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NIM : A1I120048
Class : B

Reading Comprehension
My name is Anni. I’am 19 years old. I live in a small city called raha. With my exenteded family: my
parents, theree sisters and grand-mother. My father name is abdul kadir. He is 47 years old. His job is
a farmer. My mother name is susi. She is 40 years old. My mother is a house wife. She has got a few
hobbies including knitting, watching tv, and cooking. My sister rani, rina, and ana are good-looking,
friendly and inteligent. Rani is 24 years old and she is my eldest sister. She works as a nurse in our
village. My sister rina is 23 years old. She studies at Halu Oleo University in kendari. It is the last years
a this college for her. My last sister is my twin. Her name is anna. She is 19 years old as I’m. She studies
at teh economic faculty in Halu Oleo Uniersity. She is very talented and really pretty. I get on well with
my sister. As for my study, I am interested in math. I excellde in it. I did not like music, beacuse we
had a very strange teacher. I competed in all subjects, but I had the best results in the math ‘Olimpiad’.
My other hobbies included being with my friends, reading books, music and film in the original version.
Now, I study at the mathematics and science faculty in Halu Oleo University.

Question for comprehension

1. Where does anni live?
Anni live in a small city called raha

2. How many brothers and sister does anni have?

Anni have theree sister

3. What is her father’s job?

Father Anni job is a farmer

4. Where is Anni college?

Anni study at Mathematics and science faculty in Halu Oleo Univesity

5. Waht are Anni’s hobbies

Anni’s hobbies is being with friends, reading books, music and films in the original version

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