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Sir Isaac C.

Manarin March 3 2022


Reflection Paper

Boxing is a manly self-defense sport. Boxing is now a combat sport in which two people
compete against each other, putting their strength, reflexes, speed, and stamina to the test. It
emphasizes the use of gloved hands and punches with the arms. However, this sport was
practiced by ancient Egyptians long before we invented the term "boxing." Boxing, on the other
hand, was more than just a brutal brawl between two people; it was a spectacle that drew large
crowds. Around 300 BC, early boxing was discovered in Africa. It quickly gained popularity in
Greek and Roman society. Its growing popularity as a sport provided fighters with an opportunity
to demonstrate their abilities. Fist fighting, as it was known, usually featured two people fighting
to the death with metal gloves with spikes.

Christopher Monck, the second Duke of Albemarle, is credited with inventing the sport. He
had his butcher and butler compete in a boxing fight. Christopher was an English soldier and
politician who served in both the House of Commons and the House of Lords after assuming the
Dukedom. Albemarle, North Carolina was the birthplace of boxing.

The first recorded boxing bout took held in Britain on January 6th, 1961, with a prize for
the winner. As a result, the sport grew in popularity as a means of remunerating players for their
efforts on the field. After being referred to as prizefighting, fist fighting, and other terms, the term
"boxing" was first used in 1719. This was crucial in the development of the sport and what it would
become. In 1791, James Figg became the first English bare-knuckle champion.

1734 was the year that the Broughtons Rules have been implemented. Because there
were no written rules before, these were critical. There are no weight classes, round restrictions,
or referees in this competition. Champion Jack Broughton established laws to shield competitors
from ring deaths. The way knockouts functioned changed as a result. He also created a new type
of padded glove that he promoted.

And these are the notable years about boxing history;

The London Prize Ring Rules have been established.
The Marquess of Queensberry is in charge.
Boxing and African Americans
Boxing and Hispanics
Boxing is accepted as an Olympic sport.
The title of world champion
Joe Louis, a black boxer, became one of the most famous boxers after winning the world
heavyweight championship.
Notable Achievements
Rocky Marciano wins and retains his heavyweight title.
He was the only boxer to hold his championship for the entirety of his career, and he
shown a great deal of strength and dedication to many other competitors. (1952-1956)
Gabriel Elorde has won the World Junior Lightweight title.
He is a prominent light weight champion who began his career at the age of 16 and has
won numerous titles and holds numerous records.

Muhammad Ali wins the heavyweight title.
Ali was one of the most well-known and successful fighters in history, winning the title
three times. The years 1964, 1974, and 1978 are the ones that come to mind. He has also had a
very successful boxing career in addition to these titles.

Eubank and Watson's Mistake
Eubank and Watson, two boxers, were scheduled to fight on September 21, 1991. After
exchanging blows, Eubank landed an uppercut on Watson in round 12, causing him to stumble
back and smash his head on the ropes. Watson passed out. Because there were no medical
personnel on hand, doctors had to be summoned. Watson's serious illness went unnoticed. He
would subsequently be put into a coma for 40 days and undergo six brain operations to remove
a blood clot. He was in intensive care for nearly a year and in a wheelchair for the next six years.
This resulted in a slew of modifications to make boxing safer.

Women's boxing is experiencing a surge in popularity.
Women have been boxing since the early 1900s, but it was not widely acknowledged
because it was thought to be a male-only sport. Women were more interested in engaging and
felt more comfortable doing so.
Women's boxing has been officially added to the 2012 Olympic Games and will be
featured there.
Women were given full Olympic recognition for boxing, which was a significant step
forward for the sport.
Today, boxing is still a popular sport among many people. The sport's history is
fascinating, and the developments and achievements over time are astounding.

And today boxing is much safer compare to past. But still there still risk to face on if you
want to career this sport. It is physical sports after all. Many rules added and some old rules are
history now but still you can say that boxing is still a boxing.

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