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Jotino D.

Guila 8-Alcala

Goal: What do I want to achieve this year?

I want to get high grades and scores in my exams so that I can achieve honors in our class.

Learn: In order to achieve this, I need to learn…

I need to learn how to prioritize my studies and I should have a proper time management between
my activities.

Acknowledge: I know that I am ______________ and I’m not ____________

I know that I am committed to do this and I’m not going to procrastinate.

Discipline: I can show discipline through…

I can show discipline through focusing on my goal and I will have a proper mindset in order to achieve

Dream: In the future I dream of…

In the future I dream of being successful in life by finishing and graduating in school so that I could get
a proper job to sustain my needs.

Explore: I would like to explore on…

I would like to explore on learning and understanding new skills as it may help me when I grow up.

Responsible: In order for me to achieve my goal, I will show my responsibility in…

I will show my responsibility in my time management and how to efficiently use it to accomplish all
my activities while meeting the maximum requirements.

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