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Student's Name

Institutional Affiliation

Name Of Institution

Due Date

It is past 11 in the night, and John is caught sneaking out of the house. John's
grandparents have been suspecting him of abusing drugs after being informed by a neighbor that
John sneaks out at night while they are asleep. They had laid some traps to catch John in the
action so that they could confront him, but their efforts bore bitter fruits; not a single day did
they catch him in the act. Now it's almost midnight, and they have caught him dressed in blue
jeans, a white shirt, and black shoes. John's dressing code indicates that he is up to something.
"Where are you going at this time of the night? "John's father asks. John defends himself by
saying that a friend has invited him to a party. "A party! at this time! What kind of party is that?
John's mother, who has been quiet and looking unbothered, asked. "Yes, mum, it is a night out
party that we planned while at school. My classmates will be attending too. Even our class
teacher will attend " John further defends himself. As aforementioned, John's parents are
informed about this behavior, and while listening to John, he thinks of him as a changed person.
They are sure that it's all a lie. John's father, John's father, decides to confront him. He heads into
the conversation, feeling as confident as possible. "John, if you are going to a party that you
planned at school, why didn't you inform us?" His father now dives into the confrontation. John
looks confused, and he defends himself by making claims that he was to inform his parents about
the party later."What is holding on your hand', his father asks after having a closer look at John's
hands. At this moment, the truth is revealed, John is holding a packet of cigarettes in one hand
and lighting sticks in the other hand.

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