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Perioperative care of the obese patient

M. Carron1 , B. Safaee Fakhr1 , G. Ieppariello1 and M. Foletto2
1 Department of Medicine – DIMED, Section of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, and 2 Department of Surgical, Oncological and Gastroenterological

Sciences, Section of Surgery, University of Padua, Padua, Italy

Correspondence to: Dr M. Carron, Department of Medicine – DIMED, Section of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, University of Padua, Via V.
Gallucci, 13, 35121 Padua, Italy (e-mail:

Background: Obesity has become an increasing problem worldwide during the past few decades. Hence,
surgeons and anaesthetists will care for an increasing number of obese patients in the foreseeable future,
and should be prepared to provide optimal management for these individuals. This review provides an
update of recent evidence regarding perioperative strategies for obese patients.
Methods: A search for papers on the perioperative care of obese patients (English language only) was
performed in July 2019 using the PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science and Cochrane Library electronic
databases. The review focused on the results of RCTs, although observational studies, meta-analyses,
reviews, guidelines and other reports discussing the perioperative care of obese patients were also
considered. When data from obese patients were not available, relevant data from non-obese populations
were used.
Results and conclusion: Obese patients require comprehensive preoperative evaluation. Experienced
medical teams, appropriate equipment and monitoring, careful anaesthetic management, and an ade-
quate perioperative ventilation strategy may improve postoperative outcomes. Additional perioperative
precautions are necessary in patients with severe morbid obesity, metabolic syndrome, untreated or severe
obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome, or obesity hypoventilation syndrome; patients receiving home ven-
tilatory support or postoperative opioid therapy; and obese patients undergoing open operations, long
procedures or revisional surgery.

Paper accepted 7 November 2019

Published online in Wiley Online Library ( DOI: 10.1002/bjs.11447

Introduction It is projected that 60 per cent of the world’s population

(3⋅3 billion people) will be overweight (2⋅2 billion) or
Obesity is defined as abnormal or excessive fat accumu- obese (1⋅1 billion) by 2030 if recent trends continue1,2 .
lation that may impair health1,2 . BMI is a simple mea- Obesity is of major importance because of its association
sure for classifying overweight and obesity in adults: BMI with increased morbidity and mortality2 . In 2010, over-
over 25 kg/m2 and exceeding 30 kg/m2 respectively1,2 . weight and obesity were estimated to cause 3⋅4 million
The WHO1,2 categorizes obesity as grade I (BMI 30–34 deaths, 3⋅9 per cent of years of life lost and 3⋅8 per cent of
kg/m2 ), grade II (BMI 35–39 kg/m2 ) or grade III (BMI at disability-adjusted life-years worldwide1 . First-line treat-
least 40 kg/m2 ). ments for obesity include dietary modifications, physical
The incidence and prevalence of obesity continue activity and behaviour modification2 . Bariatric surgery is
to increase globally, in both developed and developing another option1,2 . An increasing number of obese patients
countries1 . The worldwide prevalence of obesity nearly will present for surgery in the coming years, and physi-
tripled between 1975 and 2016. Overall, approximately 13 cians should understand ways to optimize care for this
per cent of the world’s adult population (11 per cent of population.
men and 15 per cent of women) were obese in 20162 . The
USA has a particularly high prevalence of obesity: in 2013,
31⋅6 per cent of men and 33⋅9 per cent of women were
obese1 . In Europe, approximately 24 per cent of women PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science and Cochrane Library
and 21 per cent of men were obese in the same year1 . electronic databases were searched in July 2019 using the

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e40 M. Carron, B. Safaee Fakhr, G. Ieppariello and M. Foletto

Medical Subject Heading (MeSH) terms listed in Table S1 Fig. 1 PRISMA flow chart showing selection of studies for this
(supporting information). The following search limits were review
applied: English language, full text and studies in humans.
Studies were selected independently by two authors, who Records identified through

screened the titles and abstracts to identify studies concern- database searching n = 49 205
PubMed n = 8058
ing the perioperative care of obese adults. Disagreements Scopus n = 31 414
were resolved by consensus or consultation with another Cochrane Library n = 7739
Web of Science n = 1994
author. RCTs were sought. The results of meta-analyses
of RCTs were used when available, instead of considering Records excluded because
the results of individual RCTs addressing the same issue. In not focused on
the absence of data from RCTs, or to complement or inte- perioperative care

n = 46 616
grate the findings of RCTs, observational studies, reviews,
guidelines and other reports were also considered. Recordsd screened
n = 2589

Results and discussion Duplicate records excluded

n = 580
Article selection

Records screened after
Of the 49 205 reports initially identified, 445 articles were removal of duplicates
n = 2009
selected and considered for this review (Fig. 1). The num-
Articles excluded because
ber of relevant publications increased over time (Fig. S1, not RCTs
supporting information). n = 1564

Studies evaluated for

qualittative synthesis
as RCTs
Pathophysiology of obesity n = 445
Fat distribution is an important aspect of obesity. Distri-
bution is classified as peripheral (gynaecoid, pear-shaped
or lower body obesity) or central (visceral, android,
apple-shaped or upper body obesity)3 . Central fat is
more important pathophysiologically because it is more obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome (OSAS), as well as
frequently associated with inflammation4 . Central adi- other obesity-related (Fig. 2) and non-obesity-related
pose tissue produces a number of bioactive substances conditions that may affect the perioperative course7 – 59 .
(adipocytokines or adipokines), which include chemokines Weight loss (such as 5–10 per cent) should be encour-
(such as leptin, resistin, visfatin, retinol binding protein aged before surgery65 to prevent or treat obesity-related
4) and cytokines (for example, tumour necrosis factor co-morbidities64 and to improve operating conditions
α, interleukin (IL) 1, IL-6, IL-18). These substances for the surgeon65 . Mean weight loss of 7⋅4 kg has been
trigger systemic inflammation and interact with various shown to improve hypertension, hyperlipidaemia and
processes in many different organs4 . Adipocytokines and insulin resistance before bariatric surgery66 . The authors
chronic inflammation have a role in the development of of a systematic review67 reported that low-calorie diets
obesity-related metabolic dysfunction4 , and may explain before bariatric surgery reduced the size of the liver (which
why obesity-related disorders are more common with was enlarged because of fat deposition) by an average
central, compared with peripheral, fat distribution3 – 6 . of 14 per cent. Alternative methods, such as use of an
Obesity-related diseases of relevance to anaesthetists and intragastric balloon or nutritional supplements, decrease
surgeons are shown in Fig. 2 and Appendix S1 (supporting liver size by 32 and 20–43 per cent respectively67 . Reduc-
information)7 – 59 . ing liver size improves liver retraction and access to the
gastro-oesophageal junction during laparoscopic bariatric
surgery67,68 .
Preoperative care
Tobacco and alcohol use should be stopped at least
Comprehensive medical management 4 weeks before surgery60,61 . In the general population of
A thorough history, physical examination and laboratory surgical patients, smoking cessation significantly decreases
assessment relevant to obesity should be obtained33,60 – 64 the risk of total perioperative complications69 . Current
(Table 1). Investigations should focus on identifying alcohol use is an independent predictor of postoperative

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Perioperative care of the obese patient e41

Fig. 2 Main obesity-related diseases7 – 59

Major depression (OR 1·21) Obstructive sleep apnoea (OR 6·0 for ↑10% bodyweight)
Bipolar disorder (OR 1·47) DMV (OR 3·39), DEI (OR 3·46) or both (OR 4·12)
Alzheimer’s disease (RR 2·04); any dementia (RR 1·64) Postoperative desaturation (OR 2·27)
Postoperative cognitive dysfunction (RR 1·27) Postoperative respiratory failure (OR 2·43)
Postoperative reintubation (OR 2·05)
Postoperative cardiac adverse events (OR 2·07)
Hypertension (OR 4·8) Postoperative ICU transfer (OR 2·81)
Heart failure (RR 1·90 M; RR 2·12 F)
Ischaemic heart disease (adjusted HR 1·64)
Myocardial infarction (adjusted HR 2·02)
Atrial fibrillation (adjusted HR 1·52 M; adjusted HR 1·46 F) Obesity hypoventilation syndrome
Cardiac event or cor pulmonale (OR 9)
Postoperative respiratory failure (OR 10·9)
Diabetes mellitus (adjusted RR 7·28) Postoperative heart failure (OR 5·4)
Dyslipidaemia (adjusted OR 2·2) Postoperative prolonged intubation (OR 3·1)
Postoperative ICU transfer (OR 10·9)

Metabolic syndrome
Stroke (OR 2·16) Respiratory disease
Myocardial infarction (OR 2·01) Respiratory complications with severe ↓FEV1 (OR 2·97)
Atrial fibrillation (adjusted HR 1·52 M; adjusted HR 1·46 F) Cardiovascular complications with severe ↓FEV1 (OR 2·02)

Hypercoagulability Asthma (RR 2·7)

Stroke, myocardial infarction (OR 1·57) Postoperative respiratory complications (OR 2·94)
Deep venous thrombosis (RR 2·50)
Pulmonary embolism (RR 2·21) Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (OR 1·94)
Postoperative complications (OR 10·9)

Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (RR 4·6); cirrhosis (RR 4·1)

Osteoarthritis (RR 1·12 hip; RR 1·25 knee)
Gout (RR 2·67)
Renal disease (OR 1·38 hypertension; OR 1·4 type 2 diabetes)

Most of these are relevant to the anaesthetist because they are associated with an increased risk of perioperative complications. Ratio values are shown in
parentheses. OR, odds ratio; RR, relative risk; HR, hazard ratio; DMV, difficult mask ventilation; DEI, difficult endotracheal intubation; FEV1, forced
expiratory volume in 1 s. For more details see Appendix S1 (supporting information).

pneumonia, sepsis, septic shock, superficial surgical-site of glycaemia47 – 49 . Patients with a perioperative blood
infection, wound disruption and prolonged hospital stay70 . glucose level exceeding 180 mg/dl have a significantly
Preoperative initiation of continuous positive airway increased risk of infection, reintervention and death48 .
pressure (CPAP), ideally at least 4 weeks before surgery, Standard fasting guidelines for adults recommend avoid-
may be considered, particularly if OSAS is severe or ing clear liquids for at least 2 h before surgery, and solids or
obesity hypoventilation syndrome is present, to attenu- non-human milk for 6 h or more75 . Obesity itself is not an
ate some of the cardiometabolic abnormalities of these independent predictor of pulmonary aspiration; thus, these
disorders71 . For patients who do not respond adequately to guidelines are appropriate for most obese patients, and rou-
CPAP, non-invasive positive pressure ventilation (NIPPV) tine aspiration prophylaxis is unnecessary76 . However, pro-
is an option13 . Preoperative inspiratory muscular training phylaxis should be considered when risk factors are present
can increase inspiratory muscular strength and improve (such as symptomatic gastro-oesophageal reflux, increased
postoperative oxygenation in obese patients72 . Conversely, gastric volume, anticipated difficult airway)57 . Oral carbo-
preoperative incentive spirometry does not significantly hydrate conditioning before major abdominal surgery has
improve respiratory function after bariatric surgery73 . metabolic and clinical benefits that may be useful for obese
It is recommended that chronic medications are con- patients61 .
tinued until the day of surgery and resumed promptly
thereafter to avoid withdrawal57 . Oral hypoglycaemic Airway assessment
agents (such as metformin) should be discontinued Obesity is associated with morphological features that may
1–2 days before operation and restarted when patients adversely affect airway management. Difficult mask ven-
resume eating. Long-acting insulin should be switched tilation has been reported in 8⋅8 per cent of obese77 and
to an intermediate-acting form 1–2 days before surgery, 11 per cent of morbidly obese78 patients. Reported diffi-
and perioperative intravenous insulin/glucose/potassium cult tracheal intubation rates vary widely79 – 87 , from 3⋅3
may be considered74 . Close perioperative blood glu- per cent86 to 16⋅7 per cent80 of obese patients. Predic-
cose monitoring is recommended to avoid extremes tors of difficult airways are similar to those in non-obese

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e42 M. Carron, B. Safaee Fakhr, G. Ieppariello and M. Foletto

patients61 . In obese patients, male sex, presence of OSAS

Table 1 Preoperative assessment for obese patients undergoing and large neck circumference (over 40 cm) are the most
anaesthesia commonly reported independent risk factors for diffi-
cult airway management79 – 87 . Although preparations for
Physiological parameters
potentially difficult mask ventilation or intubation must
Fat distribution*
be considered in all obese patients, they are particularly
Waist circumference; waist-to-hip ratio†
important in patients with these risk factors60,61,88 .
Upper airway
Obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome‡
Laboratory tests§ Postoperative care planning
Electrocardiography The Obesity Surgery Mortality Risk Score was developed
Complete blood count to predict the risk of death in obese patients. It considers
Haemostasis five variables associated with perioperative mortality: BMI
Fasting serum glucose¶ at least 50 kg/m2 (odds ratio (OR) 3⋅60), age 45 years or
Lipid profile# more (OR 1⋅64), male sex (OR 2⋅79), hypertension (OR
Kidney function** 2⋅78) and susceptibility to pulmonary embolus (previous
Hepatic function††
thrombosis, pulmonary embolus, inferior vena cava filter,
Additional assessments (if indicated)
right heart failure, obesity hypoventilation syndrome) (OR
2⋅62). Based on this risk score, the mortality risk is low (0⋅3
Chest radiography
per cent) with one variable, intermediate (1⋅9 per cent) with
two or three variables and high (7⋅6 per cent) with four
Arterial blood gas analysis or five variables89 . Postoperative care in a monitored set-
Polysomnography‡ ting should be planned for high-risk obese patients (older
Index of inflammation‡‡ patients, BMI at least 50 kg/m2 , moderate to severe OSAS,
Serum uric acid metabolic syndrome, obesity hypoventilation syndrome,
Endocrine function other major co-morbidities), especially after major, revi-
*Peripheral fat distribution describes a physique in which fat is located
sional or open surgery, or when parenteral opioids, or use
primarily in the arms, legs and buttocks, and the abdominal fat is pre- of CPAP or NIPPV, is anticipated after operation14,89,90 .
dominantly extraperitoneal. In contrast, central fat distribution describes
a physique in which excessive fat is located primarily in the trunk, with
Drug dosing
a high intraperitoneal fat content3 . †Waist circumference is highly cor-
related with intra-abdominal fat content. Central obesity is defined by Obesity is associated with physiological and anthropo-
a waist circumference of at least 94 cm in men and at least 80 cm in metric changes that alter the pharmacokinetics of most
non-pregnant women. Cut-off points indicating higher cardiometabolic drugs. Knowledge of optimal drug dosing scalars is nec-
risks are over 102 cm for men and over 88 cm for women. In the
presence of peripheral obesity, waist-to-hip ratios of less than 0⋅9 for essary for safe and effective anaesthesia91 . Except for
men and below 0⋅8 for women confer protection against cardiometabolic non-depolarizing neuromuscular blocking agents (for
risks62 – 64 . ‡The standard for diagnosing obstructive sleep apnoea syn- which ideal bodyweight may be appropriate) and succinyl-
drome (OSAS) is polysomnography12 – 14 . However, polysomnography is
choline and sugammadex (for which actual bodyweight is
time-consuming, expensive and frequently difficult to achieve. Alterna-
tively, several preoperative screening questionnaires have been developed recommended), lean bodyweight is the preferred dosing
to identify patients at highest risk of OSAS12 – 14 . The STOP-Bang (Snor- scalar for common anaesthetic agents, analgesics and local
ing, Tiredness, Observed apnoeas, raised blood Pressure, BMI over 35 anaesthestics91 .
kg/m2 , Age above 50 years, Neck circumference exceeding 40 cm (at least
41 cm for women and 43 cm for men), male Gender) questionnaire is
the most widely used tool to predict the syndrome. One point is assigned Equipment and monitoring
for each positive feature; a total score of 5 or more represents a signifi- Appropriate operating tables and other equipment
cant risk of OSAS15 . §Appropriate laboratory assessments used in obesity
management; the first five are the most important64 . ¶Blood glucose lev-
are required for safe anaesthesia in obese patients
els should be below 130 mg/dl before operation and maintained below (Fig. 3)57,60,61 . Minimum standards for monitoring all
180 mg/dl after surgery47 – 49 . #Lipid profile should include high-density patients during anaesthesia and recovery should be
lipoprotein–cholesterol and triglycerides50,51 . **Kidney function assess- followed97 . Monitoring depth of anaesthesia (for example,
ment should include at least serum creatinine measurement64 . ††Hepatic
function tests should include measurement of serum aspartate aminotrans- using a bispectral index monitor) should be considered
ferase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) levels, and AST/ALT to avoid accidental awareness during surgery98 , particu-
ratio64 . ‡‡Index of inflammation should include high-sensitivity C-reactive larly when total intravenous anaesthesia is used or when
protein and ferritin assays64 .
end-tidal anaesthetic concentrations are not monitored
during inhalational anaesthesia in obese patients61,99 .

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Perioperative care of the obese patient e43

Fig. 3 Obese patient positioning

Patient positioning Ramped position

Adequate immobilization (wide hook and loop Using ramping device/pillows and/or blankets under a patient’s
fastener strapping) head and shoulders
Arms and feet supported Configuring the operating table into a back-up position
Protection of pressure areas (gel pads and padding) Reverse Trendelenburg position
Prevention of neural injury Ear to sternal notch in the same horizontal plane

Bariatric operating table

High capacity operating table
Shoulder, leg and foot supports
Armboards and table extensions

The correct ramped position involves elevation of the upper body, neck and head so that an imaginary horizontal line can be drawn from the sternal notch
to the external ear92 . This position facilitates mask ventilation and improves intubating conditions (odds ratio 2⋅4)92 – 95 . The 30∘ reverse Trendelenburg
position improves lung volumes and pulmonary compliance3,19,96 . It provides a longer safe apnoea period than the 30∘ back-up Fowler or horizontal supine
position3,19,96 .

When neuromuscular blockade is planned, monitoring of In obese patients, a multimodal approach to PONV pro-
neuromuscular function (most commonly with a periph- phylaxis is preferred60 . A combination of dexamethasone,
eral nerve stimulator) is mandatory for the safe conduct ondansetron and haloperidol has been shown to signif-
of anaesthesia to reduce the likelihood of residual muscle icantly reduce PONV and rescue antiemetic use after
weakness after surgery100 . laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy107 .
Oral pregabalin and gabapentin are beneficial for post-
Preanaesthesia medications operative pain prophylaxis108,109 . In addition to improving
Obesity is a risk factor for nosocomial infections, par- sleep, melatonin can improve pain the day after surgery110 .
ticularly surgical-site infections. The frequency of these Venous thromboembolism (VTE) prophylaxis, including
infections in obese patients ranges from 1 to 21⋅7 per mechanical methods (thromboembolic stockings, sequen-
cent, depending on the procedure101 . Antibiotic prophy- tial alternating compressive devices), chemoprophylaxis
laxis significantly reduces surgical-site infections after elec- (low-dose subcutaneous unfractionated heparin or low
tive surgery101,102 and should follow standard guidelines molecular weight heparin (LMWH)) and early postop-
for perioperative antimicrobial prophylaxis103 . Cefazolin erative mobilization, is recommended60,61,111 . The dose
2 g is widely used as antibiotic prophylaxis for many and duration of treatment should be individualized60 .
procedures102 but may be inadequate in patients with class Both once or twice daily LMWH may be suitable in
III obesity104 . For patients weighing 120 kg or more, 3 g obese patients112 ; however, no data support the need for
should be considered103 . twice-daily dosing for VTE prophylaxis60 . Fixed dosing
In the general population of surgical patients, preop- may be considered in obese patients113 . An increased dose,
erative dexamethasone 4–5 mg reduces the likelihood of adjusted to BMI, may be justified in obese patients with a
postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) in the first high risk of VTE (men, older age, high BMI, OSAS, obe-
24 h after surgery (OR 0⋅31)105 . Dexamethasone is supe- sity hypoventilation syndrome, previous VTE)60,61 , with
rior to ondansetron for preventing nausea at 4–6 h, and no increased risk of bleeding112 . A prophylactic inferior
vomiting at 4–6 and 24 h after laparoscopic surgery106 . vena cava filter may be considered for patients with severe

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e44 M. Carron, B. Safaee Fakhr, G. Ieppariello and M. Foletto

venous stasis or previous VTE, or those with a high risk of were superior to a traditional Macintosh laryngoscope,
complications from anticoagulant treatment60 . increasing the success rate, reducing intubation time and
Oral benzodiazepines cause little or no respiratory improving glottic visualization.
depression and are generally appropriate for preoperative Second-generation supraglottic devices are preferred
anxiolysis in obese patients19,57 . If intravenous midazolam for both rescue airway and routine use, rather than
is used, obese patients should be closely monitored, with first-generation, non-gastric access devices127,132 – 136 .
supplementary oxygen immediately available57 . Ketamine Supraglottic devices have been used successfully as tem-
plus clonidine or dexmedetomidine are other options, with porary ventilatory devices before laryngoscope-guided
minimal adverse respiratory effects114,115 . tracheal intubation137 , conduits for endotracheal
tube insertion133,138 and primary airway devices dur-
Intraoperative care ing surgery132,134,136 . They are most appropriate in
highly-selected obese patients undergoing short proce-
A safety briefing is recommended before an obese patient dures in the reverse Trendelenburg or head-up position60,61
enters the operating room. The need for additional oper- and when used by experienced personnel136 .
ating room personnel (for example, to assist with posi- Awake flexible fibre-optic intubation is the standard for
tioning) should be identified. All operating room staff managing anticipated difficult intubation and is recom-
should also be made aware of the proper positioning, mended as an alternative to traditional laryngoscopy for
appropriate equipment, anaesthetic approach, specific sur- tracheal intubation in obese patients with a high risk of
gical procedure and plan for postoperative care, includ-
difficult intubation60,61,118 . Videolaryngoscopy may also be
ing airway and respiratory support, analgesic strategy and
considered for awake intubation in obese patients139,140 .
ultimate recovery location (regular ward, monitored unit
or ICU). Extra time should be allowed for positioning
the obese patient and initiation of anaesthesia57,60,61 . The Anaesthetic management
ramp position improves the likelihood of successful air- It is controversial whether rapid sequence induction of
way management in obese patients3,19,92 – 96 . The reverse anaesthesia with intravenous anaesthetic medications is
Trendelenburg position improves lung volume, oxygena- necessary in fasted obese patients with no aspiration risk
tion and respiratory mechanics, particularly during laparo- factors who are undergoing elective surgery141 . Rapid
scopic surgery116 (Fig. 3). sequence induction should be considered in those with
The surgical team should be aware of the basic aspects symptomatic gastro-oesophageal reflux or other conditions
of airway management. An inadequate approach, inexperi- predisposing to aspiration (such as diabetes mellitus, gas-
enced staff, poor communication, poor teamwork and task trointestinal disorders, emergency surgery). Cricoid pres-
fixation have been shown to lead to major airway manage- sure during rapid sequence induction is probably useful for
ment complications in obese patients117 . It is imperative to preventing gastric aspiration141 , but may increase the diffi-
establish a clear and appropriate management strategy and culty of airway management118 .
follow guidelines if difficulties occur88,118 . Appropriate air- Induction of general anaesthesia with propofol (one of
way equipment should be immediately available88,118 . the most commonly used induction agents) is ideally guided
Administering oxygen before induction of general anaes- by bispectral index monitoring142 . Propofol dosing based
thesia aims to increase oxygen reserve, thereby extend- on lean bodyweight may avoid hypotension143 , but addi-
ing the safe apnoea period (Fig. 4). Preoxygenation is tional propofol may be necessary to achieve adequate loss
enhanced by augmenting functional residual capacity using of consciousness142 .
non-invasive ventilation120 – 126 , which increases the safe The superiority of inhalational or intravenous medica-
apnoea period by 50 per cent123 . Use of second-generation tions for maintaining anaesthesia after induction has not
supraglottic devices before laryngoscope-guided intuba- been established in obese patients57,60,61 . Among inhala-
tion may extend the safe apnoea period by 50 per cent, com- tional anaesthetics, desflurane may be the best option, as its
pared with preoxygenation with CPAP127 . Apnoeic oxy- low lipophilicity and solubility limit distribution in adipose
genation should be considered during laryngoscopy128 – 130 ; tissues, promoting faster emergence and recovery144 – 149 .
buccal oxygen delivery has been shown to increase the safe A meta-analysis144 reported that times to eye opening
apnoea period 2⋅5-fold, significantly reducing the risk of on command and tracheal extubation were decreased by
desaturation130 . 37 and 33⋅6 per cent respectively in patients receiving
The choice of laryngoscope influences the likelihood of desflurane compared with sevoflurane. These advantages
successful tracheal intubation118 . A meta-analysis131 com- were confirmed for desflurane compared with propo-
bining data from 13 RCTs showed that videolaryngoscopes fol or isoflurane145 . Furthermore, desflurane anaesthesia

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Perioperative care of the obese patient e45

Fig. 4 Perioperative respiratory support

Before operation: preoxygenation After operation: respiratory support

Deep breaths or tidal volume breathing 2 min Supplementary oxygen

CPAP 8–10 cmH2O) 2–5 min CPAP (8–12 cmH2O)
PS (5–10 cmH2O) + PEEP (5 cmH2O) 2–5 min NIPPV (BIPAP 12/4 cmH2O*; PSV 5–10/5–10 cmH2O†)
Apnoeic oxygenation

During operation: lung protective mechanical ventilation

Driving pressure < 13–15 cmH2O

Low tidal volume PEEP Recuritment manoeuvre

FiO2 Respiratory rate
(6–8 ml per kg (10–12 cmH2O) (after endotracheal
(0·3–0·8) (target normocapnia)
predicted bodyweight) intubation)

This figure summarizes strategies to minimize the risk of hypoventilation and atelectasis, as well as improve oxygenation and respiratory function, during
the perioperative period. Intraoperative lung protective mechanical ventilation is a key aspect of perioperative pulmonary care, which may be enhanced by
preoperative and postoperative non-invasive respiratory support. Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) or non-invasive pressure positive ventilation
(NIPPV), delivered as bilevel positive airway pressure (BiPAP) or pressure support ventilation (PSV), may be considered for both prophylactic use in
high-risk obese patients (BMI over 50 kg/m2 , severe obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome, obesity hypoventilation syndrome, home CPAP therapy, opioid
therapy) and therapeutic use in the setting of oxygen desaturation, hypoventilation or respiratory failure. Values of CPAP and NIPPV suggested in the
literature119 are shown in parentheses. *With BiPAP: inspiratory peak airway pressure 12 cmH2 O and expiratory peak airway pressure 4 cmH2 O. †With
PSV: pressure support (PS) 5–10 cmH2 O and positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) 5–10 cmH2 O. FiO2 , fraction of inspired oxygen.

has been associated with better early postoperative oxy- dexmedetomidine)114,158 – 161 , magnesium161 – 163 and local
genation and lung function than propofol anaesthesia149 . or regional anaesthesia164 – 168 . Intraperitoneal local anaes-
No differences between desflurane and propofol anaes- thetic (for example, 40 ml of bupivacaine 0⋅25 per cent)
thesia in incidence of rhabdomyolysis or postoperative reduces postoperative pain and opioid consumption166 – 168 .
cognitive dysfunction in older obese patients have been Ultrasound-guided transversus abdominis plane blocks
identified150,151 . Compared with sevoflurane or desflu- have been used successfully169 . If intraoperative opioids
rane, propofol anaesthesia has a lower risk of PONV are required, a short-acting opioid (such as remifentanil)
in the general population152 , but data are conflicting in is preferred for obese patients57,60,61 . Opioid-free anaes-
obese patients, with some studies finding benefit153,154 and thesia using propofol, ketamine and dexmedetomidine
others146 reporting no benefit. No significant differences reduces PONV compared with inhalational anaesthesia
have been observed in analgesia requirements or postanaes- and opioids170 . Regional anaesthesia may have several
thesia care unit (PACU) discharge times between inhala- advantages over general anaesthesia for selected surgi-
tional and intravenous anaesthesia in obese patients145 . cal procedures57,60,61 . Ultrasound guidance is useful for
regional techniques when the anatomy is unfavourable, as
Analgesia occurs more commonly with obesity57 .
Multimodal analgesia strategies should be adopted in
obese patients to reduce or eliminate use of opioids Neuromuscular blockade
after surgery155,156 . These strategies include use of Administration of neuromuscular blocking agents at induc-
non-opioid analgesics, such as intravenous acetaminophen tion of anaesthesia facilitates airway management171 . Both
(paracetamol) and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory succinylcholine and rocuronium may be used to rapidly
drugs, ketamine114,157 , α-2 agonists (clonidine, achieve favourable intubation conditions172 . However,

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e46 M. Carron, B. Safaee Fakhr, G. Ieppariello and M. Foletto

succinylcholine may reduce the safe apnoea period173 , and distribution and oxygenation196,198 , and a PEEP of 16–18
rocuronium followed by reversal with sugammadex may cmH2 O may be more appropriate198 . Nevertheless,
allow earlier re-establishment of spontaneous ventilation increasing the PEEP may increase the risk of postoper-
(compared with succinylcholine) if airway management is ative pulmonary complications if a concomitant rise in
difficult174 . For laparoscopic bariatric surgery, deep neuro- airway plateau pressure increases the driving pressure187 .
muscular blockade improves operating conditions175 – 177 , Reducing intra-abdominal pressure during pneumoperi-
reducing complications related to poor surgical condi- toneum increases respiratory compliance and reduces
tions and postoperative pain compared with moderate airway pressures199 . Slow abdominal insufflation with a
blockade176,177 . Male sex and older age may concur to maximum intra-abdominal pressure of less than 15 mmHg
reduce surgeon satisfaction during laparoscopic bariatric is advised, when possible199,200 . High peak airway pressures
surgery under deep neuromuscular blockade178 . Com- and prolonged surgery have been associated indepen-
plete recovery from neuromuscular blockade should be dently with an increased risk of postoperative pulmonary
confirmed with a peripheral nerve stimulator before complications186,187 .
extubation97,179 – 181 . Sugammadex should be considered
for fast reversal of rocuronium-induced neuromuscular Fluid and temperature management
blockade182,183 . In the general population, sugammadex is Restrictive fluid management has been associated with
superior to neostigmine (the traditional reversal agent), fewer postoperative complications than liberal fluid man-
exhibiting greater efficacy and a lower likelihood of adverse agement in the general population201 . Proper fluid balance
events (OR 0⋅47), particularly respiratory (OR 0⋅36) is therefore suggested61 . Goal-directed fluid therapy may
and cardiovascular (OR 0⋅23) events, and postoperative be useful to optimize intraoperative fluid management202 .
weakness (OR 0⋅45)184 . Compared with a conservative/restrictive approach, liberal
intraoperative fluid management during bariatric surgery
does not reduce the incidence of rhabdomyolysis203 nor
Intraoperative lung ventilation
increase intraoperative urine output204 .
Optimal ventilation and oxygenation improve postopera-
Perioperative hypothermia should be avoided205 . Use of
tive outcomes19,185 . Protective intraoperative mechanical
standard intraoperative methods (active forced-air warm-
ventilation has been associated with a reduced incidence
ing, heated intravenous fluids) for preventing a decline in
of postoperative pulmonary complications, which can
body temperature is suggested in obese patients206,207 .
prolong hospital stay and increase mortality186,187 . Pro-
tective intraoperative mechanical ventilation is defined
as the combination of low tidal volume, appropriate Postoperative care
positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) and low driv- Obese patients have an increased risk of extubation fail-
ing pressure (airway plateau pressure minus PEEP) ure, which can be reduced by careful intraoperative man-
(Fig. 4)19,185,187,188 . Temporary hyperinflation of the lungs agement and an appropriate awakening plan117,208,209 . Full
with recruitment manoeuvres reverses atelectasis and monitoring should be maintained until discharge from the
improves intraoperative oxygenation and respiratory PACU. The patient should be placed in a head-elevated
function19,185,188,189 . These manoeuvres are recommended or semiseated position57,61 . Standard oxygen therapy may
after induction of anaesthesia in haemodynamically stable be used to maintain preoperative arterial partial pressure
obese patients19,185,188,189 and whenever severe oxygen of oxygen levels60,61 . As the beneficial effects of protec-
desaturation occurs, and they may reduce the risk of tive intraoperative mechanical ventilation may be lost after
postoperative pulmonary complications188 . Limiting the extubation188,189 , CPAP or NIPPV may be considered after
fraction of inspired oxygen to below 0⋅8 is important, extubation185 . The safety and efficacy of CPAP or NIPPV
as higher levels can promote resorption atelectasis and have been established in the perioperative period210 , and
worsen inflammatory lung injury (Fig. 4)185 . they should be considered in high-risk obese patients
In obese patients, the ‘best PEEP’ – balancing main- (Fig. 4)61,119,211 . These modalities counteract upper air-
tenance of end-expiratory lung volume with avoidance way obstruction, reduce hypoventilation and atelectasis,
of hyperinflation – is a matter of debate. A PEEP of improve gas exchange and respiratory function, relieve dys-
10 cmH2 O is often used190 – 196 and has been shown to pnoea and decrease breathing effort in obese patients after
improve respiratory function19,197 , particularly when surgery. They may therefore lower the risk of acute respi-
applied after a recruitment manoeuvre19,185 . However, ratory failure after surgery119 . In obese patients requiring
higher PEEP levels may be necessary in some obese opioids, CPAP in the early postoperative period improves
patients to optimize lung volumes, regional ventilation sleep-disordered breathing and ameliorates the respiratory

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