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Biology – Animals of Madagascar

Madagascar is an island that lies 300 miles from the African mainland. It is home to 250.000
animals that cannot be found anywhere else in the world. The number of endemic species in
Madagascar is surprising to scientists. They have come up with theories about why it is home to
so many unique species.

Much of the evidence collected by scientists shows that the animals on the island evolved
separately from those in the rest of Africa. When the island, which was once attached to India,
drifted away, many animals became isolated on it. Fossil evidence shows that early animals on
the island were the same as those found on the African continent. Over time they adapted to their
new environment. The adaptations led to the creation of new species.

Another theory suggest that unique animals appeared because of changes in the climate.
Scientists noticed that some animals can only be found in some areas of Madagascar. They think
the isolation is a result of a climate change that occurred on the island during the Tertiary Period.
The lowlands where most animals lived, became cold and dry. Meanwhile, the highlands became
warm and humid. Many animals moved to the highlands. Those that remained in the lowlands
evolved in order to survive.

1. The word evolved in the passage is closest in meaning to

A. Revealed
B. Swam
C. Changed
D. Lived

2. The word isolated in the passage is closest in meaning to

A. Trapped
B. Cut off
C. Different
D. Mixed together

3. The word humid in the passage is closest in meaning to

A. Fertile
B. Higher
C. Rainy
D. Moist

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