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Report in class

Ready to sit

Report !

"Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting Cadets Total (…).Present (…) Complete with the
healthy Condition/1 more cadet is sick

Ready to follow/close the material today.

Report Over !

"Report accepted, carry on"

Thank you

To begin/close the material today,lets pray together

Start praying - Praying is Over/Finish

At ease
Perizinan Permission:
 Mohon izin = excuse me, Sir/ Mam!
 Izin berdiri = permission to stand up.
 Izin duduk = permission to sit.
 Izin bicara = permission to speak.
 Izin memperkenalkan diri = Permission to introduce myself.
 Izin kembali = permission to dismiss.
 Izin menghadap = permission to appear.
 Izin masuk (ke ruangan) = permission to enter.
 Izin keluar (dari ruangan) = permission to leave.
 Izin ke toilet = permission to the restroom.
 Izin bertanya = permission to ask questions.
 Izin mencari tahu = Sir, I am sorry I dont know. Sir, I am sorry I don’t understand.
 Izin menjawab, Pak = Sir, May I make statement? Permission to answer!

Jawaban atas Kesiapan Basic Response

 Siap Pak = Yes, Sir!
 Siap tidak, Pak = No, Sir!
 Siap salah, Pak = No excuse, Sir!
Baris Berbaris Drill Comands (marching motions,turning
motions, saluting)
 Pasukan = squad
 Pleton = platoon
 Barisan = line
 Siap grak = attention!
 Istirahat di tempat grak = at ease!
 Hormat grak = Salute, up
 Tegak grak (hormat) = Salute,down
 Lencang depan grak = dress forward, dress!
 Lencang kanan grak = dress right, dress!
 Setengah lengan lencang kanan grak = half right, dress!
 Tegak grak (setelah lencang kanan/kiri/depan) : eyes front!
 Jalan di tempat grak = mark time, march!
 Berhenti : Halt
 Push up/Sit up = Push up/Sit up position
 Hadap kiri, grak = left, face!
 Hadap kanan, grak = right, face!
 Balik kanan, grak = about, face!
 Bubar jalan = dismiss!
 Maju jalan = forward, march! - Lari maju jalan = double time, march !!
 Langkah tegap, maju jalan =Step by step forward, march!
 Hitung, mulai = count begin!
 Luruskan = straight up! - Lurus = eyes front
 Kembali ke tempat = back to the post!
 Masing-masing danton kerjakan sesuai rencana = all platoons leaders, continue as
 Danton, kerjakan = platoons leaders, continue!
 Danton, bubarkan : platoons leaders, dismiss!
 Hadap serong kanan = half right, face!
 Hadap serong kiri = half left, face!
 Maju ke depan = come forward!
 Langkah perlahan, maju jalan = slow, march!
 Henti, grak = platoon, halt!
 Jalan ditempat : mark time, march
 Mulai dari banjar paling kanan, maju jalan : from the right side, forward march!
 1/2/3 Langkah kedepan : one/two/three (dst.) step forward, march!
 1/2/3 langkah kebelakang : one/two/three (dst.) two steps backward, march!
Pelaksanaan Apel Roll Call
Apel Pagi Mulai : Morning Roll Call Begins

Kepada pemimpin apel pagi : To (Pengasuh = Cadets Guidance,

Pelatih = Coach )

Hormat, grak : Salute,up

Tegak, grak : Salute,down

Masing2 Danton, Laporan : All Platoon Leaders, Report!

Laporan saya terima : Report accepted

Kembali ke tempat/ barisan : Back to the post/Line!

Seluruhnya, Istirahat di tempat, grak : Parade. At Ease!

Berdoa mulai : Pray begins

Apel Pagi selesai : Morning Roll Call Over

Masing-masing danton dapat membubarkan pasukannya : All platoons leaders, dismiss the line!

Hormat grak : Salute,up

Tegak grak : Salute,down

Tanpa penghormatan : Without Parade’s Salute

Bubar Jalan : Platoon, Dismiss!

Laporan dalam Apel Report in Roll Call
Luruskan : Straight up!

Lurus : Eyes front!

Sir/Ms!! "Airport Rescue and Firefighting (…) cadets,(…)present, (…) absen, remark
(…) Duty cadets.Report Complete !!

*(…) = total cadets

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