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Lillybeth Arroyo

CSPU 512

Personal View of Professional Effectiveness

My mission statement:

“To provide a personalized and comprehensive counseling / guidance program equally

available to all students. It is my belief that each student is unique yet they all deserve for their

needs to be met regardless of their age group, sex, race, or economic background. I am a

prominent supporter of team collaboration. My program involves working and having open

communication with staff, parents, outside professionals, and community leaders and members.

My ultimate goal is to support and assist students in overcoming what they might see as barriers

to their success. My objective is for all students to master their competency skills, develop

healthy lifestyle choices, and become positive role models for future generations.”

My early childhood was the first reason why my passion for helping others started. As a

child going to a public school, I thought everything would be drastically different than how it

went for me. I had hoped school was fun, drama/bully free, and teachers cared more about the

students than what I experienced. Instead, I was bullied for 10 years of my life during school

hours and after school hours. Teachers really did not seem to care or perhaps were too busy to

observe the social aspect of the class’ dynamic. I spent an hour, twice a week seeing a school

counselor because my emotional stress caused me to just wish to be home-schooled. My mom,

being the Attendance Technician for Soledad High School, did not allow me to be weak and give
up on myself so easily. During the hours spent with the school counselor in elementary school, I

knew there was hope for me not to feel the way I did.

After a couple years in school, seeing the same counselor, I was taught many things. Out

of everything that I learned, my heart held onto the counselor’s skill and ability to be able to help

people with anything and everything. With all the different issues some of us children go through

to the point of feeling helpless, such professionals come to the rescue like superheroes. I started

to defend classmates who were going through the same thing I was, became their friend and

introduced them to my counselor. Sadly, throughout time, the main people who bullied me, asked

my “friends” to hang out with them and promised them popularity in exchange for them to stop

being my friend. Fortunately, the school counselor used her expertise to talk some sense into

them which I am grateful for. Although life at school had always been hard, I thank my parents

for allowing me to live such a happy, spoiled, supportive and loved life at home.

I have always considered myself compassionate, but my lack of confidence impeded me

to demonstrate it. Throughout the years, as I grew older, I became someone I never thought I

would be. I became confident, cheerful, and enjoyed helping people, kids, and organizations. In

High School, I was president of the H.O.P.E (Helping Other People & Environment) club and

raised $3,000 for the St. Jude’s Hospital in 3 months by using the pennies for patients program. I

rewarded the winning classroom who donated the most money with a pizza and ice cream party.

Additionally, while in high school, every student had to complete forty hours of volunteer work.

My passion for helping others led me to volunteer at a nursing facility. I enjoyed helping out the

elderly so much that at the end of my fourth year volunteering, I was able to collect 150+ hours.

I continued to volunteer even after graduation, mainly because I was too attached and fell in love

with all my duties and their connection with the elderly.

What does being a School counselor mean to me? Well in my opinion it is where I can

be able to not only grow within a child’s heart, but also be able to help them in many areas of

their lives. I have a strong passion for helping children. Realizing that I will be able to help them

in everyday social life skills, learning, behavior, and providing all of the emotional support they

need, will be a dream come true. During my undergraduate psychology classes, it was

challenging to focus on the area of psychology that I wanted to focus on because every course I

had taken seemed interesting. It was not until my current job as a clinic manager with previous

behavioral technician experiences that helped me decide. I want to focus on the school setting

working as a school counselor with the goal to assist children with their struggles early on so

that I can establish a positive impact which can allow them to overcome their obstacles to be

able to succeed. Counselors will hear uncomfortable, happy, sad, mixed and often traumatic

experiences but I believe that a nuanced understanding of its uses is a valuable tool.

There are so many important things to keep in mind when thinking of what a school

counselor should look like in a school setting, but I think my goal will be to be one of the

biggest support systems that a student will have. Being the most valuable resource for each

student depending on their needs and educational advancement. This means that counselors

should be able to help the students reach their potential and in order for that to happen, we need

to make sure to have an open mind, be caring, patient and adaptable. Keeping in mind that

every student’s life is different, we need to fulfill their needs as successfully as possible.

I believe that the way you present yourself, your office and your work will determine

how confident the students will come to you. Decorating your office and bringing awareness (of

any kind) in your decor, is definitely a way to open up the doors to the students who may shut

themselves the most.

One of my biggest strengths that I have is having a genuine interest in others and

children. I love to know that I will be able to have the drive to sit down and help my students

with their best and their worst situations. I have no problem with being present 100% for my

student’s stories and any fulfilling advice that they may need. Furthermore, I think listening

between the lines is another strength that I have. Being able to have the ability to listen to not

only what is being said but also the tone being used, why it's being said that all the meanings

behind their problems or conversations. I will learn how to listen without any judgement so that

the students can come to me with no fear or shame to ensure that my connection will develop

quicker and with more confidence. I have definitely learned how to be flexible in world views

and have a strong understanding of what and how ugly this “world” can be. As counselors we

must be able to deliver empathy and the ability to feel what someone else is feeling so that the

student can feel understood and heard.

Confidentiality is a huge rule when it comes to counseling. A big limitation that I know I

will have when becoming a counselor is that I need to understand that as long as the student

does not report any harm within themselves, others or someone trying to harm them, I cannot

communicate any of their stories with their close family. Growing up, I have always been told

that your family will always be the ones to be there for you the most. In my case, it has been like

that, and I would hope that it would stay like that for other students as well. But as I mentioned

above, every student is raised differently and comes from different backgrounds. Maybe they

are not as close to their family as I was brought up to be. My goal would be to have the students

communicate their problems with those who they are having issues with and or come to a group

counseling session with myself. I will make sure that I will help them out as much as I can

alone, and hopefully convince the student to bring along those who they may feel sad, mad, etc
with. If this goal is not possible I will reduce the pressure to have them open up to family and

guide them myself to their most successful needs.

As a school counselor, my biggest project will be to have everyone get along. A school

w’s mission will not succeed unless the staff get along and are all on the same page. With that

being said, it will be my goal to ensure that all administrators, faculty and staff can be there for

the students and can all work together so that we can provide the best help and resources to all

of the students. This project will not only allow the students to feel safe and comfortable coming

to school, but will also show to the district how advanced and united our school is. I know that

when having a relationship with each other like this will also allow the students to have high

educational goals and our academic success will rise up within the county. I want to be the

dream school that everyone wants to come to because of all the support, awareness and success

we are proving to our students.

My goal and dream has always been to help students out. In any aspect of life that they

may need guidance with. I believe that personal experiences will also help your passion for your

profession, so with all of the obstacles that this life has thrown at me, I will make sure that I stay

dedicated and committed to this career. Furthermore, previous job experience and volunteer

work has encouraged me even more to become a school counselor. Additionally, my volunteer

work has helped me to feel proud of myself due to connections and bonds with my peers. My

experiences show my passion in working for people with diverse needs. I know that this dream

of mine will help me fulfill my dreams of becoming a counselor. School counseling has been a

lifetime goal I want to achieve.

In conclusion, the fascinating aspect of counseling is that it allows for careers through

which an individual helps others with skills and professionalism, and that is exactly what grasped

my eye and heart. My personal view of this profession is to understand, comfort and guide the

students with every skill, dedication and love that you will gain when being a counselor.

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