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1. 雙手托天理三焦 Two Hands Support the Sky to Regulate the Triple Warmer

Yang Wei Channel 陽維脈 Triple Warmer

2. 左右開弓似射鵰 Left and Right Pull the Bow to Shoot the Vulture

Yin Qiao Channel 陰蹺脈 Lung

3. 調理脾胃須單舉 Regulate and Manage the Spleen and Stomach With a Single Lift

Yin Wei Channel 陰維脈 Spleen and Stomach

4. 五勞七傷向後瞧 Look Behind 5 Labors and 7 Injuries

Yang Qiao Channel 陽跷脉 Eyes, Tendons, Muscles, Joints, Liver

5. 搖頭擺尾去心火 Swing the Head and Wag the Tail to Get Rid of Heart Fire

Dai Mai Channel 帶脈 Heart and Pericardium

6. 兩手攀足固腎腰 Two Hands Hold the Feet to Strengthen the Kidneys and Waist

Chong Mai Channel 衝脈 Kidney and Bladder

7. 攥拳怒目增氣力 Grasp Fist with Glaring Eyes to Increase Vigor

Ren Mai Channel 任脈 Energy and Strength

8. 背後七顛百病消 100 Illnesses Vanish Behind 7 Jolts

Du Mai Channel 督脈 Overall

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