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Adann’ya Carriel

Lesson 15
Career Ex 2
Lesson 15: Personal Statement- Final Draft

I am Adann’ya Carriel and I have homeschooled the last five years. I am an only child in
my mom’s home. I like to read fiction books and strengthen my mind with puzzle games. I
enjoy listening to numerous music genres on my phone or my record player. My goals are to
complete high school and get my diploma. I have dreams of working in performance arts or in
culinary. Honestly, I do not know what sets me apart from other Altus School graduates this
graduating year. What I do know is that I have been attending Altus since the summer before
my freshman year, I moved across the country to Italy and I overcame a lot of my medical
adversities in the last two years.

First, attending Altus the summer before my freshman year was hard for me. I came
from a two year environment where I was subjected to bullying and many academic transitions.
I had to make sure the school followed my 504 plan like they told my mom they would. I was
bullied for a good part of middle school, which propelled me into being an advocate for other
youth who were bullied. My greatest accomplishment was the Day of Silence in April 2017.
This was a huge deal at my school. They even called my mom. I was featured on the school
kiosk and thanked for my courage to stand up and use my “voice” for others. After attending
this middle school, my mom informed me I would be changing schools and taking a different
path. I would be attending Altus School, a non-traditional high school environment I was not
looking forward to. I wanted to attend Serra High School or Kearney High School like the rest
of my counterparts. Unfortunately, I would not be able to attend because of my moms hectic
work schedule and the fact that the schools had a difficult time following 504 plans. My mom
was over coming to the school every month just so they would follow their own contracts.

Secondly, my mom’s job moved us approximately 6,500 miles across the Atlantic
Ocean before I graduated. I have the most un-military military life there is. My mom works for
the military as a civilian so we have some of the same benefits. This move affects so many
aspects of my high school career and will affect my adult life as well. My school life is affected
because I will not be walking across the stage to graduate with my class unless my mom flies
me home. I have moved away from my family and friends, as well. My whole life was left in San
Diego, California. Here I am, two months after our move and I have a few assignments to finish
in order to graduate on time.

Lastly, I have overcome many of my medical adversities. I have not been to the hospital
for stomach issues, asthma or heart issues in two years. I have maintained a healthy regimen
at home and my mom ensures I am indulging in homeopathic remedies to stay safe. There are
a list of medical issues I have battled all my life from atrial septal defects, having three
chambers in my heart instead of four, asthma, VACTER-L Syndrome, a tethered spinal cord,
gastrointestinal issues and facing COVID-19 exposure constantly. This has been a rough two
years battling depression as well. I overcame my medical adversities by going to therapy,
homeopathic remedies my mom taught me, indulging in my cooking passions and spending
as much time with family. I always followed my doctor's instructions for alignments that are
more difficult to manage at home. These battles have not been easy, but here I am graduating
in 2022 with a clean bill of health.

Honestly, what sets me apart from other Altus School graduates this graduating year is that I
have been attending Altus since the summer before my freshman year. I moved across the
country to Italy and I overcame a lot of my medical adversities in the last two years.

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