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To speak of the telephone today is to speak of a piece of equipment that has

become a necessary technological asset, within the reach of large sections of
the population in most countries of the world, who consider it to be one more
element of the landscape of their daily lives. The statistics regarding the
availability of the telephone are impressive: at the end of 1988 there were
nearly 500 million telephone lines installed in the world, of which 79 percent
were located in the United States and Europe, geographical areas in which It
can be said that this element of communication is within the reach of
practically the entire population. As a result of the extension of the telephone,
in the most industrialized countries it is already a common equipment in daily
life and its use is part of the daily routine of human beings. So, the telephone
is present in all the places where most of the time is spent (work, street, home,
etc.), in such a way that it has spread silently and has crept into the most
intimate places of individual activities. Far from being simply a phenomenon
related to electronic consumption, the use of the telephone has become
something of a cultural nature that can even act as a factor of social
integration. For all these reasons I have used the cell phone since it is very

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