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My daily routine

My routine of Monday to Friday is different of the weekend.

The alarm iI wake up at 6:00 am, go to the bathroom and take a shower, it takes me 15 minutes
bathe and dressget dress and make the bed. Then I have my breakfast, usually I eat eggs, arepa,
bread, coffee, or fruit,

later of my breakfast brush my teeth and I go to the bus stop, arrive to job take me 40 minutes,
sometimes there are much traffic and I arrive late.

My job schedule is at 8 am to 5 pm, I have 1 hour for lunch, usually I have my break for lunch at 1
pm, always I carry my lunch from home, then my lunch, i check the campus virtual from the
university and I study, read, or practice the E-book.

I come back to the home at 5:00 pm, and this take me longer than in the morning because in the
public transport there are many people, i arrive home at 5:40 pm, and I change clothes for go to
the Gym to the class of 6 pm to 7 pm, after of the class, i back to home and I cook my lunch for the
next day, usually I try to make variety of food, cook rice, meat, lentils, pasta, fish, salad and much
more, This take me about 1 hour make the lunch.

After cooking, I study, and I do homeworks of the month. I go to the bed at 10:00 pm, i meditate
for 15 minutes and I sleep to ten dirty pm

My day is very busy but also taking breaks.

take a shower, me visto, take My Bed and breakfast. Todo eso me toma 1 hour. At 7 00 AM to go
to the bus stop, llegar to job take me 1 hour.

I work eigth hour, but yo tengo one break of 1 hour, in this break i have My brunch in 30 minutes i
eat and the others 30 minutes check the foros of the UNAD, or writte the lecturas pendientes, do
exercises of the E-book. Tengo vuelvo a work and salgo at 5:00 pm. Go to the stop bus and Llegó a
My house 5: 40 pm, me cambio of clothes and go to the gym for the class of 6 pm

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