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Christian McGonagle

February 4th, 2022

Music In Me

I have done this before for fun, making parodies of songs that I like. The last time that I did this was
quite a while. I had troubles at first choosing the song that I wanted to do but I wanted to choose a
catchy beat that is easy to follow along. I found the song that I wanted to make a parody of and I
chose a relatively simple topic from math to cover. This allowed me to save a lot of time as I knew the
material that I was to cover. The only struggles that I went through was placing the chords where they
belong. I had troubles because I couldn’t just copy and paste the chords to where they were at but I
had to read and place each chord in the specific spot which wasn’t hard but surprisingly time
consuming. Moving onto the multiple intelligence quiz, I found it very interesting. My top three highest
intelligences were self, body, and social. I wasn’t surprised with the self being my highest intelligence
as the more that I read about it, the more that I found out that it aligns with me. I was kind of surprise
of body being my second highest as before, I used to be a lot more active but nowadays, I have
gotten busy with many other things, I struggle finding the time to be active. But I suppose that I still
see myself active which is why it scored so high. I would’ve thought that my lowest score was going
to be nature as I often spend most of my time in doors and never really grew up exploring the

Standard 2.5.b: Design authentic learning activities that align with content area
standards and use digital tools and resources to maximize active, deep learning.

The music in me is a great project to give to students as an alternate form of a project. I think this
would work well as not every student is going to want to make a parody of a song but if it is given as
an extra choice, it may intrigue some. The great thing about this project is that it is fun. Students can
really have a lot of fun choosing the song and writing some cheesy lyrics so that everyone has a good
laugh. I can also see this given as an extra credit assignment. For the multiple intelligence quiz, this
is a great way for a teacher to learn more about their students as well as students to get to know
themselves better and their peers. Although it may not be 100% accurate, it does give a pretty good
estimate on where you align, There are other great ways for students to learn about themselves as
well. I can't think of any resources at the top of my head but there are many ways for us to learn our
strengths and weakness, likes and dislikes.

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