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DE THI HQC KY 1, NAM HQC 2017-2018, MON: MAY BIEN. Cau MBA: ’MOt my bién 4p (MBA) ba pha.750 kVA, 22/0,4 KV, 50 Hz, 0616 dé day Dyn-I1. Thong s6 MBA: tén hao khéng tai 855 W, ding dién khong tai 1.5%, ton hao ngin mach 6725 W. diéa dp ngin mach 6%. Gia sir dign ép lusi ndi so cp smd bign dp lun bn dinh & 22 KV, vi tdi 3 pha Luin cn bing a) Xéc dinh ce thdng s6 mach wong dvong cia MBA quy vé so cép? ca by MBA efp din cho tai 650 kW vdi hé 56 cdng sult 0,9 i (ihéng s6 6 dién ap 400 V), tinh higu sult, di thay Abi dign &p va dign dp this cp cia MBA? ea MBA trén eung cfp dign cho mét Khu din cv thing qua durmg dly 6 ing wa pha 18 10 m2 = j2 mf. Khu din cu sr Dien ap tren khu dan eu giam 3.179333 % so voi 380V! d) Eff_d=99.237087 % 4) dV_d= 3.722778 % 4) V2-d= 414891111 V d) =>Khi cong suat tai nguoc fen luo dien ap tai khu dan cu tang 9.181871 % so voi 3800V! Cia MBA: fi May Dien ITI CQ Cav MASSE RD cle R2= Rin clear Zin=Viniiidmt Aisp(MBA 3 pha, Dyn ) Xin= sqn(Zn"2-RIn’2) Po= 855; Pn= 6725; Sdmn = 7503; vVidm= 2000 Vidmt= Vide * vV2émd = 400 Pb675e3 V2dmt = V2dmalsqr(3) STbeP_bleos_b k= VidmoV2dme via b=S_b/Sdm Mdm = Sdm/tsqr(3)*V 1dr) Eff beP_b/P_b+Potbia_b°2¢Pn) Ndmf= Itdmdlsqrt3) Dam = Sdmv/3/V2dmt sin_besqt1-cos_b”2) GV bebia_b*Sdm/3*(Rinteos,_beXtatsin_byVIdn* OF pe = 0015 2 HOF HOF petltdmt V2_b=(1-dV_bytV2dmd *6 V2 dey Vin_pe= 0.06 Vin= Vin_pe*V idm =bta_b*Sdm/3*((RIn+Rddt)*c0s_bH{XIn+Xdd] Rdd = 1063 yssin_byVidm~2 Xdd~203 V2_s=(I-dV_0)*V2dms %s V2 sy Rddl = Rdd*k™2 disp Ca) Xddl = Xed*k'2 cos d= 1 $_d=500¢3 away) * dS_dteos_d bia_d-S_d'Sdm Eff_d=P_d(P_dePotbus d°24Pa) ldmy'20Pof sin_desqet 1-20s_¢%2) dV debia_d*Sdm/34((KeIn+Rddl)*e0s_ HX In+Rddl x= sqri0r™2 - 1°2) sin dyVidm"2 Xim= Vidavix V2_d>(1+dV_d)*V2dmd "ws V? day Rin= Paflidme'2 disp Ket qua oe TEXT = sprint(s) Ri = Ohm, RU} disp(TEXT) TEXT sprintf's) 2" = “at Olin’ R2);dispCTEXT) TEXT = sprinth's) XI ~ 241 Olin: XW disp(TEXT) TEXT = sprint's1 X2"~ Sot On’, X2} disp(TEXT) TEXT = sprints) Re = Sat Chm’, RLe/1000);disp(TEXT) ‘TEXT= sprinti(a) Xm = ot k Ohi, XInv 1000); disp(TEXT) isp.) TEXT = sprintf Eii_b~ “6%, Ef b¢100); disp(TEXT) TEXT = sprintf’by dV_b~ "ol its, dVb* 100): disp( TEXT) ‘TEXT = sprintf) V2 b= tet V", V2_b): disp(TEXT) dispt TEXT™= sprintf) dV _c = at a, AV_e*100), disp(TEXT) TEXT =sprinti(e) V2 > at \", V2_e);disp(TEXT) ‘TEXT = sprintf(e) =>Dien ap ten kh dan eu gia ot 8% so so SOV, (380-V2_eV'380"100); disp TEXT) displ) ‘TEXT = sprint’) Hd = fb, EME d*100); disp(TEXT) TEXT = sprintf(d) dV_d~ "st ie, dV_4*100);disp(TEXT) TEXT = sprintf(d) V2 d= "at V, V2_ dj disp(TEXT) TEXT = sprints) = “Chi cong sua ta mo Te ie ap tai hb hs ane 380380" 100); disp(TEXT) “a0 v0 SHOVE, (V2 Cau KDB Bap an: 8) Sod thay thé Thevvenin RTh= 0.0993 XTh= 1.0802 10 0.0075 - 4.3898i (ddng khing ti khi im dign ap thevenin, dng nay cling duge xem nhur dng khOng ti kt vige gain ding) VTh= 2.6075e+02 + 4.4392e-01i VTh = 260.7520 \VThAng= 0.0975 ») r= 22.1430 - 4.27301 (dong difa rotor) l= 225515 Ang = -10.9224 Pag= 1.7164e+04 M2= 89,6315 Prot= 265 Piron = 220 Pj2 = 343.2861 Is = 22.1505 - 8.6628 (dng dign stator) Is= 23.7842 IsAng = -21.3599 Bil = 174.797 total = 1.0031e+03 uy = 0.9429 Code Piron=220; VeVeisqrt(3); 52/100; zTh-zs*zmi(estam); RTh=real(zTh) XTh=imag(eTh) [VTh,VThAng]=Fn_com2real(vTh) Mb) s=2 s=60*Dp; nens*(1-s); arRris+1)°Xie irevThAeTh+2r) [r.irAng}=Fa_com2realtir) Se cong suat dien ts Page391P2°Reis Pm=Pag*(I-) Pshaft=Pm-Prot; haf*9.5Sin yee ton ha iw sust Prot Proual~Prot*Piron+Pjl+Pj2 nuy-PshafV(Pshaft+Piotal) an-ns/10-2:ns; ‘Tmm=9.55*Pm/nn, plox(aa,Tmm);, Cfu may dign DC Problem 3: (3 points) DC machine ‘A 25 KW separately — excited DC motor, the armature resistance is 0.00542. The field current is kept as always constant. And the field power copper loss maybe neglected. ‘The motor is run as no load generator at 3000 rpm then the terminal voltage is obtained 127 V. a) At full load (25kW) and 3000 rpm with terminal voltage is 128 V. Calculate mechanical power (Pm); rotational power loss, armature copper power loss and efficiency of motor (1.5 poiny) ) The terminal voltage is maintained constant at 128 V; load power is now 10 kW; rotational power load is assumed constant. Calculate, motor speed, all the losses and efficiency of the motor (1S point) Dip an Ciu a) : Ja= 200 dong dign phan img Prot= 400 tin bao quay _ 200; tn hao déng phan img P 25600; cong sudt ngd vao nuy= 0.9766; higu sudt céu b) Eal = 127.5925 (site phan dién déng phan img) nl = 3.0140e+03 toc d6 dong co Tal = 81.5095 Pa= 33.2190 Pl= 1.0433e+04 nuy = 0.9585 Code clear lose ale v=128; Pshaft~25000; 1973000; Ra-0.005, Eari27; la-(V-EayRa Pa-Es*la; Prot-Pm-Pshat Pa-Ra'la’? Pi-Pm+Pa suy-Pshaf¥P1 P_SHAFT=10000; SHAFT +Prot; -2-4°PM Ra; Ealm(V+sqe(d)2 Ea2=(V-sar(d)25, ni=Eal*n/Bs PiParPM PL=V4lal nuy=P_SHAFTIPI [issAng}=Fr_com2realts) PilR3Rst1s"2 Protal-Prot*Piron’Pj-P}2 nuy=Pshat(Pshart+Protl) nens/10:2:n3, ‘Tram-9.55*Pmdnns plog(nn, Timm); May dign ding bo Zs = complex(0.66,6.6); V = 6600/sqrt(3); E= 3800; - Céng suat dign tir tai moment dinh mire: Patl = 3*(-V*E*(-I)/abs(Zs) - E*2*real(Zs)(abs(Zs))"2) = Tai 150% moment dinh mitc, céng suat dign tir tuong img s@ 1a 150% dinh mite Y%solve('3*(-V*x* (-1)/abs(Zs) - x*2*real(Zs)/(abs(Zs))*2)-1.5* Pat") %E1=((0.5*(V *abs(Zs) + abs(Zs)*(V%2 - 2.0*Pdtl *real(Zs))*(1/2))Wreal(Zs)) E2=((0.5*(1.0*V*abs(Zs) - abs(Zs)"(V"2 - 2.0*Pdtl *real(Zs))(1/2))/real(Zs)) ‘Tai dinh moc voi gid tri E2 nhu tren: sin_theta_minus_alpha = (abs(Zs)/(V*E2))*(-Pdtl/3 - £2°2*real(Zs)/(abs(Zs))"2) theta_minus_alpha = asin(sin_theta_minus_alpha) alphar = pi2 - angle(Zs) thetar=alphar + theta_minus_alpha thetad = thetar* 180/pi E2*exp(j*thetar) PF = cos(phir) % Pl = 3*V*I*PE Pat =5.8993¢+006 E1 =3.2186e+004 (loai) E2 =6,1089e+003-----3.5270e+03 sin_theta_minus_alpha = -0.7198 theta_minus_alpha =-0.8036 alphar = 0.0997 rad thetar = -0.7039 rad thetad =-40.3307 dd Cau may dign DC Dap an so bj Cau a) Ta= 200 dong dign phan ing Prot = 400 tn bao quay Pa= 200; tin hao dong phan img Pi= 25600; céng suat ngo vio nuy= 0.9766; higu sudt cau b) E2c =4,6569e+003 -3.9537e+003i Ta =5.8041¢+002 +1.8629e+002i Dong tigu thy T= 609.5740 PI PF = 0.9522 sém Céng suat tiéu thy Pl =6,63500+006 Eal = 127,925 (site phan dign dng phan tng) n1= 3.0140e+03 tée d6 dong co Jal = 81.5095 Pa= 33.2190 P 1,0433e+04 nuy= 0.9585

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