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Heavy metals are dangerous to our nervous system such as Pb. Lead has 2 positive charges and in the
nervous system it substitutes the Calcium which is essential. The elements of the periodic table are all
different. Even a small neutron can change the behavior of the atom. An element has usually the same
number of protons and neutrons. If the number of neutrons is higher the element is unstable and is a
isotope. It releases neutrons in order to have the same number of protons and become radioactive. They
release both protons and atoms and radiation. The neutrons keep protons together and has a lot of
strength. It can hit cells. If it breaks the bonds of phospholipids it can break through the nucleus and
interact with our DNA. One of this isotope is Uranium. Uranium could be find inside rocks.

We are all radioactive because we eat thing with carbon12 and carbon 14. Carbon 14 has to loose 2
neutrons in order to be stable.


Dalton is the atomic mass unit. 1d is 1,06604 10-24.

C= 6P,6N -> 12 d

The number of protons is the number which determinates the identity of an element. Isotope are elements
with too many neutrons. If you modify the number of protons you modify the characteristics of the atom.
Radioactive isotopes can be used in different locations. The radiation are detected by instruments. If u have
hydrocarbonates you can detect the isotopes. Radiations are dangerous and can cause cancer as they
interfere with mitosis and meiosis. Once a radiation reaches a cell, it can’t generates new ones. After 6000
thoused years the isotope stop being radioactive at half. Since we die we stop reducing th level of our
radioactivity. Almost all the atoms have isotopes

H 1P,1E- H2O

He 2P,2N,2E- 0

C 6P,6N,6E- / \


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