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ENTR 20053: Entrepreneurial Marketing Strategies


Name: Jovie S. Esguerra

Year & Section: BSE 3-2

Activity # 5

1. In continuation to Activity # 4 choose the best(one) product you want to develop and provide
a brand name. Be innovative in creating the brand name for your product. (20 pts.)

For me, the best product I can choose in all the products I listed in Activity 4 is the No Expiry foods,
the products that have the most lifespan for me is indeed the best innovation for foods. The
name of the product will be Non-PerishaFOODS in short for no expiry foods that are the main
product this name of the business is very close to the product itself so it can easily remember by
the customers. Non-perishable foods will be very practical because of their features. We want to
reduce the waste coming from a product that and these products will help us to minimize the
waste. No Expiry products foods don’t require to refrigerate, and one more thing that is good
about this No Expiry foods is that you can buy and keep it in advance.

2. Based from your created brand, now develop 5 survey questions that will assess its strength
according to David Aaker from his ten attributes of a brand. (30pts)


1. How often do you buy goods (be specific) for household stocks?
2. Are you practical in choosing a product?
3. Which do you prefer Quantity or Quality?
4. What are qualities of products do you prefer?
Better Taste
Longer Lifespan
More Benefits
5. Do you prefer storing products for emergencies?

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