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Nama : Vera Nurhasanah

NIM : 20200210078

Meet : Meet 4


Malioboro is the main icon of Yogyakarta tourism. Malioboro has many meanings and special
charms. Like Yogyakarta, which is dubbed a special city, even more so with its tourist

Malioboro is the main road to various tourist destinations in Yogyakarta, namely the Palace,
Point Zero and the Bringharjo market. Maliobo street is quite large, when walking leisurely on
the outskirts of Malioboro we can see various old shops, Malioboro malls and many food
vendors. When it's late at night, I often go to Maliboro with friends, I can see a lot of pedestrians
taking pictures. In Malioboro there are various facilities such as benches, bus stops, and a
stopover for pedestrians to just sit and enjoy the atmosphere of the city of Yogyakarta.

Malioboro sells the old atmosphere of the city of Yogyakarta with many old buildings that have
been renovated so that tourists feel the impression of Yogyakarta as an old city full of culture.
Not only that, various photo objects and art performances are also available on street corners.
That's what makes Malioboro one of the most beautiful and frequently visited places.

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