisms in addicts are apathetic withdrawal, devaluation, denial, repression, projection, project
identification and rationalization. These results also showed that there are differences in all of the above-mentioned
parameters. In women, addiction develops considerably less often than in men, but when addiction develops it has
a heavier form (more often, immature defence mechanisms are present). Alcohol and gambling addictions are more
associated with repression, rationalization, denial and projection, and addiction to drugs and the internet with apathetic
withdrawal, devaluation and projective identification. Further research on defence mechanisms in addicts will significantly
contribute to further progress in diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.


Dr. sc. Ante Bagarić, dr. med. Obrambeni mehanizmi / Defence mechanisms
Klinika za psihijatriju Vrapče Ovisnost / Addiction
Bolnička 32
10 000 Zagreb, Hrvatska

IZVORNI ZNANSTVENI RAD / ORIGINAL SCIENTIFIC PAPER Soc. psihijat.  | 46 (2018)  | 142-160

Značenje ovisnosti Problem of addiction

Kada se govori o ovisnosti uglavnom se govori When we talk about addiction, we usually talk
o ovisnosti kao novom fenomenu. Međutim, about addiction as a new phenomenon. Howe­
povijesni podatci pokazuju da je uzimanje psi- ver, historical data show that taking psychoactive
hoaktivnih tvari usko povezano sa svim, zajed- substances is closely related to all communities
nicama od najstarijih vremena do danas (1). from the earliest age to the present (1). Thus, the
Dakle, problem ovisnosti nije nastao u novije problem of addiction has not manifested in re-
vrijeme, ali je točno da je unazad 50-tak godina cent times, but it is true that in the last 50 years
došlo do velike epidemije ovisnosti – „eksplo- there has been a major epidemic of addictions –
zija ovisnosti“ (2). Epidemija se toliko raširila an “explosion of addiction” (2). The epidemic is
da je u zapadnoj civilizaciji 10 % populacije ovi- so widespread that 10% of the population in the
sno o alkoholu, drogama, kockanju i internetu, West is dependent on alcohol, drugs, gambling or
a tek se 10 % od ukupnog broja ovisnika liječi the internet, and only 10% of the total number
(3). Zbog toga već decenijima, ovisnost nije of addicts is treated (3). Because of this, addic-
samo medicinski, samo psihijatrijski problem, tion has been not just a medical and psychiatric
nego i politički, socijalni, financijski, pravni, problem for decades, but also a political, social,
sigurnosni i sl. financial, legal, security problem and so on.
Za ovakav težak problem, države i različite in- The state and various institutions are trying to
stitucije pokušavaju naći rješenje. U stručnim find a solution for such a difficult problem. In
krugovima je već dugo poznato da je liječenje professional circles, it has long been known that
ovisnika istovremeno i najbolji preventivni treating addicts is at the same time the best pre-
program. Ovisnici koji apstiniraju nisu više ventive program. The addicts who abstain are no
aktivni ponuđači psihoaktivnih tvari, te na taj longer active psychoactive substance providers,
način više ne regrutiraju nove ovisnike. Ali, and thus no longer recruit new addicts. How then
kako liječiti ovisnike? Koncepte i ideje liječenja to treat addiction? Concepts and ideas of addict
ovisnika nude svi: ovisnici, bivši ovisnici, člano- treatment are offered by addicts, former addicts,
vi obitelji ovisnika, političari, pravnici, mediji. family members of addicts, politicians, lawyers,
Zbog toga se liječenje ovisnika može nazvati i media, etc. Because of this, the treatment of ad-
„ovisnički galimatijas“. dicts can be called “addictive galimatias”.
Kao i kod drugih psihičkih poremećaja u lije- As with other mental disorders in the treatment
čenju ovisnosti se mogu primjenjivati farma- of addiction, pharmacotherapy, sociotherapy, and
koterapija, socioterapija i psihoterapija. Velika psychotherapy may be used. The vast majority of
većina medicinskih i psihijatrijskih područja se medical and psychiatric areas are developing very
vrlo brzo razvija. To se odnosi i na farmakotera- rapidly. This also applies to pharmacotherapy and
piju i socioterapiju ovisnika. Mišljenja smo da sociotherapy of addicts. We think that psycho-
se psihoterapija ovisnika ipak razvija sporije, te therapy treatment of addicts develops slower and
da za to nema nikakvih razloga ni opravdanja. that there is no reason or justification for it.

Psihoanaliza i ovisnost Psychoanalysis and addiction

Već smo spomenuli da ovisnost postoji od kad We have stated above that addiction exists since
postoji i čovjek. I u svim razdobljima i oko svih the dawn of man. And throughout history and in
ovisnosti postojao je jedan osnovni koncept – all addictions, there is one basic concept – addic-

A. Bagarić, M. Bagarić, Z. Paštar: Defence Mechanisms in Addicts. Soc. psihijat. Vol. 46 (2018) No. 2, p. 142-160.
144 ovisnost je interakcija između središnjeg živ- tion is the interaction between the central nerv-
čanog sustava i psihoaktivne tvari. Ovaj kon- ous system and the psychoactive substance. This
cept je jednostavan, razumljiv, ali nažalost i concept is easy and understandable but unfortu-
pogrešan. Istinski koncept ovisnosti je taj da nately incorrect. The true concept of addiction
je ovisnost kombinacija kemijskog djelova- is that addiction is a combination of the chem-
nja tvari, ali i svjesnih i nesvjesnih fantazija o ical action of substance but also conscious and
djelovanju te tvari. Zbog toga psihoanalitička unconscious fantasies about the action of this
znanja puno pomažu u ispravnom razumijeva- substance. Therefore, psychoanalysis helps sig-
nju ovisnosti. nificantly in properly understanding addiction.
Psihoanaliza se odmah u početku beskompro- Psychoanalysis immediately uncompromisingly
misno suočila sa svim psihičkim smetnjama, addressed all mental disorders including addic-
pa i s ovisnosti. Tako se Freud već u ranim tions. Thus Freud already in early works, Hypno-
radovima (Hypnosis 1891, pismo Fliessu pro- sis 1891, Fliess’s letter in December 1897 (4,5),
sinac 1897.) (4,5) intenzivno bavio problemi- intensively dealt with the problems of addiction.
ma ovisnosti. I drugi psihoanalitičari su često Other psychoanalysts also often tried to expose
pokušavali razotkriti psihodinamiku ovisnosti: the psychodynamics of addiction: Abraham,
Abraham, Fenichel, Winnicott, Kernberg, Ko- Fenichel, Winnicott, Kernberg, Kohut, Wurm-
hut, Wurmser, Stolorow, Dodes (6-8). Oni ovi- ser, Stolorow, Dodes and others (6-8). They de-
snost opisuju kao: problem sa seksualnošću; scribe addiction as: a problem with sexuality;
homoseksualne pulzije; regresija na rane razine homosexual pulsions regression to early levels
razvoja; „potapanje“ superega; identifikacija s of development; “submerged” superego; identi-
izgubljenim objektima; instinkt smrti; samo- fication with lost objects; death instinct; self-de-
destrukcija; oštećenje desomatizacije, verbali- struction; damage to desomatization, verbaliza-
zacije i diferencijacije; pokušaj „krpanja rupe tion and differentiation; attempt to “patch holes
u selfu“; kolaps grandioznog selfa; razvijanje in the self”; collapse of the grandiose self; devel-
nezrele omnipotencije i sl. oping immature omnipotence and the like.

Obrambeni mehanizmi Defence Mechanisms

Mehanizmi obrane su važan psihoanalitički Defence mechanisms are an important psycho-
koncept, te su kompleksni kao i drugi važni analytic concept and are as complex as other im-
elementi psihoanalize. Kao i sve druge psiho- portant elements of psychoanalysis. Like all oth-
analitičke koncepte mehanizme obrane je prvi er psychoanalytic concepts, defence mechanisms
opisao (otkrio) S. Freud (9). Freud se intenziv- were described (discovered) by Sigmund Freud
no bavio potiskivanjem kao najvažnijim obram- (9). Freud described repression as the most im-
benim mehanizmom, čak toliko da bismo mogli portant defence mechanism, so much so that we
reći da je povijest potiskivanja kao obrambenog could say that the history of repression as a de-
mehanizma ujedno i povijest psihoanalize. fence mechanism is at the same time the history
Ipak, pravu sistematizaciju obrambenih meha- of psychoanalysis. However, the proper systema-
nizama čini drugi Freud, Anna. Godine 1936. tization of defence mechanisms was performed
Anna Freud objavljuje, na njemačkom jeziku by Anna Freud. In 1936, Anna Freud published,
rad „Ego i mehanizmi obrane“ (10). U ovom in German, “The Ego and Defence Mechanisms”
radu, koji je brzo preveden na engleski, obram- (10). In this paper, which was quickly translated
beni mehanizmi su sistematizirani, te se taj rad into English, defence mechanisms were system-
ubraja u velika, klasična djela psihoanalitičke li- atized, and this work is one of the major classical

A. Bagarić, M. Bagarić, Z. Paštar: Obrambeni mehanizmi ovisnika. Soc. psihijat. Vol. 46 (2018) Br. 2, str. 142-160.
terature. Anna Freud navodi deset obrambenih works of psychoanalytic literature. Anna Freud 145
mehanizama: potiskivanje, regresija, reaktivna cites ten defence mechanisms: repression, re-
formacija, izolacija, poništenje, projekcija, in- gression, reactive formation, isolation, rejection,
trojekcija, okretanje protiv sebe, okretanje u projection, introjection, turning against one’s
suprotno i sublimacija ili premještanje. own person, reversal into the opposite and sub-
limation or displacement.
Glavne značajke obrambenih mehanizama su:
• čuvaju (brane) osobu od jake anksioznosti The main features of defensive mechanisms are:

• operiraju uglavnom nesvjesno • keeping a person from strong anxiety

• they work mostly unconsciously
• dio su normalnog psihičkog funkcioniranja
• they are part of normal mental functioning
• mogu biti i patološki kada su prisutni u ne-
skladu s dobi ili jačinom. • they can be pathological when they are in
divergence with age or strength
Nakon Anne Freud i drugi psihoanalitičari na-
stavljaju proučavati ovaj važan fenomen. Mela- After Anna Freud, other psychoanalysts con-
nie Klein 1946. godine opisuje važan obrambe- tinued to study this important phenomenon.
ni mehanizam – projektivnu identifikaciju (11). In 1946 Melanie Klein described an important
Vaillant pravi podjelu obrambenih mehanizama defence mechanism – projective identifications
na obrambene razine (12). On navodi: normal- (11). In Vaillant’s categorization, defences form
nu, neurotsku, nezrelu i patološku obrambenu a continuum related to their psychoanalytical
developmental level (12). They are classified
into pathological, immature, neurotic and “ma-
Prije smo naveli kako je mnogo psihoanalitiča- ture” defences.
ra pisalo o psihodinamici ovisnosti, ali malo je
We have noted that many psychoanalysts have
radova koji se bave odnosom ovisnosti i obram-
been writing about the psychodynamics of
benih mehanizama. Pinheiro (13) je istraživao
addiction, but there are few papers that talk
obrambene mehanizme kod ovisnika o kokai-
about the relationship between addiction and
nu i našao da kod tih ovisnika dominira pro-
defence mechanisms. Pinheiro (13) has inves-
jektivna identifikacija, posebno u odnosu sina
tigated defence mechanisms in cocaine addicts
(ovisnika) i oca. Drugi autori (Spotts, Schontz,
and found that projective identification, espe-
Bergeret, Leblanc) projektivnoj identifikaciji
cially in relation to a son (addict) and father,
kao dominantnom mehanizmu kod ovisnika
predominates in these addicts. Other authors
dodaju još i spliting (13).
(Spotts, Schontz, Bergeret, Leblanc), also add-
Cilj ovog rada je da pokaže povezanost obram- ed splitting to projective identification as a
benih mehanizama i različitih aspekata ovisno- dominant mechanism for addicts (13).
sti. The aim of this paper was to show the connec-
tion between defence mechanisms and differ-
ent aspects of addiction.
U istraživanje je uključeno 100 pacijenata Za-
voda za liječenje ovisnosti KP Vrapče koji su Sample
bili u bolničkom i izvanbolničkom tretmanu The study included 100 patients of the Insti-
tijekom 2015. i 2016. godine. Ispitanici su bili tute for Treatment of Addiction of the Univer-
u dobi od 21 do 68 godina. sity Psychiatric Hospital Vrapče who had been

A. Bagarić, M. Bagarić, Z. Paštar: Defence Mechanisms in Addicts. Soc. psihijat. Vol. 46 (2018) No. 2, p. 142-160.
146 Kriteriji za uključivanje u istraživanje su: dija- in hospital and outpatient treatment during
gnoza ovisnosti, adekvatna medicinska doku- 2015 and 2016. Subjects were 21-68 years old.
mentacija (jasno i ispravno zabilježeni obram-
The criteria for inclusion in the study were:
beni mehanizmi). Dakle, uključeni su pacijenti diagnosis of addiction, adequate medical re-
koji su kao prvu (dominantnu) dijagnozu imali: cords (clear and properly recorded defence
ovisnost o alkoholu, ovisnost o drogama, ovi- mechanisms). Thus, patients who had the first
snost o kockanju i ovisnost o internetu. (dominant) diagnosis: alcohol addiction, drug
Isključujući kriteriji su: dijagnoza zloporabe, addiction, gambling addiction and addiction to
neadekvatna medicinska dokumentacija. the internet were included.
The excluding criteria were: diagnosis of abuse,
Metoda inadequate medical records.

Izabrano je 100 ispitanika koji su u povijesti bo-

lesti imali zabilježene obrambene mehanizme Method
u skladu s dijagnostičkim principima DSM-IV There were 100 subjects who had defence mech-
(14) (do sedam obrambenih mehanizama pore- anisms listed in their medical documentation in
danih po hijerarhiji). Pacijenti kod kojih u me- accordance with diagnostic principles of DSM-
dicinskoj dokumentaciji obrambeni mehanizmi IV (up to seven hierarchy-based defence mech-
nisu bili označeni na ovaj način, nisu uključeni anisms). Patients with a medical record in which
u istraživanje. Dakle, podatci za istraživanje su defence mechanisms were not labelled in this way
dobiveni kliničkim intervjuom. U istraživanje are not included in the study. The research data
je uključen samo prvi (dominantni) obrambeni was obtained by a clinical interview. The study
mehanizam. Sedam se obrambenih mehani- involved only the first (dominant) defence mech-
zama našlo na tom prvom mjestu (apatično anism. Seven defence mechanisms were found to
povlačenje, devaluacija, negacija, potiskivanje, be dominant (apathetic withdrawal, devaluation,
projekcija, projektivna identifikacija, raciona- denial, repression, projection, projective identi-
lizacija). U tekstu su označeni kao dominantni fication, rationalization). In the text, they are
obrambeni mehanizam. marked as a dominant defence mechanism.
Dva su načina procjene obrambenih mehani- There are two ways of assessing defence mecha-
zama. Jedan je korištenjem psihometrijskih nisms. One is using psychometric instruments
instrumenata (npr. DSQ - Defense Style Que- (e.g. DSQ, Defense Style Questionnaire). How-
stionnaire). Međutim, kako su obrambeni me- ever, as defence mechanisms are predominant-
hanizmi pretežno nesvjesni procesi, klinička ly unconscious, the clinical assessment in this
procjena u ovom slučaju ima prednost. S druge case takes precedence. On the other hand,
strane, jasan je nedostatak kliničke procjene there is a clear lack of objectivity in using clin-
u odnosu na istraživanje provedeno pomoću ical assessment compared with a survey con-
standardiziranih upitnika. ducted using standardized questionnaires.
U odnosu na navedenih sedam dominantnih In relation to the above mentioned seven dom-
obrambenih mehanizama ispitivani su sljedeći inant defence mechanisms, the following pa-
parametri: dob, spol, bračno stanje, zaposle- rameters were discussed: age, gender, marital
nost, vrsta ovisnosti, duljina ovisnosti i težina status, employment, type of addiction, dura-
ovisnosti. tion of addiction and severity of addiction.
Težina ovisnosti je podijeljena na laku, umje- Addiction severity is divided into light, moderate
renu i tešku u skladu s principima DSM 5 (15). and severe according to DSM-V principles (15).

A. Bagarić, M. Bagarić, Z. Paštar: Obrambeni mehanizmi ovisnika. Soc. psihijat. Vol. 46 (2018) Br. 2, str. 142-160.

Na tablici 1 prikazan je odnos dominantnih Table 1 shows the relationship between the
obrambenih mehanizama i dobi ispitanika. dominant defence mechanisms and the age of
the subjects.
U skupini ispitanika u dobi do 20 godina kao
dominantni obrambeni mehanizam kod dva In the age group under 20 years of age, the
ispitanika utvrđena je projektivna identifikaci- dominant defence mechanism was projective
ja (66,7 %), a kod jednog projekcija (33,3 %). U identification, which was found in two (66.7%)
idućoj dobnoj skupini (21-30 god.) najčešći ko- subjects, while we found projection as a dom-
rišteni mehanizmi obrane su projektivna iden- inant defence mechanism in one (33.3%) sub-
tifikacija i devaluacija, oba s po šest ispitanika ject. In the next age group (21 to 30 years old),
(25 %). Slijede ih projekcija, koja je utvrđena kod the most common defence mechanisms were
pet (20,8 %), negacija kod četiri (16,7 %), te raci- projective identification and devaluation, both
onalizacija kod tri ispitanika (12,5 %). U dobnoj by six (25%) subjects. They are followed by
skupini 31-40 godina racionalizacija se pokaza- projection with five (20.8%), denial with four
la kao najčešći korišteni mehanizam obrane i (16.7%) and rationalization with three (12.5%)
utvrđena je u osam (30,8 %), devaluacija kod pet subjects. In the 31-40 age group, the most com-
(19,2 %), negacija i projekcija kod četiri (15,4 %), mon defence mechanism was rationalization,
potiskivanje i projekcija kod dva (7,7 %) i apa- which was found in eight (30.8%) subjects,
tično povlačenje kod samo jednog ispitanika followed by devaluation in five (19.2%), denial
(3,8 %). Racionalizacija je najčešće korišteni and projective identification in four (15.4%),
mehanizam obrane i u dobnoj skupini od 41 do repression and projection in two (7.7%) and ap-
50 godina, gdje je utvrđena kod 10 ispitanika athetic withdrawal in only one subject (3.8%).
(33,3 %). Ostali mehanizmi obrane koji su utvr- Rationalization was the most commonly used
đeni u ovoj dobnoj skupini su negacija kod šest defence mechanism in the 41-50 age group,
(20 %), projekcija kod pet (16,7 %), potiskivanje where it was found in 10 (33.3%) subjects. Oth-
kod četiri (13,4 %), projektivna identifikacija kod er defence mechanisms found in this age group
tri (10 %), devaluacija kod jednog (3,3 %) i apa- were denial in six (20%), projections in five
tično povlačenje kod jednog ispitanika (3,3 %). U (16.7%), repression in four (13.4%), projective
zadnjoj dobnoj skupini koju čine ispitanici u dobi identification in three (10%) and devaluation
od 51 godine i više, najčešće korišteni mehani- and apathetic withdrawal in one (3.3%) sub-
zam obrane je negacija koja je utvrđena kod šest ject. In the last age group of subjects aged 51

TABLE 1. Dominant defensive mechanisms in relation to the age of subjects

  Under 20 % 21-30 % 31-40 % 41-50 % 51 years % Total

years old years old years old years old old or older

A 0 0 0 0 1 3.8 1 3.3 2 11.8 4

D 0 0 6 25 5 19.2 1 3.3 0 0 12

De 0 0 4 16.7 4 15.4 6 20 6 35.3 20

R 0 0 0 0 2 7.7 4 13.4 2 11.8 8

P 1 33.3 5 20.8 2 7.7 5 16.7 1 5.9 14

PI 2 66.7 6 25 4 15.4 3 10 3 17.6 18

Ra 0 0 3 12.5 8 30.8 10 33.3 3 17.6 24

Total 3 100 24 100 26 100 30 100 17 100 100

A. Bagarić, M. Bagarić, Z. Paštar: Defence Mechanisms in Addicts. Soc. psihijat. Vol. 46 (2018) No. 2, p. 142-160.
148 ispitanika (35,3 %), projektivna identifikacija i and above, the most commonly used defence
racionalizacija kod tri (17,6 %), apatično povlače- mechanisms were denial, found in six subjects
nje i potiskivanje kod dva (11,8 %), a kod jednog (35.3%), projective identification and rational-
ispitanika je utvrđena projekcija (5,9 %). ization in three (17.6%), apathetic withdrawal
and repression in two (11.8%) and projection
Na tablici 2 prikazan je odnos dominantnih
in one subject (5.9%).
obrambenih mehanizama i spola ispitanika.
Table 2 shows the relationship of dominant de-
Najčešći obrambeni mehanizam kod muškaraca
fence mechanisms and subject gender.
je racionalizacija koja je utvrđena kod 21 ispita-
nika (26,3 %) slijedi negacija kod 17 (21,3 %), The most common defence mechanism found
projektivna identifikacija kod 13 (16,3 %), te in men was rationalization, which was found
projekcija kod 11 ispitanika (13,7 %). Među rje- in 21 subjects (26.3%). The next most com-
đe korištenim mehanizmima su potiskivanje i mon was denial in 17 (21.3%), then projec-
devaluacija koji su nađeni kod sedam (8,7 %) i tive identification with 13 (16.3%) and pro-
apatično povlačenje kod četiri ispitanika (5 %). jection in 11 (13.7%) subjects. Among the
less commonly used mechanisms were the
Kod žena najčešće korišteni mehanizmi obrane
repression and devaluation found in seven
su projektivna identifikacija i devaluacija koji
(8.7%) and apathetic withdrawal found in
su nađeni kod pet žena (25 %), slijede raciona-
four (5%) subjects.
lizacija, projekcija i negacija kod triju (15 %),
potiskivanje kod jedne ispitanice (5 %), dok The most frequently used defence mechanisms
apatično povlačenje nije nađeno. in women were projective identification and
devaluation found in five women (25%), fol-
Na tablici 3 prikazan je odnos između domi-
lowed by rationalization, projection and denial
nantnih obrambenih mehanizama i bračnog
in three (15%), repression in one subject (5%)
stanja ispitanika.
and apathetic withdrawal which was not found.
Rezultati pokazuju da je kod neoženjenih ispita-
Table 3 shows the relationship between the
nika najčešće korišteni obrambeni mehanizam
dominant defence mechanisms and the marital
racionalizacija koja je utvrđena kod devet ispi-
status of the subjects.
tanika (24,4 %), slijede devaluacija koja je nađe-
na kod osam (21,6 %), projektivna identifikacija The results show that the defensive mecha-
kod sedam (18,9 %), negacija kod pet (13,5 %), nism of rationalization was the most common
projekcija kod četiri (10,8 %), dok su potiskiva- one found in unmarried subjects, with a total
nje i apatija nađeni kod dva ispitanika (5,4 %). of nine (24.4%) subjects using it. Next most
common were devaluation, which was found in
TABLE 2. Dominant defensive mechanisms in relation to eight (21.6%), projective identification in seven
subject’s gender
(18.9%), denial in five (13.5%) and projection
M % F % Total. in four (10.8%), while repression and apathet-
A 4 5 0 0 4 ic withdrawal were found in only two subjects
D 7 8.7 5 25 12 (5.4%).
De 17 21.3 3 15 20
In married subjects, results were different.
R 7 8.7 1 5 8
The most common defence mechanisms found
P 11 13.7 3 15 14
in married subjects were denial and ration-
PI 13 16.3 5 25 18
alization, which were found in ten subjects
Ra 21 26.3 3 15 24
(24.4%). They were followed by projection in
Total 80 100 20 100 100
eight (19.5%), projective identification in six

A. Bagarić, M. Bagarić, Z. Paštar: Obrambeni mehanizmi ovisnika. Soc. psihijat. Vol. 46 (2018) Br. 2, str. 142-160.
TABLE 3. The relationship between the dominant defence mechanisms and the marital status of the subjects 149
Unmarried. % Married % Divorced % Rest % Total

A 2 5.4 0 0 1 5.9 1 20 4

D 8 21.6 2 4.9 1 5.9 1 20 12

De 5 13.5 10 24.4 4 23.5 1 20 20

R 2 5.4 5 12.2 1 5.9 0 0 8

P 4 10.8 8 19.5 2 11.8 0 0 14

PI 7 18.9 6 14.6 3 17.6 2 40 18

Ra 9 24.4 10 24.4 5 29.4 0 0 24

Total 37 100 41 100 17 100 5 100 100

Kod oženjenih ispitanika rezultati su drugačiji. (14.6%), repression in five (12.2%) and de-
Najčešći obrambeni mehanizmi kod oženjenih valuation in two (4.9%) subjects. There were
ispitanika su negacija i racionalizacija (deset is- no subjects with apathetic withdrawal in this
pitanika, 24,4 %), slijede: projekcija kod osam group.
(19,5 %), projektivna identifikacija kod šest
In the third group of subjects, the group of
(14,6 %), potiskivanje kod pet (12,2 %), te deva-
divorced subjects, we found that the most
luacija kod dva (4,9 %) ispitanika. U ovoj skupi-
commonly used defensive mechanism was ra-
ni nije bilo ispitanika s apatičnim povlačenjem.
tionalization, which was found in five subjects
I u trećoj skupini ispitanika, skupini razvede- (29.4%). The next most commonly found was
nih, nalazimo da je najčešći korišteni obrambe- denial in four (23.5%), projective identification
ni mehanizam racionalizacija kod pet ispitani- in three (17.6%), projection in two (11.8%) and
ka (29,4 %), slijedi negacija kod četiri (23,5 %), repression, devaluation and apathetic with-
projektivna identifikacija kod tri (17,6 %), drawal in one subject (5.9%).
projekcija kod dva (11,8 %), te potiskivanje,
Table 4 shows the relationship between the de-
devaluacija i apatično povlačenje kod jednog
fence mechanisms and the employment of the
ispitanika (5,9 %).
Na tablici 4. prikazan je odnos obrambenih me-
The most commonly used defence mechanism
hanizama i zaposlenosti ispitanika.
in the employed group was rationalization,
Najčešće korišteni obrambeni mehanizam kod which was found in 11 (33.3%) subjects, fol-
zaposlenih ispitanika je racionalizacija koja je lowed by denial in seven (21.2%), then re-

TABLE 4. Dominant defensive mechanisms in relation to the employment of subjects

Employed % Unemployed % In education % Rest % Total

A 0 0 3 7 0 0 1 9 4

D 1 3 9 20.9 1 7.7 1 9 12

De 7 21.2 8 18.6 5 38.5 0 0 20

R 5 15.2 1 2.3 0 0 2 18.2 8

P 4 12.1 6 14 2 15.4 2 18.2 14

PI 5 15.2 9 20.9 4 30.7 0 0 18

Ra 11 33.3 7 16.3 1 7.7 5 45.6 24

Total. 33 100 43 100 13 100 11 100 100

A. Bagarić, M. Bagarić, Z. Paštar: Defence Mechanisms in Addicts. Soc. psihijat. Vol. 46 (2018) No. 2, p. 142-160.
150 utvrđena kod 11 ispitanika (33,3 %), slijedi ne- pression and projective identification in five
gacija kod sedam (21,2 %), zatim potiskivanje (15.2%), projections in four (12.1 %) and de-
i projektivna identifikacija kod pet (15,2 %), valuation in one subject (3.%).
projekcija kod četiri (12,1 %) i devaluacija kod
For the unemployed, most common defence
jednog ispitanika (3 %).
mechanisms were devaluation and projective
Kod nezaposlenih najčešći obrambeni meha- identification found in nine subjects (20.9%).
nizmi su devaluacija i projektivna identifikacija The next most common one was denial found
kod devet ispitanika (20,9 %), slijedi negacija in eight (18.6%), then rationalization in sev-
kod osam (18,6 %), racionalizacija kod sedam en (16.3%), projection in six (14%), apathetic
(16,3 %), projekcija kod šest (14 %), apatično withdrawal in three (7%) and repression in one
povlačenje kod tri (7 %) i potiskivanje kod jed- subject (2.3%).
nog ispitanika (2,3 %).
Subjects in the education system most often
Ispitanici u edukacijskom sustavu najčešće ko- used denial: five subjects (38.5%), then projec-
riste negaciju (pet ispitanika, 38,5 %), zatim tive identification: four subjects (30.7%), pro-
projektivnu identifikaciju (četiri ispitanika, jection: two subjects (15.4%) and devaluation
30,7 %), projekciju (dva ispitanika, 15,4 %), te and projection: one subject each (7.7%).
devaluaciju i projekciju (jedan ispitanik, 7,7 %).
Table 5 shows the relationship between the
Na tablici 5 prikazan je odnos vrste ovisnosti i type of addictions and defence mechanisms.
obrambenih mehanizama.
In alcohol addicts, the most frequently used de-
Kod ovisnika o alkoholu najčešći obrambeni fensive mechanism was rationalization, which
mehanizam je racionalizacija koja je utvrđena was found in 15 subjects (25.4%) and was fol-
kod 15 ispitanika (25,4 %), slijedi negacija kod lowed by denial which was found in 13 sub-
13 (22 %), projekcija kod 10 (17 %), projek- jects (22%), projection in 10 (17%), projective
tivna identifikacija i potiskivanje kod sedam identification and repression in seven (11, 9%),
(11,9 %), devaluacija kod pet (8,5 %) i apatično devaluation in five (8.5%) and apathetic with-
povlačenje kod dva ispitanika (3,3 %). Kod ovi- drawal in two subjects (3.3%). In drug addicts,
snika o drogama najčešći mehanizam obrane je the most common defence mechanism was pro-
projektivna identifikacija, kod osam ispitanika jective identification in eight (29.7%), followed
(29,7 %), slijede devaluacija kod šest (22,2 %), by devaluation in six (22.2%), rationalization
racionalizacija kod pet (18,5 %), negacija kod in five (18.5%), denial in three (11.1%) and ap-
tri (11,1 %) i apatično povlačenje kod dva is- athetic withdrawal in two subjects (7.4%). In

TABLE 5. Dominant defensive mechanisms in relation to the type of addiction

Alcohol % Drug % Gambling % Internet % Total

A 2 3.3 2 7.4 0 0 0 0 4

D 5 8.5 6 22.2 0 0 1 25 12

De 13 22 3 11.1 3 30 1 25 20

R 7 11.9 0 0 1 10 0 0 8

P 10 17 3 11.1 1 10 0 0 14

PI 7 11.9 8 29.7 1 10 2 50 18

Ra 15 25.4 5 18.5 4 40 0 0 24

Total 59 100 27 100 10 100 4 100 100

A. Bagarić, M. Bagarić, Z. Paštar: Obrambeni mehanizmi ovisnika. Soc. psihijat. Vol. 46 (2018) Br. 2, str. 142-160.
pitanika (7,4 %). Kod ovisnika o kockanju naj- gambling addicts, the most common defence 151
češći mehanizam obrane je racionalizacija koja mechanism was rationalization which was re-
je utvrđena kod četiri ispitanika (40 %), slijedi ported in four (40%) subjects, followed by the
negacija kod tri (30 %), potiskivanje, projekcija denial in three (30%) and repression, projec-
i projektivna identifikacija kod jednog ispitani- tion and projective identification in one (10%)
ka (10 %). Najčešći obrambeni mehanizam kod subject. The most common defence mechanism
ovisnika o internetu je projektivna identifika- for internet addicts was projective identifica-
cija koja je utvrđena kod dva ispitanika (50 %), tion found in two subjects (50%), while deval-
dok su devaluacija i negacija utvrđeni kod jed- uation and denial were found in one subject
nog ispitanika (25 %). (25%).
Na tablici 6 prikazan je odnos duljine trajanja Table 6 shows the relationship between the
ovisnosti i obrambenih mehanizama. length of addiction and defensive mechanisms.
Kod ispitanika kod kojih duljina trajanja ovi- In the group of subjects with a duration of ad-
snosti iznosi do jedne godine najčešći meha- diction of less than a year, the most common
nizam obrane je negacija koji je prisutan kod defence mechanism was denial, present in six
šest ispitanika (46,2 %), zatim slijede potiski- (46.2%) subjects, followed by repression found
vanje kod četiri (30,8 %), racionalizacija kod in four (30.8%), rationalization in two (15.3%)
dva (15,3 %) i projekcija kod jednog ispitanika and projection in one (7.7%) subject. In the
(7,7 %). U skupini ispitanika čija duljina traja- group of subjects with the length of addiction
nja ovisnosti iznosi 1-3 godine negacija je i dalje between 1-3 years, denial remained the most
najčešći obrambeni mehanizam i utvrđen je kod common defence mechanism and was found
šest ispitanika (30 %), druga po učestalosti je in six (30%) subjects, while the second most
racionalizacija kod četiri (20 %), zatim projekci- common defence mechanism was rationaliza-
ja i projektivna identifikacija kod tri (15 %), po- tion, which was found in four (20%) subjects,
tiskivanje kod dva (10 %) i apatično povlačenje followed by projection and projective identifi-
i devaluacija kod jednog ispitanika (5 %). U idu- cation in three (15%), repression in two (10%)
ćoj skupini ispitanika dominira racionalizacija and apathetic withdrawal and devaluation in
kao najčešći obrambeni mehanizam. Utvrđena one (5%) subject. In the next group of subjects
je kod gotovo polovice ispitanika u toj skupini (length of addiction between 4-6 years) ra-
(43,3 %). Idući najčešći mehanizam obrane u tionalization dominated as the most common
toj dobnoj skupini je negacija koja je prisutna defence mechanism. It was found in almost
kod pet ispitanika (16,7 %), zatim slijede pro- half of the subjects in this group (43.3%). The

TABLE 6. Dominant defensive mechanisms in relation to the length of addiction

Less than 1 year % 1-3 years % 4-6 years % 7-10 years % 10 years and more % Total

A 0 0 1 5 0 0 1 4.8 2 12.5 4

D 0 0 1 5 3 10 6 28.6 2 12.5 12

De 6 46.2 6 30 5 16.7 2 9.5 1 6.3 20

R 4 30.8 2 10 2 6.7 0 0 0 0 8

P 1 7.7 3 15 3 10 4 19 3 18.7 14

PI 0 0 3 15 4 13.3 5 23.8 6 37.5 18

Ra 2 15.3 4 20 13 43.3 3 14.3 2 12.5 24

Total 13 100 20 100 30 100 21 100 16 100 100

A. Bagarić, M. Bagarić, Z. Paštar: Defence Mechanisms in Addicts. Soc. psihijat. Vol. 46 (2018) No. 2, p. 142-160.
152 jektivna identifikacija sa četi (13,3 %), projekci- next most common defence mechanism in that
ja i devaluacija kod tri (10 %) i potiskivanje kod age group was denial, present in five subjects
dva ispitanika (6,7 %). Dominantni obrambeni (16.7%), followed by projective identification
mehanizmi u prethodnim skupinama ispitani- in four (13.3%), projection and devaluation in
ka bili su negacija i racionalizacija, no u dobnoj three (10%) and repression in two (6.7%) sub-
skupini ispitanika čija duljina trajanja ovisnosti jects. The predominant defence mechanisms
iznosi od 7 do 10 godina dominantni obrambe- in these groups of subjects were denial and ra-
ni mehanizmi su devaluacija kod šest (28,6 %) tionalization, but in the age group of subjects
i projektivna identifikacija kod pet ispitanika whose length of addiction was between 7-10
(23,8 %). Još su utvrđeni mehanizmi u ovoj years, the most common defence mechanisms
skupini ispitanika projekcija kod četiri (19 %), were devaluation found in six (28.6%) and pro-
racionalizacija kod tri (14,3 %), negacija kod jective identification in five (23.8%) subjects.
dva (9,5 %) i apatično povlačenje kod jednog Other mechanisms found in this group of sub-
ispitanika (4,8 %). U dobnoj skupini ispitanika jects were projection in four (19%), rationaliza-
čija duljina trajanja ovisnosti iznosi 10 godina tion in three (14.3%), denial in two (9.5%) and
i više najčešći korišteni mehanizam obrane je apathetic withdrawal in one (4.8%) subject. In
projektivna identifikacija kod šest ispitanika the group of subjects whose length of addiction
(37,5 %), slijede ju projekcija kod tri (18,7 %), was over 10 years, the most commonly found
racionalizacija, devaluacija i apatično povlače- defence mechanism was projective identifica-
nje kod dva (12,5%) i negacija koja je utvrđena tion in six (37.5%) subjects, followed by projec-
kod jednog ispitanika (6,3 %). tion in three (18.7%), rationalization, devalu-
ation and apathetic withdrawal in two (12.5%)
Na tablici 7 prikazan je odnos obrambenih me-
and denial in one (6.3%) subject.
hanizama i težine ovisnosti.
Table 7 shows the relationship between defence
Kod ispitanika kod kojih je dijagnosticirana
mechanisms and the severity of addiction.
blaga razina ovisnosti najčešći obrambeni me-
hanizmi su potiskivanje i racionalizacija (pet In subjects diagnosed with a mild degree of
ispitanika, 27,8 %), slijedi negacija kod četiri addiction, the most common defence mecha-
ispitanika (22,2 %), projekcija kod tri (16,6 %) nisms were repression and rationalization (five
i projektivna identifikacija kod jednog ispita- subjects 27.8%). Next was denial, found in four
nika (5,6 %). Na ovoj razini nema ispitanika s subjects (22.2%), projection in three (16.6%)
dominantnim mehanizmom devaluacije ni apa- and projective identification in one (5.6%)
tičnog povlačenja. subject. At this level of severity, there were no

TABLE 7. Dominant defensive mechanisms in relation to the severity of addiction

Mild % Moderate % Severe % Total.

A 0 0 1 2.3 3 7.9 4

D 0 0 4 9.1 8 21.1 12

De 4 22.2 11 25 5 13.1 20

R 5 27.8 3 6.8 0 0 8

P 3 16.6 6 13.6 5 13,1 14

PI 1 5.6 5 11.4 12 31.6 18

Ra 5 27.8 14 31.8 5 13.2 24

Total 18 100 44 100 38 100 100

A. Bagarić, M. Bagarić, Z. Paštar: Obrambeni mehanizmi ovisnika. Soc. psihijat. Vol. 46 (2018) Br. 2, str. 142-160.
Ispitanici kod kojih je ovisnost izražena na subjects with a dominant mechanism of deval- 153
umjerenoj razini pokazuju drugačije rezulta- uation or apathetic withdrawal.
te. Najčešća je racionalizacija (14 ispitanika,
Subjects diagnosed with a moderate level of
31,8 %), zatim negacija (11 ispitanika, 25 %),
severity had different results. The most com-
projekcija (šest ispitanika, 13,6 %), projektivna
monly found defence mechanism was rational-
identifikacija (pet ispitanika, 11,4 %), devalua-
ization (14 subjects, 31.8%), followed by deni-
cija (četiri ispitanika, 9,1 %), potiskivanje (tri
al (11 subjects, 25%), projection (six subjects,
ispitanika, 6,8 %), te na kraju apatično povla-
13.6%), projective identification (five subjects,
čenje (jedan ispitanik, 2,3 %).
11.4%), devaluation (four subjects, 9.1%), re-
I teška razina pokazuje različite rezultate. Naj- pression (three subjects, 6.8%) and finally apa-
češći obrambeni mehanizam ove razine je pro- thetic withdrawal (one subject, 2.3%).
jektivna identifikacija (12 ispitanika, 31,6 %),
The group of subjects diagnosed with severe
zatim devaluacija (osam ispitanika, 21,1 %),
addiction also had different results. The most
negacija projekcija i racionalizacija (pet ispita-
common defence mechanism in this group was
nika,13,1 %), te apatično povlačenje (tri ispita-
projective identification (12 subjects, 31.6%),
nika, 7,9 %). U ovoj skupini nema ispitanika s
followed by devaluation (eight subjects,
21.1%), projection, denial and rationalization
(five subjects, 13.1%) and apathetic withdrawal
(three subjects, 7.9%). There were no subjects
RASPRAVA who used repression in this group.
U provedenom istraživanju ispitivali smo po-
vezanost obrambenih mehanizama ovisnika s
drugim važnim elementima njihove ovisnosti. DISCUSSION
Dobili smo rezultate koji pokazuju da su sedam
In the present study, we examined the corre-
mehanizama obrane (apatično povlačenje, de-
lation of the defensive mechanisms of addicts
valuacija, negacija, potiskivanje, projekcija,
with other important elements of their addic-
projektivna identifikacija i racionalizacija) do-
tion. We obtained results that demonstrate
minantni mehanizmi obrane kod ovisnika (prvi
that the seven defence mechanisms (apathetic
po hijerarhiji u označavanju).
withdrawal, devaluation, denial, repression,
Iako je obrambeni mehanizam apatično povla- projection, projective identification, and ra-
čenje čest kod ovisnika, zbog svojih karakteri- tionalization) were dominant in addicts (first
stika rijetko je označen kao prvi (najvažniji). in the hierarchy in the labeling).
Ipak, u našem je istraživanju kod četiri ispita-
Although apathetic withdrawal is commonly
nika dominantni obrambeni mehanizam apa-
found in addicts, it is rarely labelled as the first
tično povlačenje. Devaluaciju, kao dominantni
(most important) because of its characteristics.
obrambeni mehanizam, ima 12 ispitanika.
Nevertheless, apathetic withdrawal was the dom-
Devaluacija je tipičan obrambeni mehanizam
inant defence mechanism in four subjects in our
ovisnika, koji je posebno važan zbog toga jer
study. Devaluation as the dominant defensive
otežava ili potpuno onemogućava uspostav-
mechanism was found in 12 subjects. Devalua-
ljanje početnog pozitivnog transfera tijekom
tion is a typical defensive mechanism of addicts,
which is particularly important because it makes
Negacija, kao dominantni obrambeni mehani- it difficult or completely impossible to establish
zam, utvrđena je kod 20 ispitanika. I negacija je initial positive transfer during treatment.

A. Bagarić, M. Bagarić, Z. Paštar: Defence Mechanisms in Addicts. Soc. psihijat. Vol. 46 (2018) No. 2, p. 142-160.
154 tipičan obrambeni mehanizam ovisnika („Alle Denial as the dominant defensive mechanism
Suchtkranke luegen“ – svi ovisnici lažu). Ali za- was found in 20 subjects. Denial is a typical
daća terapeuta nije „policijsko“ razotkrivanje defensive mechanism of addicts (“Alle Sucht-
laži. Esencijalno je uspostavljanje pozitivnog kranke luegen” – all addicts lie). But the thera-
transfera, te su terapijske interpretacije i kon- pist’s task is not one of “policing”, i.e. to point
frontacije učinkovite samo unutar transfera. out the lies. It is essential to establish a positive
Slično navodi i Schalast (2006.): „Motivacijski transfer, and the therapeutic interpretation and
koncept dominantno temeljen na konfrontaciji confrontation are only effective within it. Sim-
s negativnim posljedicama ovisnosti danas je ilarly, Schalast (2006) states: “The motivational
opsoletan (budući da samo pojačava obrambe- concept predominantly based on the adverse ef-
no postavljanje). Bitni elementi za motivaciju fects of addiction is today obsolete (since it only
su - s terapijom povezana nadanja i jačanje enhances defensive setting). Essential elements
samopouzdanja kao temelj za vlastite napore of motivation are – hopes and strengthening
kojima će se postići promjena ponašanja i za- self-confidence connected with therapy as the
dovoljavajuća životna situacija“ (16). basis for their own efforts to achieve a change of
behaviour and a satisfying living situation” (16).
Samo kod osam ispitanika potiskivanje je do-
minantni mehanizam obrane. Ovakav rezultat Repression was the dominant defence mecha-
potvrđuje teorijske postavke koje ovisnost opi- nism in only eight respondents. This result con-
suju kao duboko regresivno stanje, daleko du- firms the theoretical assumptions that addic-
blje i više patološko u odnosu na neurozu kod tion is a deep regressive state, far deeper and
koje je potiskivanje glavni obrambeni mehani- more pathological than neurosis, where the
zam (Kohut 1997., Dodes 1990.) (6,8). main defense mechanism is repression (Kohut
1997, Dodes 1990) (6,8).
Kod 18 ispitanika dominantan obrambeni me-
hanizam je projektivna identifikacija. Rezultati Projective identification was the dominant de-
ovog istraživanja pokazuju da je i projektivna fence mechanism in 18 subjects. The results
identifikacija tipična za ovisnike. Kernberg of this study also demonstrate that projective
(1984) i Meissner (1984) smatraju da je pro- identification is typical for addicts. Kernberg
jektivna identifikacija neuspješna projekcija, (1984) and Meissner (1984) consider that pro-
jer se projicirani materijal vraća subjektu u jective identification is an unsuccessful projec-
procesu u kojem se self neuspješno pokušava tion because the projected material is returned
osloboditi nepodnošljivih impulsa. Oni dalje to the subject in a process in which the self,
navode da je ovaj neuspjeh rezultat nerazvi- unsuccessfully, attempts to release intolerable
jene granice između selfa i objekta (17,18). impulses. They further state that this failure is
Sve ovo je vrlo tipično za ovisnike. Ovisnici the result of an underdeveloped boundary be-
se projektivnom identifikacijom oslobađaju tween the self and the object (17,18). All this
nepoželjnog i zastrašujućeg dijela selfa, ali is very typical of addicts. Addicts use projective
zbog svoje nezrelosti i dalje moraju ostati u identification to release the unwanted and in-
kontaktu s tim projiciranim dijelom. Projek- timidating part of the self, but because of their
tivnom identifikacijom ovisnici uspostavljaju immaturity, they must remain in contact with
takav oblik objektnih odnosa u kojem je objekt this projected part. By projective identification,
samo parcijalno separiran. Ovisnici ne proji- addicts establish such a form of object relations
ciraju samo loše dijelove selfa (barem privre- in which the object is only partially separated.
meno rasterećenje), nego i zrele dijelove selfa The addicts do not project only bad parts of
(izbjegavanje separacije). Razumije se da će ih the self (at least temporarily relieve) but also

A. Bagarić, M. Bagarić, Z. Paštar: Obrambeni mehanizmi ovisnika. Soc. psihijat. Vol. 46 (2018) Br. 2, str. 142-160.
ovakva projekcija dodatno emocionalno osiro- the mature parts of self (avoiding separation). 155
mašiti i iscrpiti. Of course, such projection will further exhaust
and impoverish them emotionally.
Važno je istaknuti da je projektivna identifika-
cija i prilika za ovisnika u terapijskom procesu. At this point, it is important to point out that
Neprihvatljivi dio selfa se projicira, pod utjeca- projective identification is also an opportunity
jem terapeuta se promijeni, te se reinternali- for addicts in the therapeutic process. The unac-
zacijom vraća u projektora (ovisnika). Važno je ceptable part of the self is projected, is changed
da terapeut ima kapacitet za primanje i obra- under the influence of the therapist and reinter-
du projiciranog materijala koji je kod ovisnika nalized in the projector (addict). It is important
često primitivan, regresivan, pa čak i maligan. that the therapist has the capacity to receive
Uzimajući ove činjenice u obzir jasno je zbog and process the projected material that is often
čega je terapija ovisnika često neuspješna. primitive, regressive and even malignant in ad-
dicts. Taking these facts into account, it is clear
Projekcija, kao dominantan mehanizam obra-
why addiction therapy is often unsuccessful.
ne, utvrđena je kod 14 ispitanika. Iako je pro-
jekcija nezreli obrambeni mehanizam, u odno- Projection as the dominant defence mechanism
su na projektivnu identifikaciju je ipak zreliji. was found in 14 subjects. Although projection is
Prema Kernbergu (19) projektivna identifika- an immature defence mechanism in comparison
cija se ne može naći kod neurotske organizacije with projective identification, it is still more ma-
ličnosti osim u ekstremno regresivnim stanji- ture. According to Kernberg (19), projective iden-
ma. Kod neurotičara projekcija zauzima mjesto tification cannot be found in a neurotic personal-
projektivne identifikacije. Tako kod projekcije ity organization, except in extremely regressive
kao progresivnijeg mehanizma self uspješno states. In neurotic patients, projection takes the
projicira nepovoljne elemente u objekt, pre- place of projective identification. Thus, in projec-
kida veze s tim elementima, ne pokazuje em- tion as a more progressive mechanism, the self
patiju prema njima i oslobađa ih se. Projekci- projects unfavourable elements in the object,
ja je povezana s potiskivanjem, a projektivna interrupts the connection with these elements,
identifikacija sa splitingom. Napominjemo da does not show empathy towards them and is free
se rijetko susreću čisti oblici projekcije i pro- from them. Projection is associated with repres-
jektivne identifikacije. Obično postoje manja ili sion and projective identification with splitting.
veća preklapanja. Please note that it is rare to see pure forms of
projection and projective identification. There
Kod 24 ispitanika, kao dominantan obrambeni
are usually smaller or bigger overlaps.
mehanizam, utvrđena je racionalizacija. Racio-
nalizacija je kao i potiskivanje tipičan neurotski Rationalization was found in 24 subjects as a
obrambeni mehanizam. Ipak naši rezultati po- dominant defensive mechanism. Rationaliza-
kazuju da je racionalizacija kod ovisnika mno- tion, as well as repression, is a typical neurot-
go češća od potiskivanja. Kada ovisnici budu ic defensive mechanism. Yet our results show
uspješno konfrontirani s negacijom („ne pijem that rationalization in addicts was much more
uopće“), tada obično brzo zauzimaju prostor frequent than repression. When addicts are
racionalizacije („pijem, ali piju i svi drugi“). successfully confronted with denial (“I do not
drink at all”), they usually quickly take up ra-
Rezultati istraživanja o povezanosti obrambe-
tionalization as a defence mechanism (“I drink,
nih mehanizama i dobi ispitanika pokazali su
but everyone else does it”).
interesantne rezultate. Kod mlađih ispitanika
dominiraju devaluacija i projektivna identifika- The results of the study on the correlation
cija, a kod starijih racionalizacija i potiskiva- between defence mechanisms and the age of

A. Bagarić, M. Bagarić, Z. Paštar: Defence Mechanisms in Addicts. Soc. psihijat. Vol. 46 (2018) No. 2, p. 142-160.
156 nje. Projekcija i negacija su približno jednako subjects yielded interesting results. In younger
zastupljene i u mlađim i u starijim dobnim subjects, devaluation and projective identifi-
skupinama. Apatično povlačenje se nalazi kod cation dominated, and rationalization and re-
starijih ovisnika što je i logičan rezultat (apa- pression in older subjects. Projection and denial
tija na kraju puta). Slične rezultate navodi i were approximately equally represented in both
Kreuzer (20). Mlađe ovisnike označava kao younger and older age groups. Apathetic with-
„fiksere“ (karakteristike kao što su: rani poče- drawal occurred with older addicts, which is a
tak uzimanja, izražena je ovisnička supkultu- logical result (apathy at the end of the path).
ra, nekritičan je, sklon riziku, sklon kriminalu, Similar results are also reported by Kreuzer
motivacija za liječenje je slaba). Pravi ovisnici (20). Younger addicts are referred to as “fixers”
su: odrasle osobe, bolje integrirane u društvo, (characteristics such as: early onset of substance
uzimaju jednu psihoaktivnu tvar, prognoza je abuse, expressing addictive subculture, uncriti-
povoljna. cal, prone to risk, prone to crime, a weak moti-
vation for treatment). True addicts are: adults,
Zanimljivi su rezultati istraživanja koji poka-
better integrated into society, take one psycho-
zuju odnos obrambenih mehanizama i spola
active substance, the prognosis is favourable.
ispitanika. U ovom istraživanju žene čine 20 %
ispitanika što odgovara epidemiološkim po- Another interesting result of the present study
datcima. Međutim, rezultati ovog istraživanja was the relationship between defence mecha-
pokazuju da su kod žena dominantni meha- nisms and the sex of the subjects. In this study,
nizmi devaluacija i projektivna identifikacija. 20% of subjects are women, and that is in ac-
Kod muškaraca su pak dominantni mehanizmi cordance with epidemiological data. But the re-
racionalizacija i negacija. Potvrđuje li naš rezul- sults of this study demonstrate that dominant
tat postavku da je broj žena ovisnica manji u mechanisms in women were devaluation and
odnosu na broj muškaraca ovisnika, ali da su projective identification. Dominant defence
žene ovisnice regresivnije u odnosu na muškar- mechanisms in men were rationalization and
ce ovisnike? denial. Do our results indicate that the num-
ber of female addicts is lower than the number
Iznenađujući su rezultati s obzirom na razinu
of male addicts, but that addicted women are
eksternalizacija-internalizacija. Prema ori-
more regressive than addicted men?
ginalnoj Freudovoj teoriji (9), a koju su dalje
potvrđivali i razvijali i drugi psihoanalitičari, The level of externalization-internalization also
muškarci bi više koristili obrambene mehaniz- yielded surprising results. According to the orig-
me eksternalizacije (poglavito projekciju), dok inal theory by Freud (9), which has been further
bi žene više koristile obrambene mehanizme confirmed and developed by other psychoana-
internalizacije (uglavnom negaciju). Naši re- lysts, men would be predicted to use external-
zultati su suprotni navedenim postavkama. U ization more (particularly projection), while
našem istraživanju žene jednako koriste oba women would use internalization more (mainly
obrambena mehanizma (po tri ispitanice), dok denial). Our results were contrary to the above
muškarci češće koriste negaciju (17 ispitanika) postulates. In our study, women use both defence
od projekcije (11 ispitanika). Moguće objašnje- mechanisms equally (three subjects), while men
nje naših rezultata je da ovisnost destruira sva more often used denial (17 subjects) than projec-
važna područja života ovisnika, pa tako i soci- tions (11 subjects). The possible explanation of
jalno funkcioniranje. Ovisnici tako napuštaju our results is that addiction destroys all impor-
uobičajene socijalne norme, pa i uobičajene tant areas of the life of addicts, which includes so-
obrambene mehanizme. Ipak i Dufton (2004.) cial functioning. The addicts are thus abandoning
ima rezultate koji su slični našima. On navodi the usual social norms and the usual defensive

A. Bagarić, M. Bagarić, Z. Paštar: Obrambeni mehanizmi ovisnika. Soc. psihijat. Vol. 46 (2018) Br. 2, str. 142-160.
da je jedan od glavnih trendova kod ovisnosti mechanisms. Yet Dufton (2004) reported results 157
smanjivanje razlika između muških i ženskih that are similar to ours. He argues that one of the
konzumenata (21). main trends in addiction is reducing the differ-
ence between male and female consumers (21).
I rezultati istraživanja o povezanosti obram-
benih mehanizama i bračnog statusa jasno The results of the research on the correlation
dijele ispitanike na dvije skupine. Neoženjeni of defence mechanisms and marital status
i razvedeni ispitanici koriste uglavnom deva- clearly divide the subjects into two groups.
luaciju, projektivnu identifikaciju i apatično Unmarried and divorced subjects use devalu-
povlačenje, dok oženjeni ispitanici više koriste ation, projective identification, and apathetic
negaciju, potiskivanje i racionalizaciju kao do- withdrawal while married subjects use denial,
minantni obrambeni mehanizam. Slični su i re- repression and rationalization as a dominant
zultati istraživanja o povezanosti obrambenih defence mechanism. The results of research on
mehanizama i zaposlenosti ispitanika. Ispitani- the correlation between defence mechanisms
ci s dominantnim obrambenim mehanizmom and the employment of subjects are similar.
potiskivanjem i racionalizacijom imaju razinu Subjects with the dominant defence mecha-
zaposlenosti znatno veću od 50 %, ispitanici s nism of repression and rationalization have a
projekcijom i negacijom oko 50 %, dok ispita- level of employment significantly higher than
nici s devaluacijom i projektivnom identifika- 50%. Subjects who use denial and projection
cijom imaju razinu zaposlenosti daleko ispod have about 50% employment, while subjects
50 %. who use devaluation and projective identifica-
tion have a level of employment far below 50%.
Možda su najinteresantniji rezultati istraživa-
nja koji se odnose na povezanost dominantnog Perhaps the most interesting research results
obrambenog mehanizma i vrste ovisnosti. I dok are related to the link between the dominant
kod ovisnika o alkoholu i kockanju prevladava- defence mechanism and the type of addiction.
ju potiskivanje, racionalizacija i negacija, kod While repression, rationalization and denial
ovisnika o drogama dominiraju projektivna prevailed in alcohol and gambling addicts, in
identifikacija i devaluacija. Je li ovaj rezultat još drug addicts the dominant defence mechanisms
jedan dokaz da je ovisnost o drogama najteža i were projective identification and devaluation.
najopasnija, „prava ovisnost“? Iako je broj ispi- Are these results another piece of evidence that
tanika ovisnika o internetu malen (četiri), ipak drug addiction is the most difficult and most
u odnosu na dominantne obrambene mehaniz- dangerous “true addiction”? Although the num-
me ovisnici o internetu su sličniji ovisnicima o ber of internet addicts in this study was small
drogama nego ovisnicima o alkoholu i kocka- (four), looking at their dominant defence mech-
nju. Je li ovisnost o internetu mnogo opasnija anisms they are more similar to drug addicts
nego što danas mislimo? than alcohol addicts and gamblers. Is internet
addiction much more dangerous than we think?
Zanimljivi su i rezultati istraživanja koji se
odnose na povezanost dominantnog obram- We also found interesting results related to the
benog mehanizma i duljine trajanja ovisnosti. relationship between the dominant defence
Istraživanjem smo dobili i odgovor mijenjaju mechanism and the duration of addiction. The
li se dominantni obrambeni mehanizmi ovi- study has also given us the answer as to whether
snika tijekom njihovog života. Devaluacija the dominant defensive mechanisms of addicts
nije prisutna u ovisnika kod kojih ovisnost is changeable during their lifetime. Devaluation
traje do godinu dana, a samo dva ispitanika iz was not present in addicts whose addiction
skupine s najdužim ovisničkim stažem (deset lasts up to one year, and only two respondents

A. Bagarić, M. Bagarić, Z. Paštar: Defence Mechanisms in Addicts. Soc. psihijat. Vol. 46 (2018) No. 2, p. 142-160.
158 godina i dulje) imaju ovaj obrambeni meha- in the group with the longest addiction period
nizam. Mišljenja smo da se u prvoj skupini (ten years and older) had this defensive mech-
devaluacija još nije toliko razvila da bi postala anism. We hypothesize that in the first group
dominantan obrambeni mehanizam. Ovisnici devaluation had not developed as much as to
tijekom godina razvijaju i široko koriste ovaj become a dominant defensive mechanism. Over
obrambeni mehanizam, te po ovom mehaniz- the years, addicts develop and use this defen-
mu bivaju označavani i prepoznati u društvu. sive mechanism widely and are identified and
Međutim, ovisnici koji prežive dovoljno dugo, recognized in society by it. However, addicts
razviju druge obrambene mehanizme. Slično who survive long enough develop other defence
je i s racionalizacijom (po dva ispitanika u mechanisms. Results were similar on rationali-
najkraćoj i najduljoj skupini, a 13 ispitanika u zation (two subjects in the shortest and longest
skupini 4-6 godina). Dakle, u početku ovisno- duration group, and 13 subjects in the 4-6 years
sti je „rano“ za racionalizaciju, nešto kasnije group). Therefore, initially in addiction it is “too
postaje glavni ovisnički obrambeni mehani- early” for rationalization, but it later becomes
zam, a nakon više godina racionalizacija iscr- the main addictive defensive mechanism; after
pi svoje mogućnosti, te ovisnici koriste druge years of rationalization it exhausts its capabili-
obrambene mehanizme. ties and addicts use other defence mechanisms.
Negacija i potiskivanje imaju sasvim drugači- Denial and repression had a completely different
ji vremenski tijek. U prvoj godini (šest i četi- timeframe. In the first year (six and four sub-
ri ispitanika) ovo su glavni mehanizmi da bi jects), these were the main mechanisms which
vremenom progresivno opadali te u najstarijoj progressively declined in time, and in the oldest
skupini (preko deset godina) pali na razinu od group (over ten years) they fell to the level of
jedan i nula ispitanika. Ovaj rezultat pokazuje one and zero. This result shows that the first
da je pravo vrijeme za terapiju u prvim godina- years of addiction are the right time for therapy.
ma ovisnosti.
Projection and projective identification had
Suprotan smjer imaju projekcija i projektivna the opposite direction. They were seldom pres-
identifikacija. U ranoj fazi ovisnosti su rijetko ent at early stages of addictions (one and zero
prisutni (jedan i nula ispitanika u kategoriji – subjects in the up to one year group), but they
ovisnost do jedne godine), te vremenom rastu. became more common over time. In the oldest
U najstarijoj kategoriji (ovisnost preko deset category (addiction over ten years), they were
godina) su najviše izraženi (tri i šest ispitanika). the most pronounced (three and six subjects).
Posebno su važni rezultati istraživanja koji se Especially important results were those related
odnose na povezanost obrambenih mehaniza- to the correlation of defence mechanisms and
ma i težine poremećaja. Potiskivanje je jedini the severity of the disorder. Repression is the
mehanizam kod kojeg više ispitanika ima blagu only mechanism for which more subjects have
(pet) od teške (nula) razine poremećaja. Racio- mild (five) than severe (zero) level of the disor-
nalizacija je nađena kod istog broja ispitanika der. Rationalization was found in the same num-
i na blagoj i na teškoj razini (pet). Slični su re- ber of respondents at both the mild and severe
zultati za negaciju (četiri i pet ispitanika) i pro- level (five). Similar results were found for denial
jekciju (tri i pet ispitanika). Sasvim su različiti (four and five subjects) and projection (three
rezultati za projektivnu identifikaciju (jedan and five subjects). The results were quite differ-
blaga, 12 teška razina), devaluaciju (nula bla- ent for projective identification (one mild, 12 se-
ga, osam teška razina), te apatično povlačenje vere), devaluation (zero mild, eight severe), and
(nula blaga, tri teška razina). apathetic withdrawal (zero mild, three severe).

A. Bagarić, M. Bagarić, Z. Paštar: Obrambeni mehanizmi ovisnika. Soc. psihijat. Vol. 46 (2018) Br. 2, str. 142-160.

Ovisnost je vrlo značajan psihijatrijski i jav- Addiction is a very important psychiatric and
nozdravstveni problem, a njegova psihodinam- public health problem, and its psychodynamic
ska komponenta je zanemarena i u dijagnostič- component is neglected in both diagnostic and
kom i u terapijskom smislu. therapeutic terms.
Značenje obrambenih mehanizama kod ovisni- The importance of defensive mechanisms in
ka je slabo istraženo, ili točnije rečeno sasvim addicts is poorly explored, or more precisely,
neistraženo. completely unexplored.
U našem smo istraživanju našli da su domi- In the present study, we found that dominant
nantni obrambeni mehanizmi kod ovisnika: defence mechanisms in addicts were: apathet-
apatično povlačenje, devaluacija, negacija, po- ic withdrawal, devaluation, denial, repression,
tiskivanje, projekcija, projektivna identifikacija projection, projective identification, and ra-
i racionalizacija. tionalization.
Mlađi ovisnici koriste nezrelije obrambene me- Younger addicts use more immature defence
hanizme. mechanisms.
Žene ovisnice pokazuju nezrelije obrambene Female addicts presented with more immature
mehanizme u odnosu na muškarce. defence mechanisms than men.
Očekivano, neoženjeni i nezaposleni ovisnici As expected, unmarried and unemployed ad-
koriste nezrelije obrambene mehanizme. dicts used more immature defence mechanisms.
Obrambeni mehanizmi ovisnika se vremenom Defensive mechanisms of addicts change over
mijenjaju. time.
Ovisnici o alkoholu i kockanju pokazuju zrelije Alcohol and gambling addicts present with
mehanizme obrane u odnosu na ovisnike o dro- more mature defence mechanisms than drug
gama i internetu. and internet addicts.

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