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GILLES DELEUZE(French philosopher)

Metaphysics is ‖a type of philosophy or study that uses broad concepts to help define reality and
our understanding of it…


 Gilles deleuze was a French philosopher who, from the early 1950s until his death in
1995, wrote on Philosophy, literature, film, and fine art.
 His most popular works were the two volumes of Capitalism & schizophernia : anti-
oedipus (1972) and a thousand plateaus (1980), both co-written with psychoanalyst Felix
 Although he once characterized himself as a "pure Metaphysician―.
 His work has influenced a variety of disciplines across the Humanities, including
philosophy, art, and literary theory, as well as movements such as post structuralism &
post modernism.

 Deleuze's essay on Bergson foreshadows many of his own later themes, and it has often
been argued that Deleuze's philosophy can be seen as a new Bergsonism.
 In his Matter and Memory, there is no separation of mind and body and that matter and
movement of energy are all that exists.
 The first product of him along with Felix Guattari, which coincided with a period of
intense political activism
 Psychoanalysis's inability to recognize that desire takes multiple forms is, it is argued,
typified by a famous passage in Freud's ―Wolf-Man" case history.
 In his dream, the Wolf Man sees six or seven white wolves, but Freud interprets them all
as representing his father: multiplicity is reduced to unity, and a potential proliferation of
meanings is channeled back to the Oedipal triangle.
 Deleuze and Guattarí replaced both Freud's theatrical vision of the unconscious and
Lacan's linguistic vision of an unconscious structured like a language, with that of a
factory powered by impersonal desiring machine.
 Elsewhere, they likened the proliferating tangles of desire to the underground root system
of a rhizome such as couch-grass. Unlike a plant with a single taproot, rhizomes spread in
all directions, creating a chaotic network in which every point can be connected to the
very other point.

 An "introduction to the nonfascist life" it first appeared in France, Anti-Oedipus was
hailed as a masterpiece by some and "a work of heretical madness" by others.
 In it, Gilles Deleuze set forth the following theory: Western society's innate herd instinct
has allowed the government, the media, and even the principles of economics to take
advantage of each person's unwillingness to be cut off from the group.
 What's more, those who suffer from mental disorders may not be insane, but could be
individuals in the purest sense, because they are by nature isolated from society.
 More than twenty-five years after its original publication, Anti-Oedipus still stands as a
controversial contribution to a much-needed dialogue on the nature of free thinking.

 Schizophrenia – or schizophrenic process is not an illness, but ―a potentially liberatory

psychic condition produced within capitalist social condition Schizoanalysis - a decentred
and fragmented analysis of the unconscious investments of individual and group desire in
all spheres of society; destroyed unified and rigid segments of subject and group identity,
liberate the prepersonal realm of desire.
He insists on : Machine and Structure
 Eg: SUBJECT – MACHINE DESIRE- PRODUCTION, desiring production but not
lack or acquistition
 Deleuze analyse the relationship of desire to reality through the mental productivity of
schizophrenia and psychosis, and the social transformations that capitalism has brought
forward; both are intensely influencing consequences of each other's vast effects
 They outline a "materialist psychiatry" modeled on the unconscious in its relationship
with its productive processes, built on the concept of desiring-production (which
interrelates "desiring-machines" and "bodies without organs"),

Oedipal family structure, one of the primary mode of restricting desire in capitalist societies -
unaware of the relations "pre-Oedipal in the child, exo-Oedipal in the psychotic, para-Oedipal in
the others." - Dogmatize the Oedipal; connect the pre-Oedipal with the negative complex; -
triangulation of relations

Anti-Oedipus analyses the relationship of desire to reality and to capitalist society in particular; it
addresses questions of human psychology, economics, society, and history.
D/G vs. Marxism
Desire = production of production (208) * Capitalism supported by oedipalization


The schizo's stroll 206-207;
•Nature and industry 208 (one with nature in the form of production)
•The process - flow and checks
•Desiring machine, partial objects and flows
•"The Body without organs‖

 A Thousand Plateaus was created as a positive exercise in nomadology & rhizomatic

 A Thousand Plateaus has been described as dealing with their ideas of the rhizome, as
well as the body without organs, the plane of immanence, abstract machines, becoming,
lines of flight, assemblages, smooth and striated space, state apparatuses, facility,
performativity in language, binary branching structures in language.
RHIZOME as a Philosophical concept
 Rhizome is a philosophical term used to describe the relationships & connectivity of
things. Their rhizome is non-hierarchical, heterogeneous, multiplicitous, and acentered.
 Rhizome comes from the Greek rhizoma . Rhizome is often taken as being synonymous
with ―root‖; in botany, a rhizome is a plant structure that grows underground and has
both roots.

 Rhizomatic learning is a way of thinking about learning based on ideas described by

Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari in a thousand plateaus. A rhizome, sometimes called a
creeping rootstalk, is a stem of a plant that sends out roots and shoots as it spreads. It is
an image used by D&G to describe the way that ideas are multiple, interconnected and
self-replicating. A rhizome has no beginning or end.
Development :
 To propose a socio-commercial-cultural hub that magnetizes all the urban facilities.
 It comprises diverse facilities and a series of programmes which ethnically inclusive.
 Intervening a contemporary urban catalyst that expands the potential of Sibu downtown
as the most prominent gathering spot.
Location :
 The design takes place in a town located at the confluence of the Rejang and Igan rivers.
The design explores the possible applications of Deleuze and Guattari’s rhizomatic
theories in a wasted public space in Sibu, Sarawak, Malaysia.
 Undersatning of D&G’s six principles (connectivity, heterogeneity, multiplicity,
asignifying rupture, cartography and decalcomania).
 project is a spatio-architectural expression of endless connections without terminations.
Programme :
 The chief agenda was to be in a state of readiness to Form together with the existing local
settings with its day activities, and stretching its vitality into the night.
 The anticipated multiplicity of programmes are conceived as flexible responses to the
public need for contextual operations at any time.
Formation of project :
 The ―project of thought‖ was an installation to understand the urban syntax and its
 Spreading out in all directions it created a living network with different levels of
interconnections between layers, levels and the centres of growth. It reconnect all broken
 Nodes and pattern movements were overlapped to form a cartography of theoretical

2020-2022 BATCH

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