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Nim :2003402021038

Prodi : Bimbingan dan Konseling ( kls A )

Mata kuliah : English for psychology

Task 2

1. Liking a. Pleesant be fond of.

2. Interpersonal k. Realitionship belween two people

3. Mutual e.same position

4. Dislike j. Feeling of not liking

5. Satisfy g.something that attracts

6. Equal d. Same position

7. Frequent f. Often

8. Partner h. Between two people

Task 3

1. We like some people more than others because they are....... ( nearby, helpful, attractive,talkative)

2. We tend to like people who live close to us than those who live far away because thay are..... ( easly
accessible, doing favorr, frequent contact,partners)

3. ...... Makes the degree of liking for one another increase ( hadret, exposure, mutual interaction,
grafitificational )

4. ....... Makes us dislike certain people ( annoyance, spailoge, distress ,shamefulness )

5. The examle of interpersonal interaction is a friend in the..... ( opposire seat, same seat, same room )

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