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found to have a well visible [Oil] velocity rangeofthe bluegdaxiesand the 2-0.3. The V image (Fig.

2a, seeing
h 3727a emission line (Fig. 2) and the apparent compactness of the structure 0181) is slightly more extended than the I
red objects have a rather large 4 0 ~ 1 A also suggests that we are obsenring a band image (Fig. 2b+seeing O Y 5 ) hdl-
break amplitude. filament in the line-of-sight. Understand- cating that the star-forming region is
The redshift of the galaxies show that ing the geometry of this structure would larger than the old component. A grey
we are not obsetvrng a ctuster at the require more spectroscopic work. scale of the V-l mlwr (Fig. 2c) shows
same redshii as the quasar. Seven ob- 7I-m measurements of the [011] 1 that the bluest part is in the central
jects out of nine could be in a cluster or 37278, equivalent width E[W) show that region implying that activity close to the
a loose structure at z-0.3 and two blue four of the blue objects have E N > 25A nucleus plays a role in this object.
objects have the same redshift as the Indldng that they are "bursting" ob-
quasar Fable 1). Galaxy No. 6 Is phys- jects or have nuclear activity. The abso-
ically linked by an 011 bridge to the lute magnitudes of these galaxies are References
quasar ( G u m et al., 1988). similar to those of the 6 "bursting" ob- A Dressier, 1987, in N ew M m d &?/axles
Perhaps the most surprising point b jects in C10500-24.But in that case the ed. S. Faberr, Springer, p. 276.
redshift range 0.314 5 r r0.333 Is eom- E Giraud, 1990, In 7he -No. 62,p.
not that the cluster and the quasar are at 45.
dlfbrent redshifts. The singularity is that patible with that of a rich cluster at L GUPO,J. k t g e r , S. Clistlant, P. Shaver,
this apparent cluster has wch a peculiar 240.32. Posslble explanations on the 1988, in IAU Symposium Ma. 130 Large
population. Firstly It has a large blue nature af these objects include galaxy SEBO Sttwctums of the Uni- p. 573.
excess, secondly it does not contain s Interactions, environment dependent P. Hitren, W. Romanlshln, and F. Valdes,
core of very bright elllptica) galaxies, bursting, nuclear processgs. G w d spa- 199.1, Ap. J., ass, 7.
thirdly the velocity spread Is higher than tial resolution imaging can tell us J. Tyson, I-, A J., 02, 601.
expected. H giant elllptical galaxieswere whether the star formation is across the M.-P. Vhn-Cetty and P. VBron. 1W9, A
born in high density peaks of the initlal entire disk, nuclear, associated with Catalogm of Quresars and Actlve Nuclei
(4th Edith), IS0 Scientific Rapat No. 7.
density dlstributlon, thdr absence sug- companions.
H. h e , and R Green, 1084, Ap. J., Pa0,79.
gests that there is not here a strong An example of an emission-line H. Yw, a i d R. Green, 1987, Ap. J., 339,28.
gravitational potentid. There are indeed galaxy at z=0,2. observed wlth EFOSC2 H. Yw, 1988, in H&h RedsMft and Primeval
10red gataxles inthe range20.7 5V S 22, at the M7 (March 1990), is shown in GsIrucb. eda Elwgemn et al., FronHBres,
Implyingthe presence of a cluster. Butthe Figure 3. Also shown is a red galaxy at p. 257.

Artificial Intelligence for Astronomy

ESO course held in 1990

Introduction is often simply called, consists of the be completely formalized using a loglcal
To many people AArtlciaJ Intelli- science of processings y m M s by com- cdculus. This conjecture was Muted
gence" is as fascinating as astronomy, puters. What exactly is subsumed under t h m gh subsequent important discov-
to some It is a mystwy and to some the Al umbrella changes with time, a fact eriee by the logicians Kurt Gijdel(1931)
simply an annoyan-. By constructing which has nicely been summarired in and Alonzo Church (in the 1930s) and
appropriate computer software, re- Tmler's law: "Al is whatever hasn't been one of the legendary fathers of compu-
searchers in artmcial intelligence done yet." ters, Alan Turing (19308-50s).
lahatories around the world attempt to Giidel. for instance, found the then
solve a variety of tasks generally consid- A Brief ExcursionInto History shmklng "incompleteness Theoremw
ered to require some form and degree of (see 9.g. Hofstadtsr, 1979) which essen-
intelligence. Among these tasks we find f h e roots of today's Al adventure can tially says that within every formal theory
natural ( H e n ) language processing, be traced back several centuries. The Mwre will be some conjecture which is
speech processing, vision, symbolic ancient Greeks already explored the undecidable; using predicate logic,
Computation (as opposed to numeric rules governing our everyday logic. In neither its truth nor Its falsity can be
computation), various fwms of formal the 17th century Blaise Pascal and Gott- proved wWin the set of notions and
reasoning such as theorem proving and Med Wlhelm Leibniz dreamt of machi- axioms used for their formulation. This
unmalnty masoning, leamlng, game nes that could perform Intellectual discovery ended speculations about the
plying and so on. A number of int&- tasks. Boob and DeMwgan in the lath possibility of doing mathematics solely
ing results have been obtained In the century devised "the laws of thought" by mechanical thewem p r o m .
Past, but progress has been generally 0.e. propositional calculus) and de- Turing made a number of important
slower than anticipated by early en- veloped rules for formal reasoning by contributions to the general field of
thusiasts, a phenomenon not unknown manipulating symbols. Early In our oen- computing. In 1936, before the invention
in other scientific areas. Wry the eminent German mathematician of 'real' computers, he posedthe halting
A f m l deflnltlon of artificial Intelll- David Hilbert posed several dlffhult problem: "Isit pwible to (mechanically)
gence cannot be provided, but for our problems, among them the question prove fw every computer programme
Purpose it suffices to say that "Al", as it whether mathematics ccwld eventually whether it will eventually stop?" Hls an-
swer was "no", i.8. there are "undecid- young enthusiastic computer special- is the ability of programmes to manipu-
able" computer programmes, a result ists. USP, a language built around the late themselves. The language Is also
closely related to Godel's incomptete- concept of manipulating lists (of gym- easily extensible and allows quick emu-
ness theorem. During World War II Tur- bols), has remained amazingly modem. lation of other special purpose compu-
ing participated in the very successful -
Its simple syntax every statement is ter languages.
British endeavour of breaking the code itself a list of an operator followed by For those who have never seen a
of the German Enlgma machine by -
zero or more operands allowed the statement h LISP (and may never have
developing and using the first real com- easy construction of language sensitive a chance to see one again), here is the
puters. Turing, a broad-minded text editors and comprehensive pro- complete recursive definition of a func-
mathematician, was the fimt to pro- gramme development environments. tion which, when called, will calculate "n
gramme computers to play chess. In Another feature which Is a direct conse- factorial", i.e. the product of the first n
1950, he attempted to define artificial quence of LISP's syntactical simplicity integers:
intelligence by an operational test,
which later became known as the "Tur- (defun f a c t ~ r i a l(n) ;define function
ing test". (if (= n 0 ) ;if argument equals 0
It took eight further years untll the 1 ;then return 1
American computer scientist John ( * n tfactorial (- n 1)1 ) 1 ) ;else recurae with n-1
McCarthy called for the first conTerence
solely devoted to the subject of artificial The programme works as follows: Here is another Interesting USP pro-
intdligence. (It was actually at this con- when called with some numerical argu- gramme, which calcutates the "won-
ference that the notion "artificial Intelli- ment n, the argument is first tested drous" function, defined as follows:
gence" was coined.) Around this tlme whether It Is equal to zero (2nd line). If it Take an integer. If It is divisible by 2,
McCarthy had conceived the USP com- is, the value 1 is returned (3rd Ihe), slnce divide; otherwise multiply by 3 and add
puter language, which was particularly factorial of 0 is 1. Otherwise the factorial 1. Continue wlth the division test. If you
suited for symbol manipulation. One of function b recursively called, but with an encounter the value 1, stop. The corre-
the founding principles of LlSP is "recur- argument decremented by 1, and the spondlng recursive LISP programme
sion", a concept previously explored by result is multiplied by n (4th line). reads:
Church In his so-called lambda calcutus
of recursive functions. (def un wondrous tn) :define function
Another important result relevant to Al
was discovered not too long ago by the
computer scientist Steven Cook, who in
( p r i n t n)
(eand ( ( - n 1) t)
(levenp n) (wondrous ( / n 2 ) ) )
;if n -
;output value o f n
1 then stop
; i f n euen, rec. with n/2
1971 showed that proving theorems us- (t (wondrous (+ 1 ( * 3 n) 1 ) 1 ) ) ;else recurse with 3n+l
ing propositional logic is computational-
ly intractable; in practice it takes expo- This programme prints a series of in- to, the reasoning techniques developed
nential time (see e.g. Garey and John- tegers and, at Ieast for all positlve Inte- for expert systems are useful tmls In the
son, 1979). This result was generalized gers tested so far, eventually stops at l . programmer's toolbox.
by others who showed many i m w n t But, simple and short as the programme Artificial neural networks. Another
practical problems [e.g. scheduling) to code look, it is an open mathematical area of artificial intelligence, which has
be as dicuh as t h m m proving. problem, whether for every positlve In- already flourished several tlmw, is
This brief excursion into history pro- teger n the programme will eventually associated wah the notion of neural net-
vides us wlth two InslgMs: Firstly, the halt. works. Netwoks of neurons, axons and
Al-endeavour is deeply rooted in history Expert systems.One of the practical dendrites govern the functioning of
and secondly, Al builds upon and con- applications of Al-research in theorem mammalIan brains. They are held re-
versely is restricted by - many solid provlng and symbolic reasoning are ex- sponsible for performing the complex
resutts obtalned In neighbouring dlsci- pert systems. These programmes have cognitive tasks whlch allow animals to
plines. been devised for a variety of different survlve In a hostile environment. The
fields, the paramount example being amazing speed performance of neural
medicine. Expert systems, in their tradi- networks Is seen to be a consequence
Al Methods and Techniques of the huge number of neurons and thelr
tional and wldespmd f m , combine a
Artificial intelligence researchers have body of knowledge, which is coded in high interconnectivity, allowing a form of
always been very creative In inventing form of facts and rules, wRh an "infer- massively parallel computing un-
new tools and techniques in order to ence engine", which allows the deduc- challenged even by modem serial
facilitate their work towards far reaching tion of new facts from the known ones supercomputers. Another advantage of
and ambitlws goals. t wltl concentrate with the help of the rules. Some expert natural neural networks, when com-
on three of them, namely languages, systems use exact logic, others use pared with tmtfdional computers, is their
expert systems and artificial neural net- "funy" inference indicating how to abltity to learn and genwdh. Compu-
wrks. combine uncertain knowledge. ters almost Invariably need to be pro-
Languages. A bask tool for any com- Qulte enthusiastically greeted when grammed In every detail,
puter scientist is an appropriate formal they first arrived on the scene, expert These are some of the incentives
language. We already came across the systems are not the panacea whlch they which have lead Al-researchers to distil
LISP language, which actually is (after have sometimes unduly been taken for. the essentids out of natural neural net-
FORTRAN)the second-oldest high-level Partbularly, they will not replace the works and to construct artificial neural
programming language still In use. How- "how to do" of procedural programming networks,usually comprised of software
ever, contrary to other pioneering by the "what to do" of loglc program- models, The concept of arlificial
languages, LlSP did not calcify, since it ming. Expert systems for sizeable real "treshold logid neurons" was conceived
was not wid* used and not standar- world problems often suffer from serl- as early as in 1943 by W. McCullochand
dized w l y on. Instead It underwent a ous pwformance problems. But when W. Pitts. fhe recent upsurge of interest
continuous development by a breed of applied to tasks which they are suited was spurred by two influential papers
Astronomical Applications of tion committee. The "same science" du-
Artificial Intelligence plication checker effectively acts as a
stopgap for similar proposals from dif-
A few years ago, artificial intelligence ferent research groups. A cornerstone in
entered astronomy. The prime accwnt the sequence of proposal processing
of current Ideas and applications of Al In operations (see Adorf 1990 and refer-
astronomy Is the book Knowledge- ences therein) is the "transformationn
Based Systems in Astronomy, initiated expert system, which disassembles ob-
and edited by Andre Heck and Flonn serving proposals into scheduling units
Murtagh, to whom we all should be very and re-merges them from a pool into
grateful. As can be seen from the con- larger entitles forsubsequent placement
tributions to this book, A1 has reached onto the observational timeline.
the fringes of astronomy, but barely the The most prominent example of the
Figure 1: Schematic view of a f&-fwward core. set of STScl's proposal processing tools
n e w network with three mum layers, a Proposal processing and schedul- Is certainly SPIKE, a programme system
topology frequentlyused tor pattern mcogni- written by Mark Johnston and his group
i and classification.Input signals stimulate ing. The Hubble Space Telescope has
the neurons of the top layers. Thdr output Is sewed as a focal point for Al-oriented for long-term scheduling of HST-obser-
dwm//edthrough the middle layer and the applications in the US and in Europe. A vations (Johnston, 1989, 1990; Milter
buHm Iayrtr newons finelIy produce the re- few years ago the Space Telescope- and Johnston, 1991 and references
cognItidcI~ssilic~tion results. European Coordinating Facility therein). After the science verification
launched its "Artificial Intelligence Pilot phase, HST is supposed to deliver the
Project" with the aim of exploring A- large quantlty of some 10,000 ex-
opportunities and to apply these new posures per year, which are subject to a
software techniques to a few selected variety of (partially interacting) scientific,
written by the physicist J.J. Hopfield in a m s of interest. political, operational, spacecraft and en-
1982 and 1984. Artificial neural net- At the Space Telescope Science Insti- vironmental constraints. Placing these
works are applied to a variety of tasks, tute, Baltimore, the leading centre for exposures onto an observational
among which we find adaptive control, the application of Al to astronomy, a -
timdine is a comp[%xtask Insurmwnt-
image processing, natural language number of succesful Al-based compu- able, if it were tried manually. SPIKE
processing, scheduling, speech syn- ter programmes have been developed (Fig, 2) combines a novel uncertainty
thesis, and unsupervised and super- and are in operational use wlthin the reasoning mechanism with a very fast
vised classification (Fig. 1). For more complex ground system of the Hubble neural network-inspired, stochastic
details on the history and application of Space Telescop8. The TACOS natural scheduling algorithm (Johnston and
neural networks, consult the interesting language front end, for instance, pm- Adorf, 1989: Adorf & Johnston, 1990) to
book by Arbib (1987) and my own recent vides easy access to the data base of achieve an unparalleled performance,
review (Adorf 1989). proposals used by the HST time alloca- even on ordinary serial computers. The

neural network 4

activities scheduled
Iobaervatlons) activities

Rgure 2: &empie screen from the ol- w a t e r SPIKE showtn~the ~ C ~ W W oIfM#ST omwattms. A number of act/vmes (alwg the
Y-axis ofthe bge window) haw to b mhedukd wIthh a sk-mnIh sclsed~~lhrs b t ~ s(&tong
l tAe x-&a). For a h ectW Vre schedulhg
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r e p r w s e n t s ~ ~ n g ~ ~ a s a I w r c t Thesmall ( w r o w f lt nkd on weI n. f t r e u i a ; p e r b e f f s h o ~ 8 a n ~ a l ~
tWw& u#d bthe mputatbn of the dispbyed schedule.
SPIKE scheduler is not restrictedto HST where A-techniques may play a rote in Adorf, H.-M.: 1W0, T h e processing of HST
scheduling problems and has sucms- the future. o b s e w l ~proposals", ST-FCF NewsMw
fully been applled on a trial basis to The increased complexl~of compu- 13,12-15.
schedule observations for the Interna- ter systems will require better human- Angel, J.R.P., Wnowfch, P., Uoyd-Hart, M.,
tional UltravloM Explorer (IUE), the Ex- computer Interfaces. The operation of Sandier, D.: 1900, MAdaptbe~ptlcsfor
array telascopes using neural-network
treme Ultravitrld Explorer (EUVE) and ground-based observatoriesalso seems techniques", Nature 348,221 -224.
ESO's 3.6-m blwope. to Increase in complexity, and may Arblb, M.A.: 1987, Bmlns, Machines, and
Full-text retrieval. Retrieval of as- reach a stage beyond the level which WthemeW, Sprinpr-Verlag, New Yark.
tronomical bibliographic full-text infor- can quickly and reliably be handled by Garey, M.R., Johnson, D.8.: 1Q79, Compu-
mation is another area, for which the humans. Absentee and split-schedule -
tm and Intraetab#I@ A Guide to Me
application of Al-techniques has been obsedng modes will become more fhewy of NP-Complateness, W.H.
proposed odgindly for the machine- common. Coordinated multi-frequency Freemann md Go., Mew York.
readable version of Astronomy & As- observations, whlch require the syn- Heck, A, Murtagh, F. (eds.): 1989: "Knowl-
trophysics Abstracts (Adorf and Busch, chronization of several ground-based edge-ksd Systems In Astronomy", Lec-
ture Notes h Physics 329, Springer-Verlag
1988) and Is now being realized within and satellite obsewatories, could be Heidelberg.
the Amerlcan Astrophysical Oata Sys- faciliated by the help of sophisticated Hofstadter, D.R.: 1979, 'Wel, Eschr,
tem (ADS), a distributed database sys- schdulers. Planned planetary missions,
tem which incorporates all major as- if ever financed, will require autonomous
Back An E t d Golden Brald - A
Metaphdcal Fugue on Minds and Ma-
tronomical spaceborne databases. observing capabilities. Rwleval by con- chines in the Spirjt of Lewis C m U " , Yin-
Symboflc computation. Symbolic tent of data from large Image databases, cage Books, New York.
camputations are required e.g. in the adaptive control of "flexible" telescap Johnaton, M.D., Adorf, H A , : 1189, "barn-
process of solving integrals or differen- optics or the optimization of arrays of ing in stochastic neural netwarks for con-
tial equations. For quite some time, telescopes may be possible uslng neu- straint satrsfaction problems", in Proc.
there exist computer programmes ral networks (see 'the discussion after
MsA Cmf. on "Space TBlercabobccs",
Pasadena, 21 Jan.-2. Feb. 1989, G. R d d -
which can asslst in canying out such Merkle, 1988, and Angel et al.. 1990). QWmd H. -1 (ads.), JPL PuM. 87-7,
tasks. In physics, these programmes are There are already approved plans to Vol. 11,367-370.
mainly being used for elementary parti- provide assistance In the reduction and Johnston, M.D.: 1980, "Knowledge Based
cle or general retativlty computations. analysis of astronomical data by a corn- Telescope ~ & u l l n g wIn:, "Knowledge
One of these programmes, available at puterized expw system (Millerj, 1990). Based Systems In Astronomy", k t u m
ESO, is Mathematlca, a comprehensive All these areas may (and in the long run No& In P h m 329,A Heck and F. Mur-
system for doing rnathwnatlcs. It allows will) benefit in one way or other from t a ~ h(eds.), Springer-Verlag Heidelberg.
pp. 33-49.
one to m i l y solve algebraic equatbns, methods and technique& develop& in
Johnston, M.D.: 1990, "SPIKE Al Scheduling
to multiply matrices, to integrate com- Al-research labs. fw NASA's Hubbte Space Telescope", In
plex formulae, etc., all on the symblic Prac. Bth IEEE Conference on "Am'hkial
level. Results can be cast into FOR- Conclusion inte(/Isence Applieafions" GAIA), Smta
TRAN-, C- or TEX-form, or can be Barbara, CA,5-9 March 1990.
graphically repmented. Mkrary preci- By considering a few examples we Merkle, F.: 1988, 'Adaptive Optics Develop
don arithmetic can be usgd to solve have seen that artificial intelligencetech- ment at ESO", In Proc. ESO Cwrf. on 'Very
problems, which can only be computed nlques have already made an inroad into Large Telescopes and thdr I n s t r u m
numel.ldly. A convenient interface astronomy.The achievementsdescribed tiwr: Garchlng, 21-24 March 1488, M.-H.
allows easy access to the functionality above have been establlsbd by few, Ulrieh (ed.), Vol. II, p. 630-658.
Miller, Q., M.D. Johnston: 1881, "Long range
provided by this modem research tool. dedicated people without monetary science scheduling fw the Hubble Spaco
Mathematlca has succ&ully been ap- reasonsas drivingforces (asoppos6d to Telescope", in: Roc. i#I G o M Con-
plied at ESO to optical design problems. other areas such as geological 011 explo- fwmce wr "spaceA p p l I c a t ~ OrMW
ClasMcatlon. This seems to be a ration). It is fairly safe to expect moreAl In 1ntel1ig&mn,(ta appm.
natural area for the application of artifi- astronomy in the Mure, related, of Miller, G.: 1990, @Fl'v. comm.).
cial intelligence kchniques to as- course, to the InWest by the astmnomi-
tronomy. Already in 1986 a rule-based cal community and the amount of re-
classifier for the morphological classin- sources devoted to Al-research and as-
cation of galaxies was devised by the tronomical application development.
French computer scientist Monique EditorSal Note
Thonnat (see Heck and Murtagh, 1989). References and Further Reading The present Mmsenger issue esr-
Other classifiers haw been designed for Adorf, HrM., BMch, E,K.: IQ88, "IIltelli~M ceptionally contalns 84 pages,
the classification of IUE low-dispersion Access to a Bibliographld Full Text Data
due to a late, unexpected influx of
spectra and of low-resolution spectra Base", in: Roc. E§O SOf # " A s m y
fmm Large Datasaw: sdmtifie a@- articles, reflectinganever-incmas-
from the I n f w d Astronomtcal Satellite ti- and MeihodologIcal Appmmhws~ Ing level of astronomical activity
(IRAS). Trainable neud networks offer Qarching. Oct. 1987, F. Muttam and In and around ESO. It is, however,
some potential for difficult classification AHeck (eds.), pp. 143- 148. our irrtentlon to revert to the nor-
tasks such as the datedon and dls- Mort, H.-M., Johnston, M.D.: 1990, "A dis- mal size (60-68 p-). This may
crlrnination of cosmic ray his on images mta stochastic 'neural network' dgorithm mean that we will In the future be
from solid-state detectors in space. for consb-rrint satlsfacth problems", in: unable to accept contributions
Proc. IEEE Infern. Jdnt C o d Neuial Net- whlch are submltted after the
wwks WCNN W, San Diego, 17-21 June stipulated deadlines, 1.9. January
The Future 1980,vor. 111, pp. 917-924.
Adorf, H.-M.:1989, "Connectioalsrn and 20, Apdl20, July 20 and October
Artificial intelligmce In astronomy has Neural Networks", In: "Knowledg~Based 20, for the Mularch, June, Septem-
neither as brlght a future as some see it, Sysfems In Astronomy", L e c m Now In ber and December Issues, re-
mw as dark a future as some others do. P h y a b 829, A. Heck and F. Murtagh spectively.
It is easy to imagine a numhr of m, (eds.), Springer-Verlag atHetdelber~, pp.
still outside the core of astronomy, 215-245.

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