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Automotive Electrical Fundamentals

Indicate whether the statement is true or false.

____ 1. A series circuit provides only one path for the current to flow.

____ 2. To complete the electrical path to the vehicle’s battery, the vehicle’s metal frame is often part of the electrical

____ 3. Parallel circuits have at least two paths.

Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 4. Electrical current is measured in _____.

a. Amperes or Amps c. Volts
b. Ohms d. Watts
____ 5. The unit for measuring electrical resistance is _____.
a. amperes c. volts
b. ohms d. watts
____ 6. Electrical Pressure is measured in _____.
a. Amperes or Amps c. Volts
b. Ohms d. Watts
____ 7. A Substance that allows current to flow easily is called a __________?
a. Battery
b. Resistor
c. Conductor
d. Relay
____ 8. What is Voltage Drop?
a. The Amount of Voltage Used by a Component or a Part of a Circuit
b. If Your Voltmeter falls on the Floor, it is called a Voltage Drop.
c. Current that Reverses Direction
d. None of the Above

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