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"Pollution sources that can contaminate soil include mining, oil drilling, and

agriculture"(Robertson, 2017). For this reason, more needs to be done to contain these
contaminants. The essence of limiting activities that pollute the solid is to mitigate the health
risks they pose to humans and dangers to the ecosystem. However, the efforts to curb these
activities fail to yield results as they rely on chemicals. Chemical manufacturers produce and
introduce lethal chemicals that facilitate soil pollution. The lack of accountability is occasioned
by hesitation from the authorities to develop policies that will control the land activities and
reduce the use of chemicals on soil.

"As cities grow in population, it is important to plan where the growth will happen." (Robertson,
2017). Populational growth is inevitable, and authorities are tasked with the planning aspect.
Planning is essential to environmental conservation, which translates into improved quality of
life for the residents. Failure to plan creates room for encroachment of protected zones and
depletion of natural resources. Further, urban planning supports the peaceful coexistence
between humans and wildlife. Authorities should embrace modern planning methods to develop
smart cities to avoid trespassing into zones reserved for wildlife. Through planning, cities can
anticipate challenges and develop reliable solutions.

Winning the human of the year award presents an opportunity to reside in a city of my choice. I
would choose Melbourne due to the strides it has made in depollution. Melbourne municipality
has significantly reduced carbon emissions allowing the city to achieve carbon-neutral status in
2011-12 (City of Melbourne, 2021). Living in a city that has achieved carbon neutrality is a
chance to experience a protected environment complemented by clean air. Melbourne's pristine
environment is manifested in its numerous botanical gardens (Trip advisor, 2022). In my
opinion, Melbourne is the perfect place for the world to learn the appropriate policies and
implementation procedures.

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