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I disagree with the statement that says some younger people think they have

nothing to learn from older people and they are right.

My whole life I have been getting brilliant advices from my grandparents
whenever I made mistakes. And they are giving me some of the most amazing
advices till this day because as a teenager need lots of advices from people of every
People who are old have than us lived like us long ago and they know what to do
in some kind of hard situations when we think it’s unsolvable.
And it is amazing to have somebody older than you who will help you solve any
kind of problem. For example in my condition I’ve never had a hard moment in my
life where my grandparents were not involved. Because everything they say is
interesting and helpful to me.
So my reasons to ask elderly person advice is that
 They know some kind of situations better than us we do.
 They can give us some advice better than our friends can do.
 They are your family members and loyal to you.
 You can trust them at all costs.
 You can learn new possibilities how to make thing better.
So as I said I’ve learnt so much from my grandparents and I think I’m going to
learn more and more as I grow up.

Nina Sharadze

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