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Hasit Penelitian Jurnal.Teknol. dan Industri Pangan, Vol. XVI No.1 Th_2005 EKSTRAKSI DAN ANALISIS FITOSTEROL LEMBAGA GANDUM (Triticum sp.) (Extraction and analysis of Phytosterol from wheat germ (Triticum sp.)} ‘Sri Anna Marliyati ®, Hidayat Syarief 9, Deddy Muchtadi | Latifah K.Darusman, dan Rimbawai 9 "iat Pongalar Dopartamen Gat Masyarokal dan Sumberdaya Kelusga, Fapena IPB 2) Ste Pongoiar Dopatemen Teknologi Pangan dan Giz Fates PB ‘Sta Pengeac Departomen Kina, F-MIPA IPB Dierina 27 Apri 2005 fOsetyju 20 Juni 2005 ABSTRACT Phyosiee! may reduce the absorption of cholestora, and used for preventing albwroscerasis. It lined in soyean, bul potently abundant in whest germ. Research onthe uiizaon of wheat germ ser! had ot boon repoded 20 far. Many aspect: of gwimt Slee extacon fom whoa! grm and it characterises were elif ucknown. In his research, the best extraction method, kinds aid -oront of yest from wheat germ wore investigated. Tis research consisted of two sleps: (1) exracion of phytostrl directly fom whole gern and ground garm using ho-ane, and ‘ralvect extraction though germ ol using hexane and mised solvert of hexane and ethanol, and direct extraction from ground gm using ethanol: (2) analysis oft type and caret of pytostera inthe crude exact tcugh the folowing steps: preparation of crus» extract Fctonation, and analysis Results showed that indrect extraction tough gem cil was considered as the best method which yielded 1.27% of ps yosteo. The highest yield was obiaied when extracted using @ mixed solvent of hexane ~ ethanol 82:18. However, th ador of ethanol 34 hexane {gasoino like oor} was ett delcted. The solvent’ ratio of hexane fo ethanol at 1:2 resuted befor odor ofthe extract. trac. of stro! ‘sig tan! yielded 18398 of terol whon the rato of gorm to ethanol a 1:10 (wh) was appli. esl of quanta analysis an te mln component of crude exact of wheat germ slr showed tat te foal contr ¢ of stor! erated with maxed sotvent was highor than those extaced with elhano. The ratio of hexane to ehanol at 11 (a) gave higher ontent of ‘eal sort, signasteral and campestere, wheress highorconlent of stosterel was produced at the solvent’ rato of hexane fo eh no at 12 Way ‘Keywords: Wheat germ stor, estrecon. fstosteostigmasterol, compestera! PENDAHULUAN Sterol_merupakan alkohol berbobot _molekul tinggi yang terdapat pada fraksi tidak tersaburkan dati minyak dan lemak pada jaringan hewan dan tanamen. Sterol pada hewan adalah kolestero, sedangkan peda tenaman adalah filostero, Beberapa flosterol antara tain adelah sitter, stgmasterol, campesterol, &7- stigmasterol dan 6-5-avenasterl (Hui 1996) Sterol tanaman.alau fitostero! mempunyai sfat aniaterogenix, Konsumsiflosterel dalam jumlzh banyak dapat mengganggu peryerapan kolestrol sehingga akan meningkalkan ekskresinya (Hui 1996). Penurunan kadar kolesterol plasma merupakan strategic bidang keschatan masyarckat yang amat penting, sebab peningkaton kadar kolesteral merupakan faktor risiko utema penyakit jentung koroner. inlervensi secara Klis menunjukkan bahwa penurunan Kedar koesterol total dan LOL dapat menurunkan Kematian akibat penyakt jantung koroner secara nyata (Cleghorn eta, 2003). Gandum (Triicum sp.) merupakan sere: ia yang temasuk tanaman genus Tritcum dari famili G-aminae Menurut Basson dan Larsson (1993) dat sisi tek ola bi gandum tard dai tiga bagian, yay embage (germ), fendoscerm dan dedak, Menurat Matz (1992) sembaga ‘gandum mengandung protein bermutu tnggi den temak yang tinggi. Lemak lembaga _gandum men jandung fitoserol sebesar 1,3-1,7% terhiadap minyak (For 10 ela 1979) Beberapa tahun terakhir ini telah banyak Giizkukan peneiian terhadap peranan ftosterc\ delam berbagai aspek Kesehatan. Pemanfactanfitosteral dem pencegehan ateroskirosis masih teralas pada ‘iosiera! Kedeta, minyak dedak padi, minyak bij karet das. inyak bj kepas. —Penefiian pemanfaatan flosterl_ yang

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