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For more tolerance, we need more ... tourism?

A TED talk by Aziz Abu Sarah

Answer the questions.
What did he see on TV as a child and what did he do?
What happened to his brother?
How did he feel about it?
What changed his attitude?
What became the goal of his life?
How does he try to achieve that?
What examples does he give of bringing down barriers?

Match the two halves of the expressions. Then write the expressions into the gaps of the text.
1. from totally different to join me
2. taken to prison that aims to connect people
3. what the heck from prison
4. all I wanted to bringing down walls
5. he was released different perspectives
6. dedicate my life was revenge
7. a social enterprise of connecting with each other 
8. I ended up watching television
9. I remember on charges of throwing stones
10. create a sustainable way stoning my neighbours’ cars
11. I invite you happened to you

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