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8/16/2019 How to Make Tenkasu (Tempura Scraps) - Ice Or Rice

Tenkasu (Tempura Flakes)

Course: Side Dish
Cuisine: Japanese
Servings: 1

5 tbsps cake flour (low gluten flour)
120 ml water (iced or carbonated)
1 tsp Japanese rice vinegar
2 cups vegetable oil

1. In a frying pan, heat 2 cups of oil over medium-high heat to 375F / 190F.
2. Meanwhile, mix cake flour, water, and vinegar with chopsticks until the flour is just
incorporated. Don't overmix as it starts to develop gluten and make the batter
starchy and less crunchy.
3. The batter should be slightly watery so that the flakes are light and airy. To test that,
dip your fingers into the batter and lift it up. If the stream is straight in a line, the
batter is the right consistency. More tips in the notes below.
4. When the oil reaches the desired temperature, dip your fingers into the batter and
drop it into the oil. The batter will be broken into small bits and spread out to the
edge of the pan. Don't add too much at once. The oil temperature drops and the
flakes will be sticking together.
5. Once the flakes turn slightly golden, use a stainless steel mesh strainer to transfer
them to a plate covered with paper towel.

Recipe Notes
Carbonated water makes the flakes extra airy.
You can add more flour for thicker and bigger bits. 1/1

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