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Lesson Plan

I. Name of lesson
Making Your Own Skin Care Routine

II. Grade Level Appropriateness

Grade level may range between grades 9-10.

III. Technology Content Standard Addressed 

A. 1.A.12.1 Apply new and existing knowledge to independently, or in collaboration with
others, generate new ideas, products, or processes with digital tools.
B. 1.B.12.1 Create an original work using digital tools, including planning, research, editing,
and production.

IV. Other Content Standard Addressed 

A. Nevada Academic Content Standard for Health Decision Making Standard: 5.12.1
Formulate an effective plan for personal health enhancement.

V. Objective: 
Students will use their ability to research, analyze, and document information on various skin
and hair care products to determine if the product is either good or bad depending on the various
ingredients found in the products and its effects that it has on us when we use the product.
Students will document this data in a Microsoft PowerPoint or Google Slide with structural
organization while remaining aesthetically pleasing and informative.

VI. Materials needed to facilitate the lesson

Students will complete this assignment using a computer/technological device to gather
information from the internet as well as access programs such as Microsoft PowerPoint or
Google Slides.

VII. Suggested group size

Students have the option to either work by themselves or with one other person.

VIII. Procedures: 
1. Begin the lesson by first going over the lesson plan by reading these parts of the lesson to
the class:
a. I. Name of lesson
b. VI. Materials needed to facilitate lesson.
c. VII. Suggested group size
2. After the introducing the parts I, VI, and VII, we can go further into detail about the
lesson plan by reading these parts:
a. V. Objectives
b. VIII. Procedures
c. IX. Assessment
3. After the lesson plan has been gone over to the class and all questions are answered,
allow the students to start working.
4. It is not expected for students to finish the assignment during their first instructional work
period. If a student/students finish their assignment, review the work to see if all
requirements under assessment has been met. If all conditions are met, students are
allowed to turn in their work, if conditions are not met, please guide students by referring
to what contents they are missing to steer them to the right direction.
5. When all students turn in their work, collect input on the assignment. Questions you may
ask include
a. What did you enjoy most about this assignment?
b. Did you learn anything new or surprising?
c. What adjustments can be made to improve this assignment?
d. Was the assignment enjoyable? What were your thoughts about this assignment
before and after finishing it?

IX. Assessment: 
1. Students will research ingredients in their selected choices of hair and skin products to
determine if the product is good or bad.
a. You must include data that is factual and can be backed up by studies or credible
sites. Although citations are not required, understand that sources may be
2. Students are required to include two good skin products, two bad skin products, two good
hair products, and two bad hair products. A total of eight products must be included.
a. Each product must include a list of some ingredients that will determine if the
product is either good or bad. Make sure you elaborate upon the products so the
audience can understand your judgement.
i. Example: Burt’s Bees Charcoal Natural Toothpaste is not safe for your
enamel because it contains charcoal powder. With prolonged use, the
charcoal powder will strip away your teeth of its enamel due to the
abrasiveness of charcoal. Your teeth will become whiter because of loss
enamel. This is dangerous as enamel cannot be repaired naturally or
unnaturally. Therefore, Burt’s Bees Charcoal Natural Toothpaste is not a
good product for your teeth.
3. The presentation must be organized, informative, and aesthetically pleasing. Make sure to
include a photo of every product that is mentioned.
4. This assignment is worth a total of 10 points. One point is awarded for every product that
is included, a maximum of eight points. The other two points are awarded if the
presentation is organized, informative, and aesthetically pleasing.
5. You will get full credit for each product if a photo of the product is included, include the
ingredient/ingredients you would like to talk about, and elaborate on those ingredients. If
you present the information like the example that was previously mentioned in IX.2.i or
in the student sample, you should on the right track.

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